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PvP,PK and Thieving / Does anyone get it???
« on: March 02, 2004, 02:27:19 am »
I am not sure how to go forward without insulting many people here, but I fear that most of you simply don?t get what is at issue, then again you may simply want this as a forum to say, ?this is what I want in the game?.

In truth, I had hoped that better heads would prevail, but they appear to have run for the hills.

In this game there will be no ?PKing? Vs. unwilling unacknowledged opponents, when I say unacknowledged, I mean that they know they are under possible danger of attack and have options to avoid it and still play the game normally.

What is much more at stake is the level of  PvP. To truly understand the stance of most of the powers that be (devs) is to view a game where if I don?t want to fight you and we are at war?I really don?t have to. I will not even begin to explain the lack of options for thieving from PCs other then to say?there won?t be any unless things change.

The current goal of this game is to provide a world to explore and adventure in, where the good guys, (the players) have a clear understanding of the bad guys (the MOBs wanting to kill you) as far as plot complexity?there will be those few NPCs that change sides.

I am oversimplifying greatly and to quote me on this would be folly, as I am simply venting a level of frustration at the disconnect that this portion (and many others) of the forum seems to have.

I am vehemently the strongest supporter of thieving content in this game, and I mean much more then simply picking pockets or muggings, of the devs. And yet what you all seem to want is not really a role playing game, but a game of one-upmanship, conquest at no risk, lowbrow jollies on someone?s misery. Simply said this game will not have that, nore will it have open field PKing with people playing cops and robbers (or some variation of that). Quite simply, think of all of your character as being heroic and united in a plight against external forces. Where differences are contested in a formal (sometimes bloody, but always formal) confrontation.

That being said, do ?I? want this?not really. But that is the current focus. Those of you who want PK/full looting/thiving/? will never get your wish from this game. This sub forum was made for you to vent a bit, as well as hopefully add some good ideas on how to make a fair and nice PvP/thief friendly environment, and with some very slight exceptions I have not gotten any of that in the last 4 months or more from this thread.

Will I do anything about it, not really. But I will say that those of you who think the will of this subforum will make the game have more PKing, NO!!! your time and effort is completely wasted, and better spent else where. I would suggest another game, or outside enjoying the coming spring. In fact I fear that many of  the posts here only invite more inflexible  regulation on any PvP in the game at all, at least at this stage. And thus making it worse for all who want more PvP content.

Anyway those are my current musings, do with them as you wish, I only suggest you start coming up with something better then bounty hunters, while I see merit in the idea, it does not even begin to cut it.

We are talking about something where eather everyone can enjoy, that is especially true for non-PKers, or it will not be in the game.

The focus of this game currently is ?Core-Role Players? for those who don?t know what that is, it is the people who will be interested in the latest fashions of PS, who is who, what the news of the day is in the world as much as killing the next mob and gaining EXP.  

While one can argue?I am role-playing and sadistic thug?the only sadistic thugs in the game will be NPCs if things go as they are currently planed.

Again not my idea of ?fun? but much more acceptable then open range PK, And all in all you have shadowbane.

For those of you who want a free alternative?not a great game to focus on, our focus currently is based on making the game that is as close to on-par with a purchased game as possible and your Pentium 3 and 3 year old video card will not cut it, even after we optimize things.

Anyways have a good time. And again, none of this is written in stone and all may change, but it will not be on the argument of ?beause Pking/thieving is better and more real? or the 1000 slight variations of that. You are not our current target audience and probably never will be.  

PvP,PK and Thieving / Great article
« on: January 16, 2004, 02:34:07 pm »

Now if you do not see the relevance in this, then you are blind. The fact that SimsOnline has gone to the lowest common denominator?means to allow bad action, there must be a severe ingame penalty, or if it is a banning offence, it should be disallowed to happen in the game.

There are actions that will be unavoidable, like poor language all over the place, but for the most part we will try to limit that, and other offensive actions.

PvP,PK and Thieving / pick pocketing...why?
« on: October 03, 2003, 11:07:22 am »
Why is it, that when people think of thieving in a game it is only pick pocketing?

Pick pocketing is only one level above begging on the scale of ?thief abilities? in truth there should just be a slight of hand skill, as pick pocketing is just one small chapter in a legendary thief?s life?

Is it only because it is a staple in computer games?

