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Messages - Lanarel

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Friday Night HAGS
« on: May 28, 2006, 05:09:37 pm »
The reason I suggested to add the "no /die to get back" rule, is that according to the rules at the begining of this thread, and as stated before a previous game I attended, going to the top if the citadel would be allowed (or at least that was what I thought, relating the /unstick to the glitching):
Here are the rules:
......part deleted.....
-   No glitching or GM powers to get to places one cannot normally get to (or simply put, no hiding in places which require an /unstick to get out of).
With one jump to and some on the skeleton, it is a simple walk to the roof of the citadel. And it is difficult to get information on whether your location is allowed, without telling where you are, especially if that place was mentioned already, and I expected Mordaan as an explorer to be able to just walk there and check :).
Another advice: make clear who is the boss. When Mordaan suggested to stop and go play in another place, some said OK, I was prepared to climb down, but others wanted to search on. With the result that I stayed hidden a bit longer, and some others left the game. If Mordaan had just clearly ended the game, it would not have been longer than the previous one. It now even took 15 minutes after I came out of hiding to decide to go somewhere else :)

Next time I wil just hide in the open again :)

It is good people try to solve difficulties in massive battle by trying to make certain things (un)realistic in game, but that would not have changed the battle in this case. So let's first stop that and get back to more important things :):

Lanarel hears all the discussion about difficulties drinking potions and sees an opportunity to make some money. He opens his backpack, searches through his glass vials and bottles and takes one with tubes on two sides. He attaches a hose to one side and some bands around it so it can be put in a backpack or mounted on the back, with the hose hanging over the shoulder near the mouth. "I will call this the TreporPack [TM]. I bet I can make at least 100 trias for each of these 5 tria bottles."

Back to the battle. Some things to do better for a next one:
- Make sure everyone knows all rules before, and that those rules are complete. Autoaccept was in the forum, using potions was not. I asked about that on the hill and was told not to use them (as I would hope), but only people standing near would have heard that. Besides, it was not clear at all who to listen to (Monk, Sargeant, others).
- Try to keep tourists away :) A difficult one, but they were at least half responsible for me being send to DR by Laanx for mass-inviting.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Friday Night HAGS
« on: May 28, 2006, 04:46:33 am »
I did have great fun again, and the last game could have gone on for much longer. But at about 3:30 am I decided to step into view and yell at you :). It had taken long enough anyway, and I was running out of beer :). Yorik deserved to win though. Some of you did guess that I might be up there, and you were not even close to finding Yorik  ;).
To speed up the game, it might help to exclude places where you cannot get back from without dying, even if you can get there relatively save. Trying to get back down I found that I could not get back on the spine (I jumped down from it to get on the rock), so I had to jump to my death, and I know Yorik might have problems walking back too.

Hope to be there a next time.

I posted my screenshots (including the army running down the hill and in battle) in the screenshot thread

I just want to add that I had a great time, despite some things that could have been better (already mentioned in the posts above, although I did not mind the group idea).
I thought it was funny seeing the attempts to organise an army.  :)
It was great seeing everyone storming down that hill (even at 0.1 fps).
It was exciting killing all those rogues and shooting at ulbers, with the enemy looking down from the hill tops.
Adrenaline level was high in the few minutes that I was able to participate in the battle against the dark forces (even though I only got one challenge accepted before I was banned to the DR by Talad or Laanx).

Thanks to everyone who organised this.  \\o//

I sort of was proud of having 0 duelling points, but got myself involved in the battle at the face yesterday. For whatever reason (other forces (auto)declining and not autoaccepting, or the server not being able to handle the battle), I only managed to duell and kill once before I got a warning that I should wait 2 minutes. After killing rogues for a while (I thought more than 2 minutes) I tried again, and got the following message (which I read in DR, cause it happened the intsant I pressed my challenge shortcut):
- I now had a 7+ minute waiting period
- I was sent to DR
- 10 duelling points would be subtracted
So I was then  the proud owner of -9.79 duelling points :)
It grows in time as well, since I just checked and have -10.62 now.
I do not mind this at all, but have a question. How long does this warning level last, and does this mean that the next time I press the trade button instead of describe due to lag, and the other declines, I get kicked of the server and sent to DR? With my hardware that is about a 15 minute penalty (took me 30 minutes to get back to the battle yesterday).

I just checked, and I can get into the backentrance. Someone recently showed me how to do the jump, and after trying an hour I managed. It now takes me a few tries only. I also managed to teach someone else, by just practising for 5 minutes in a safe spot. He made the jump in one try.

I do not use the mouse-look-run one, although that may also still work if you repair the mouse look/run as explained in another thread.

I have the same effect as mentioned above, and found two solutions to get in the dungeon not dieing:
The slow one: DO NOT MOVE while hanging half way the well, cause that will kick you of the edge of the world. Type /unstick instead. It will either bring you down to the well, or back to the temple. If the latter, try again, and again, .. (hence the slow solution, when loading maps may take 5 minutes as it sometimes does for me).
The difficult one: get into the back entrance. Took me hours the first time, but it is faster for me than the other solution now. You will have to find someone to teach you how though.

Good luck getting down.


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 08, 2006, 09:02:40 am »
The GM who moved me also moved Geloy and Ilyan

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 08, 2006, 03:57:49 am »
Taxi please.
My character:

Lanarel Arewar

He has been walking around the library for a day now :) Did Wired_crawlers fix for the inside before with succes, but it does not help outside :)

Thanks alot.

--- Lanarel was moved by a GM---

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