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Messages - CadRipper

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27]
Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: July 18, 2003, 02:35:52 am »
It happens quite often, Erfgone. It only means either your program (the client) or the remote server has not received news from each other for too long. This is due to network congestion.

Or, if you happened to be logged when the server shut down, you could have got this message. Just check the status of the server on this page. If the server is offline, wait for it to be online again and with the status \"running World: loaded\".

As I\'m writing this, the server is offline, which means everyone has to wait  ;)

In summary, you should just retry logging in.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: July 18, 2003, 02:20:28 am »
You have probably downloaded the Linux version (planeshift.tar.gz), which I will assume is not your OS (are you running the Windows operating system ?).

Instead, you should have :
- downloaded the 5 parts of the splitted file(PSV0.2.010.Part1 to PSV0.2.010.Part5)
- downloaded and run the run_me_first.bat script

This script creates the PlaneShiftV0.2.010.exe file (which size is 90.028.941 bytes). This is the installation file, just run it and read carefully the instructions. The 5 downloaded files can be deleted along with the script since they won\'t be useful after this step.

When you are done with that part, directly do this :

From the menu, run
- Planeshift Updater (it will correct a nasty bug)
- Planeshift Setup (to choose fullscreen/windowed mainly)

And you are ready !
Run Planeshift - OpenGL Mode to start the game. The first step is creating and uploading your character.

Don\'t forget to read the very good FAQ from Moogie at this link !

And have fun with it  ;)

General Discussion /
« on: July 01, 2003, 02:44:16 pm »
Maybe those raw facts can help. Anyway, they tend to go against the \"computer only slowness\" theory. Please feel free to compare with your experience and/or to comment.

1) Either when on a local server, or on fragnetics with 4-5 clients logged in :

- there is no \"lag\" throughout the city and under it. For instance, in the basement when you come out from the dungeon, everything is smooth (almost thought I was disconnected !).

- an exception to this is the first time you enter a sector. If you make several turns on yourself, this is choppy at some angles. Then it disappears. Maybe caching some textures and/or items. Next time entering the same sector it\'s fine (maybe 768 MB help here). The choppy effects are synchronous with HD accesses.

- on top of the tower, it\'s slower, the computer most probably. The effect is constant and does not really disappear (maybe it\'s worse the very 1st time though, cfr. previous point). The worst angle is towards the plaza.

2) Usually, with about 30 clients :

- some lag

- everytime, coming out of the dungeon via the basement is something I am proud of, and that I consider as a major achievement. Yeah right, maybe I\'m overstating a little bit  :rolleyes:

- the first time you enter a sector, same cache-like effect. (ever fell from the tower this way ?  :P )

- on the tower, same slowness towards the city.

Those effects were not felt when there was usually about 15-20 people at the same time, some months ago. Especially the \"freeze for several minutes\" one.

3) Sometimes, especially during W-E, with about 30 clients :

- big \"lag\" ! Sometimes entering some region of a sector (for instance the part of town between temple and the tavern), your framerate is going down. I mean it, 1 fps, then 0.1 fps. Then sometimes much worse : you can\'t either move or type commands, for several tens of seconds, or even for minutes.

- this effect may disappear if you go out of the region (e.g. /spawn). Not always.

- this was more rare in the dungeon. Also more rare in smaller sectors like library, temple, tavern.

- additional effect I didn\'t see before : the server drops many clients at once (usually only a handful remain logged).

- (quite rare) bursts of \"lag\". Every second, a little freezing. Lasts several seconds to minute. Someone doing the server backup ?  ;)

System specs

WindowsXP, SP1, DX9
PS v0.2.010 (with update  ;) ) - windowed 1024x768, openGL mode (32-bit desktop)
3 Mbps dsl connection (ethernet router), located in Belgium, fragnetics ping averaging to 350 ms (in all the above cases)
1.33 Ghz Athlon, 768 MB DDR 266 MHz on data bus (2100)
GeForce 3 (64 MB), nVidia v43.45 drivers

Hope it can be useful ...

General Discussion /
« on: June 18, 2003, 02:08:58 pm »
My 3D references are quite old, but here they are anyway  ;)

I\'m not sure about the server part in all this though...

