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Messages - Entevir

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Wish list / Re: Text color options
« on: June 20, 2007, 04:56:38 pm »
No offense bilbous but that is the most useless sugestion ive heard after farts and burps.I mean seriously what would be the use of it.Other than the typical U|33R |_337 dude sreaming in difrent colours what he is selling.
Give an example of where this would be usefull in roleplay.

Fan Art / Re: Sketches of Mine
« on: June 20, 2007, 04:53:37 pm »
I say darken the colours they are wya to bright for posting.Try giving the picture some contrast via any picture fixing program.The first one looks good butn the second one is kinda blinding me so i cant see squat.Besides the fact that its the same painting as the first one.
And also this lacked shadows a bit.
If you want to incorporate them i would sugest you make a basic white black scetch then put in the shadows and then put in the colours very softly so you have an idea of how it looks like so you can change it if it looks bad and if you like it erase that part and draw the colour softly and the pecil shade softly.Its lenghty but it helps me.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Burp and Fart
« on: June 19, 2007, 03:57:02 am »
I second the use of /me
After all the devs put it in so and its pretty dam universal.You can use it with fight,dates,work and anything else you have the imagination for.Oh and as anyone can clearly see this thread isnt going anywhere so can someone please lock it ?

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