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Messages - Mathy Stockington

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General Discussion / Re: What happened?
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:13:26 pm »
Geez, That means you all still love me. I think that is so great!!  :-*
* Mathy Stockington laughs


I did read his first post and fail to see how an initial semantic query that degenerated into squabble about whether WoW is a MMORPG is something to be admired.

On a personal note I have nothing against you either Mthy I just wish you really would move on as you keep professing instead of continually returning and using every post you make to slip in a moan about what it was like in the good ole days.
* Mordraugion hands Verden a free ticket for the next release
well said

I did not realize that people who no longer play cannot make posts here on this forum. Btw, I spell my name Mathy, Mathy Stockington to be exact, Mordraugion. I do not want us to argue over this. You have your thoughts and I have mine. Being open minded is a good thing for both of us. As for the 'good ole days' you are correct they are gone. When a person enjoys something they wish they could have it back. I cannot eat ice cream anymore but that does not mean I would not enjoy it once and a while still to this day.

I do think that this thread could be beneficial if people read what UTM wrote. I have to admire what he tried to do here.

On a personal note: Mordraugion we have had our fair share of disagreements. I do wish you well in all you do. I have no bad feelings towards any one person here. The game has changed for me therefore I have moved on. Mostly I will always wish PS well. I hope it will grow and become the game that Talad and the community want it to be.

I would like to clarify what I meant in my first post. My comment was not about WoW being or not being an RPG, as it is. My comment was about what most of the people there do, and think they are playing an RPG.

Let me break it down in another way. Let's say you have a soccer field. It is designed to play soccer, it has soccer balls for playing soccer, and the game of soccer has its set rules. The people that play soccer follow the rules pretty closely. They are playing a soccer game.

Now, take that same field and fill it with people who think the rules for soccer are 'stupid' and 'pointless'. They grab the ball with their hands, use it to hit other players, see who can kick it higher, etc. Put all those people in the soccer field. The field is still a soccer field, and the people playing still think they are playing on a soccer field, but is it really a soccer game anymore if no one is playing soccer? And does it leave room for those people who are still trying to play by the rules?

That is what I meant by 'most people' in WoW, as most people are playing in an RPG, but they are not playing the RPG aspect of the game, only the MMO.

Edit: If everyone would have gone by "do what is most popular and gets the most people", then many of the 'greats' in our history would not have existed.

I think all of you missed the point of this thread that Under the Moon was trying to make. Think about it some more.

Back to the topic, Xillix is right that people have left the game.  But it isn't because of the game's focus on RP.  It's because the player community has been dwindling for some time.  It's still possible to have fun playing the game, but it's different now than it use to be.

Mathy and I were talking about it at one point and the idea we came up with was to go around and poll players who use to be active here but have since left.  I think there's a wealth of information there to be found.

Now that I no longer play I understand how the people who left feel. No poll is necessary. It is a feeling that PS has let us down in some way. The role play that we enjoyed with the community we loved to play with is gone.

As for you Hanix; Role Play will be a subject that all people will talk about for years to come if PlaneShift is about role play. That is if PS will still be about role play. The big question is what direction is it going in?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Defining Professionalism
« on: May 14, 2009, 04:14:53 pm »
Yes all of us Professionals are annoying. It is a great thing!!

Also I have good news. I think I found a new game to play. They have a great community and I really like it.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Defining Professionalism
« on: May 14, 2009, 02:30:34 pm »
From Merrriam Webster

Pronunciation: \-ˈfesh-nə-ˌli-zəm, -ˈfe-shə-nə-ˌli-\
Function: noun
Date: 1856
1 : the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person
2 : the following of a profession (as athletics) for gain or livelihood

Pronunciation: \prə-ˈfesh-nəl, -ˈfe-shə-nəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1606
1 a: of, relating to, or characteristic of a profession b: engaged in one of the learned professions c (1): characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2): exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace
2 a: participating for gain or livelihood in an activity or field of endeavor often engaged in by amateurs <a professional golfer> b: having a particular profession as a permanent career <a professional soldier> c: engaged in by persons receiving financial return <professional football>
3: following a line of conduct as though it were a profession <a professional patriot>
—   pro·fes·sion·al·ly adverb
It makes me wonder about the man who went out to a client to get work for his newly formed computer company. He arrived there in a tee shirt and shorts, wearing sandals thinking that he could sell his computer knowledge to them no matter what. It is no wonder that the one that went out to the same client wearing a shirt and tie with clean shoes got the work even though the first one was certainly more qualified to do the job. The only sad part was the lady, who was better then both men, did not even try because she would have done a far better job and been more professional then both of them.

