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Messages - Akkaido Kivikar

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 48
Hi everyone,

It's to do with the Sound Renderer. I had this problem at first too. If you are on Windows, find and download OpenAL (free sound library) and in PSLaunch select OpenAL.

Enjoy the game, I did for quite some time.

Complaint Department / Players need more rights.
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:16:53 am »
Players deserve the right to scrutinize, pass judgement on, and tell GMs who are abusing their position to get out of their face and leave them to play.

Eg: the infamous Lhaa vs. Ingles example. GM warns player for something they did that is not even against the policy, player tells the GM to get out of their face and leave them to play, GM kicks them from the server.

The rule that on the PlaneShift forums, players cannot post any threads about GM actions, resolutions, etc. should be revoked. There are a few reasons to this.

1) The thread can then be used by GMs to inform the community of the exact reasons why the player was banned, and the community can express their opinions, rather than having tensions bottled up and spilling into other threads. By posting the thread, the player consents to all information about them in relation to the GM action/situation being released. Only the player who was on the receiving end of the GM action/resolution may start a thread on the subject.

2) Having such discussions on the PlaneShift forums means it is less likely that it will spill over into the wider internet community. This means less potential players from places like, LinuxGameTome, etc. will be turned away by rumours of corrupt GMs, unfair bans/kicks, and so on. Isn't that a good thing?

Anyway, flame away. This isn't just to do with my brother's ban, I dealt with that by leaving the "team". This is about me voicing a complaint that players in PlaneShift deserve the above.

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:00:18 am »
It is easy to make up a story on what your intentions were after a ban is imposed. Funny that you stayed silent when in game you were ported to me (Would like to point out I was visible so no mistaking the fact I was a GM.) and I spoke to you, made my intentions clear and you never responded.

Plenty of time was given for you to respond, but as you did not, you left me no option but to ban you.

So a warning to you all; respond when a GM talks to you, and especially if he/she is visible.

It's called "being afk". Don't be such a tool. Not all players are at their keyboards the entire time they are logged in, and most players who aren't always at their keyboards haven't figured out the /away message thing, I certainly never did.

@Durgrem: It's an RP server, actions should immediately be considered IC. Oh, no wait, it isn't a role-play server anymore... they should probably write so to clarify.

But Kore Dsar is now open, allowing a massive military effort to reduce weapons and rogues in cities.... oh, whoops, it's empty. Bummer.

Anyway Illysia, any smart player can tell you that the only NPCs that tell you to sheath your weapons are in Hydlaa. The rule therefore only applies in Hydlaa. It's more to do with Hydlaa being the capital city of Yliakum, I think.

But since I'm not even a prospect, you can't trust my word on it.... heck, I'm even on PlaneShift's "blacklist" now. Or should I say, Talad's "blacklist".

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:57:59 pm »
@ Illysia: as long as I got my stats back eventually I'd be happy.

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:41:18 pm »

Or respond to a GM and get warned for it...doesn't really matter.

Quote from: GAME POLICY 01 - IC and OOC
OOC text is to be designated with (  ), [   ] or {   } as regular text comes from the mouth of your character ...
It is fine to make a short OOC comment in public in the way explained above, however if a longer OOC discussion is not avoidable either use /tell or else /group.
Nuff said, don't make it bigger than it is. (If this goes against GAME POLICY 09 I am sorry for the intrution.)

If you'd read the link you'd see that in fact the player in question was warned by the GM involved for no more than one line of [OOC], and to add to that, it was a typo correction. Then given a kick from the server when they said (sorry, I'm abridging the whole convo into one line) "I haven't done anything wrong, get out of my face and stop disturbing my gameplay." So Koios I'd say it's a fairly big issue for a GM to be acting in this way. It reminds me of bullying, corrupt police officers.

Here's the main issue for me. What Vakachehk did was not handled correctly. He proved it wasn't his INTENT to grief, therefore his actions were not griefing. He didn't intend to ruin other's gameplay experience. His role-play was simply not great or flawless. Theredore his actions were more of a misdemeanor, not a great OOC crime as the GM team would like you to believe.They're too busy trying to looks strong and united than to admit a ban was too stronger action on someone who was merely naive. At least one dev has said "They left their GH open, tough luck.", some others have suggested decent, workable solutions, logical solutions. But those who have the control have stuck to the guns. In fact, I know the one in charge who added more insult to the injury by saying the ban would be extended if his wishes weren't met.... he has friends in the guild that left their house open for a whole week. Favoritism?

As the dev offering logical solutions said, it'd be better for the ban to be lifted, apologies made, the items returned and the RP in question halted.

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:39:29 am »
Playing here is a privilege and not a right. GMs may seem heavy handed in any role playing venue because they can. Sadly but true, players can always be replaced.

- Nova

Playing on a role-playing server one would expect role-playing. In this case the ones who aren't role-players were sided with over the person who was. And the GMs say "If someone doesn't want to RP, they shouldn't have to". It's a ROLEPLAY server, isn't it? Isn't it?

@LigH: The problem is that the non-roleplaying crowd were given a server, but refused to move to it. And the "team" sided with them.

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 15, 2010, 12:32:43 am »
Perhaps you should ask Chessire which house she caught Vieg in then.

