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Messages - Elady

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PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Server Down Time.
« on: March 13, 2016, 05:20:22 pm »
It was for a bit sitting on waiting again.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Game crashing
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:39:01 pm »
I have reduced my random game crashing, especially in Hydlaa by in the game client under options graphics details unchecking the adaptive distance and reducing the distance down to 107 currently. Almost every time I fly into Hydlaa I'd crash as soon as I tried to move once in Hydlaa but since making this change I haven't crashed in Hydlaa.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:35:50 am »
Thanks LigH

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:31:50 pm »
Hope you had a happy birthday Marathal

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: A wedding and a lot of funerals - almost...
« on: October 03, 2011, 04:43:21 pm »
Actually so the record is correct it was Heolion who killed Mordas
(16:45:32) >Mordas Warslayers has been killed by Heolion Krugher!
(16:46:03) Kisoji says: I wasn't done with him.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: A wedding and a lot of funerals - almost...
« on: October 02, 2011, 03:23:53 pm »
Sorry I'm having a hard time seeing the attack at the wedding as involving any RP. Heolion was the first killed. Nothing was said to her in advance and from what she said she was busy with another character at the time so she was basically afk at the time she was killed.  Boy that sure sounds like fun fun fun. Sounds like Sabriel had no idea what was going on before he got killed. Again I have a hard time seeing the fun for either side in such a killing. I guess at least Mordaan at least got to do something before he got killed it sounds like.

And yes if you are going to be the bad guy in that situation you should probably turn on auto accept for challenges since as was pointed out in that situation you don't really get to pick and choose who is going to jump you for what you are doing.  I guess if more people knew about the group challenge thing they could have ganged up on the baddies. Just seems like if you want to do something like this at an event you should consult the people putting on the event ahead of time. Not drop a tell in the middle of the event  saying someone might get killed 5 minutes before the killing starts.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: September 21, 2011, 10:19:06 am »
Thanks guys :)

General Discussion / Re: Design of Gugrontid tavern owner
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:14:04 am »
Aramara I personally have plenty of lard and there is a good supply in the pantry for the staff cooks. I was thinking of newer characters who don't have the connections or friends who they can get lard from at a reasonable price. I have had lots of people willing to feel me lard at prices ranging form 500 to 1000 tries per lump. Considering it takes more than a lump of lard to make a pie if you have to have bought your lard for 1000 per lump just the lard will cost more than what most bakers will be able to get for their finished pie. This isn't exactly a good way to encourage people to take up cooking or maybe more specifically baking. PLayer to player interactions are always prefered but sometimes other players are not around when you need things.

A NPC in the Stonehead would be welcome so cooks can sell their finished crafted food instead of the current situation. Now if you have cooked a lot of things with the idea of selling them to raise tries you have to store the items in Gug, go to Hydlaa, get items out of storage then go to Kada's to sell your food. Having a NPC in Gug who will buy crafted food would be much better.

Also while we are on the topic of things to add to the Stonehead can we please please please get a girl installed so that the Stonehead has a complete kitchen? Amdeneir has a complete kitchen and the Arena has a complete kitchen. Oja at least has the baking oven close to the broken door tavern kitchen. Adding a grill would give the Stonehead a complete kitchen.

General Discussion / Re: Design of Gugronitd tavern owner
« on: July 28, 2011, 08:54:19 am »
Hopefully even if a NPC is placed in the Stonehead we can still RP player involvement in the running of the place. Having been the player manager there for a while I can certain give some ideas on the types of things a NPC there should offer.

Food Ingredients
Buckets of water - Lots of the cooking recipes need water and currently you have to go into Hydlaa to get buckets of water if you are cooking in the Stonehead kitchen
Lard - since you can bake in the Stonehead kitchen there are a lot of baking recipes that use lard. Many who play cooks and bakers don't have the high hunting skills needed to loot lard on their own. since so much Lard is needed for things like bread and pie dough it might be nice to have lard as something you could buy form the NPC there.
along with some of the more standard food ingredients that are sold at the other taverns.

To make the Stonehead different form the other taverns maybe have the NPC sell things like
Sweet Tinga tea - This is normally only available form player cooks and since the Stonehead has been player run until now it has been available at the Stonehead on a regular basis.
Different types of pie - Again since the Stonehead has been player run there have been several people who are fans of pie who come there on a regular basis. Maybe instead of just having the generic pie offered at the other taverns have different types of pie.

Along with some of the other standard food and drink available at other taverns.

it would be nice if the greeting to the Stonehead, or one of the greetings if there are multi greetings, would make mention of Lady Peckerly the Kikiri mascot of the Stonehead. Maybe something along the lines of  " Welcome to the Stonehead Tavern, be sure to say hello to Lady Peckerly our mascot." since people always wonder why theree is a Kikiri in the Stonehead. If a player asks about Lady Peckerly the NPC can give the short story about how she wondered on one day and stayed around so she was adopted as the Stonehead mascot and the customers voted on a name for her.