PvP,PK and Thieving / Pumping up the danger factor?
« on: September 16, 2003, 10:04:33 am »
Ok, I have seen many interesting and good posts on thieving and pking.

Some not so good.

But now I am going to ask.  How would you create an environment where the danger factor was extreme enough (without human intervention) that thieves and serial PKers where less then .05% of the population. Here I am not talking about banning and such.

Or even about player enforcement, but more of AI enforcement. The greatest thief would never get caught?and most would never guess it was him, but when there are magical means of looking into the past and such it is difficult to hide?and if people can magically track you?well you will get caught. Or won?t you?

But saying you might get caught, what would be a sufficient danger to discourage most people from PKing or stealing from players?

Again so only about 0.05% of the population would commit these ?crimes? with any regularity?

In short, what deterrent is sufficient knowing that people can have many characters, and having one thief just to ?find? stuff for the other characters, kind makes sense.  

PvP,PK and Thieving / Some clearing up.
« on: June 01, 2003, 03:35:02 am »
PK, or player killer is when a player for no real reason is able to attack another player (this will not be in the game) except in very limited areas of the game

PvP, or player Vs player, is when a player can attack others for some reason and he is also a target to the other player. Many games today have this as the primary motivation for their game and as such not only encourage it, but make it mandatory. We will not make it mandatory, but optional to partake.

Now the current line of thought among the people who want PK is that it can be done and enforced easily. In reality the only way this would be done is with very extreme penalties, and thus make it a moot point.

Some have said that extreme PKers can be banned, well I?ll ask you for a full proof way to ban people on a free game specially when IPs are can be random. We don?t have the luxtury of credit card name or address banning. There are ways yes, but it would require our intervention in an extreme way, and no one from that household will be able to play until they change ISPs or hardware configurations depending how it is done.

And as the story line of the game as it stands now, such anti-progressive activity would be viewed as treason, we would then have to have secret police investigating such activity and rendering the character unplayable.

As such it would be poor game play.

And I think it is much better to simply say this activity will not be in the game at all.

Now that said.

I think it would be a great game if we where all part of one side or another all fighting for control of some type and each looking after number one (ourselves) and that the game focused on our actions and we where both friend to some and foe to others.

But the simple answer to my much longer proposal then that with explanations to many areas of that was this ?Sounds like a great game, but it will not be Planeshift?.

So while I am one of the most sympathetic to the PK and PvP areas, it is not planned to be in this game as wanted.

Don?t think that I got this subforum started to have people accusing me of  not having the foresight or grey matter to understand the possibilities and many positive things both these things can bring to the game. If anything it is the opposite. But sadly it is not me you must win over, or even other people who frequent these boards.

And to date I have not seen a system of PK that I really like that would fit our game. Taken to an extreme I can tell you that if this system had PKing at this point, it will suck badly. As people would not really know who is who and there is no real way to con people at this point. So there really is no low level person we can protect well from high levels. And so even trying to balance would be really hard because progression is much more 3 dimensional in that just because someone is supposedly more powerful does not mean he can?t easily be killed by some not so common method that he just does not have the defenses for.

As such it is very simple for someone to have your number and become your bane. This may seem cool, but it is not, it simply means anyone may have the potential to take you out, and at the same time be immune to anything you can do to them. Guilds would be able to rule areas for a given amount of time just by laying claim, or as suggested charge a toll for using that area.
 This is by far against everything this game is about. But nothing is stopping any of you, or me for that matter from making a game where this activity is encouraged. Most of this game will be open source and as such, you can apply the rules and models you want and start a game of your own. But it will not be Planeshift.    

PvP,PK and Thieving / Pick pocketing
« on: May 28, 2003, 12:07:32 am »
Ok, I?m now going to add another little poll on pick pocketing.

Again this falls in similar ways to Pking and such so this will have a couple of variables as answers.

PvP,PK and Thieving / To PK or not to PK
« on: May 24, 2003, 12:04:34 pm »
This is to start things on a good foot, since I think mostly the Pro PK people will answer here, it is biased but what the hey?we can see how a little poll goes.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Please Read!
« on: May 24, 2003, 11:55:30 am »
This sub-topic is to discuss and remark on how PKing, PVP and player thieving might be implemented in a good and manageable way.

