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Messages - Entevir

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Fan Art / Re: tribal art 28-5-2010
« on: June 02, 2010, 03:20:42 pm »
Not a bad idea.

Gives me the thought of making a patern that can extend indefinetly. In theory at least. In practice people would pick it up faster then I could make it later on.  :sweatdrop:

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: dakkru means it for real
« on: June 02, 2010, 03:05:32 am »
Seconded. The only problem I could see with that is that  a person might have some epically bad luck leading to hours uponof hours of real-time wandering without realy advacing much. Add a cut-off limit of passages after which the game starts to subtly steer you in the right direction and I'm good with that. In keeping with the DR theme of being lost that upper limit should be up high well enough that it doesn't become a strategy to walk through doors until the game lets you out.

By the way. Is my browser going crazy or is this thread in the storywriting forum ? Seems like a wishlist kind of thread.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PVP Villages XD
« on: May 28, 2010, 04:27:02 am »
Wow, that's a bold wish, and I can tell you now it won't happen. It will one day be possible to build your own house, but you'll never be able to own your own village, since the villages in PS are set in the game settings. Also the pillage and burn thing, although fun, would cause countless problems.

Thanks for your suggestion though, no doubt there will be many things in PS's future, but this won't be one.

I would like to respectfully disagree. A stuborn group of players could build a village. Just build houses in close proximity to one another and presto bingo, village. Burning it down would be a different matter all together though. Same for the guards and traders.

And even if it was one day implemented, it would diminish the quality of the RPing we have come to expect from our players, because I doubt many people will think up a plausible RP reason to attack another village. It'll just be used as another tool to become elitist, which we don't really want.

What if I roleplay with a group of bandits intent on making coin regardless of loss of life. Yliakum does have its vilains and burning down a village should be a possibility for them. However I think it should be a privelege given only with GM support and with both sides informed OOCly. After all. What better way to raise interest in a good vilain then have him burn down something that other players took effort to build. I could see loads and loads of roleplay stemming from this. From support to the survivors to revenge against the vilains to bounty hunters taking after the coin on their heads.

Just my two units of currency.

Wish list / Re: Morphing
« on: May 27, 2010, 03:46:20 pm »
I would have to agree with Nivm on this.

Morphing and illusions have both different purposes and side effects.

Morphing in to clacker (unless its that complicated kind of morph) would generally mean that you have to become a clacker and knowing that bugs don't have enough brain cavity to support your intelect that would have to be forgone in the process making a powerfull mage into an onrdinary clacker. For these kinds of situations illusions would be used, as Nivm said, at the expence of constant concentration and drain.
And the restraint for not having many polymorphed wizards or illusions running around would be that since you cannot distinguish it from a monster, feel free to treat it like a monster. So essentially a stab happy person would very quickly find that his wonderfull kill has very strange loot for a rat. Wizardish loot.

Would be nice to see it implemented, very nice. So nice that I already found my PS notebook and joted some RP ideas down if this ever becomes an option. However, I am not holding my breath out for this one.

Wish list / Re: Relative Stats
« on: August 08, 2009, 05:00:53 pm »
Personally, I think the idea of an average stat and skill level display is nice and would be rather interesting to have even if slightly depressing for my characters who all without exceptions surely fall under the average.

And on the topic of mechanics vs RP. What irks me is when people with 200 strength write their description as a slim person. I RP a slim person and for that set myself a cap on strength at 80. This puts me at a disadvantage in more or less all RP situations but at least makes some sense. Say what you want but there is no way that an Olympic weight lifter can have a ballet dancers build.

Wish list / Re: Posters.
« on: August 03, 2009, 07:37:39 am »

Err... isn't that the same as petitioning or contacting the correct GM on IRC and getting it done?

Essentially yes. But it saves the GM the trouble of getting the poster. They just open up the books give a quick read and either they OK it or they toss it in the garbage with a warning to not waste their time to the sender. Saves a little time. Though now that I think about it it doesn't save enough time for the coder to make it worth the while.
Power to the petitions !

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [OSP] The Red Crystal Amateur Evening
« on: August 02, 2009, 05:45:00 am »
It was fun, even though oddly enough I found the presenter the most entertaining of all of them.

I'm definitely going to be waiting to see what people come up with next time seeing as they already got some experience under their belt... That and I can't get "Mamas song" out of my head.

