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Messages - Korumak

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Linux Specific Issues / Re: Xubuntu 12.10 Report
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:59:58 am »
True, but sometimes that's all you got.

Linux Specific Issues / Xubuntu 12.10 Report
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:23:32 pm »
This may help others:
Due to a botched upgrade I was forced to re-install.  (unity hates my system now)
I went with Xubuntu 12.10 64 bit and the XFCE DE.

sudo 'ed the install .bin
Install went as normal.
Added current user to the games group
Game made it to login and died after 90% loaded
Went to the usalsu suspects the two .bin files made them excicutable
Still failed to complete load and entered the world
Ran from terminal, saw some openal errors, went to Software center, installed openal-soft
(it puts it into Settings manager)
Went firther. (may not have worked)
Went into settings, dropped it to lowest.  It longed in and i made it.
Then gentualy bring the settings up one at a time. (genualy leave off the shaders, or set them at lowest)
Texture: Low
Shaders: Low
Particals: Medium

Advanced Colordepth 32 medum.

Also note for new installers, FLGLX drivers for onboard videocards, ATI has DROPPED support, so no more propiatry drivers, we are stuck with the Opensource drivers to play.

So you know it does work, just not that great.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Crashing in Open Areas
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:35:17 pm »
Try clearing the Shader Cache, I had a simular issue till I did that.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Newbie install help ubuntu 12.04
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:33:33 am »
Code: [Select]

sudo ./PlaneShift-<whatever>

but I really recommend against this. If you do this and there is an update available you have to run the pslaunch application also with sudo just for the update. (And even this can lead to troubles as the PS-updater sucks and at times forgets an update if you couldn't do it as normal user)

I ended up having to do a fresh install of 12.04, a while back (messed with compiz too much) and re installed using that method, and the update worked fine, didn't need to run it with the sudo to update it, but I did need to mark those two files as executable to get it to run the first time.  Maybe they fixed it this time, or a bug in my favor :) (and yes dropped it in /opt )  Granted it will work either way aital, theres no 'standard' way to do it, just whats right for what you want to do with it. (heavy modder vs just works etc)

Wish list / Re: Raised Fist Animation.
« on: June 01, 2012, 08:13:35 am »
Just a thought, but if some country banned cats from standing upright does that mean we Enki got to go?
My thought, fix what we got first, then add.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Running on Ubuntu..or not?
« on: June 01, 2012, 07:37:26 am »
With Ubuntu 64 bit flavors, both 11.10, 12.04 LTS work just fine.
Make sure permissions on pslaunch.bin and psclient.bin allow read & write, and executing.  Some times an update/install does flip the permissions, and you get that type of error.

Also note you don't have to put it under home.  If you run " sudo ./" you can drop it into /opt just fine. (tested to work with 12.04)

I also didn't mess with anything "OpenAL" and I believe its included in the Linux binaries now.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Fullscreen issue
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:31:25 am »
If you manage to get it to work with Cinnamon, if you would, let us here know how so the information can get back to the developers and they might be able to do something with it.  Problem is Cinnamon is a relatively new DE (desktop environment), kind of a fork of a fork of a fork, not to mention its usage is pretty low, so thus its just not a high priority for the dev's.
Every once in a while we do get someone using mint, its rare but it does happen.  Most of us Linux folks are running Ubuntu.  So unfortunately theres not much support for mint because of it.  So if you find a solution let us know here so the next guy who stumbles on to it, can get it fixed and get to playing.

My advice, go with the biggest resolution you can use (compared to the screen size) and maximize your window.  If anything you will have access to other 'Desktops' to run your own music player, notes etc.

Personally I would love to see an Ubuntu PPA with PS in it to simplify the process, but I don't think thats likely to happen until the day they go gold.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Fullscreen issue
« on: May 21, 2012, 09:19:13 pm »
I run Ubuntu 12.04 Unity (Gnome), and Full screen does work, however it can be buggy in some spots and causes the game to crash at points.  Mint uses MATE 1.2 as its desktop enviroment, which isnt supported.  Put your info in the bug list, just dont expect that bug to be fixed very soon.

You might try putting Gnome on there and that "Might" work better.

Wish list / Re: progress bar for furnace
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:23:33 pm »
how bout instead of a bar, you just put a number on that slot say in the far up left corner of the time left till that process is completed.  Say like secounds or -1:27 and time it down, keep track of it on the client side.  This way as you progress, instead of "is it moving faster now i have a met of 14?" can see the numbers in front.  Help modivate to continue to the next level as well.

Wish list / Re: Implementing the Element of Risk
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:15:21 pm »
What it sounds to me what Aramara is looking for is called "Free Form Role Playing", and well its just not in the scope of a PC game let alone a MMORPG game.

