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Messages - Syilph

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Wish list / Re: Oversight of GM team
« on: February 14, 2007, 02:14:31 pm »
Ok, I understand what the function of this liaison person is now. But, I don't see whow this position differs from the position of GM team leader. That's what the GM team leader should do, monitor the performance of the GMs, approach Talad if there are problems, etc. I agree this position is needed, as now the GM team has no leader, and I agree that there might be some GMs that might seem cocky to some people, or seem to ignore certain people [maybe one of the later might even be me, although I don't recall any situation that would clasify me as cocky or "ignoring people"] but really, I don't see the point of creating this "position" and name it differently than "GM team leader". True, it might take some load off the GM leader's back but if this Liaison does nothing inside the GM team, as you said, how can he/she get an objective oppinion about what is going on?
Besides this whole ideea starts from the assumption that the GM leader will be somehow sunbjective and will take the side of the GMs. But then again, who guarantees that the Liaison won't be subjective and take a side or another? We are people after all, and people _are_ subjective.

Wish list / Re: Oversight of GM team
« on: February 14, 2007, 08:21:25 am »
Actually, I'm just trying to understand what are these "problems" we are talking about. Afaik, if you have a problem that may only be fixed by Talad and you ask the help of a GM and the problem isn't solved because that particular GM didn't "felt the need" to report it to Talad, you can try to report the problem yourself, to Talad directly.
What I understand from this thread is that Zanzibar suggests a second leader of the GM team, and I don't really see the point of having 2 leaders.
Your responce shows why this position is needed.
Your answer is outstandingly clear. What is my "responce" showing? I was just asking some questions about what this Liaison possition means and who and how should be the person in this position since the post isn't very clear. And, of course I was pointing out that this whole thread started from a false assumption on how the GM team works.
And, btw, trust me, I doubt that if a player has a problem and submits that problem trough a petition or talks directly to a GM, that problem will go ignored.
Want to invent positions and to create beurocracy? I bet that will fix problems alot faster ;) [yeah, this statement is ironic]
So, right now the thing works like this: I have a problem, I go to a GM, the GM ignores me [not likely but let's asume that], I go directly to Talad.
With the Liaison position, the situation will be like: I have a problem, I go to a GM, the GM ignores me [not likely, again], I go to the Liaison guy, the Liaison goes to Talad.
Besides, starting from the presumption stated in the opening of the thread, that the GM team leader, and the whole GM team are not impartial, what will be the guarantee that this Liaison person will be absolutely impartial?

Wish list / Re: Oversight of GM team
« on: February 14, 2007, 07:31:35 am »
Hmm... I wonder where did you got that wonderful [but incorrect, however] insight on how the GM team works... The thing is that each GM can talk to Talad directly about certain urgent issues and all the other problems are discussed in meetings.
However, I don't see your point, you are suggesting to have a person who talks to the person that should talk to Talad when the person isn't talking to Talad in person? I'm really confused... How will this Liaison position help in fixing problems? And who is this Liaison "agent"? A GM? A player?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: iron fist?
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:34:41 am »
Yes, so far we don't have any "melee" weapons but sometimes in the future, there will be plenty of those lto chose from ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: mining
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:32:50 am »
I did some tests too regarding the mining system, and it is true, I haven't notice any difference between mining diamonds with a 150 mining skill and mining diamonds with a 5 mining skill. It might be a bug but so far, I can't quite place my finger on it. I'll do some more tests and submit the bug on the BT if I'll have some more concludent data.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: GM events
« on: December 13, 2006, 10:00:13 am »
Example I summon my pet it stands there docent move, docent do much at all, in fact after a few mins it disappears, so in-game wise this is normal behavior, so to see a pet running around jumping is OOC. IN my imagination it is running around and doing all the things it would be reasonable to expect a pet to do. but the reality is it at the moment just stands there.

I think your pet is sick or something ^_^ [<--- IC] Too bad animal doctors are not implemented yet :P [<---OOC]

Quote from: Datruth
What's with all the attacks, he expresses his opinon, and yet you feel the need to laugh and speak to him as if he's a child.

