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Messages - Vornne

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Wish list / Re: New combat system
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:49:59 pm »
Sounds like you want to play Mount & Blade Warband, with the addition of magic ;)

That sort of combat system is great fun, but I wonder whether it would fit very well with the rest of PlaneShift; if you enjoy the fast paced player skill based aspect, where would the roleplaying part fit in? A lot of roleplayers seem to enjoy more choreographed fights rather than taking all possible advantage of the game mechanics...

It probably could be done, but I'd say it would be extremely difficult to implement, especially in a MMO. Most of the games with fast paced physics based combat run on servers with limited player slots.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Reach of weapons (PvP)
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:10:41 pm »
Bit of a thread necro sorry :P

I was just browsing through a few of the boards I don't normally visit, and saw this... don't know if the items are modified to use this yet on laanx, but the feature has been implemented for a long time; I remember testing it years ago.

General Discussion / Re: Pre-release of PlaneShift 0.5 and ChangeLog
« on: November 25, 2009, 05:57:15 pm »
OK, I asked Xordan what the story with rlcompat was, he said it was intentionally not included as it wouldn't work correctly... sorry for the confusion.

However, those that compile from source are free to try it out, just don't report graphics glitches unless you are sure they are there with unshadowed ;)

General Discussion / Re: Pre-release of PlaneShift 0.5 and ChangeLog
« on: November 24, 2009, 07:51:34 pm »
Well, still no information on debugging or other command line options :-(

The options are most easily set in pslaunch; the next easiest way is to set them in ~/.PlaneShift/planeshift.cfg, you can also use the "-cfgset=<key=val>" command line option, for example "-cfgset=PlaneShift.Graphics.Shaders=Medium".

To find out what the options are if pslaunch is not starting, you could look through src/pslaunch/pawslauncherwindow.cpp; you probably wanted to know these:
Code: [Select]
Engine.RenderManager.Default = crystalspace.rendermanager.unshadowed | crystalspace.rendermanager.rlcompat | crystalspace.rendermanager.shadow_pssm
Video.OpenGL.MultiSamples = 0 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 (anti aliasing)
Video.OpenGL.MultisampleFavorQuality = true | false
Video.OpenGL.TextureFilterAnisotropy = 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 (anisotropic filtering)
Video.OpenGL.TextureDownsample = 0 | 1 | 2 | 4
Video.OpenGL.TextureLODBias = floating point number - presets seem to be -0.1 (best quality) or 0.0 (fastest)
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object = true | false
PlaneShift.Graphics.Shaders = Highest | High | Medium | Low | Lowest
PlaneShift.Graphics.Shadows = true | false
PlaneShift.Graphics.EnableGrass = true | false
Planeshift.Loading.Cache = true | false
PlaneShift.Loading.BackgroundWorldLoading = true | false
ThreadManager.AlwaysRunNow = true | false

There are more, but that's probably all the relevant ones for now. Out of the rendermanagers, rlcompat is the basic compatibility version without a lot of the new features, it may give graphics artifacts but should generally be the fastest; unshadowed is the default,  should work well for most systems and supports probably all effects ps has; shadow_pssm is the slowest option with support for dynamic shadows.

Also, for those wanting to keep the old 0.4 settings separate, you could copy the ~/.PlaneShift directory to ~/.PlaneShift_test or something, then edit the "psclient" script in the 0.5 test directory with a text editor - change the
Code: [Select]
exec ./psclient.bin $@ line to
Code: [Select]
exec ./psclient.bin -cfgset=PlaneShift.UserConfigPath=/home/<your username>/.PlaneShift_test $@ replacing <your username> with the correct string. This will mean your screenshots, logs, setting changes, or whatever would be split between two directories so you might want to merge them later, or possibly just throw away the test stuff.

