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Messages - Entevir

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: March 20, 2013, 06:15:33 am »
Yup, used to go on trips with bikes for days.

Have you ever gotten lost on purpose ?

I may be hardly available in game until the event, but this gave me a deadline to finish outlining my character and get the hell back into the game, so thumbs up for doing this.
Can't wait to attend the convention and I really do wish you all the luck in making it happen. If you come up short a pair of hands feel free to drop me a PM, I may not be the most up to date player but an old dog still has things worth sharing.

Wish list / Re: A Suggestion for the Implementation of Music
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:41:29 am »
Actually I can think of tons of notational problems that I have with this before I would need anything lyrical. For one you cannot drag out single notes. I  cannot have a low half note acented with several ghost notes of a lesser value. So many things revolve around subtleties like this that right now lyrics would only mean we have words scrolling across the screen to a very limited musical score.

Guilds Forum / Re: [ORGANIZATION]The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: December 17, 2011, 09:46:21 am »
Man... The Dark Empire was like a cornerstone guild. Its one of the guilds that have been around for a loooooong while and have a lot of history when you get right down to it. Sad to see it like this I must admit. But hey, some things never change. At least everyone is still up in arms about the name. Well, the new ones are at least.

Hmm... I remember when my character was stuck between working for the Empire and working for Duraza... Good times, good times.

Wish list / Re: Please balance skills progression
« on: December 02, 2011, 12:24:03 am »
I think a more important issue grasped at in this topic is the monotony. In my idea, quests that give skill experience make a lot of sense. For instance, Harnquist promises to show you a few tricks in return for helping him hammer out so and so many of such and such. I see no reason why that couldn't be implemented. It would not disbalance the game, but rather give some variety into smith work that is sorely needed in my opinion.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: November 27, 2011, 06:11:56 pm »
Cookies be damned... Unless they happen to have an evil filling. Evil is the greatest filling in the history of cookies.

I remember cooking evil cookies with my mom when I was a kid. The mist rissing out of the haunted woods, the ominous howling of the were creatures, the dim moonlights that rarely shined through the clouds, the stench of the bogs... Good times, good times. :D

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Suggestion Box for the Masquerade Ball
« on: November 27, 2011, 03:37:26 pm »
A theatrical performance would be most satisfactory.

Wish list / Re: A Suggestion for the Implementation of Music
« on: November 27, 2011, 11:14:26 am »
I think its best not to make skills for different instruments, while that would fall well into realism it would be at the cost of enjoyment which I think is a bit ludicrous. Besides, one can easily roleplay a person who only knows one instrument simply by virtue of using only one instrument.

Personally I would hope that if players wrote songs for PS the dev's will leave the door open to submissions into Planeshift. And seeing as I cannot code I will leave my contributions on this at that. Although the note scenario sounds higly complicated in my head merely by virtue of the language of notes. Dynamic changes and sincopation and polyrhythmics can require some badass notation. So it might end badly.

Wish list / Re: Make skill building take less time
« on: June 11, 2010, 05:17:14 am »
I've been thinking. As far as the increase/decrease difficulty problem goes, I think that maybe we are as balanced as the current level of mechanics will allow. Toss it low and we get capped out people left and right and RP becomes even more monotonous then it already was (too many unbeatables), throw it low and people will ceace leveling at all in good part.

The only two roads I see would be to make leveling be quest based or stick with what we got. Go on adventures of increasing difficulty , this would add the need for others skills to support yourself. As well as giving players a chance to go head to head in some quests or work together. But I believe that would be going off-topic.

In short. Messing with balance is tricky.

Wish list / Re: Morphing
« on: June 06, 2010, 04:37:32 pm »
Awesome. Imagine, suicide by overeating. I would probably stop RPing non-suicidal people if they put that in. Way too awesome to pass up.

However. While I agree with your logical conclusions as to the rudiments of morphin, settings could go the way of "[modified] science" and make it whatever they wish(I wouldn't really mind anything so long as it works well and works for the game). Maybe morphing allows you to trancend the laws of biology and physics and so on an so forth. Maybe turning into something just takes the effort and skill to focus the energy coming from the crystal in the right way. One can only guess at this point.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: A character creation.
« on: June 06, 2010, 08:07:37 am »
Not a bad story. Not sure it goes in with what settings allow but a good story none the less !

Wish list / Re: Morphing
« on: June 06, 2010, 07:55:43 am »
could you morph into anything, such as a woman to a man.

I serriously need to stop thinking of what does happen if you stay as a woman for a long while. Day of the month ?

Also. Could you morph into a building and have people go inside ? What happens if you morph back while their inside ?

wear special leather clothing to withstand the heat of the forge.

And for the enkis among us. Loose all that hair on the front if you dont.  ;D

I do agree with Zinder though. Propper maitenance is all you can do in the middle of nowhere. You can't fix a plate armor that is at 0 quality to maxium with a hammer and some spare parts the same way you cannot stich a wound with a scalpel and bandages. Both might do some semblance of good but honestly its more a joke then anything.

Maitenance should work while the armor quality has not dropped past a certain point. Every so many points of quality it would be impossible to fix past it without serious reworking. Say the cut-off is every five points. If i repair armor that is at 46 i can go up to max. If I repair armor that is at 45... Well I just wasted a repair kit.

Wish list / Re: Make skill building take less time
« on: June 06, 2010, 07:41:52 am »
The whole skill up while your logged off system kind of reminds me of Eve online. Though I must admit I only read about the game. Would be nice to know how it worked there for some form(though crude) of measuring its efectiveness.

Personally I don't think the whole "persist in the game world" part can be made to work without some very sophisticated programing.
The first problem would be the fact that an entire horde of mindless smelters at Harnquist's would break the RP into shriveled and dead little bits.
Second. Players would recognise these players(NPC's). Lets say my mindless drone self wanders around on the roads and bumps into an aquaintance that I'm not exactly on friendly terms with. Does the server let him fight back ? If so what if he had tools equiped, does it switch out weapons ? And a lot of tiny little problems. Also if you did let them attack and it was the mindless NPC fighting style I could see a lot of griefing happening every chance there is. STONES INCOMING !!!

Other then these few troublesome moresels I generally agree with you(Nivm). Reducing the time and effort it takes to max out characters isn't exactly good. I've seen it done in a few games most noteably in Dwarf Fortress on adventure mode. You could max you little fellow in an hour and go demon slaying. Not exactly enthralling. It also just makes you wanna waste that little bit of time to max out more.

Hope that was coherent. Aparently I'm too good not to be in a rush while posting.

What am I missing?



Wish list / Re: Morphing
« on: June 02, 2010, 03:25:51 pm »
As far as the settings goes its anyones guess as to what is in the head of Tallad.

Still, the idea of morphing is not a bad one and could be a great mechanic to have if done right. Just the mechanic itself should also pave the way for disguises. Something that would be a part of Yliakum I think we can all agree. So its a two birds with one shot kind of deal. And if done right two birds that make a lot of really complicated and interesting roleplays possible.

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