I fail to see why being a professional has to be a ‘mask you wear in certain circumstances.’ A professional is a person who should be proud of what they have achieved and who they have become. I know I am. It is something to be worn with an arrogant smile because it is so rare these days.

On a lighter note: zanzibar I wonder if you have anything else to do with your time then post in the PlaneShift forums? Arrogance is mine to hold dear, yes it is!

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 08, 2009, 09:29:25 am »
I ask again; what kind of role play are the players looking for? I thought Xillix and others had great ideas in that other thread.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 08, 2009, 09:01:31 am »
You guys can stop bashing me now. Instead I will refer Instead I will refer back to this thread  There are great ideas here.
Again I will ask what kind of role play you would like to see in game to make these 'lessons' more meaningful?

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 06:32:59 pm »
zanzibar I started in 2006. Things were different then. I said different, not better and I liked it. Goodness we role played for hours and hours. And just for Xillix because I hate to disappoint him, most everyone I played with is gone now and that is sad.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 04:31:40 pm »
I haven't heard hide nor hair from Einnol or Indygo so it's probably safe to say they aren't coming back anytime soon. But you can teach RPing and people can have fun at the same time. I usually center my lessons around cooking and food and I have never had any trouble with it. People usually have fun.

Oh and I know why the nostalgia for old RPers and old RPs. In the past, there used to be on going stories, not just here and there one shot RPs. It's more difficult to do those now, but not impossible. We older RPers just need to play often enough for people to get to know our characters again.  ;)

I have to laugh Illysia because you knew exactly who I meant. For the first time someone really explains what I miss the most about the old PlaneShift. Thank you Illysia.

Maybe we shouldn't worry so much about "getting RP back," and just have fun?  We don't need the old roleplays and the old roleplayers you miss so much, different is not always bad.  Different is not always OOC.

@mathy:  I'm sorry for your loss, but they aren't coming back, and the game will never be how it used to be when you enjoyed it (before my time).  This may be an invalid assumption, but I think the kind of roleplay you enjoyed relies on PlaneShift having no features.  PlaneShift is actually becoming a computer game now, rather than a 3D chat client.  It's not a bad thing.

As for you Vannaka I think you may be right. So then I say to you enjoy the PlaneShift you have now. Nothing wrong with that at all. To each their own I say.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:44:13 pm »
That is sad that you feel you could not learn to role play here on the forums and take it back in game Akkaido. Instead I was hoping someone might just add to what I wrote and start a real role play here. All it takes is a bit of imagination.

Also I do not think I am the only person on the forums who no longer plays. I think many people who do not play make many posts here.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:24:48 pm »
Opps. Even the best of the best make mistakes Xillix. I know how great I am but for just once I will have to say I am sorry because I made a mistake and did not see my post was still there. You can be certain it will not happen again. Us great ones do not make the same mistake twice if we ever make mistakes at all.

[Here is a role play idea players. Now use that and role play it in game. It is not hard. Just use your imagination.]

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:00:43 pm »

You imply that

A) I am not nice to those working for me


B) That you are working for me

Neither is true.

I get sick of the mopey "back in the day" thing you do Mathy. I've really had enough of it. You can report me all you want but more useful would be if you really did quit and stopped posting melodramatic crap on the forums. People want progress and action not longing for a bygone time.

Xillix why bother responding to my post if you deleted it? Maybe there is to much censorship here. Should I ask Parallo if this is true? I wish this community well in it's wish to bring back role play to PlaneShift.

By 2006, a lot of people had already left the community.  In 2005, a very high profile player and dev member left the community, saying that so many faces had come and gone that PlaneShift no longer felt like the family it once was to her.

I very much doubt that Mathy is the only person that misses people.  Mathy just seems to be more vocal about it.  My personal belief is nostalgia is a burden when it comes to things like this....

Back on topic, however you decide to teach roleplay, make sure your number one priority is making it fun.

zanzibar do you ever wonder why these people have moved on? And yes it does change the way PlaneShift feels. We used to be a family. That is missing and I do not mind saying so.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 11:04:29 am »
Everyone that mathy is playing violins over missing was playing back then so . . . "don't cry for me Argentina!"

I would make a formal complaint against Xillix but that does no good. Truly there is no reason for you to be so rude Xillix. Has anyone told you that even the boss can be nice? Mine bought me lunch the other day because of a job well done. We work harder for kind people. It is a known fact.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:01:43 am »
Akkaido I think Illysia would be a great role play teacher. I have learnt a great deal from her myself and a certain wonderful dwarf that would bring me back in game in a instant if he returned. Actually there were two dwarfs that taught me a great deal. If they came back it would be a great day for PlaneShift.

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