Author Topic: Dev Q&A July 25, 2021  (Read 505 times)


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Dev Q&A July 25, 2021
« on: July 25, 2021, 05:10:48 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Fliks says: just like small things we can jump very high
Damola has hided near one of the wings of Gova
Uadjet says: Jumping height remains the same, though distance is modified by your scale the same as running.
Fliks says: makes ence
Uadjet says: Talad is livestreaming at the moment on youtube and twitch, if you want to watch.
Gonger says: We should all join stream 500...
Uadjet says: Stream number 500 is coming up.
Uadjet says: What Gonger said.
Gonger says: Next week, I guess, since today it is 498.
Fliks says: yay
Uadjet says: We're at 498 today.
Damola thinks her collision box is still too large.
Gonger says: Uadjet vs Gonger (typing) 0-2
Swee clears his throat as he attempts to understand what was said and un-scramble his interpritation of what ever it was that was just spoken...
Uadjet grins. "Fair enough!"
Uadjet says: Talad's been working on another new village.
Fliks says: ooh
Damola says: Cool!
Uadjet says: Zwei made a stable for Amdeneir, and Talad's been adapting it for a different location and style.
Uadjet says: So new, wooden textures.
Damola looks to Uadjet "I am good to be my normal size again, please." she demands.
Fliks says: hmm i think this carpet is a bit too big for me
Uadjet says: The model is very interesting, as it's left unfinished with various modifiers applied so that it can be adjusted easily. Different sizes and styles are pretty easy, it seems.
>Damola Etedi grins at Fliks Clawrer impishly.
Swee claps twice, silently...
Fliks says: oh your big again
Damola says: Thanks, Uadjet.
Fliks says: im going to stay like this till the end of the event
Gonger says: Swee, this Dev Meeting is OOC, but you can stay IC if you wish, of course.
Damola smiles to Fliks "Yes, now I can hold you in my hands, Fliks."
Fliks says: nooo im too small to be kidnapped
Fliks says: too the hidy whole
Uadjet hands Damola a piece of upelkuchen, to bring her back to her normal size.
Damola says: Upelkuchen?
Damola thinks Uadjet has just invented a new fruit
Uadjet says: It's from the 2010(ish) Alice in Wonderland movie.
Damola says: Ah.
Swee says: [thanks Gonger, this character is difficult to be in character with]
Fliks peaks around the corner to see if its safe to come out
Uadjet says: The drink that makes you small is PIshalver.
Uadjet conjures a "The More You Know" rainbow over the stage.
Fliks says: ooh i need around 65 of both please
Damola grins
Uadjet says: But yes, a new village is on the way.
Swee says: cool, but we need mmore visiters to the new cities
Uadjet says: It's basically between the BD Fortress and Amdeneir. From Hydlaa, run to BDRoad2, turn left, and run for... two maps?
Damola says: Nice, but it will then be in next version or is it there already, Uadjet?
Damola says: Which race it is for mainly or it is mixed?
Uadjet says: It's not in PSU yet, I don't think.
Damola says: I see.
Uadjet says: I think mixed race. I saw one map with it labeled Ynnwn, but that was Zwei's best guesses and not canon.
Damola says: I see.
Uadjet says: I think Talad started on the new town for the stable, because there's a cow model that he's been turning into a Goujah.
Damola says: Nice.
Uadjet says: For those who don't know, the Goujah is a large, bovine creature that is used to haul goods and power the Winches.
Damola says: Talad, may come to the meeting.
Uadjet says: He's adapted a model, and even made a yoke for them.
Damola says: He just said so.
>Fliks Clawrer picked up a Candle
Uadjet says: Hi!
>Gonger Xaraha greets Talad Dev.
Damola says: Hi Talad.
Wildling says: Hello
>Damola Etedi bows to Talad Dev.
Fliks says: hello
Gonger says: We are all looking forward to stream 500. A great number!
>Fliks Clawrer greets Talad Dev.
Talad says: stream 500 is an important milestone!
>Fliks Clawrer greets Holesod Sacerey.
Fliks says: any plans for it
Uadjet says: I gave them a quick update on what you're doing. Well, part of it. I mentioned Homestead, the stable, and the goujahs.
Uadjet says: And the yoke, of course!
Uadjet says: Aaaaannnddddd...we're live!
Fliks says: ?
>Holesod Sacerey greets Fliks Clawrer.
