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Messages - Korumak

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Wish list / Song Book Style music storage
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:32:03 pm »
I'm running into a bit of a problem here.  I have some 30+ songs that I usually carry about as a bard.  Each time I "Shift modes" ie going to "Mining mode" or "Fighting mode" I end up having to store all that music into storage.
Normally to fit everything I tend to carry two sacks, one for "Simple" and another for "Chorded" when i shift out of the mode, load everything into storage, and well specifically when I come back i have to re-sort everything back again.

Is there a way or, well planned on to attach the song say into a book so they could be kept together when they go into storage and brought out already sorted?

Like if i put my music bag in to storage, when i pull it out, all the things that where in there come out with it?  As this bard thing progresses, the storage thing becomes more and more of an Issue, how to store all that "Sheet Music" keep it sorted and strait.

Thats why I was thinking something like wish for a Song book that we could store the 'music sheets" in and play directly from? it might be easier than a .5 weight sheet of paper X30 or 40 and the 30 or 40 innovatory slots used up.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Armor doesnt appear on when login
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:43:56 am »
Well thought I might post this for those searching for information on it.
At the last dev meeting, they know the problem, they fixed the problem, and when the psclient gets finally tested and rolled out we will have our fix.

They are looking for testers, need SVN server and knowledge of how to do it, seek them out in the irc if interested.
(knows almost 0 about svn, or I would.)

Complaint Department / Re: Amdeneir....
« on: January 19, 2012, 02:52:45 pm »
two years, you think some kind of progress would have been made there before roll out of a new city, especaly having to place buildings and chairs etc.  Seems to me if they dont find a solution to it, when they do turn around to Fix that, what was a minor problem turns into a big one.

Complaint Department / Amdeneir....
« on: January 19, 2012, 02:07:52 pm »
First off, I love the look, I think the look is probably the best one of the cities to date.  I went exploring there today to see what the fuss was about.

First, loved the amphitheater, might be great for a Bard/Music Concert.

My complaint stems from my exploration of the city, especially the Tavern.  I know you guys have heard me complain about characters sitting and chairs.  It seems to have gotten worse in the tavern.  The only way i managed to successfully sit, I literally had to turn sideways, or I would be 'levitating over the chair'.  I don't know if this can be a quick fix but moving the chairs out from the tables or, simply improving character seating abilities, but its going to make the Tavern there more difficult or rather look oddly even more so.

Also the 'raised section' was an interesting idea, but my character kept clonking his heads into struts and nearly fell off to get around one just to move to the dining area.

So far as my suggestion for fixes:
Quick fix 1: would be to raise the roof a little on the first floor so we don't knock into struts and almost fall over.
Quick Fix 2: put the chairs a little more out, so we can sit facing the person across the table with out levitating.

Longer term
Create a /sit (select chair) and implement a animation/position for sitting in the chairs that may look right.  So chests aren't part of the chair, or your levitating on top of a chair, or standing only.

Wish list / Mount Access
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:39:25 pm »
First of all I saw the 'new city' today, most of my reaction was good with it.  Then i realized what was waiting next was probably 'Roads to get there', which meant me running across two or more maps to reach there (when its fully running) this also meant, anyone new to the game will spend even MORE time running from city to city with the quests, that I have no doubt will be implanted regarding the new city.

So with that, I thought I might bring up a thought.  To have in one of the 5 cities, a place where we could Buy a mount instead of needing Winch Access to get there, just to buy a mount.

For the most part the only thing in the Winch area that my character wants, would be Helms (the book to make helms with), and Mount.  A lot of those New ish to the game want a mount, and thus well I think it might be a good idea, save some of the newbie-ish ones of us from traipsing over hill and dale now for the other cities.  The price etc is fine, as it might encourage more to join a guild for its resources to boot.  But to have a way to gain a mount with out winch access earlier on to make city travel easier, with out the 'merchants' charging us for travel.

Wish list / Re: Disease System.
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:22:02 pm »
I think in either way if a system where to be implemented it would require a decision to be made.

Does Alchemy cure sickness?
Then that system has to be implemented first, or the common cold would wipe out all of plane shift. and even then I would suggest only certain "Venomous" monsters get a poison, and leave it out of the monsters, except for the odd one, or every one who goes out to kill something will come back infected.

Does the cure come from faith?
That means a type of Cleric system be put into play first.  They need their own spell system different from the magic users to support both the RP single class idea and the "I got to train everything" mind set.

Either way might be a bit soon I think.  Best saved for the icing on the cake before final.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:15:40 am »
[Looks at Zai's picture and his hat falls off] omph :woot:
[Shows the picture to Koru and watch's his tail stand up and friz] Rowl (big grin on his face)
I think that about sums up the reactions.
Now thanks to LigH the song "RE: your brains" has returned to bouncing in my head again.

Something did occur to me last night, something based on Nova's idea, sort of.

Set up two kinds of "Characters"
  • Questable
  • Non-Questable
Your questable ones are your standard Grind and shine like we got now.  Thus thoes interested in playing the game with a new character can do so as per normal.

