Author Topic: Dev Q&A Apr 14th 2019  (Read 384 times)


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Dev Q&A Apr 14th 2019
« on: May 12, 2019, 06:25:59 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello, and welcome to the Developer Q&A! Here you can hear about the development of the game and ask the team whatever questions you might have.
Leeza says: Hello
Uadjet says: If you have any questions, please line up at the podiums just in front of the stage.
Migg says: Sturdy plant
Chaon says: sticky plant.. I got stuck
Uadjet says: Stuck in a tree? I think we've all been there.
Migg says: A bird in the bush
Abiexe says: ....Took me 30 mins to get out of that tree.
Uadjet says: Did you try /unstick ?
Chaon says: yeah, then I was stuck by the door
Abiexe says: Didn't know that exsisted untill later.
Chaon says: Any news on skill quests?
Uadjet says: You have a question?
Uadjet says: Oh, we're just talking about them now.
Uadjet says: Your question, Chaon?
Chaon says: I was wondering how things are going with the skill quests.
Chaon says: You were talking about a body development quest at one time.
Uadjet says: If it was the skill quest one, I know a music quest is being worked on, and I've got plans for the armor skill quests and the body development skill quest. They're a little too similar for my liking, but I suppose that's okay. Lockpicking is a bit harder, as there would need to be at least three quests, including two intro quests and a repeatable. Or two repeatables, depending on how a different quest is resolved.
Chaon says: Is there something we can do to help?
Uadjet says: Well, my initial plans (as I mentioned earlier) are a bit too 'impossible' so I've simplified the lockpicking repeatable. You have no idea how complex I was going to make it.
Chaon says: Thanks!!
Uadjet says: But the plan was to have two intro quests, of which you have to complete one. Some basic repeatable, then a quest where you have to pick one of two paths. Each path would then have its own repeatable.
Uadjet says: I don't need the part where you choose a path, so I only need to do the first three quests.
Uadjet says: Had to learn about medieval locks, which took a bit of googling.
Chaon says: You really put the research in this stuff.
Mordaan says: Choosing a path sounds doable. More work, but doable.
Uadjet says: My internet history looks odd.
Abiexe says: Sounds fun.
Chaon says: I like the fact that you research it all first.
Mordaan says: Government agents at your door odd? :)
Chaon says: Uadjet is using Tor
Uadjet says: Yeah, that part would work, but since locks and doors cannot be set to relock after a player opens them or passes through them the paths part isn't needed as badly.
Migg says: can lockpicking open doors too?
Mordaan says: Got it. Plans not supported by the engine. Happens all the time.
Uadjet says: In one week I had google searches for "making vodka", "lockpicking", "making a homemade lathe", and things about polearms.
Uadjet says: So I'm on a list somewhere.
Migg says: Hate to think of the adds Google throws at you nowdays...
Chaon says: Ust the tor browser and duckduck search engine.
Uadjet says: Ads?
Gonger says: So because of vodka, you had to pick your lock because the key would not fit, and later you used a lathe to make new lockpicks, and in the end smashed everything with a polearm?
Uadjet says: I treat ads like snakes: Stomp on them until they go away.
Migg says: yes, supposed to pick on your searches to serve you adds
Migg says: ads*
Uadjet says: I never see google ads.
Migg says: :D
Uadjet says: Ublock.
Migg says: Yes, iblock too
Uadjet says: But my expanded plans might work in UE4.
Damola uses uBlock Origin, best ad blocker, period (well except you like to dig even deeper and use uMatrix, maybe)
Uadjet says: Pick a door to get inside, or pick a chest to get the contents after which the chest resets.
Chaon says: Are door lock states tied to database fields?
Uadjet says: One day I hope to set you lot on little missions to retrieve items for either criminals or the Guard, but until then it'll be a bit simpler.
Chaon says: soundds cool
Uadjet says: Can't check on that door, but I know some doors will tell you that they can't be picked, which implies that others can.
Uadjet says: In theory.
Chaon says: yes
Chaon says: if it's tied to database fields a simple cron script could do a timed relock
Abiexe says: The guard will want us to lockpick them some food?
Gonger says: Cron will not work, cron needs a fixed time. You mean "at", maybe.
Uadjet says: The Guard would be wanting evidence, actually.
