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Messages - davante

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« on: April 13, 2011, 12:09:01 pm »
Google Adwords is indeed something you would have to put some thought in of course. But if you only do it locally that will most of the time mean there is no competition (= almost no costs, and you can set a maximum ammount anyway). As Ligh pointed out it is indeed something people may not click on, but if you're else not shown on the top four results or at least the first page people will otherwise not find you anyway.

On another note: If you are able you might want to try looking for a (parttime) job. Just a couple hours or maybe one day per week might really help you while you cross the gap between this moment and one where youre company is doing better again. Since it might take some time to build up a bigger group of customers it might help to be less dependend on your firm for a while. I don't know if it's possible in your situation but if it is this would hopefully help.

Also: if you can think of something it can be good to sent current customers and recent customers something (assuming you know their adresses). This can be a card wishing them a happy holiday (if anything noticable is comming up, like eastern I believe). This will make them think of your film again and help you keep those. It is also something people are likely to talk about to friend much more then when getting a flyer because they usually like it. So you get much more attention while having to distribute less letters, flyers or what have you.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:52:05 pm »
Are you on top (or in the top four) in google if you search for things like "computer repair Munsala"? If not: have you thought about using google adwords?

You will probably pay little for each click to your site that way. Since you repair in a circle around your city you can set it to only display in search results for google in that area. If there is no other company advertising in those keywords it might cost you only 0,01 dolar for each click. (So you pay only if people click on your ad and get to your site). This does of course cost you some money but if you set it up right that should be very low. Best thing you can do is make an google account and set up a campaign. Make sure you set it for Sweden only (or a smaller area if possible) and only choose search terms like "computer repair city-near-you" (Make a lot of those combinations so everyone who searches for a computer reparation finds you on top of the list). Never choose search terms like "computer reparation" this will reach a lot of people who might live somewhere else. Also make sure to only advertise in the search engine (not in google parnet network and stuff). If you do this you will also need to make one page on you website on which you say that since they have computer problems and you can help them, are closeby and cheap they should call you to help them. Also make sure to tell them there that you can come to their home. Give a bullet point list of what you can do for them, and put a phone number in and tell them they can call you to get a quik and cheap (put hour rate in) reparation. Having this on one page with only little text will make it clear and easy for people to contact you.

I don't know if this will work for your area. But if it does it's probably as cheap as it gets. At the very worst it will do nothing and you will have spend some time setting it up and a small , or people find you but don't need you at that moment (but if you choose your search terms right they shouldn't). If you have any questions setting it up, be sure to post them or pm me or something. ;)

Note: If you want to do this, make sure to use google insights to check out if there are any search terms that people use for this. Maybe they don't even search for this kind of thing near you. This tool should tell you that up front. It might however still work to put it up if this doesn't show every little person that does look for it is very relevant. But if those few are worth the effort I can't say.

ANyway! It sucks that you're going through this and I hope you can sort it out! :)

That's totaly true of course. But a duel is known to be a duel. That's something that should of course co-exist. What I describe is something I also wouldn't aim for at this point in time. But something that might work good for later on. When this game is closer to a finish I think there will be many more players who will level more (since the combat system will be improved) and have alts. At this point of time people are likely to level their alts. I do however understand your concern. My intention is not to make being evil about pvp, but to make pvp match the roleplay. If no one were to level their evil characters it might be possible to have a pvp skill where characters attacking other characters in pvp while not in a duel get a stat boost that brings them closer to the level the other player is. This stat boost would be higher for people who have (wrongfully) killed or attacked more characters. This way the character would quikly match other players in a fight, while still having to level for pve. At the end fighting animals is very different from fighting people in the normal world too.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Political stability
« on: April 09, 2011, 05:13:32 pm »
Not sure I'd agree that tax rates are all that low in the United States. Our corporate tax rates are in the highest in the world, part of the reason so many companies are taking their jobs to other countries with lower  corporate tax rates.

On the individual side sure the Federal rate topes out at 35% but then most states have state income taxes that in some places top out in the 10% range. IN some places you even have city income taxes on top of the state and federal. Now add in your sales taxes ( up to 10% in some parts of my state), property taxes, gas taxes, Social security tax, vehicle taxes. By the time you add up all the different taxes many people are paying well over 50% of what they make to various taxes. In some places with city income taxes this can go to over 60%+ of all income going out in various forms of taxes.