The second kind, Non questable, there basically Role Play only characters.  They cant train, they cant quest.  What they can do however is start with higher level stuff than normaly.  Say 75% of your highest rated Playable character.  These characters can be used for those who "Strictly RP" so we can use them as ad-hoc 'villians', or Role-play only characters who just say, Tavern hop, the wandering bards etc.

This way the Dev's get the testers through normal players, and those who are into the RP aspects, can pop a brand new one customized to their wants or needs.  Since its "75%" you run with your hero character to generate say building points or some such mechanism, and thus when you need to bring in an RP only character, you can do so.  They don't even have to be "Limited to 75%" after all they cant "Gain experience" or get stronger etc.  It could also be based on account time in PS.

Just a thought, might cure one issue.

Thats the thing about a manual.... you can dig into it as much as you want.

In the ham radio field, some "Hams" like to judge a radio about how much they can work out by not picking up the manual and just play with it.  Planeshift cant really be played like that, well yet.  Then it boils down to a "Guessing game." In theory a tutorial is only supposed to teach / show the minim to get one started.  There still working on that point.

At this point in time there shoving the "Missing holes" of information on to us the player with an "Excuse" of 'Ask another player' in a forced RP concept.  Or "Go check the forums".  I've personaly bumped into quite a few players that don't want to use the forums, or the wiki and not join a guild.  I met someone just a few days ago, been playing PS for a month, and had no clue there was even a buddy list, or a quick spell bar.  Let alone how to bring it up.  Asking a tutorial to do all that... well a bit much.

I'm hoping for the next version they will disable "Basic Chat" and selct the others and show the full menu, as well as add a "Show quick spell bar button to it" this should save a lot of "Basic questions, basic set up stuff" that it looks like you where asking for.

I can see how that might be helpful to some of them... we are kind of stuck with a lot of catch 22
Writing a manual is nearly impossible as by the time its done, things have changed rendering the manual, almost obsolete.  It takes for a Tehcnical manual, for say, In my own experience my "D-Star" manual, takes a 4-5 hour conversation with a person to about 100 pages.  Took me over 2 months to complete, revise, spell check, graphics, flow testing, first readers, repeat.  Something as complex as plane shift, I'm guessing with access to all of the "Secret" data, I'm guessing 3-4 months, before the first vision of it would hit the web, already since I been here, they have added music, and magic resistance.
Would I love to have an accurate manual of all of the game commands, all of the procedures on how to do this and do that, and all of the gaming controls, or how difficult which monster was to kill, so i could gage my progress that way? Oh heck yeah.  I'd even print it out and put it in a three ring binder every new version and it would probably be thumbed silly by the time the new version came out.
But thats just me, I'm the techno geek, give me data, procedures specifications, and turn me loose.

The problem you run into with a "Booth" is one keeping all that info current takes almost a small army.  Look at the responses for the games official wiki.  Let alone why stop to read a bunch of books when people around you are throwing spells, wandering around and having conversations.  But it does give me an idea.  What about a main tunnel.  It would have to be up to the DEV when they redo Hydlaa's map again.  Guilds could set up booths (those with guild houses) along either side of it for people new to the game that are interested in, the In game and out of game information about the different guilds.  It could be literally be a tunnel from the higher levels.  Drop an NPC there to be the newbie helper to point out once again basics, website, forums, wiki and the guilds.

That way with the booths, guilds can leave say an guild email address to handle people OOC who are interested in setting up an in game meeting with a character to work it out. For one it would give us guild folks access to an email address we can send basic 'set up you chat to this' 'right click the white diamond to show the guild icons' etc those kind of directions, and thus for guild newsletters what ever that particular guild needed/wanted.  And secondly Give IC information about the guild and OOC information, thus Evil characters can go to Evil guilds etc.  It also might help smaller guilds who are looking for new members too.

General Discussion / Re: Re: Introducing Magic Resistance !!
« on: January 13, 2012, 04:37:35 am »
I have to agree with LigH there, mainly second half of what he said (as I wasn't around for the first so I'll take his word on it), and believe me I want the game mechanics to support the RP. And in a fight where its do or Die... I go Game mechanics, unless theres something specific we are looking for in the RP fight.

I fire a fireball at Bad guy
Seeing a fireball go flying out

I'll take the second every time.  And I have seen folks wondering around literally with "PVP" stats that they play for dueling and role play fighting in OOC. The few I checked on their character's actual stats where no where near it.  That just pretty much well one insults the folks who are trying to get their characters to 'that level' where it fits and have been putting time and effort to make it there.  It also turns PS into a 3D role playing chat. (which might just be an interesting Dev project)
Granted I would love to have a character come in as a "Seasoned Character" already ripe for role play and i didn't have to dig mine, go through 100+ quests to role play it out.  Think of all the villains we could go through! 