I ask everyone to realize that we will allow various forms of PvP and Pking but only under strict guidelines (Duels, Guild Wars, Arena fighting), and these forms will even have variations within themselves. But for the most part, this will not be a PvP or PK game, or allow player pick-pocketing or mugging of other players.

You are free to rant a bit on why it should be in the game, but what we need are good ideas and concepts, not "Because I want it" or "Because it is cool" or "Because that is realistic."

On the thieving issues:

The more I look around the more contempt I have for people who think the best use of their time is causing others grief. Don't take this the wrong way, there should be winners and losers in most conflicts. However taking advantage of the less fortunate or of some in-game absurdity will be avoided at all costs.

One-shot-one-kill will not be the flavor of the game, nor will this be exploited by allowing snatch and grabs and similar.

There are alternatives out there; in fact I have seen many, and have come up with a few (not great ones). Just sadly very few on this thread or board.   

Forum and Website Discussions / PvP forum
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:48:24 pm »
Ok, I have my reasons.

1st I could ignore it for the most part.
2nd we can have large PvP FAQ sticky at the top and people can easily find it when needed.
3rd well there is a chance someone comes up with a really good PvP concept that changes all our minds.

Can we make a subforum? Like one inside the wish list that covers the most popular topics? This would be another area I would not mind.

Ah just a thought.

The Hydlaa Plaza / BWAHAHA
« on: April 06, 2003, 04:58:15 am »
If not made apparently clear in the last couple of weeks, some of the devs on the team including myself have become in the eyes of some, somewhat petulant.

I am not saying this is correct though I understand the issue, mainly because I have made the conscious decision sometime ago to not entertain much of the people on this forum in debates of whether a certain thing should be included in the game or not.

I have also noticed some of my companions in the dev team have also begun acting in similar manners.

The causes of this may be multiple, one is the fact that for many of us our countrymen and in many cases friends and or those of loved ones are in harms way, be it for good or ill. Another is simply that we recently accomplished a pretty major threshold in development, and yet find that most of our time is in keeping people happy. Yet another reason is the sense that we have a duty to you.

The truth is in reality all of us are doing this during our free time, and often in our not so free time. Our social lives have suffered and often we have been fustigated pissed and disillusioned.

Our motivations for this are as diverse as our origins, for my part, I love the concept, I love the ideal, and I would love the sense of accomplishment.

Other then a few people who look at this as possible resume padding, none on the team realistically see this as something that will provide us any economic gains, in reality it is the opposite, we have lost sleep, I have lost weight (I am not as fit as I was when I started this) and I am sure at least 5 grey hairs are a result of this project.

The reason for this post is not sympathy or to have any sycophant like responses. It is simply to inform our ?fan base? that for some of us on the dev team (I speak only for myself but I assume others are in the same boat) there is a growing indignation towards some on this forum. As such, the perceived need to be polite and accommodating has left many of us. Is this to say that we will tell off anyone for anything, no, not likely. This is however the truth as to how we may react to stupid comments.

One thing that is regrettable about Links banishment is that he is not here to put some people in their place, the problem in reality with Link that he often was rude and out of place, but for one of the devs to ask someone to program their demands of how things should be done is entirely appropriate. Many of us on the dev team don?t put fixed demands on people, much less do we do it when we have not contributed anything to move things forward.

For those wishing to contribute, with programming or other skills such as creative writing and 3D modeling contact the appropriate people. If they do not respond, keep plugging and ask the rest of us to help, do some examples of work and e-mail us. If we still fail to respond, I can not say much other then we are busy. However if we say we can not use your skills at this moment, accept it. There are other similar projects out there and while I would hate to lose a good comrade moving this project forward, other projects help to motivate us and move us onward so you help us indirectly.

To summarize,
If you feel you can make demands on this team and not contribute you are wrong, if you just what to whine, gripe and moan about the direction of things in this project, I?d say you can kiss my, well I?ll maintain some decency and instead say we will most likely ignore you.
One of the great things about a non commercial entity that is not getting much economic support is for now we can be as blunt as we feel we need to be.  

Edit was to remove bitch as it appears as peanut?those of you who know know, the others (the first peanut is an insulting slang word that in non slang refers to a female dog, I used it in the common vernacular as a substitute got nagging or complaining, it is now Gripe, and I corrected of to off.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Flipant
« on: March 28, 2003, 09:21:45 pm »
Ok in a past tread, here

It was mentioned that writing essays and using words like flippant was not helping matters, I am wondering if anyone can explain why flippant is not a good word.  Sure it has more then one meaning, but I think is was obvious when taken into context.

