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Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: How to help Newbies. Some thoughts and ideas.
« Last post by Damola on September 08, 2023, 05:40:42 am »
Greetings Gonger, greetings everyone.

I thought about this for a while after the discussion in last dev Q&A.

I also chose to come online several times in the evenings, CEST time zone, for several hours and typed "/who" command frequently. However I did not find any new player online during that times. Of course this not representative in any way, however I am not sure whether we loose as many newbies at the moment as you fear. Of course loosing just one new player or a few new players is bad given the current state of affairs. During these challenging times however I find it difficult to be online every evening just to see whether a new player logs in. I find myself needing a lot of time to recover from the sheer insanity happening in our world today. I believe this is headed into a good direction considering all what is happening and the meaning behind it, but at times this is not easy to see.

Some ideas I had about helping new players along:

1) Hint newbies at the GM events on Saturday in a prominent place and also to the market on Sundays. Cause there are at least some long time players online during that time. I am sure Uadjet would be fine for us all taking some time to help a new player along during the event. For me the GM events are rewarding experiences of game play and role play within the game. My hope would be that this could be similar for new players. Also it is a great opportunity for chars and players to make friendship with one another and maybe make an appointment for playing together during the week.

2) Maybe additionally it would be an option to agree on a time for newbies each week. A time were long time players can agree on aiming to be online each week. Maybe an hour before the event or an hour before the market. Or between market and dev q&a - that would be nice, cause at the market things tend to be quite quiet anyway these times and there is plenty of opportunity to help a new player along. And of course Gova has everything in store a new player could ever want and if not Damola can help along. ;D - Damola looking at her immense collection of glyphs and all the other stuff she collected. - At least those are times I could make often enough. Thing is, I cannot afford to look out for new players 24/7, I simply cannot and do not want to afford this, but during certain times, that would be doable for me.

3) Make it possible for chars of long time players to enter the tutorial area to directly help there. This could be locked by a quest that can only be accessed after a reasonable amount of other quests completed or a reasonable amount of time in the game or a combination there of. I really would like that. Not telling a new player everything straight away and thus spoil the fun, but maybe Damola could give a hint in the labyrinth or the tutorial every now and then. I can do a wish report about this if not already done.

4) I wondered whether to make Dryken plane, Labyrinth and tutorial area easier than they are now. However I also see the value of some effort to be made to enter the game as a new player. Why? What PlaneShift needs are players who engage on a regular base for a longer time. If someone is not willing to make some effort, then that someone may not be genuinely interested in playing the game anyway. Of course this is a difficult balance. Even someone who would be genuinely interested could loose motivation in case they face a frustrating obstacle during early game play. I played through the tutorial once with a new char and it was pretty much straight forward for me. Except for me not understanding that the new char did not yet do everything required to talk to the last NPC in there in order to leave the tutorial area. My issue was that the last NPC did not say anything at all before the quest requirements were met. Also part of the issue was that I did not get how to enter the second tower with the mage in the basement initially. I was running around with the new char back and forth until I eventually recognized what part was still missing and how to arrive the place to complete it. I'd prefer that NPC giving a hint on what is still missing. But aside from that I found the labyrinth and tutorial area reasonable enough. I may open a bug report about last NPC giving a hint, but I forgot the name of that confident Klyros NPC already.

Does any of these ideas make sense to you? What other ideas do you have?
Newbie Help (Start Here) / How to help Newbies. Some thoughts and ideas.
« Last post by gonger on September 05, 2023, 05:57:43 pm »
Dear all,

Newbies do not have a simple start to PlaneShift right now because the current player base is low, and often hardly anybody is online. As I write this, Gonger is all alone...
We need new players, we want new players, but how are we going to give them support? I discussed the following ideas during the latest Dev Meeting, and people seemed to agree:

  • In the PS Launcher, add buttons that lead to the Discord Channel or the Forums.
  • In the In-Game Help Channel, add a text with the links to the Discord Channel or the Forums. Links that actually work would be even better, but may be hard to implement. (Thanks to Uadjet for the idea of working links.)

With easier access to Discord Channel or the Forums, newbies will easier get support. At least for solo players this will be very useful.
But what about people who join PlaneShift because they want to Role-Play (which is one of the distinctive features of PlaneShift)? They need other people online, so it would be great if some of you were online more often. So many people on Discord, so few online, it just does not make sense.