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 15, 2010, 12:11:58 am »
Well I can see how much you actually know about all of this. DOX was not one of the houses that was robbed. The Houses that were robbed were Order of Light, Wayward Kingdom and the Organization. and I have seen good RP from members of all those guilds.

Also since I am filling you in none of the guilds asked for a Ban. That was an action that came straight form the GM team and all the members of the GM team who expressed an opinion all supported a ban. The only real discussion was on the length of the ban.

Shows how much YOU know about it, I was watching his screen as he robbed DoX. Being a role-playing guild, they didn't cry to the GMs about it, and when they caught him in there, role-played a chase through Hydlaa.

Sorry, Sarva, you're WRONGEH.

So I guess that makes four GHs robbed then.

Complaint Department / haters gonna hate
« on: September 14, 2010, 08:43:22 pm »
DoX are of course the RP guild.

Why shouldn't RPers attempt guild level role-plays with non-role-playing guilds on a ROLE-PLAYING server? In fact, why are non-RP guilds (who even you admit don't role-play) allowed to stay on the role-playing server?

But hey, I'm disillusioned enough now. Back on topic. If you want a role-playing server, folks, there's Conquest of the Horde (fantastic role-play there by the way), or wait until TA is released, as that team has the integrity at least to not start a role-playing server unless they're prepared to adhere to the conventions and formulas of good role-playing.

Complaint Department / haters gonna hate
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:05:47 pm »
Let's examine the claims of RP in the case of the house thefts.   To justify the house thefts as RP the claim was made that the thief was hired by someone in Oja to make people feel less safe in Hydlaa so that they would want to come visit Oja more.  So after almost a month in RL what actions were taken by the thief to support this claim and make any kind ofRP out of this?  Were any posters posted in Hydlaa talking about the house thefts anything to the affect talking about how dangerous Hydlaa has become? No not that I know of and none that the thief could point out. Any IC  conversations between characters talking about the house thefts  and talking about how much safer other cities are? Again none that I know of and none claimed by the thief. In short after almost a month since the first robbery  can you point to a single act done by the thief to forward this so called RP other than to continue robbing houses? I know the thief was looking for a 4th house to rob since I followed him checking every GH door in Hydlaa and Gug as the first thing that happened after that character logged in.

One of the things I learned when I first started playing this game is that it is bad form to force your RP onto others. You should invite others into your RP if you have something you want to do that will have major affect on another player. I would say stealing items of great value ( be they of real value or just personal value) is something that has a major affect on lots of players.  In this case it seems this so called RP was forced on a lot of people with no invitation

1) If you leave a house open, you're inviting thieves in. The RP wasn't forced, it was invited by the guilds leaving their doors unlocked. It's not too hard to keep a door locked.

2) There was no IC posters, talking, etc., because the guilds who were robbed went crying to the GMs to get the banhammer laid down, rather than treating the offence as an IC offence. On a real role-playing server, they'd be told to suck it up, RP it out and see what happens.

3) Of course he was looking for a fourth house to rob, he was always looking for houses to rob. It's what house-thieves do. Simple solution: Keep your doors LOCKED if you don't want to be ROBBED. It's goddamn COMMON SENSE.

Leaving a GH door unlocked is as bad as unloading your platinum in the plaza and then logging out for an hour.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: I'm back! (again)
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:59:30 pm »
Yeah, standards have slipped and people who need standards (decent role-players) have all left.

Complaint Department / haters gonna hate
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:21:54 am »
but that one was a suicide move for Kore Irka Clan.

I'd long thrown in the towel there. People in PlaneShift don't role-play, there was nowhere near enough people interested in KIC or the Enki Alliance because they'd rather not role-play on a role-playing server.

The grade of role-play on PlaneShift's "role-play" server now matches the grade of role-play on WoW's official "roleplay" servers. A few talented individuals here and there, but overall, it's sh--.

No exploits were abused, the reason such an action was possible rests solely with the guilds who were robbed. And everyone thinks "Oh my God! We'll never see these items again!" which is also a load of bull. The character who stole them was a throwaway alt. Vakachehk had no problem with that character being brought to an untimely demise and in the process handing back the items. He didn't intend to keep the items for his own OOC benefit. He had no OOC use for those personal journals Sarva mentions as the source of so much "grief"...

Also, before a thief robs the house you left unlocked, he doesn't send you a quick cellphone text message saying "[Hey dude, your house is unlocked. Okay if I rob it? I'll give it all back later.]"

The fact is, the guilds involved (except one) don't give two flying sh--s about role-play. But they happily take up space on a role-playing server. And GMs back them over role-players. So PlaneShift isn't what it claims to be.

Complaint Department / haters gonna hate
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:42:29 am »
Because the people who lost their items, rather than roleplaying that they had lost their items and working IC to get them back, decided to OOCly complain and whinge to the GMs to find and ban the robber OOCly.

Complaint Department / haters gonna hate
« on: September 14, 2010, 12:27:12 am »
And through this amazing thing called ROLEPLAY, the stolen journals could have been returned.

It's pathetic and stupid to decide that when someone leaves their house unlocked, and their stuff gets stolen, that whoever robbed the place should be lynched. And anyone of the same star sign as him.

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