Uadjet says: On youtube and twitch.
Fliks says: to youtube
Talad says: The main task at the moment is to make the new land usable and meaningful
Talad says: with "new land" I mean all the land between the cities and to their sides, which was previously blocked
Talad says: we actually had invisible walls to avoid players going there
Fliks says: oh i still go there
Damola grins "I did as well."
Talad says: now in PSUnreal we have that land available, and we want to be sure that's also meaningful with points of interest and villages
Talad says: there are three main parts to that task
Fliks says: yeah the world is going to be so much bigger (defently for me ;D)
Damola says: whoa, what a lag between Youtube stream and game. In game text Talad types is visible much earlier than in Youtube
Talad says: 1) to terraform the land, with hills, mountains, rocks, .... to make it look interesting
Talad says: 2) Add villages/buildings/ruins/trees.....
Talad says: 3) Add NPCs, monsters, cave entrances, quests
Talad says: i realized that the land to cover is quite large
Damola says: Ah, that explains it, yes, its about 20 seconds
Fliks says: yeah theres a 30 second delay betwen the person streamer and the person watching
Talad says: and this is why is taking time, but at the same time it's fun to make
Talad says: At the moment I terraformed the land to the west of Hydlaa, after the arena
Talad says: in the direction of admeneir
Talad says: added moutains, plains...
Talad says: and now I'm making a village name "Homestead"
Gonger says: Great work
Fliks says: sounds very coasy
Talad says: this village is mostly based on rivnaks and goujah
Talad says: there wqill be pens for those
Talad says: and also some other shops/tavern
Talad says: NPCs to be invented
Damola says: Nice!
Holesod says: Sounds great!
Talad says: I think one big part of UE release is exploration
Talad says: it will have for some parts the feeling of an "adventure game" old style
Damola says: Yeah, the outdoor area is much larger, but also Amdeneir is very much larger as well.
Holesod says: oh I definitely can appreciate that
Talad says: I want to maximize as much as possible the "roleplay" and the "exploration" part and not much the combat
Fliks says: ooh yeah i like the sound of that
Talad says: most RPG or MMO are basically action RPG
Damola says: I also do.
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Fliks Clawrer.
Damola says: Also it looks sooo much better with Unreal.
Talad says: and give more space tothe storyline
Talad says: in any case you will be able to play it as you want
Talad says: if you want to fight all day you still can
Talad says: I think we will push a bit more on the achivements side, integrating that part from MyPlane into the game directly
Damola giggles "Little Fliks in Youtube."
Fliks says: ooh yes id like that
Uadjet says: Speaking of achievements, we really need new ones for Quests and Events. Gonger is at 250 Events now, I think. That's not the type of achievements you meant, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
>Teleported Anysu Atani to meetingore in instance 345
Fliks says: heh
Gonger says: 251
Fliks says: when did anysu get here
Talad says: also the game hours, stops at 1000 now
Anysu says: Just now Fliks
Uadjet says: It's in the stream, and I'll post the log. Which I've forgotten to do lately. Oops.
Damola chuckles
Fliks says: oh
Anysu says: Thanks, Uadjet
Damola says: Little Fliks has always been this small.
>Anysu Atani salutes Talad Dev with respect.
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Fliks giggles
Talad says: I think we can have more types of achievements
Talad says: but yes also expand the ones we already have
Fliks says: yes i like the sound of that
Uadjet says: Hours played tops out at 2500, Quests at 300 (when players can do 400), and Events cap at 100.
Uadjet says: Achievements for participating in the automatically generated events would be great. And for finding the little secret locations you lot have been working on.
Uadjet says: Oh, Talad also built a castle.
Uadjet says: Should probably mention that.
Damola says: A castle?
Uadjet says: A rather large thing to forget.
Uadjet says: I mentioned the yoke, but not the castle.
Gonger says: Talad, how many hours does your day have? Or do you need no sleep?
Talad says: its a more than a castle , its a set of castle pieces which can be used to build fortified builds like towers, castles
Talad says: I already used that set to create two of those
Talad says: fortress like
Anysu says: Nice
Fliks says: ooh
Anysu says: Saw a bit of the castle streams.
Damola says: Maybe I find them in game when running around in PSUnreal.
Uadjet says: There are things that won't be shown in streams, as players are meant to find them in game.
Talad says: I try to optimize my day a lot, and do PS pretty much everytime I have free time
Uadjet says: There have to be some surprises!