PlaneShift is a complex game, so pretty much everybody will be glad about some guidance when getting started. As things are now, I fear we will lose many newbies because of a lack of support. A few weeks ago a newbie asked a question in the Help channel when I was AFK. Nobody else was there to answer the question, so the newbie left... and I never saw this newbie again!
Since I finally am on holiday now, I will take up advertizing again, but I will do so with a kind of stomach ache because I am not sure this is the best moment. But then, who can tell when the best moment would be?

I hope it will be possible to give more support to newbies. Everybody can help by connecting to the game a bit more often. Then newbies will see that there are people present in our world, and even a late answer to a newbie question will be more useful than no answer at all!

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support.

Travel safely,

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Iron claw
« Last post by mohonin on August 25, 2023, 01:20:00 am »
A Guide to Ranged Combat as per Iron Claw Experience

1st Know the different between Bows and Cross Bows and their ammo. There are 2 types of ammo, Bolts and Iron Arrow. Bolts are used with Crossbows and Iron Arrows are used with Bows.

2nd Know the Different Types of Bows :-
1- Hunter Bow -- is the basic bow, not much useful for expert/experienced rangers
2- Short Bow -- is better than Basic hunter bow. Main feature, the next arrow loading time is less, so you fire more quicker. But the Range is short.
3- Long Bow -- Again is better than Basic Hunter Bow, but the features is such that its based upon your requirement between Short bow or long bow, cant say which is better. The main feature of Longbow is its range is very high. You can fire to long distance target, but a drawback, its next arrow loading time is long.
4- Composite Bow -- is supposed to be the best Bow. Its has both the features of Short and Long Bow.

-- Now How to attack and use Ranged weapon --
See the earlier post about combat in PSU. Now 1st thing, the bow or crossbow always equips in the lefthand of the character. and the Arrow or Bolts in the Righthand of the character. Now when you get the crosshair and has the target in it, click left mouse button to fire arrow or bolt. Each Left click fires only 1 arrow or bolt. so you have to keep clicking left mouse button. A word of caution... its a bug or my low computer system, i found after a stack of 65 ammo is finished then to equip next 65 ammo in hand i had to relog.

--And the most important note :- Beware of moving targets. You should be expert with your mouse to keep the crosshair on the target and keep clicking. Maybe lower mouse sensivity seeting will help.

This Ends the Guide. Go and Have Fun with ranged weapon!! All the best!! Enjoy!! :-))  :)
Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] The Way Of The Hammer
« Last post by Eriz on August 23, 2023, 02:35:00 pm »
I look forward to seeing you ingame, Apis!

Try to join the weekly event hosted by our GM Uadjet every Saturday afternoon/evening (depending on your timezone) and re-connect with veteran players.
Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] The Way Of The Hammer
« Last post by apis on August 22, 2023, 03:27:45 am »
To the great Dwarfs of The Way...

I'm gladdened to see something that was started so long ago (17 years ago?) is still going

I may come back into the game one day
Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Iron claw
« Last post by mohonin on August 04, 2023, 09:19:40 am »
What You Get as a Iron Claw?

1 - All Iron Claw Guild members are eligible to get a full set of any of the 3 types of armor, that is Leather, chain mail or Platemail armor, with Quality Q 300 and Enchanted.

2 - Same with weapons of your choice, but our commander A.K.A. Guild Leader says you have to prove yourself a little bit worth of combat as there are chances you will take the weapon and never do combat at all, after all we are a millitary sort of guild.

3 - You can get Enchanted Q 300 jewelry for any of the types of work you need it for as mentioned in the Iron Claw Website and allowed by the game. And yeah Gold,Silver or  Platinum, any of these metals of your choice.

4 - you get unlimited supply of Ores, herbs(Plant or Plant parts), Fish and Animal Parts for your crafting of your choice of things.

5 - Last but not the least, if you ever are short of money, you also get a loan of tria or circles which you may or may not return.

And mind you all these things are FREE!FREE!!FREE!!! for all Iron Claw Guild Members!!
PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Dev Q&A July 23, 2023
« Last post by Damola on July 30, 2023, 01:46:42 pm »
Thanks, Uadjet, for posting. I missed that one and it was good to be able to read what you discussed!
PlaneShift News and Rules / Dev Q&A July 23, 2023
« Last post by Uadjet on July 27, 2023, 11:29:58 am »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)
Gonger (PR)