I think the "Optimal solution" But one that well probably can't ever really be put in place on a sliding scale, is something similar to "Least amount of time in that character" = Less difficulty leveling /practicing / Stat progression.  Longer a character is online, the more difficult it is, to a certain point.  This would give those folks with, say 1-3 hours a day or less, be a bit easier for them to catch up.  Even then I can see issues with that kind of a system, and how it could be abused. [Like max pointers who had all day make up 6 different accounts and quickly power up 24 characters, multi-client and you got a small army for instance]

And yeah I'm one of the Job seekers that has spare time waiting on the phone to ring after pounding the pavement.  I personally RP first, help out new folks if needed, and Grind third.  We all know there are slow spots during the day when nothings going on, and wanting the characters we play with to do something like go flame some rats, which is quite amusing. (Note: need a way to power down Flame burst to catch rats on fire so they can run around some more after a certain point.)

All I want to my self is catch up and get to the point where my character who I want him to be, meets stats, then I'll just hunt Ulbers for hearts / props, and make helms just to help out the newbies.  But then all of us comes from a different background and have different times to spend on an MMORPG.  Do I like slowly gaining on the veterans because I seem to have more time then they do... some times, I haven't passed anyone for all I know.  And in a way their my beta testers cause my guild mates help point me in the right direction. :)  Then again not every player has that, or wants to join a guild.

So back to the topic at hand magic resistance.  I know its still in testing phases, and unfortunately I don't have access to what got resistance to what, and by how much. (would be nice) I just hope eventually for the players sake each monster get limited to resistance in just one way.   In the story you got the conflicted story of, "in the end you will choose one way" "I am a <name of the way> Way Mage", but with the critters being immune to like two ways... let alone in the survivability category, narrows down the choosing with tons of trial an error on the players parts.  Plus there are quests that involve items of different ways, in order to get something needed for quests down the line.  So its like getting two conflicting sets of instructions from the game as to how I level and choose which way to go.  And if I don't know about the flip side, I as a CW mage hit a category of critters that, Monster 1, Resistant to RW and CW Monster two is CW and DW... and there the only ones i have found that don't kill me after a few points... as a player, I would get frustrated fast.  Just a thought. (and a short-er post from me]

Guides and Tutorials / Re: How to use an external music editor
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:58:37 pm »
Thought I would give a tag in on this one.
I used the HTML page version, the other one well... didn't want to install Sun's Java, the other one worked with Open Java.
It does work.  Only gripe it does flat out remove everything but the melody line.  But compared to nothing at all I'll happily take it.

Just waiting on the Dev's to fix the music system now and back to barding with out starting a riot  ;D

Great work by the way  :thumbup:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: "Why the concept of Mary Sue is sexist"
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:34:17 pm »
a Sue is a good way to kill a story,

It also keeps lawyers in business  ;D

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: "Why the concept of Mary Sue is sexist"
« on: January 06, 2012, 06:42:20 pm »
I just translate it in my head. "Thats a mary sue" = "Thats a author insertion story"  Its like me running around trying to make everyone use Neo-Paganism terms... after a while you just mark it up as common language and self translate.

oh an yeah its "Newer slang" because it wasnt adopted till late 90's by small part of the fan fiction culture, even today its not that used, except by someone who 'wants to start an argument.' so you just got to 'ok next post please'.

General Discussion / Re: Enkidukai... and the gods
« on: January 06, 2012, 08:50:24 am »
I kind of find it hard to believe that a sentient race with the ability to read, write, (presumably sing) and tell tales, would loose a major core part of their primitive culture to the point where, not even a expression, is left after a "Few" generations.  I can understand if maybe Great gradpaw worshiped the great feline gods when he came across now the current generation favors Talad etc, but theres going to be expressions, some stories, some legands, and the odd yongins who get there hands on some of the old stuff, and basically change its meaning. Historians who have the Tribes history from before the portal to where ever the original Enki came from.

Why? well think about it.  "And Laanx created... and Talad created..." and the Enki raises his hand, "Where did the Enkiduki come from" "They came through a portal," "From Where..."  Every Enkidukai child will ask that question will want to know where they came from, where their race comes from, will want to know why their people came here, what was it like before, why did they leave.  So a history that stops at 2-4 generations ago.... I kind of find it hard to swallow.  So I thought someone had at least some kind of flavor text with it.  After all with the level of culture we are dealing with Religion is a major factor of their culture and civilization not to mention they came here with language (spoken and written) and history intact.

 :offtopic: <<< getting way to addicted to emoticons   :innocent:
Building a history around a persistent or recent "teleport" from a different world to Yliakum is probably not accepted as settings conformant.
[Yeah I know not a personal attack, just wanted to clarify]
Like I mentioned, and I wont quote my self, it is neither here nor there.  Its one of those "Going to turn into a flame war so lets avoid it" issues and yeah their are some... individuals who have different opinions on how people should do just about everything.  But for a first character, IMHO its fine, and it's my character, and cause I was asked for my back ground long before I ever made it into east Hydlaa to where the 'books that tell the worlds history so you can make a character background', to be honest I don't think i even made it into the plaza, so i went with what works in free form, set a plot hook run with it, thus as my character learns, so do I and its turned out some great plot lines, one with Ven where where they debate Talad's teaching of patience and forgiveness, and no hes not trying to convert them he's learning from them as I learn, and my yes other characters are local now that I the player know a bit more about the world and it's ways.  So let's end that one in the bud and go back to the topic at hand, and yes, I can see your point I just don't want this derailed to a side flame war and besides everyones a critic  :P

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