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Topics - davante

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Allthough I know this will be very hard to make (and knowing how some people don't like pvp for obvious reasons) I would still like to hear what people think about this idea because I think it would suit planeshift very well.  

First of all I think killing someone in pvp and dying within maybe a week should make a character go to the death realm. The reason for this might be that a part of the soul that should go to Dakkru is still with the murderer in this time or something like that. This results in a better "punishment" for a pvper. Especially once the death realm is as big as it will be in the end. PVP being likely to have a "heavy punishment" is very important for the rest of my idea.

In the long run I would love to see that in planeshift a large group of player can really unfluence their surroundings. This means that if a player would be able to motivate a lot of people to start a war, or take over a city like it would be possible in the real world, it should be possible. I know that this seems like something that would make the game very annoying because you'd get killed all the time but think this could be prevented because of the following things.

At the end cities will have npc guards who patrol the city they are stationed in. These guard should be present in such numbers that a player killing another player would be very likely to encounter one, resulting in his arrest or death. They would also be patrolling outside the cities to make sure players who pvp there are likely to get caught, unless they plan and time their attack very well. If there are multiple attacks in an area, this should automaticly increase the number of guards patrolling there (overtime going down again). This would make individual players extremely likely to die within the period of time, making sure the threat of having to spend a lot of time in the death realm is very real. Also, characters that have killed many times could get send to a different part of the death realm (from wich they do not know the way out or from where it takes much longer to get out) which would be a special place like people believe there were in the Hades.

This would at the very least make people who really want to pvp (without getting the annoying death thing all the time) make groups (of maybe 4-5 players). These groups would be able to keep away the guards at first but should move around fast before to many guards would be present, making sure they won't kill at the same place for long (since that's annoying and not very realistic). There should also be a bounty system where players who have this permission can kill these pvpers to collect a bounty. This should also work for guilds. When a very large groups (which is necessary to withstand the guards for a longer time) is ravaging through a province certain or multiple guilds could get a mission to defeat them and collect a bounty.

This should make sure that killing other players sucks unless you make sure that you are smart and take time to prepare, or are part of a very well organized group. This way it is like in the real world: not something you would randomly do all the time.

A large, well organized group of players would however be able to annoy people for some time. In a while this will get harder though, as players would unite and their bounty would increase (making up for lost time and gold of others). To make sure these groups can actually exist there may be some fortresses which can be taken over. Npc guards will guard it, but once it’s taken over by another group of players all characters in it are killed. (Making sure an evil group would be organized enough to have players from all kind of timezones to help defend it when necessary. These castles would require the evil characters to log out there, because they would otherwise spalm in a place where guards could be present to arrest them. When these castles aren’t placed to much near cities it would balance the whole thing out, since only some players would take the time and risk to really go evil.
To really finish it of cities could be made in a way that they can be conquered. This would require the attackers to kill both all of the city guards (of which more could spalm in case of an attack) as well as players who join the fight to help the defense. There should also be a timer that spalms forces that will come to aid the defenders from throughout the land. Making such a thing require a huge  amount of organization and players. Once taken a city would work as normal, but give the leading guild some income. They must however also spend this to keep allies who may come to their defense as other guilds and npc guards regularly attack the city to take it back.

Now I know this would probably mean a city would probably be never taken over. It would probably also mean that it’s very probable that a guild who owns a city will lose it to the npc’s quite quikly, sending it’s members straight into the death realm for quite some time. But that’s the point. Being evil and pvping should be possible, when done right profitable, but always very, very hard.

Anyway: I think this might really add to this game since the evil character could actually be evil. It will also make pvping possible, but something that takes time, and preparation, making sure it isn't even an option to do randomly.

Complaint Department / Getting into quests
« on: June 24, 2009, 10:59:49 am »

As a new player i noticed that the quests that are given in game are very hard to start with. Since you don't know where are the npc's are and what they are called it takes a lot of time to find all the right persons. I noticed that there are a lot of players who will help you with finding them. But I think the usual new player would rather just want the quests to be clear enough to do on their own. It would be nice if the NPC giving the quest would also tell you where to find the person.

The quest log also doesn't show much information. It isn't wise to log out with an unfinished quest. Since the quest log sometimes doesn't include the name of the person it will be really hard to log in and finish the quest. You could of course write it down in the notes you can add, but i would say should be used for more advanced quests, not to write down this standard information.

Well.. Tell me if i'm wrong and what you think!

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