Author Topic: Dev Q&A July 9, 2023  (Read 1443 times)


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Dev Q&A July 9, 2023
« on: July 09, 2023, 04:41:43 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)
Gonger (PR)

Gonger:  Aachey is doing teleports. Mayhap he should teleport himself over here.
Migg: well, cold someone also teleport some furniture in here? I see an empty room
Aachey: An empty room? Hang on.
Migg: and a levitating Gongr :)
Gonger:  I had the same,  Migg. Go out, come back in, that worked for me.
Koraza: o.0
Gonger:  And an invisible Aachey...
Migg: nope, still empty
Migg: I ee the people
Migg: and my keyboard skips chars...
Aachey: You don't see the furniture? That's odd.
Aachey: I had a fix for that in Legacy, but it likely won't work here.
Migg: I see it now, after I went out and back in
Gonger:  Reload of the map often helps.
Gonger:  ?
Aachey: Okay. Wonder if it was an instance issue, or a item loading issue.
Migg: Gonger said he had the same
Gonger:  Anybody else with trouble seeing furniture?
Gonger:  Aye.
Aachey: And both were people I teleported in. And teleported to meetingore.
Aachey: Let me try something.
Koraza: Hmm.... interesting
Thosor: see ok
Aachey: Still see me?
Migg: yep
Koraza: yes
Aachey: Huh.
Migg: I could see the others
Thosor: [on work windows, so just spectating]
Migg: but Damola and gonger were walking on air
Migg: also Thosor, waiting in line?
Aachey: Well, welcome to the Developer's Q&A!
Koraza: thank you!
>Migg cheers happily at Aachey!
Aachey: Once we complete our traditional "Well That's Odd..." section of the meeting, I'll give you a quick up date on what's been going on behind the scenes.
Thosor: [sitting]
Aachey: Migg?
Migg: just another issue?
Migg: idk
Migg: theachievemagic icon in the action bar
Thosor: Need to be close enough to hear everyone.
Migg: it is nowithin a circular icon like the rest
Migg: kind of strikes me as odd
Aachey: It is out of place.
Migg: does not fit with the rest of the UI
Aachey: And I'd change 'character' to 'inventory', to make things more clear.
Migg: that's all, never managed to create an account on Flyspray, that mail never arrives
Migg: trouble itting...
Aachey: I think the icon just needs the standard background added to the others. not sure why it doesn't have it already.
Migg: sitting
Aachey: Okay, I'll give everyone a little update on what Talad's been doing.
Aachey: Talad is using.. I think ChatGPT, to help write up some of the lore for the game.
>Damola listens intently.
Damola  does not like that AI stuff.
Aachey: Those vids are titled "assisted lore".
Aachey: He's doing it mainly, I think, to clean up some of the text. There's the occasional bit that comes across as clunky, so the AI can fix it up fairly quickly.
Aachey: I don't think he's generating completely new stuff with it, though.
Damola: Ok.
Gonger:  AI as a tool. That makes sense.
Aachey: So that's there to help  anyone who wants to contribute to the lore, but doubts their writing skills.
Aachey: I've started using a standard grammer checker with what I do, though it's rather unforgiving with the 'accents' I do on occasion.
Aachey: Anah, for example.l
Aachey: He's also done a ton of fixes for the latest release. I probably should have mentioned the new release first, but if you managed to log on then you already know about it.
Aachey: There's a changelog available if you want to read it, at Top of the page.
Aachey: I'm sure you'v enoticed the changes to the chat UI. The Help channel is working, and we can now add some of those channels to the main tab. Hopefully I'll miss fewer messages now. :)
Aachey: Now for the fun stuff...
Gonger:  I think the Help channel is especially important.
Aachey: Talad put in a few streams worth of work into the Observatory.
Aachey: Oh, it's critical.
Aachey: It still requires a lot of work to go 'live', but the end is in sight. Soon enough we'll have an observatory we can enter and explore.
Aachey: We'll need a few NPCs for it, and maybe Talad could use some help decorating it.
Gonger:  Speaking of streams, reaching the milestone of 1000 is amazing.
Aachey: That's true. "Unreal Engine MMO #1000 - UI Fixes and sounds"
Damola: What an amount of dedication!
Aachey: Also, Delver now has NPCs in it.
Aachey: Or it did last night. Not sure if it does now.
(Aachey: I've already got some quests written for these NPCs, though I have to get approval from Talad. One quest interacts with the creature knowledge part of the compendium, which may not be fully working yet.
Gonger:  Great!
Damola: Nice!
Aachey: Right now I'm slowly adding NPCs to other locations, by writing quests that include them. Ideally that won't end up with any useless NPCs.
Aachey: Not the ideal way to add merchants, though.
Aachey: And finally, Talad has added a new map section, with two parts!
Aachey: When you exit the Dryken Plane now, instead of going to Hydlaa you'll end up in a portion of the Stone Labyrinth.
Aachey: RIght now it's just a small maze you need to get through, before you reach the next section: The Outpost.
Damola: Yeah, I created a new char just to look at this area. Got the char out of Dryken already, so I am ready to explore it.
Damola: Ah? maze?
Damola: ?yeah it had something of a labyrinth.
Aachey: It's a small fortification, which acts as the new tutorial area. Same NPCs as the old tutorial area, with similar quests.
Migg: somewhat worried that it now takes some skill t reach the tutorial. Should create a new char and see it though
Gonger:  Can existing characters get there?
Migg: Uadjet can teleport you I guess
Gonger:  Yeah, but I was thinking of a regular way.
Aachey: Not currently, though I'm going to ask Talad about that. Characters with enough renown at the Eagle should have access to it. Perhaps the same requirements as unlocking the ptero there?
Aachey: Oh, and just today Talad was working on Factions. They've been overhauled for PSU, though existing faction ratings do carry over. Or perhaps they're recalculated, based on quests completed.
Aachey: And I think that's all. Any questions?
Damola: No Q from my side.
Thosor: No questions, your Honor.
Migg: Thank you for the updates!
Koraza: None from me either. Thanks
Aachey: Then I think we can call it a day! Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks. Until then, have fun playing and maybe try an event or two.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2023, 04:44:07 pm by Uadjet »