DO YOU THINK THIS!!, HAHAHA, I'm going to laugh, .... well isn't that great.

Geeze Lighten up.

He wants a little more realism, that's all, and wants people to comform to the same rules you promote.

And i've never seen you make an event, so why are you so gung ho for them.

Step up and make a few if they're so GREAT!!!! in your mind.
I was wondering when you'll show up.
And your point is.... ???
Besides the obvious test for our brain reaction time while trying to solve this existential mistery underlined by my previous question and the evident increase of a certain number on the left of your post.  :innocent:

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: GM events
« on: December 13, 2006, 05:38:02 am »
I think you are missing some points here, Janner.
First off, running an event has 2 aspects: the organising part and the event itself [or the "playing IC part"]. You are looking at these 2 distinct parts as one whole and that is quite wrong. While the organising part is completly OOC [like teleporting players, or explaining certain things trough /tells] the other is [or should be] completly IC. Now if we are to argue about "how IC everybody is" well... that is a subjective matter and regards the "competence" of the GM in question. We do what we can, and sometimes, the game mechanics get in the way. If you want GMs to be the perfect IC role players, you have to remember that nobody can be perfect, and certainly the few commands we have at our disposal to create a "close to reality" feeling in an event do not include a "bang your head against the screen until you'll manage to land in Yliakum right from the chair in front of your computer" command.
Second, we are people working with people and that isn't the easyest thing sometimes. You may plan an event with the thought that "people will think to do this and that" in mind but, in reality, they don't "think to do this and that" and, given the short ammount of time [around 4 hours for an event] you are forced to give an OOC clue, sometimes when no IC clues are availeble.
So, in conclusion, let's try an experiment: Try organizing an event, to know the "other side" of the problem, and then, in light of the new experience, criticise the GMs. If anything, at least you'll be more objective.

PS: Just because running around pets aren't implemented it doesn't mean that they can't run around. And following that line of thinking would get us to the impossibility of RPing anything because, if you think about it, RP, staying IC, cooking, drinking, eating, swiming, you name it, are not "implemented". RPing based only on game mechanics isn't RPing at all. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Banned?
« on: December 07, 2006, 10:59:01 am »
@ Nikodemus: That bug happens alot, actually, and the way to go around it is to hit the attack shortcut again [if you have a /target clear command in it] or to deselect the target, select it again and start another attack. None of the aforementioned things should pose a problem if the player is at the keyboard. But, yes, it is a bug and the auto-attack compensates for it. The problem is that it only compensates for the effect, and does not fix the cause. That bug should be fixed instead of implementing a new feature that will compensate for it. Especially since this feature has certain "issues".

@Janner: Yes, I have been killed a bunch of times by monsters while talking to somebody and that is really annoying. But, I still don't like the auto-attack feature. Why? Because it does nothing. It will save you from a monster that deals low damage on your character [and in this case it is useless because you would have survived anyway or you would have to type a reeeeally long phrase to give the NPC the chance to kill you], but it won't help you if the npc do you a higher damage, because of the long delay until it kicks in [I, at least, will recieve 6 hits ort so until my char starts fighting and usually, after it starts fighting, considering that the NPCs that do me any damage at all have quite some high HP values, it won't be able to finish the fight before he wakes up in DR]
And now some statistics: :D
Having a maxed stats char, there are only a few monsters that do you any considerable damage: Ulbers, Mean Tefusang, Brigand, some rogues [excluding gladiators and the like since they don't have "agro", meaning they won't chase you around if near a spawn]. Try pulling an auto-attack stunt on these monsters mentioned above and check the results. ;)
Btw, this goes for any stat levels, the only difference is that the list of "deadly NPCs" will be proportionally larger.
So, yeah, this "feature" is only useful for farming PP and for making automation scripts [or bots, as we like to call them] easyer since you'll only have to do a macro for looting while the game "takes care" of all the fighting part.