A book that has always been a reference :
James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes; Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C (2nd Edition); Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996.

You will find a lot of information on Paul Heckbert\'s page

You can probably have more info and interesting contacts on Seth Teller\'s page

There was the 3D Engine List, too bad it has been discontinued  :(

The Gamasutra site used to have interesting coding articles, though I didn\'t check it for a long time now.

Of course, like pointed by Caldazar, you will probably find interesting information on source forge. You can check Crystal Space (the engine used in PS), which contains docs and interesting links (probably more recents ;) )

Good luck with your work !

General Discussion /
« on: June 10, 2003, 01:38:09 pm »

Rulzern :
And also, won\'t this game attract a higher % of griefers and lamers than other MMORPG\'s, being free and all? I mean, lamers and griefers don\'t usually pay for a game just to ruin it for everyone else, but when it\'s free, it\'s a different matter.

Yes sadly enough this is becoming more and more frequent, because Planeshift is getting known to a wider public than (pre-)alpha/beta enthusiasts. That\'s one reason why I wouldn\'t advertise this game too heavily (at least not to inadequate public but is it possible to choose ?). Unless it can help the developers of course ;)

A kick feature (with voting system :D ) could maybe handle that easily enough for now ?


Solaire :
Woooow, thank you Scrythe. This is awesome material. I might even consider giving c++ a second try now ^_^

Kundalf :
my experience with no matter what progging language is, that books and tutorials can never replace a course/classes, where you have feedback and some advice in the beginning.

imho, the best way to progress (without too many headaches) is to practice. Then you are forced to ask yourself many questions that are not in teaching books. Write programs, and read programs from other people, preferably good programmers. There\'s plenty of open-source software to choose from, although it is not easy to tell good code from bad code when you are just beginning to learn.

Courses are good (if the lecturer is) and can boost the process. But you have to be available enough to attend them. That\'s why I prefer learning with a book and get my feedback from reading other\'s code  ;)  Both schools have their pro\'s and con\'s.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: June 10, 2003, 12:56:47 pm »

Perhaps they could get a street named after them?

Caldazars road.. dont you all like the sound of that?

CadRipper: That means that EVERY character will be erased... right?

Street names, sounds like a good idea. But you would need to add signposts then. At least, it would be simpler to describe people the way to the tavern or to the library  ;)

And no, it would not be necessary to erase every character, since the texture name is only an item stored into the database. The only difficult part is to allow every client to download it on-demand (dynamically) in the first case, thus implying a modification on both the server and the client.

In the second case, no modification would be required but clothes/textures wouldn\'t be personalized, a little like the clothes you can buy in Project Entropia (I hate to mention this name but...).

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: June 09, 2003, 08:54:37 am »
I also have to agree with Skizzik and Kada. Now the world of PS is quite advanced and stable, frequent DB wipe-outs would give the dedicated players a feeling of constant \"early development stage\" and unstability.

And like others, I think it would be nice to have something permanent in the game, that could be bought with the crystals. Of course, I know there is already enough work for the dev team, so better keep it simple  ;)

Just another idea, that could work for now or in the far future : I think I\'m not wrong saying that most people would want a way to be easily recognized in-game. So I would tentatively suggest the possibility for them to \"buy\" a texture for their character, like personal clothes. Special items would require 3d modeling, so let\'s put that aside.

For instance, as the texture size should be quite small, it could be designed by the buyer and uploaded to the server and then downloaded to other clients on demand (i.e. when the character has to be rendered). Of course we have to hope nobody will make it provocative or aggressive, but I don\'t think dedicated players would. I also realize this implies additional coding, but am I wrong or is this a feature you would implement anyway ?

Or this could be a set of pre-defined textures, that would be downloaded along with the client at next update.

By the way, I suppose DB wipe-out means crystals and weapons ?  8o

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 28, 2003, 02:44:26 pm »
Your idea of plug-ins in real-time would be very interesting, Sibuna. I don\'t know if it really exists in another mmorpg.

It would need to solve several problems, like

1) what kind of source language would be permitted ? We wouldn\'t want malicious code to be uploaded to whatever system is used for the pug-ins. Then, the behaviour should be checked against cheating of course. Thus, only some specific world properties could be modified by the plugin in a controlled way.