Well that could be true ;) I don't live in the U.S. myself. But I think that pretty much goes for every Western country. At the end of the day you just pay a lot of taxes. In the Netherlands we have 19 (going to 20)% taxes on pretty much any product. 33% incometax over the first 18.628 you earn (42% over up till 30,000 you earn above that, and for everything above 55.000 52%). And that's just on products you buy and incometaxes. With us you can also contribute more to your governments. People pretty much have two options when they want to do this: driving or smoking. On both of those we have extra high taxes. ;)

The bit about increased taxes being helpful implies that the machinery of government is without corruption and rampant waste. LOL

Well it's also about economics. And Western countries at the very least have a lot less corruption the for instance some African ones. You don't know what corruption is till you've seen that ;) For everything you need from the government you just pay double so they will not be extremely slow in arranging it. At least in Western countries you pay the extra money to the government, not to some random desk clerk. ;)

Allthough I know this will be very hard to make (and knowing how some people don't like pvp for obvious reasons) I would still like to hear what people think about this idea because I think it would suit planeshift very well.  

First of all I think killing someone in pvp and dying within maybe a week should make a character go to the death realm. The reason for this might be that a part of the soul that should go to Dakkru is still with the murderer in this time or something like that. This results in a better "punishment" for a pvper. Especially once the death realm is as big as it will be in the end. PVP being likely to have a "heavy punishment" is very important for the rest of my idea.

In the long run I would love to see that in planeshift a large group of player can really unfluence their surroundings. This means that if a player would be able to motivate a lot of people to start a war, or take over a city like it would be possible in the real world, it should be possible. I know that this seems like something that would make the game very annoying because you'd get killed all the time but think this could be prevented because of the following things.

At the end cities will have npc guards who patrol the city they are stationed in. These guard should be present in such numbers that a player killing another player would be very likely to encounter one, resulting in his arrest or death. They would also be patrolling outside the cities to make sure players who pvp there are likely to get caught, unless they plan and time their attack very well. If there are multiple attacks in an area, this should automaticly increase the number of guards patrolling there (overtime going down again). This would make individual players extremely likely to die within the period of time, making sure the threat of having to spend a lot of time in the death realm is very real. Also, characters that have killed many times could get send to a different part of the death realm (from wich they do not know the way out or from where it takes much longer to get out) which would be a special place like people believe there were in the Hades.

This would at the very least make people who really want to pvp (without getting the annoying death thing all the time) make groups (of maybe 4-5 players). These groups would be able to keep away the guards at first but should move around fast before to many guards would be present, making sure they won't kill at the same place for long (since that's annoying and not very realistic). There should also be a bounty system where players who have this permission can kill these pvpers to collect a bounty. This should also work for guilds. When a very large groups (which is necessary to withstand the guards for a longer time) is ravaging through a province certain or multiple guilds could get a mission to defeat them and collect a bounty.

This should make sure that killing other players sucks unless you make sure that you are smart and take time to prepare, or are part of a very well organized group. This way it is like in the real world: not something you would randomly do all the time.

A large, well organized group of players would however be able to annoy people for some time. In a while this will get harder though, as players would unite and their bounty would increase (making up for lost time and gold of others). To make sure these groups can actually exist there may be some fortresses which can be taken over. Npc guards will guard it, but once it’s taken over by another group of players all characters in it are killed. (Making sure an evil group would be organized enough to have players from all kind of timezones to help defend it when necessary. These castles would require the evil characters to log out there, because they would otherwise spalm in a place where guards could be present to arrest them. When these castles aren’t placed to much near cities it would balance the whole thing out, since only some players would take the time and risk to really go evil.
To really finish it of cities could be made in a way that they can be conquered. This would require the attackers to kill both all of the city guards (of which more could spalm in case of an attack) as well as players who join the fight to help the defense. There should also be a timer that spalms forces that will come to aid the defenders from throughout the land. Making such a thing require a huge  amount of organization and players. Once taken a city would work as normal, but give the leading guild some income. They must however also spend this to keep allies who may come to their defense as other guilds and npc guards regularly attack the city to take it back.

Now I know this would probably mean a city would probably be never taken over. It would probably also mean that it’s very probable that a guild who owns a city will lose it to the npc’s quite quikly, sending it’s members straight into the death realm for quite some time. But that’s the point. Being evil and pvping should be possible, when done right profitable, but always very, very hard.

Anyway: I think this might really add to this game since the evil character could actually be evil. It will also make pvping possible, but something that takes time, and preparation, making sure it isn't even an option to do randomly.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Political stability
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:34:52 pm »
Our taxes are to be raised in a few years here in the U.S.