Talad says: that's mostly evenings and weekends
Talad says: or vacations/holidays
Damola says: Yeah, I get that, I did not ask for location. Rather like to find myself.
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Uadjet.
Talad says: there are already some "secret" locations, but they do not contain anything at the moment
Talad says: bvut they will
Damola says: Oh, Uadjet, when do you plan next PSUnreal test event? After next Alpha release?
Uadjet says: Could be next weekend, actually.
Damola says: Hmmm, okay.
Uadjet says: Have to show you lot the space behind the Bronze Doors.
Holesod says: oooo
Damola says: There is a lot of space? You told there is some, but a lot?
Damola says: Nice.
Fliks says: ooh i hope you emjoy it :D
Uadjet says: Well, "you lot" refers to the players, but there is a good space back there. And the waterfall doesn't come from nowhere.
Damola says: Nice.
Talad says: we need people to test the PSUnreal version
Talad says: as we need to find bugs
Talad says: mainly the ones crashing the server
Talad says: last event there were crashes, but we couldnt reproduce those afterwards
Fliks says: if only i had a better PC i would find a ton og bugs :D
Damola says: During the first event the server crashed several times, Uadjet, when was this? It was often somewhat around a group teleport, wasn't it?
Talad says: so I couldnt fix those
Uadjet says: A group teleport did seem to crash the server. We can test that again.
Dentritus says: I crashed a lot when fighting
Damola says: However… when running around on my own in PSUnreal I had no crashes, so it was something specific to the event.
Uadjet says: I teleported individuall after that, but for large events of 20+ people that would get tedious.
Damola says: Maybe the server can store crash dumps during the event, I think events are a good test case for PSUnreal
Uadjet says: Add a "y" to the previous sentence. If you can't spot where it should go, just add it anywhere.
Uadjet says: My previous sentence, that is. Not Damola's.
Damola grins to Uadjet's statement
Holesod says: I already spotted it
Damola also has
Holesod says: but before I read it without noticing it.. heh
Damola says: It can happen to the best of us.
Gonger says: Humans are pretty good at correcting those small errors, which is why proof-reading is a true art.
Damola says: human brains are awesome.
Holesod says: I do that too... I can type and miss something...
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Damola Etedi.
Uadjet nods. "Very true. I heard about one study that found that people could figure out what words were supposed to be as long as the first and last letters were correct, and most of the correct letters were present somewhere in the middle."
Uadjet says: So you've heard about Homestead, and the castle pieces.
Damola says: yes.
Uadjet says: That would make Fort Dostin easier to make.
Fliks says: yup im watchinh Talads stream now
Damola says: Fort Dostin?
Talad says: its quite modular, so we can build different castle-like buildings
Uadjet says: It's a few sectors over. There's an area with two Bronze Doors in it, and iirc Fort Dostin makes a nice triangle with both of those. There's a war college near there too, I think.
Damola says: hmmm, okay
Talad says: we have towers, battlements, bastions, doors, stairs, round stairs, etc...
Uadjet says: The 'Meet the Vigesimi' books don't just talk about the NPCs, you know!
Holesod says: sounds incredible
Fliks says: ooh sound like it would be fun to explore
Uadjet says: Yeah, you can get really high walls and towers with those pieces, plus plenty of interior buildings.
Uadjet says: Ah, just checked. It's the battle college that forms a triangle with the two bronze doors, with Fort Dostin actually lying directly beween the two BD Fortresses.
Uadjet says: Any questions?
Uadjet says: If so, please step up to the lecterns.
Damola says: two BD Fortresses? I thought there would just be the one we know.
Uadjet says: Oh no! There are... seven.
Talad says: there are many yes
Damola says: Oh it seems I still do not know enough of the lore.
Talad says: but located around hte dome outer wall
Uadjet says: Each named after something else. So the Eagle Bronze Doors is just the only one near here.
Talad says: the problem is that the playable area will probably never reach them :)
Holesod says: I remembered reading about some of them in the 'Meet the Vigesimi' books
Fliks says: aw
Damola says: So in this level the Eagle Head is the one, or would there be another one in this upper level?
Uadjet says: We could just add one more sector on the Gug/Amdeneir side. That would add Listarindel, Quinterion (Dermorian), Araloth kel'Maren (Stonehammer), and the Pterosaur Brone Doors.