Aachey:  Well, hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A!
Aachey:  No new faces, so I'll skip explaining what the meeting is about.
Karzela:  Hi there
Aachey:  If you have any questions, please step up to the lecterns at the front of the stage.
Aachey:  You don't really need to, but it's a handy indicator that somebody wants to say or ask something.
Gonger:  Silence...
Karzela:  Too many damaged musical scores in my bag. Think Talad will create something ingame to handle this?
Aachey:  If there are no questions, we can give a quick summary of what's been goign on in the last few weeks.
Aachey:  Ah, yes. I saw that chat in Discord.
Aachey:  I'm not sure, yet, what the problem is. I know midi playback isn't perfect yet, but it is still a work in progress.
Talad:  Hello
Gonger:  Zakena was testing a few things... and the results were not promising. She was quite down...
Karzela:  Hello Talad
Aachey:  As for porting the old music, I think that needs to be converted with an offline tool.
Aachey:  Hi Talad!
>Gonger greets Talad.
Talad:  some parts of this room didnt synch for me
Talad:  I cant see the stands
Talad:  weird
Gonger:  Aachey, why are you turning your back to the others?
Talad:  teleporting into this room has strange effects
Talad:  but walking in worked fine
Aachey:  Yeah, I had to reload, as teleporting here showed a loading screen for a split second, and then showed me where I was before the teleport. Reloading put me in here.
Gonger:  I also had to leave the room, and to enter it again.
Aachey:  And it seemed to me that I was facing the lecterns. I did move to make space for Talad, though.
Talad:  I read the comments on the music scores
Talad:  it's the first implementation and not many people tested it
Talad:  test it more, and report the bugs, so we can improve it
Talad:  any questions or discussions?
Aachey:  I know that I had to use a PS-specific converter tool to convert mxml(?) to the xml files Legacy used, so maybe that difference is causing the problems now.
Talad:  MuseScore should be able to load XML files
Talad:  am I missing messages or none is speaking?
Karzela:  Silence here
Talad:  ok, if you dont have any questions or comments I will go
Gonger:  I am only half here. Some problems at work...
Karzela:  Years ago Eriden helped me with music files, but he's been gone for many years too.
Aachey:  I think it'll take experimentation to check the music here.
Aachey:  We can test newly unloaded files, of course. I'll download some midi files and see how well they do.
Gonger:  We should try to contact ancient players, maybe some would come back. I shared some ideas with Talad and Uadjet.
Aachey:  It's the old files from Legacy that will be tricky.
Talad:  I did a test some time ago to import a PSLegacy music file and there were many changes needed
Talad:  because some tags were PS only
Talad:  but the base was similar to MuseScore XML
Talad:  so it's possible to convert, but will take some manual manipulation
Talad:  best will be to recreate from scratch
Karzela:  Many music scrolls were bought from other players.
Karzela:  Many from player: Grindulf
Talad:  the data is still in the music scores
Talad:  as it has not been deleted, unless you imported on top of it
Talad:  I may add a button to save to file or to view the data
Talad:  but it's a text file at the end
Talad:  you can save from musescore some notes
Talad:  then save to XML format
Talad:  then compare with the PSLegacy one, and see what you need to change
Talad:  with some trial and error it's possible to sort it out
Aachey:  That certainly sounds doable.
Karzela:  May be a good idea to post a step by step solution at the PSU wiki when it is found. Not all of us are tec gifted. ^ ^
Talad:  I assume it can be also automated
Talad:  but will require some work. please search someone within the players that wants to do that
Talad:  should not require much tech knowledge
Talad:  ask to other people, rally them towards a goal, etc...
Talad:  any other topics?
Aachey:  I normally recap what you've been up to in the vids. Seems odd, with you here...
Talad:  I can do it myself
Karzela:  Is anyone working on fixing quest problems permanently, that are posted in the bug tracker?
Talad:  lately I've been fixing various bugs, and adding Xiosia stone table to the new stone labyrinths area
Talad:  also I've been working on the observatorium so one day can replace the  summy one we have in game now