2) where would it be uploaded ? In several ways, the plug-in is in fact a client in the world. Since the world is persistent, it cannot remain on the user\'s client. The ideal place would be the server, but it has only limited power whereas user count could be virtually illimited (even if they cannot log all at the same time, all their plug-ins should be there).

Another solution is to have plug-in farms, several systems acting as permanent clients. Once there is no more room/power for additional plug-ins, the farm would only have to grow.

With the additional difficulty that they should be replicated like the servers (for reasonable ping distance).

3) Plug-ins would have to be reviewed by some authority before being inserted into the world, because it is shared among the community. For instance, if you want to build your house somewhere, you need to acquire a property before.

Who will handle this job ? Voting ? Definitely not administrator who won\'t have the time for this (admin\'s, tell me if I am wrong  :D).

There might be other issues, but the principle is quite appealing, and might be worth the effort.

Look for instance some 3rd-party add-ons that exist for Morrowind and imagine the same for an mmorpg  8)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 27, 2003, 07:47:11 am »
Technical help forum is intended to try helping others, not insulting them. At least, that\'s what I thought before seeing this.

So, sorry if you misunderstood my statement and yes, you have taken it wrong. I should have guessed the solution was not so easy, so it was indeed a dumb question from me. Obviously it wasn\'t apreciated.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 26, 2003, 10:51:53 am »
Same problem here. Also, I cannot add an Avatar (only the No choice shows up ...)

Could you please help me with this ? Thx

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 26, 2003, 10:46:38 am »
Bobbity, dumb question : do you have bash correctly installed ? Your OS seems to have difficulties finding it.

Check the permissions on /bin/sh, there should be a problem here.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 26, 2003, 10:29:11 am »
Hello Peeki.

I\'m afraid I can only give you some general hints :

- you can try s/w rendering, to see if the problem is related to your geForce.
- check nVidia for latest driver release (typical tech. support answer, I know ;-). Use v43.45, as it finally solves the refresh rate problem of previous versions. Plus, it has a nice gamma slider to help you find your way in dark dungeons ! If you have another driver version, un-install it before upgrading, it takes more time but it avoids mixing different library versions.
- be sure to have enough virtual memory. I would advise you to choose a custom, FIXED value to avoid disk fragmentation : for instance, force a 2 GB value on a FAT32 partition.
- DON\'T overclock. But since it sometimes crashes before loading the GPU, it should not be the problem. Try lower resolutions. Don\'t tune your GPU, it should be fast enough !
- with Athlons, some chipsets are unstable, do you have problems with other GPU-intensive games ? If so, try perhaps not to use AGP 8x or 4x (don\'t know what you have for a MB). Try AGP 2x to see if it\'s more stable, you won\'t notice much difference in current games anyway. Check MB manufacturer for BIOS \"upgrades\" - (read : patches).
- try Linux  :D

Hope it helps, good luck !

General Discussion /
« on: April 25, 2003, 12:02:54 pm »
Right. Besides, even commercial S/W companies cannot afford wide target range anymore. It costs them too much to develop specific code for win32/linux, then S/W and H/W graphic rendering (on opengl, d3d, ... no, not glide anymore...). It also means more complex support and maintenance. If you add lower-end machines on top of that...

You could see this with id. I think they were one of the first gaming company to say \"well, now we don\'t publish s/w-rendered code anymore !\". Was it risky ? They are still there, and I don\'t know many people without a 3D card in their computer.

By the time PS will be more mature, your computer should normally beef up anyway. That is a corollary to Moore\'s and Darwin\'s laws (though I\'m not sure they worked together :D)

What I am very curious about is how PS will scale. Now, there is \"only\" one city of, let\'s say, medium size. Most of the buildings are empty (or are they full of diamonds - sometimes I wonder). And if you look down from the big tower, you can feel that there is much work to be done by the rendering engine so that you can admire the view of MB.

Will they do like in Morrowind for inside/outside ? And will the land be continuous ? We\'ll see...

But I\'m afraid the gain they could get with optimizations will be used to extend the features in PS.  8)

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