Though having some kind of "Permadeath" game trigger I do like, how ever the only way i could foresee-ably see it coming to pass is an extra incentive not to go to "God hood".  Meaning the more Maxed out you are the higher chances you don't come back. (like your highest skill level 100, highest stat 200, starts the low percentage all the way to max, where its high 90's of not returning)

Why? For one if you look at say your classic role playing and fantasy worlds, Arch Mages are extraordinarily rare, and guards are a dime a dozen.  The above idea would help re-enforce that idea.  Second you don't really want to go after all levels of players equally.  Some players just like to "Free form" it in the game, granted most of them don't end up in the death realm because they don't quest and don't power up and refuse any RP fights where their character might be nicked.   Theres also the fact the community so shoves down a new persons throat "Just starting, READ EVERYTHING AND BE AND EXPERT IN PS before you move away from that spawn field", an exaggeration yes but you see my point.  Now if Joe blow just spent a week building up a his first character, learning then oppses, falling off the cliff, boom permadeath, thats just one more excuse to "Quit playing Planeshift".
If you take 'permadeath' to the extreme, of makeing it a rarity coming out alive, then it will drastically alter how things are done in game.  (what happened to X, the husband, the merchant who was buying X) etc.  Worse yet, theres a game called "Parinoia" where your given 7 clones and the object of the game is to survive roughly the first adventure with at least one in tact.  You implement that say even 5% will survive? how detailed am i going to make a background on a character whose lifespan is only going to last a week.  Why join a guild, heck why make a guild, or and adventuring band... no point, you will be dead by friday.
Also with an MMORPG you have an "Online Identity" how would you keep track of the regular players you play with when their identities flying by on a daily basis... the worst case of Character gen... Hes the brother of X who was the brother... second cousin, just to try to keep a name so their friends know who they are, let alone keep track of any RP plot lines.  You can forget people making backgrounds or a interesting character, you just die after 7 days of either an opps or a "Random encounter".  At least with a GM they can 'pull a punch' giving your character a chance to escape.  Computer games just don't do that.  You just don't have that with an MMORPG or any PC RPG I ever seen.  BUT...

An Idea that had a while back might give you something of what you wanted but the Licenses procudes making it.  Its to take the game it self, strip the quests, the training elevating and turning it into a 3D Virtual High Fantasy Free Form RPG.  That way players or a GM could direct the shots.  But you cant have that unless the licenses says so, and so Art, Concept, Monsters, ie all belong to the company that owns the rights to planeshift and 'cant be duplicated'.  Since the games in beta, and they haven't finished it, any steps to making the one above wont work.

What might make an interesting project is to create the 3d high fantasy Free Form game using Planeshift system but you would literally have to create your own world, plus provide tons of art.  I have thought about doing this my self, kind of setting it to a AD&D world of FR or a homage of sorts to it, but don't have 10 years to devote to making all of it happen.

As far as Loosing an arm goes... We got character races still missing skins that cant even sit down right, and you want to add missing appendages?

I'm beginning to think this thread should be in the 'complaint department'.

Wish list / Re: Guild icons in game
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:42:50 pm »
I been using the Xnview MP for a while, hope it becomes stable soon.  So if what it spits out works, thats fine, cause its free, and i bleave its intended to be so.  So it solves the "Simple" part for the end users. Providing it spits it out in the format thats PS happy.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Welcome to Planeshift
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:44:10 am »
Just three more tips:

  • If your unconformable with asking "how" check the guide section here, to see if there is a guide about the subject your interested in.  Theres a lot of great information there, thats a bit more easily accessible, because most people in the game tend to ignore the areas that aren't that interesting to them.
  • Also if you see someone from a guild you want to know about "OOC'ly" ask them "OOC'ly" not all guilds keep an active thread here in the forums.  Most are quite friendly and will fill you in.
  • Don't be afraid of the forums, or to talk to other characters/players in game we don't bite... ok a few might but, well usually not on the new folks, if all else fails explain you're new to the game, and it clears up a lot of fluff so to speak. Just remember Out Of Character speech is encapsulated like [this] explain your new to the game and you need help, most will stop what their doing to help you out.  It is one of this game/group's strong points.

General Discussion / Re: Drug Addiction Rp
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:27:25 am »
For reference
I just checked:
Does allow Drug abuse but not as the central role of the "Movie".  Ie cameo pot smokers OK, a movie about pot smokers goes to R.

There even discussing "Smoking" and making any movie where any characters have cigarettes bumped to a PG-13 rating. (the movie Rango was sited as being PG but showing tobacco use and a big up roar that it should have been PG) but thats beside the point.

Granted i haven't seen any Reference material to say "Planeshift" has tobbaco, or "specifics" on any "Mind Altering Substances", but then again they don't have "Coffee" either  :'( So as far as the rules go I think your ok.

Wish list / Re: Guild icons in game
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:09:50 am »
Well if its locked to a "Guild" then it shouldnt be that big of an issue as far as offensive goes.  Set it up so only the Guild leader can say who can 'change' or 'personalize' the guild images.

As far as the format is concerned, I would suggest a format that can be easily created by various imaging programs, like Gimp, or Photoshop, or paint etc, to make it easier for end users.

Personally I as a user haven't seen any graphics programs that use DDS.  I would hate to have to use a another graphics program just to make a guild symbol image. JPG might be crude but it would work. (personaly I woud prefer png files)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: can i get some help here....
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:57:27 am »
Just to throw the two Tria worth :)

When you run it on Umbuntu 11.10 is current version and Using Unity (default) on a stock system, the OpenGL isn't compatible with Planeshift like Derula said, you have to add the proprietary drivers.

[Dash] Addi (should bring up "Additional Drivers") install or "activate" the drivers that its asking for.  Onces thats in your video card should be good to go. 

* If you have ATI/AMD that uses the FGLRX driver, just remember if you run that one (Post release-updates doesnt work).  And you want to run the Gnome 3.2 desktop they aren't compatible.  If you have a different card like an NVIDIA one it should grab it and your good to go.  You will have to reboot once the new driver is activated.

Ignore the "Joystick" part.

If you find it works but sometimes crashes a lot, Log out, and login to Unity 2D, it seems to run more stable there.  For some reason Unity "3d" doesn't like musical interments (the editor) very much.

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