General Discussion / Re: Banned?
« on: December 07, 2006, 04:43:18 am »
The auto-attack feature should be soooo removed IMO...

False. The static spawns need to be removed. Problem solved.

The auto attack feature only encourages "botting" and besdes it isn't realistic at all. Give me just one example where that is useful and I'll give you 10 more where that is useless, anoying and even geting in the way of certain tasks. For example, when trying to test the effect of some magic on certain NPCs, I couldn't because te stupid auto-attack made my char atack the monster and of course, kill it. Equiping 2 shields will not work because you need a free or an "armed" hand to cast magic.
Yeah, it helps you when you lag... well, not really, because you won't lag that much that a monster that needs to take 10 swings at you will kill you, and if you are attacked by a monster that kills you in one hit... well, you won't have the time for the auto-attack to kick in.
IMO, that is a perfectly useless feature that causes problems both for GMs and players.

General Discussion / Re: Banned?
« on: December 06, 2006, 04:00:56 pm »
The auto-attack feature should be soooo removed IMO...

General Discussion / Re: What is silverweave?
« on: December 05, 2006, 03:50:38 am »
Iron is the last thing you want to make a sword out of.
It is a soft, maleable metal, that will rust like hell in any kind of atmospheric conditions. Depending on the composition of the bronze alloy, bronze might be far better than iron as far as corrosion and hardness is concerned. The "iron" swords that were better than bronze swords weren't iron at all, actually, they were eithe iron cast or steel swords, because of the fact that the melting process introduced carbon in the composition and, as a result poor quality steel, or some sort of iron cast [depending on the carbon percentage] were bourn. Steel though, should be faaaaar better than any metals or alloys mentioned above, and trust me, I know what I'm talking about since I'm a materials science engineer and I spent quite some time in front of microscopes and charts.
As far as silverweave weapons are concerned, I see it this way: The sword has a silver plating that should render it more resistant to corrosion, and in concordance, improve it's quality and slash because of the fact that the cuting edge, will stay sharp. And there might be some magic involved too. Let's not forget this is a game and normal RL rules don't apply.

The availability of tin was a factor.  Bronze weapons bend while iron ones break, which might mean something as well.
Iron bents like copper. The fact that the weapons you are talking about broke, suggests that the alloy they were made of was iron cast [more than 20% carbon]. That is a very fragile but also a very hard alloy.

General Discussion / Re: How do you get out of death zone?
« on: December 05, 2006, 03:34:44 am »
Im stuck... help?

Type /unstick or if that doesn't help, type /die :P
Or... you could explore the area for an exit, or ask ingame because from here, nobody can show you a way out.

General Discussion / Re: Weapons prices since quality was introduced.
« on: December 05, 2006, 03:33:08 am »
Here's a tip: Don't use SWs to kill rats -_-" Fight everything you can, with melee. That doesn't require repairs.
A full set of armour should be worthed something like 3 LSs looted from a glad. If you play your cards right, you can kill thousands of glads with one armour set. So... armour decay shouldn't be an issue.
There are way better ways to make money than there were before the big wipe, And you can make more too, compared to that time.
And, hee comes the great final tip: Grouping on thougher monsters is good. It is fun, less boring than camping alone and reduces considerably the strain on your weapons or armour.

Guilds Forum / Re: Beggars Guild
« on: December 05, 2006, 03:24:07 am »
* Syilph is shocked to notice that there are three trees somewhere on Ojaroad, groupped together, there are 6 ways of magic and 6 Gods [2 times 3] the trias have three corners...

By the gods! It is true! All hail the three!

* Syilph looks down thinking about the significance of that number

What? I have three legs! Ummm... no, wait... that was my tail. *gigles, gulps an apple and leaves to find some other signs related to the magic "3"*

General Discussion / Re: Restound got his Buddy list Erased
« on: November 23, 2006, 05:16:01 am »
It is just lag. The BL will be refreshed after 5-10 min and all you have to do is to reload it.

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