THose are my ideas.

Wish list / Re: Decreasing The Importance of Fighting
« on: April 13, 2011, 05:36:35 pm »
I'd like to think I have done pretty good as a cook. I have been asked to cater many events. When I haven't been using Stonehead food I have been paid for catering events like weddings.

Honestly if I make a high quality pie I can make more money selling that pie to an NPC than what you would reasonable expect a player character to but  the pie for. As an example a 250Q Cinnamon apple pie sells for 850 trias form the NPCs. Is it really reasonable to expect a player character to pay that much for a simple, even if well baked, pie? Before running the Stonehead I have sold food at markets a few times and did very well with my sales. This was even before you could eat crafted food so there wasn't any healing of stamina replacement for the players who bought that crafted food. At least now crafted food can be eaten with the benefits associated with eating it.

I have also sold a number of my very simple cooking books. I'm sure I could have sold my books for more trias but to make things easier for people who are getting into cooking I have kept the price of my book low, only 1,000 trias per copy.

The people who are into role play will come to the Stonehead, eat and drink and many will even offer tips or donations of either food ingredients or trias. Those who aren't into role play will either not come into the stonehead or or only come in to complete a part of a local quest.

Of course for cooking some amount of hunting is involved since you need lard to make pies and breads, terpor wiggle feelers are needed for a couple of dishes and clacker legs for another dish. In the past I have bought lard or other food ingredients from hunters and I have some ongoing RPs with hunters who supply the Stonehead on a regular basis.

Anyway my main point being that for cooking if you are producing a high enough Q for what you are making you can already get paid more form the NPCs that what you would reasonably expect a player character to pay for food and drink. And as I said the people who RP and strive for realism will already hire cooks to provide food and drink for their events. Making it necessary to eat or drink will not really help player run cooks since in most cases, maybe all, it will be less expensive for players ot buy food from the NPCs in the taverns, since the NPC provided food is only 50Q and thus cheaper to buy, so you would still have the current situation of player cooks getting most of their trias from selling food to the NPCs. But as was mentioned making character have to eat or drink would force people into the taverns more often, but then are people who are being forced into a tavern to buy food and drink really going to make for good RP?

Wish list / Re: Top 5 ideas you want to see implented.
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:47:21 am »
Where there is staff at the Stonehead you can get food and drink. Note that food and drink is served for free at the Stonehead. If there is no staff on duty then you can get Beer, Red and Water at the bar [A spawn point for those three items but it takes a while for the items to respawn]

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: January 19, 2011, 01:00:52 pm »
Gilrond after going to 400 in all physical stats, something like 12 if I remember correctly.

Dzyan Remember fighting isn't the only way to earn PPs. I've heard about changes coming to the quest set up. Hopefully they will bump up the Ps available in some of the early quests for new players to help a little. Encouraging people to do quests I think is good since they can help you learn about the world.

Complaint Department / Re: Unbalanced professions
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:37:07 pm »
Some people in TAO sold items they had either looted or gotten form quests as part of raising trias for the house auction. How you go about raising trias depends on what your skills are. If you have no mining skills and not met skills and not blacksmith skill then gong to the furnace to earn trias isn't going to work out very well. If your main skills are hunting then probably best to hunt a lot and maybe you will score some high value loot which then can be sold to rains a lot of trias.  Yes if you have a high enough met skill and blacksmith skill then met is probably the more consistent way to make lots of trias. but as I said that depends on having good mining skills, good smelting skills and good blacksmith skills now. It takes longer to train up the met and blacksmith skills than it takes to train the weapon and armor skills. For example to get my last level in Blacksmith it took 5 hours of grinding. IN that same time I could have gotten a lot of levels  of armor or a few levels in sword and put in less effort than it took to get the Blacksmith level

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:23:46 pm »
Dzyan remember you can duel the mobs as well ie hit them then back up let them come to you and hit them as they approach then back up again. This lets you take on higher level mobs than if you just stand there and slug it out with them.

There is no question you will be stuck on  the lowest level rats for a while. but at first the PPs and trias you earn in the tutorial helps. A good step would be that any alt you create on an account will be given the level of PPs and trias you would normally earn from completing all the quests in the tutorial since the second character on an account skips the tutorial and thus misses out on those early valuable Pps and trias needed for initial training.

Complaint Department / Re: Unbalanced professions
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:05:40 pm »
Psst Hipie Velnishi are not very good in terms of the loot they drop. There are much easier things that you can kill that are much better in terms of the value of loot they drop. Both of the examples you gave I'd consider to be poor mobs in terms of valuable drops. Also as someone who has concentrated in melee I"d point out your hands are free weapons that never go down in terms of Q and when I reached the old max in melee I was using Riverlings for training.

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