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Topics - zanzibar

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Question about nuclear reactions
« on: February 05, 2009, 07:20:11 am »

The energy in a nuclear reaction comes from the conversion of mass into energy.

Where does the mass come from?  Is it a conversion of relative mass?  Are massive particles disappearing while massless particles are being created?  Is it the bonds between particles that are being converted?

Is there anything the GM team can share with the players about the results?

Wish list / [EZPC] Tutorial Ending
« on: January 22, 2009, 12:03:17 am »
Tutorial currently:

Xargon Guurn: PlaneShift is a game meant for in-character interactions, and no matter what happens, whether bugs or wipes, your character's personality and relationships to other characters cannot be erased - they will only grow. [Xargon nods.] The players and developers of PlaneShift are working to create an immersive fantasy world where the player's character comes to life. Instead of merely another place to pursue the acquisition of rank, power and items while the player chats about TV, video games and music, PlaneShift offers the player the chance to Roleplay their character, to live in and move through a world that is not ours. [Xargon pauses.] As such the developers need a place in which to test things, and there is one thing more important than all else in such a test world, what would you say this is?

Answer: be polite

This could be changed to:

Xargon Guurn: The players and developers of PlaneShift are working to create an immersive fantasy world where the game comes to life. PlaneShift is a game in development, which means you may encounter bugs or wipes during your stay. Wipes are extremely rare though. [Xargon nods.] While you acquire ranks, powers, and items, always remember to be polite. [Xargon pauses.] That's the one thing more important than all else in this test world. Now, will you be polite?

Answer: yes

Reason for the change:  EZPC doesn't enforce roleplaying, so the extraneous text was removed.  The answer to the question isn't apparent without a spoiler, but it can be changed to make a tutorial spoiler less needed.

General Discussion / Yay for the new server!
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:42:14 pm »
It's great to see people having so much fun!  It will be interesting to see how things change as the novelty wears off.  What do you think the future of the new server is?

Forum and Website Discussions / Someone removed the PS general forum.
« on: January 20, 2009, 06:31:45 pm »
For some reason, someone renamed the PlaneShift General Discussion forum to be about the Laanx server only.

This means that there is no longer a general forum for PlaneShift.  Instead, there is a general forum for each server.  This means that if someone has a topic they wish to discuss that is about PlaneShift, there is no appropriate forum for it.  The current general discussion forums are only for topics specific to either server.

If we are expected to post topics about the game itself to the Laanx General Discussion forum, perhaps it should be called the PlaneShift General Discussion forum instead?  Seems only logical.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Coffee and halva!
« on: January 19, 2009, 09:46:56 pm »
I has it.

I'm wondering if anyone here goes larping on a regular basis or has ever practiced combat while wearing different kinds of medieval armor.

To you, I ask:  Is it realistic for skills to not be transferable from one armor class to another?  Should the current armor skills be replaced?  If so, by what?

Forum and Website Discussions / Automatic notification of double posts
« on: January 07, 2009, 04:19:34 am »
Would there be a way for a warning message to come up when you're about to make a double post?  Something like, "You are already the author of the most recent post in the thread you are replying to.  Are you sure you want to submit this post?"  It would help me out a lot.

Complaint Department / "We can't fix that yet, it would be too difficult."
« on: December 30, 2008, 04:27:47 pm »
There are certain things about the game that are in desperate need to be completely redone.  The progression point / training system is a great example.  The character generator might be another.  Everyone - everyone! - seems to agree that some of these things need to be remade, perhaps from scratch.  The consensus is so strong that I was actually expecting a wipe and a new progression system to accompany Steel Blue.

The thing is, there seems to be another consensus:  That changing the progression system is too complicated, too hard, too time intensive.  The system is so integrated into the game that redoing it would be a monstrous task.

Here's the problem as I see it:

1.  It needs to be changed eventually.

2.  The long we wait, the harder it will be.

Wish list / A wish for future auctions.
« on: December 21, 2008, 01:09:20 pm »
New rule:  If a member of a guild says "lol", "brb", or something else that's disruptive to the roleplaying experience during an auction, the guild will receive one warning.  If a member of that guild offends again, the guild will be barred (dismissed, banned) from the auction.

Comments?  I'm not sure this is the best way to address the problem, but it seems like an obvious one.  I encourage people to think of creative solutions and post them, since this kind of behaviour has apparently annoyed quite a few people.

General Discussion / [DISCUSSION] House farming?
« on: December 16, 2008, 03:47:35 pm »
It seems that a number of people are worried about the potential for guildhouse farming.  Essentially, a guild can only own a single guild home, but a guild of alts is just as entitled to a house as any other guild.  Moreover, the rules allow for guild members to form alt-guilds for the sole purpose of bidding on houses.

This might be a problem, or it might not be a problem.  I haven't made up my mind yet.  But rather than pollute another thread, I'm creating a new topic for discussion.


Wish list / Wish: Books that contradict eachother.
« on: December 15, 2008, 02:40:52 pm »
The books we have in game are written by people, and people don't always agree on everything.  I think it would be neat if books sometimes left you guessing.  I'd like to see books on science and religion that contract eachother, or even themselves.  I'd also like to see books that present different versions of the same historical events.  I think it would add a lot of interest to the game, and create a lot of possibilities for new books and political interests.  It would also add to the realism of the game.

General Discussion / When did we decide the game was too easy?
« on: December 12, 2008, 11:55:45 am »
People were maxing out, so we made maxing out harder.  People were traveling between cities too quickly, so we made the roads twice as long.

I'm wondering, was this something that was formally discussed and voted on?  Or did it just kind of "happen"?

(I saw "we" because it's a community project.)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Is this place less silly?
« on: December 11, 2008, 03:31:58 pm »
I remember this forum being much more active and much more silly.  It seems kind of quiet around here now.  Do I just have oldbie syndrome?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Sounds from space - literally.
« on: December 11, 2008, 02:41:17 pm »
Ok, they're really radio waves translated into sound, but they're eerie as anything.

Jupiter - This one I find to be especially beautiful.

Saturn - I don't like this one as much, but there's a lot happening in it.


Read more here:

It reminds me of the alien world you get sent to in Half Life, as well as old B science fiction films like Forbidden Planet.  If we had a death realm within the death realm, it would sound like this!

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