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Topics - Vakachehk

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Complaint Department / Complaint about the Devs
« on: February 13, 2010, 04:35:58 am »
ok before i begin........

Yes Devs are doing there hardest this is not about the complaint, yes they are volunteers but so are we "testers".

My complaint is most likely pointless because it would be like complaining about the government to the government.... But here I go....

I've nearly had it with this game! The way the devs treat us is unexceptable, they always tell us that we are "testers" not "players", well heres one thing treat us like testers and we will be testers, I am very annoyed about things with the new release (yes its a bit late but hey) the devs told us that there might be a platinum mine, so we go looking, its as if they just wanted to get a laugh out of use searching the ground pointlessly, (and don't say that there might be one still when over 80 players/testers have still not come across it) I am annoyed with the way they treat us in General Discussion when someone was talking about armored mobs and well someone told them what advise will you give a person hammering a screw, sorry i don't think that was a dev, and I didn't read most of it, but mehhh they still kind of backed it up, to add to that since they locked it, DO YOU WANT US TO PL OR NOT? WE ARE TRYING TO GET A QUEST DONE THERE IS NO TRIA LEFT TO PAY SOMEONE TO DO IT, OR TRAIN TO DO IT, THAT IS WHY WE ARE DOING THE QUEST. I am not very happy with this, i am not happy about the change in mobs but hey no use in complaining the devs will just lock the thread! so i might as well add it to here instead. I know these are very minor ones but, pull your heads out of the sky and wake up your not the king of PS yes you can nearly do anything in PS but at this rate there wont be anyone to do it to. don't tell me to go away and leave PS, when this is in the complaints department not the Suggestion Department (which doesn't exist) so don't have a rant and flame when its called the complaints department for a reason...

Thank you for your time.

General Discussion / So can a Rivnak pull a cart?
« on: February 13, 2010, 04:06:12 am »
Ok will a Rivnak be able to pull a horse cart, or as suck a Rivnak Cart, I want to be sure about this before getting one for Eyantar, I don't mind if it may take along time for it to be implemented if ever. Although I'd like to know weather it will be implemented before 1.0?

Wish list / Lower minimum requirements
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:52:49 pm »
Well comparing PS to a comercial game like WoW, WoW has better graphics than PS but lower Minimum requirments. So it must be possible to lower them some how.

General Discussion / Question about the new release
« on: December 29, 2009, 05:51:35 am »
I have always wondered this. Why did the devs choose to put 0.5 out now when it is the most popular time of the year for players?

A lot of players (like me) cant play 0.5 for random reasons. Did the devs just want it out ASAP?

And also for me it was on my last day of school when i came home not able to play PS 0.4 anymore. :( So you lost me for the summer!

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