Development Team Blog / Re: Bug Drive!
« on: July 23, 2009, 08:11:01 pm »
Laanx dungeon exit is fixed \\o//

General Discussion / Re: Player again
« on: July 15, 2009, 01:08:28 am »
Ahh well, life happens... I think I understand by now, having been through times possibly a bit like it myself ;)

Thanks for the work you have put in over the years, a lot of which probably went unseen; I hope at least some of it was fun ;D Best wishes for whatever you decide to do, 'til next we meet...

Development Team Blog / Re: Those dark places...
« on: June 24, 2009, 03:59:40 pm »
In the development version torches light up everything, which is great in one way... on the other hand about 10 fires will bring the FPS to an unplayable number only in NPCroom1; might need a setting to turn dynamic lights off for the people without good graphics cards.

Development Deliberation / Re: How to up an server public and on.
« on: June 17, 2009, 07:32:13 pm »
I use a DNS aliasing service as well, but have never been able to connect from the same IP as the server; just use localhost for yourself and give out the name to others. In addition I can't connect to the local apache server or anything with it either, never bothered to look up the reason.

General Discussion / Re: PS License discussion
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:01:43 pm »
Finally, a point on PS builds: why have a debug vs. release build at all?  Most toolchains in use today have at least some capacity to generate debuggable optimized code...  :whistling:

Off topic a bit, but the reason I build with "--enable-debug" most of the time is so gdb (debugger) output is easy to understand... when I've compiled "optimised" the output has had quite a lot of missing information ("value optimised out"); which sometimes can be the missing piece of the puzzle when trying to track down a bug to its source. You are correct that debugging information and optimisations can be enabled separately; but for released clients it would just be a waste of space... and people that compile themselves, if they don't know what it is they don't need it.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:35:20 am »
Thank you :)

Vornne has cake and such...

Wish list / Re: Anti-magic Revisited
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:18:54 pm »
Sure it's a problem, but it will have to be adressed sooner or later (for bows and stuff like that). Besides, I think the server is already aware of the level geometry in order to do collisions between characters and objects, so if you can prevent a character from going through a wall, it is surely possible to prevent an arrow or a fireball to do so.

The collision detection isn't server side, it's client side at the moment. Server side collision detection is very tricky to get right if you want the game to be relatively free from the effects of 'lag'; you only have to run beside another player for a reasonable distance to see them sliding all over the place. The server currently leaves the clients to do the movement, but has an anti-cheat module which checks up periodically.

The separate 'npcclient' program which handles the AI (AS) of the NPCs on the other hand does load the maps and do collision detection, just in case anyone wondered. To be totally precise, the server does need and load the maps; but only on start up to figure out how the map portals connect.

Development Deliberation / Re: Getting Crystal Space up and running.
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:07:05 pm »
I'm guessing you are using a linux distribution, and the "./configure" step output something like "don't know how to create c++ executables"?

If the error is similar, you need to install development tools on your system; for example with ubuntu the command is something like "apt-get build-essential". As Mord said, following the compile guide up to and including the crystalspace part should work (select your distro in the dropdown box at the top if possible); if that fails, I idle in the irc channels mentioned.

Development Deliberation / Re: Version, and other settings.
« on: May 15, 2009, 08:35:24 pm »
For the window title, see src/common/util/pscssetup.h; but I think changing that will be the least of your worries :) there are a lot of other places in the code that refer to PlaneShift.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Some greetings after many months
« on: March 21, 2009, 07:30:09 pm »
Hey Ary :flowers: hope your job, family and all are going well for you, too ;)

General Discussion / Re: Mining
« on: February 24, 2009, 07:20:24 pm »
The inconsistency is probably because the server doesn't keep track of your exact position, all the time; only every time the client sends an update message - and the server checks that the position has changed, in WorkManager::SameProductionPosition:
Code: [Select]
actor->GetPosition(pos, sector);
return ((startPos - pos).SquaredNorm() < 1);
Code: [Select]
return x * x + y * y + z * z;
In other words, if the sum of the squared distances moved in each dimension is greater than or equal to one unit, you can mine :)

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