Talad:  *dummy
Karzela:  I've been out there. The building already is impressive.
Talad:  Also there have been new sketches made and new models in work for the factions/organizations
Talad:  progress there is going well
Talad:  I hope will be able to show something after august holidays
Talad:  about quests I've seen some bugs posted, I didn't yet work on those
Talad:  but seems split three main categories:
Aachey:  I've got some thoughts on NPCs and quests for the observatory too, though I'll need to check the lore first.
Talad:  1) the menita puzzle, this is currently impossible in unreal , we need to rework it as Unreal doesnt have the portals capabilities we had before.
Talad:  2) the quests which requre a proxity trigger (so you go in a place and it triggers something) this should be possible, just a matter of working on it
Talad:  3) Other minor problems like reloading of dialogues and such, or typos. These ones are something that will be nice if it gets first confirmed by multiple people before I dedicate time to it
Karzela:  So, shall I assume Venalan no longer is helping with quests and lore?
Talad:  In general going through the list of bugs and confirming those or adding detail is always helpful
Talad:  It's only me working on stuff at the moment.
Karzela:  ok
Talad:  Uadjet is the only other active person in the team
Talad:  rest is not gone forever, but they are inactive at the moment, I would say since at least 1 year or more
Talad:  we need new people
Talad:  anyway commissions help, as some has been done through that.
Talad:  relying on old devs or old players is not a good idea in my opinion
Talad:  we need new devs and new players
Talad:  people change hobbies during their life and it's unlikely they will return
Karzela:  Yes, very true.
Talad:  there are exceptions, but with 7 billions people in the world should be possible to find new people
Talad:  the game got more stable in the last 2 releases
Talad:  server is rarely crashing now, which is good
Karzela:  Such great progress
Talad:  the new player flow is also getting more solid
Talad:  new tutorial area is explaining and guiding players much more than before
Talad:  we need to connect that to the factions/organizations to provide more guidance after arriving in hydlaa
Talad:  so to have a continuation of the progression
Talad:  I have many ideas, but time is limited
Talad:  we need more people
Aachey:  Yeah. Get a natural flow to pull players along.
Talad:  ok, I have to go. have fun
Aachey:  Thanks for coming!
Karzela:  Nice to see you here o/
>Karzela cheers happily at Talad!
>Talad waves.
Aachey:  I'll just throw in that I've started mapping out some possible quest lines, for the new factions Talad has got set up.
>Karzela waves at Talad
Aachey:  I don't think they show on the factions page unless you've done something for (or against) the faction.
Aachey:  The new factions should have rankings, based on your factions from Legacy. Or more from your completed quests, really.
Aachey:  There are the religious factions, professional factions, the six Ways, Societal factions (government and criminals), and finally what started off as combat style factions.
Aachey:  That last group has been assigned roles as well, 
Aachey:  For example, the Indomitables were initially just a group dedicated to fighting with axes, but now they're also dedicated to defending teh Bronze Doors
Karzela:  Plenty of things for players to work on if they choose to do so.
Aachey:  The Rangers (archers) now take that name to mean more like what it does in other places, with expertise in fauna and motivated to take care of the natural world.
Aachey:  That kind of thing.
Aachey:  Some factions have tons of quests. Octarchy and Eternal Forge have 42 quests assigned to them, for example.
Aachey:  Essential Trail (gatherers of resources, like farmers and miners) have 5.
Aachey:  So I'm trying to plan out some quest lines there.
Aachey:  And currently learning about farming so that I can do that. :)
Aachey:  But we're past the hour, now. Please have fun playing, and check out the new additions to the game, like the new tutorial area, the NPCs in Delver, and the music system! The more testing we have, the easier it is to improve things.
PlaneShift News and Rules / Dev Q&A July 9, 2023
« Last post by Uadjet on July 09, 2023, 04:41:43 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)
Gonger (PR)