However I realize now it was bad to do that to a newbie, I did not know he/she was a newbie I just posted my original comment as a snide joke.

Anyway I am hoping others on the message board can enlighten me on the bad uses of flippant.

Granted or negated Wishes / Well, I am up to my old tricks :-)
« on: January 21, 2003, 08:18:42 am »
I want to pick your brains to see if there are any crispy nuggets to be had.

So here is the question I am hoping for insight or at least a new way of looking at it.

How would you guys make or wish craft skills worked?

I have looked and pondered about many possible systems, though the fact that craft skills are either.

A.  Repetitive and rewarding the players most willing to bore themselves to attain a high rank.
B.   Done offline and thus rewarding players who are not playing the game
C.  Advance very quickly but have the player ?forget ? how to do what they where perfectly able to do before and that seems downright unrealistic/stupid?but it is an idea :-)

I am wondering how to make them none of the above, yet enthralling and involved?. While some of these aspects we have overcome (in theory) we really have trouble overcoming all of these and was hoping maybe for some new out of the blue ideas?.So I?m open to ideas?

General Discussion / We might want you !!!
« on: September 14, 2002, 03:19:28 am »
I?m looking for recruits. For the Settings Team and the  Rules Team. Settings can use as many as possible?Rules only if you are good and I really like you.

PM me with the following info.


Group you want to join:

Why you want to join:



Time you can dedicate to the group per week:


Send it to me in a PM, I?ll respond in the next few days asking for more info.

General Discussion / Changing history?
« on: September 13, 2002, 02:58:45 pm »
I have been playing with the idea of making a few fundamental changes to the published history of the game. While I feel this is bad form, changes will be made regardless. But keeping them to minor changes, or fixing many of the story line/ player capability inconsistencies seems to be my personal focus.

And doing that will require some major story changes in some areas, and no changes in other areas.

Here is my dilemma. Published history should no be changed. If I change it then the next dev who sees a reason to change it will?.and so on and so on and so on.

I will not speak of what changes, or the types of changes. This is more of a moral question.

While some things will be changed, the extent of those changes might depend on your responses.

It really rides on making the best story for the game, or making the best story, and having a game that sort of fits, but not that much?all the names and places are there, but the player can?t do what some of the characters in the story can do. Or, it works, but what good is basket weaving if I can?t make any money from it, because baskets are useless in the game?.

Ok, I?m asking a stupid question because there are things I don?t like in the published story, and since we are making changes, I feel  we can make a MMORPG where the story line really fits the game, and where the actions of the PCs are inline with what the storyline says.

Like if there is no head chopping in the game, do we have to have head chopping in our story?

And I feel this is one of the last times that any major story line changes might be made, since some are being made anyway, and that soon the rules on many issues will start to be coded in.
Most games have a story, and have a system reflect that story, but allow many loose interpretations.

Few games make an effort that the story reflect the system to the best possible way, and that the system reflect the story in the best possible way.

Making planshift the latter requires some major changes. But I am not sure if I should be very surgical about it, or broadsword it?

Granted or negated Wishes / more spells or less???
« on: August 29, 2002, 09:32:37 am »
Ok here is the question, and I?m asking mainly because this is a pet peeve of mine, and I want to see what others think.

Would you all rather have 15+ versions of the same basic spell, for example:

Minor healing = heals 1-5 hp
Lesser healing = heals 3-8 hp
Minor Refreshment = heals 5-12 hp
Lesser Refreshment = heals 8-15 hp
Minor Renovation = heals 12-20 hp
Lesser Renovation = heals 15-30 hp
Healing = heals 20-35 hp
Refreshment = heals 25-40 hp
Renovation = heals 30-50 hp
Improved Healing = heals 42-65 hp
Improved Refreshment = heals 48-70 hp
Improved Renovation = heals 50-80 hp
Greater Healing = heals 60-110 hp
Greater Refreshment = heals 80-130 hp
Greater Renovation = heals 100-150 hp ?

 Or a system where based on skill, mana, and choices you have one Basic heal spell and based on a number of options you can customize this spell to act as you wish it too.

So in essence, what would you rather have?

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