Wish list / Re: Posters.
« on: August 02, 2009, 02:02:37 am »
You know, this might seem like a small thing but it really adds to the atmosphere and really helps my laziness to not have to check the forums to know whats going down in the near while. In any case i would suggest that one go for the NPC takes books and keeps em for GM's. I think it would be feasible to put them somewhere in a chest where only GM's can get them out of.

In any case. It would be hilarious to see "Your mom" posters appear every while or so. Even if a little disruptive to RP.

Wish list / Re: Guild Creation System
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:51:10 am »

Oh, and I think you are looking for 'only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity...'  :P

Nope. I use my own take on the old time classic.

Once again, not that much work if you consider the fact you have no more guilds that claim to RP but are really just disruptive and sometimes rude players. Will you still have disruptive rude players? Yes, like you said, there is always stupidity. However, why give anyone the ability to tempt other players to act as foolishly?

This does seem to catch weight with me. If there are less disruptions and need for GM's to act as GM's in-game then I suppose they could always look at the forum and snoop around casually a bit to see if the player is also a good guy in-game.
Still, you will understand my skepticism when it comes to loosing a chance to be allowed to create a guild that is actually my own personal harem.  ;D

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Thieving..The World according to TeaLeaF®
« on: August 01, 2009, 11:51:42 am »
Actually. I think its very simple to make this work with the name-tags and give a thief a shot of anonymity without being plainly obvious to the intended victim. Just make a disguise item that will allow a player to change his name for a while (20 minutes maybe).

I can already hear a few complaints about this but remember that the other options are having you known as a thief to all immediately as someone posts a forum message about it or having everyone anonymous (appealing one but I just can't see it working). Any abuse of it is eventual and more often then not will have to be treated with good RP.

Except on the non-RP server. There people can go as wild as they want.

Wish list / Re: Guild Creation System
« on: August 01, 2009, 11:33:47 am »

I also suggested that if you are a player with a guild idea but not the permission to run a guild that you'd be able to post the idea on the Guilds Forum. If an approved guild master saw the guild and liked it they would act as guild master for your guild idea.

This is where out opinions differ. I think that if a player has a good idea and shows reasonably good etiquette and just all round "not-an-idiot-ness" they should be given the chance to run their guild themselves. Someone else's interpretation of their guild might be something completely different.

Also, what you suggest seems just too much work and too little payload. I would actually vote to scrap the whole idea. Not to be rude or anything but its pretty much useless. Humanity has only two infinite things, of one I'm not sure but the other is stupidity.

I would propose a few ideas on how to make this more feasible (since its a little problematic as I see it) and fun for all.

First off, because everyone is already agreed to the same terms they may as well as go out there and challenge each other minutes prior to the start of the battle. An obvious explanation RPwise for this would be a show of respect to your opponent if you take the military maneuver angle. And if not then I think it would call for a bit of function over fashion thinking.
Another great thing would be if you could just call a full on party duel (I've been away for a bit so sorry if this is implemented).

Then, on the function of the battle. I think that having a capture and hold certain points scenario would be more interesting (and it would allow for an additional rule). For the sake of clarity I will elaborate. Instead of having the eagle head marked as a flag point wouldn't it make more sense to have several points in which you have to have some form of influence or at least have them cut off from the enemy. That would make it possible to add an all out rule. If any one team holds all points at any one time they win. I was thinking onestarting point for the enemy team and three points for the attackers. One point being the very top, another the eagle head and the third the fall cliffs.

Then again this idea seems to work better with collision detection so maybe its just dreamy thinking on my part.

And then one more thing would be makeshift barricades that could be smashed. The might add a certain bit more challenge to the attacking party and more tactical thinking into the plans of the defense. Buts thats pretty much what I had to say. Thanks for listening.

Ah, demented minds. They sure can be entertaining.

Nice story though. I liked the ending.

 ??? ....  ??? ....  ;D

This was a visual representation of me reading this. Nicely done.

PlaneShift Mods / Re: A not (so) ugly Dwarfette!
« on: December 29, 2008, 05:01:08 pm »
Thats better. I can already see myself walking more calmly through the streets of Hydlaa. Now if only we could get Nolthrir ladies to sleep maybe the bloodshot eyes would go away.

Also, nice job fixing the eyes Prolix.

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