Well, that's actually not that bad. It would kind of help the U.S. be more stable in the future.

From what I've heard at least, the taxes are currently kind of low in the U.S. because they have been lowered to stimulate the economy. This is good for a short amount of time because people will have more money to spend and will be motivated to just buy things and not save the little bit they have, helping the economy through a diffecult time. This is also the reason why the U.S. have lowered the Interest on lowns from the central bank a couple of times in the recent past. This should however always be a temporate sollution. Both the taxes and the Interest rate should be raised as soon as reasonably possible. This makes sure that it is possible to lower it again once the country hits economic harder times again. This seems to have been forgotten by U.S. presidents lately. This created a problem you witnessed lately: in times of crisis the government is not able to lower taxes and interest rates much further and will thus not be able to motivate people to buy things.

So... Sucks for a short time, is good for you and your country on the long run ;)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Political stability
« on: April 08, 2011, 04:50:03 pm »
In The Netherlands we are allready solving our differences by cutting in our militairy budget. Now that might seem a bit silly but we might as well. This way we will be easilly taken over by an evil dictator. This will give us stability (since there is nog discussion anymore) and a big advantage on the rest of the world. Seriously though: I think the Western governments are all spending to much time on details. Wouldn't it be nice if a negotiating party would just say: "We will try to get this through someday, but for now it will just slow down the process way to much to discuss it." Not that I say parties should just drop every statement they made during their campaign. (Our party of idiots did that and I find it immorale).

(Bit of topic:) If all of the governments are this way at the moment I'll just vote for one world leader. If everyone who plays Planeshift votes for me we'll probably win because the rest is to divided anyway. Vote for me and I will make a law that makes every developer help with planeshift. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Political stability
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:58:16 pm »
The Western world is finished. I intend to leave Europe and move either to India or China, in order that I can still dream of the future.

Well... Don't you think that's kind of early? Sure, Europe and the US are loosing ground, but done for? I think the East will gain some ground on the Western world and the Western world will wake up and strenghen their position. The only question is if their reaction will come in time. If it does (which is not unlikely), this situation will probably, for a while, bring the people of Europe and the US together. The only thing I regret is that we always fail to stay together in times of (more absolute) peace. But it isn't like people to learn from their mistakes (at least not as a society).

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Political stability
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:37:19 am »
The Netherlands is still fine, but we are trying to get ourself down their by voting for a party of absolute morrons. (I would never regard someone a morron because of their oppinion, but they really say things just about anyone would find strange). So we're good but intend to join the depression soon! ;)

General Discussion / Re: Guild Leadership
« on: March 30, 2011, 06:54:29 pm »
I think that (in short) it's as simple as this: A good guild leader must be able to facilitate and delegate. 

What people look for in a guild could be divided into different areas like (in short, and there may be more) gaining knowledge, having people to talk to (so for fun), to be able to achieve certain goals in game they could otherwise not. In every one of these aspects the perfect guild leader must make sure the members of his or her guild can find that (in some guild one more than another).

When running a guild this usually means that a guild leader should help people out when they need help with anything. But when it is something that happends more often the guild leader should make sure that there are members of the guild that deal with these kind of problems for him or her. This way the guild leader will always have time to deal with new problems and judge what is right in exceptions. And since the structure is in such a way that more members don't put more pressure on the guild leader the guild will be able to have more members (what usually allows players to achieve their goals faster).

A guild leader that runs a guild like this can be missed for longer periods of time and will be able to run a very big guild without problems. It does take quite some organisation and people skills to do this though, since delegating must be done in the right way and to the right people.

Complaint Department / Re: Getting into quests
« on: June 24, 2009, 11:52:38 am »
I should have thought of that! But since I didn't: Thank you! :)

Complaint Department / Getting into quests
« on: June 24, 2009, 10:59:49 am »

As a new player i noticed that the quests that are given in game are very hard to start with. Since you don't know where are the npc's are and what they are called it takes a lot of time to find all the right persons. I noticed that there are a lot of players who will help you with finding them. But I think the usual new player would rather just want the quests to be clear enough to do on their own. It would be nice if the NPC giving the quest would also tell you where to find the person.

The quest log also doesn't show much information. It isn't wise to log out with an unfinished quest. Since the quest log sometimes doesn't include the name of the person it will be really hard to log in and finish the quest. You could of course write it down in the notes you can add, but i would say should be used for more advanced quests, not to write down this standard information.

Well.. Tell me if i'm wrong and what you think!

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