Gonger:  Aachey is doing teleports. Mayhap he should teleport himself over here.
Migg: well, cold someone also teleport some furniture in here? I see an empty room
Aachey: An empty room? Hang on.
Migg: and a levitating Gongr :)
Gonger:  I had the same,  Migg. Go out, come back in, that worked for me.
Koraza: o.0
Gonger:  And an invisible Aachey...
Migg: nope, still empty
Migg: I ee the people
Migg: and my keyboard skips chars...
Aachey: You don't see the furniture? That's odd.
Aachey: I had a fix for that in Legacy, but it likely won't work here.
Migg: I see it now, after I went out and back in
Gonger:  Reload of the map often helps.
Gonger:  ?
Aachey: Okay. Wonder if it was an instance issue, or a item loading issue.
Migg: Gonger said he had the same
Gonger:  Anybody else with trouble seeing furniture?
Gonger:  Aye.
Aachey: And both were people I teleported in. And teleported to meetingore.
Aachey: Let me try something.
Koraza: Hmm.... interesting
Thosor: see ok
Aachey: Still see me?
Migg: yep
Koraza: yes
Aachey: Huh.
Migg: I could see the others
Thosor: [on work windows, so just spectating]
Migg: but Damola and gonger were walking on air
Migg: also Thosor, waiting in line?
Aachey: Well, welcome to the Developer's Q&A!
Koraza: thank you!
>Migg cheers happily at Aachey!
Aachey: Once we complete our traditional "Well That's Odd..." section of the meeting, I'll give you a quick up date on what's been going on behind the scenes.
Thosor: [sitting]
Aachey: Migg?
Migg: just another issue?
Migg: idk
Migg: theachievemagic icon in the action bar
Thosor: Need to be close enough to hear everyone.
Migg: it is nowithin a circular icon like the rest
Migg: kind of strikes me as odd
Aachey: It is out of place.
Migg: does not fit with the rest of the UI
Aachey: And I'd change 'character' to 'inventory', to make things more clear.
Migg: that's all, never managed to create an account on Flyspray, that mail never arrives
Migg: trouble itting...
Aachey: I think the icon just needs the standard background added to the others. not sure why it doesn't have it already.
Migg: sitting
Aachey: Okay, I'll give everyone a little update on what Talad's been doing.
Aachey: Talad is using.. I think ChatGPT, to help write up some of the lore for the game.
>Damola listens intently.
Damola  does not like that AI stuff.
Aachey: Those vids are titled "assisted lore".
Aachey: He's doing it mainly, I think, to clean up some of the text. There's the occasional bit that comes across as clunky, so the AI can fix it up fairly quickly.
Aachey: I don't think he's generating completely new stuff with it, though.
Damola: Ok.
Gonger:  AI as a tool. That makes sense.
Aachey: So that's there to help  anyone who wants to contribute to the lore, but doubts their writing skills.
Aachey: I've started using a standard grammer checker with what I do, though it's rather unforgiving with the 'accents' I do on occasion.
Aachey: Anah, for example.l
Aachey: He's also done a ton of fixes for the latest release. I probably should have mentioned the new release first, but if you managed to log on then you already know about it.
Aachey: There's a changelog available if you want to read it, at Top of the page.
Aachey: I'm sure you'v enoticed the changes to the chat UI. The Help channel is working, and we can now add some of those channels to the main tab. Hopefully I'll miss fewer messages now. :)
Aachey: Now for the fun stuff...
Gonger:  I think the Help channel is especially important.
Aachey: Talad put in a few streams worth of work into the Observatory.
Aachey: Oh, it's critical.
Aachey: It still requires a lot of work to go 'live', but the end is in sight. Soon enough we'll have an observatory we can enter and explore.
Aachey: We'll need a few NPCs for it, and maybe Talad could use some help decorating it.
Gonger:  Speaking of streams, reaching the milestone of 1000 is amazing.
Aachey: That's true. "Unreal Engine MMO #1000 - UI Fixes and sounds"
Damola: What an amount of dedication!
Aachey: Also, Delver now has NPCs in it.
Aachey: Or it did last night. Not sure if it does now.
(Aachey: I've already got some quests written for these NPCs, though I have to get approval from Talad. One quest interacts with the creature knowledge part of the compendium, which may not be fully working yet.
Gonger:  Great!
Damola: Nice!
Aachey: Right now I'm slowly adding NPCs to other locations, by writing quests that include them. Ideally that won't end up with any useless NPCs.
Aachey: Not the ideal way to add merchants, though.
Aachey: And finally, Talad has added a new map section, with two parts!
Aachey: When you exit the Dryken Plane now, instead of going to Hydlaa you'll end up in a portion of the Stone Labyrinth.
Aachey: RIght now it's just a small maze you need to get through, before you reach the next section: The Outpost.
Damola: Yeah, I created a new char just to look at this area. Got the char out of Dryken already, so I am ready to explore it.
Damola: Ah? maze?
Damola: ?yeah it had something of a labyrinth.
Aachey: It's a small fortification, which acts as the new tutorial area. Same NPCs as the old tutorial area, with similar quests.
Migg: somewhat worried that it now takes some skill t reach the tutorial. Should create a new char and see it though
Gonger:  Can existing characters get there?
Migg: Uadjet can teleport you I guess
Gonger:  Yeah, but I was thinking of a regular way.
Aachey: Not currently, though I'm going to ask Talad about that. Characters with enough renown at the Eagle should have access to it. Perhaps the same requirements as unlocking the ptero there?
Aachey: Oh, and just today Talad was working on Factions. They've been overhauled for PSU, though existing faction ratings do carry over. Or perhaps they're recalculated, based on quests completed.
Aachey: And I think that's all. Any questions?
Damola: No Q from my side.
Thosor: No questions, your Honor.
Migg: Thank you for the updates!
Koraza: None from me either. Thanks
Aachey: Then I think we can call it a day! Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks. Until then, have fun playing and maybe try an event or two.
This has been fixed in 0.7.36, thanks for reporting it!
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