Uadjet says: All Bronze Doors are on this level.
Damola says: That would be nice, but also a huge lot of work!
Damola says: Ah, I see.
Uadjet says: It's just that the two octants we have available only have one between them.
Anysu says: 7 BD Fortresses!
Uadjet says: Yeah, seven!
Holesod says: sounds like a monumental undertaking
Uadjet says: And the pieces - including the massive doors themselves - weren't even made on the Dome.
Anysu says: wow
Uadjet says: They were made on The Forge, which is three levels down.
Holesod says: oh wow
Uadjet says: As were the Winches, iirc.
Uadjet says: It's amazing how much lore you come across when you're searching for event ideas.
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Uadjet.
Damola says: So you are not running out of ideas for events anytime soon, Uadjet?
Damola ponders "Hmmm, we are over an hour."
Damola says: Oh, I have one question:
Gonger says: Next week we go glyph hunting again, I think.
Uadjet says: I managed to get you all to spend two events picking up manure, so I'm not running out of ideas as long as I can amuse myself like that from time to time.
Damola says: Where did all the lore come from? Who had the idea with the lore? Talad, you? Who wrote all the lore?
Uadjet says: I do consider that to be one of my main achievements as a GM, by the way. :D
Damola says: Ah, glyph hunter again, nice!
Anysu says: Dang! I can't make glyph unter next week til an hour and half after it starts.
Uadjet says: Much like my greatest achievement as an uncle was teaching my nieces the song "Monster Mash" to scare away monsters.
Damola is for giving Uadjet some GM achievements badges like doing 200 events and so on
Damola says: Uadjet, did you count how many events you did?
Damola says: Oh, but what about my lore Q?
Damola says: Where did all the lore come from? Who had the idea with the lore? Talad, you? Who wrote all the lore?
Damola says: Just thought about this recently.
Uadjet says: Talad did a lot of it. He's great at world building.
Uadjet says: Other than that, I think a lot of people contributed.
Uadjet says: Most of it was in place before I even found the game.
Anysu says: Agree a badge to Uadjet for all the events down.
Anysu says: *done*
Talad says: The lore of the game has been created by so many people
Talad says: at different epochs
Gonger says: Yes, how many events did you run, Uadjet?
Uadjet says: We'd have to give the Devs achievements for number of bugs squashed.
Damola says: yeah
Talad says: I contributed a lot, but I cannot evaluate the overall %
Uadjet says: And achievements to tester for finding bugs. Especially bugs that crash the game.
Fliks says: oh no im stuck
Uadjet says: The highest achivement in finding bugs that crash the game would simply be called "Yorlak", I think.
Anysu says: Good to hear about any helped create the lore.
Anysu says: *many*
Uadjet says: We're well past the hour. Any questions?
Damola says: Uadjet, how many events did you run?
Damola says: But yeah, we are also way past the hour
Gonger says: He is too modest to answer, Damola :)
Damola grins "Maybe."
Damola says: Maybe he does not know anymore :)
Uadjet says: Errr... 7 as Uadjet, 23 as Aachey, and 210 as my Event character.
Damola says: Nice 240 in total!
Damola says: A lot!
Damola hands Uadjets a special badge with "240 events done for players to have fun in game!"
Damola hopes GM had also fun.
Uadjet says: Yeah, running events is fun.
Anysu nods in agreement with Damola
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Uadjet.
Uadjet says: I'll admit, my first one a a trainee GM was a bit tense.
Fliks says: id say running the event is the best part
Uadjet says: I was in place, waiting. Then a horde of players came racing around the corner and headed right towards me.
Uadjet says: Had a momentary urge to go invisible.
Damola says: Haha.
Fliks says: hahaha
Holesod laughs
Damola says: Well, nice to know.
Gonger says: What? I am ahead even of Uadjet?
Uadjet says: Emaline ran some, as did Sorka. And a few of mine were run of different characters for a few reason. Plus I participated in some as a player.
Anysu says: wow I have only did 151 events..thought it be more.
Damola says: Okay, time for me.
Uadjet says: Yeah, I think we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you again in two weeks!
Damola says: Thanks to all developers, to Talad, to Uadjet!
Fliks says: bye
Dentritus says: Thank you all
>Holesod Sacerey thanks Uadjet!
Damola says: And thank you to all players!
>Holesod Sacerey thanks Talad Dev!
Damola says: All together is PlaneShift and Yliakum.