Chaon says: No just a script that relocks them if they are unlocked set to run every minute
Migg has yet to find a door that says it can be picked
Chaon says: simple sql stuff
Gonger says: Simple and sql are contradictory :)
Chaon says: maybe for some
Gonger says: Thank you, Chaon.
Gonger says: Any news about Talad? It has been a while since he did some stream, and joined the Dev Meeting. I hope there is nothing to worry about?
Chaon says: I looked at that feed yesterday. 7 min on combat
Uadjet says: The chest would also need an item to spawn within when it resets, which complicates matters. Or a respawning chest that works like treasure chests and always gives the item required.
Uadjet says: He's been chatting in Discord
Uadjet says: Was just talking to Zwei yesterday, actually.
Gonger says: So he is alive, at least :)
Uadjet says: Something about importing levels to ueart. And Zwei looking for Oja textures.
Uadjet says: Those might be the same thing.
Uadjet says: Seriously, when you lot started talking about 'cron' my only thought on the matter was: "That would be a good name for a barbarian." Seriously. That's all I got. Full stop.
Chaon says: It's like windows task scheduler
Uadjet says: Ah, thanks!
Abiexe says: Cron the barbarian!
Gonger says: And Conan's god is called Crom.
Chaon says: Cronnan the barbarian, my next alt
Uadjet says: But they're really making progress. Amdeneir looks amazing! They can fly around it and from the pictures Zwei posted it's going to be amazing!
Mordaan says: It does look good.
Migg says: and flying has been implemented?
Chaon says: Plus the maps are huge right?
Abiexe says: UE has some of the best graphics possible.
Mordaan says: I think flying from a camera point of view.
Migg says: One can hope, right?
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet says: Right up against the cliff where the Dome touches ground, so stalactites are very close, a little river, and enough new space that I think we only have 25 to 30 percent of the city available right now.
Uadjet says: And 'Cron' sounds like Conan trying to introduce himself after being hit in the mouth by a mastodon.
Chaon says: Time to implement another plague
Uadjet says: Yes, flying as a camera. Though I have bookmarked a link about making flying characters in UE4.
Abiexe says: This place needs some new doctors.
Damola would like a spell that allows her to fly, even if just for a minute at a time.
Chaon says: Azure way
Uadjet says: Well, the plague is a good way to explain why only two of six Dsars of Ojaveda are available. It used to be one!
Migg says: That's already in game Damola, it's called "flying off precipitous heights"
Uadjet says: I'm pestering the Devs with my thoughts on the matter, but I don't know if they'll do anything similar.
Abiexe says: Is fall damage even a thing?
Gonger says: Of course, you can die from a high fall.
Chaon says: Flight and stuck in tree should go together..
Abiexe says: There goes my plans.
Migg says: not if you get distracted and forget the impact of hitting the ground at high speed
Uadjet says: I was thinking multiple 'flight' spells. The first is more levitation or gliding (and slow fall), then the higher level spells would allow for greater height and speed. Klyros might get a bump up for each spell, so that it'll act as the next spell in the chain. The last spell would give them faster flight than other races.
Uadjet says: Oh yea.
Uadjet says: There's a gorge you can test that on.
Uadjet says: Or you can just use the windowless tower.
Abiexe says: ?
Chaon says: That tower always creeps me out
Gonger says: Or one day we introduce real racial boni, and then flying would be logical as an ability for klyros.
Migg says: I'd just fly off the Eagle fortress
Uadjet says: Or we could install a zipline there. Still kinda want that.
Damola smiles "And with those flying spells we can even see more inofficial places… muhahaarhar"
Abiexe says: It's weird how a elf can be as strong as a kran.
Gonger says: Soon (TM)
Chaon says: Hopefully UE4 won't be so broken.
Uadjet says: Any other questions?
Migg says: seems not?
Uadjet says: I'm not sure if they plan to look at rebalancing max stats. Starting stats are different, but we all max out at the same number.
Migg says: does sound weird I must agree
Uadjet says: Abiexe?
Abiexe says: Is it possible to make bases outside of cities?
Mordaan says: bases?
Mordaan says: Like a camp?
Uadjet says: It's generally frowned upon, as more items are just increased load on the server and the client. Plus other players can just come by and pick up your stuff.
Gonger says: Guilds can have guild houses, inside cities.
Uadjet says: There is the Explorer's Camp, which is huge buy kinda laggy.
Uadjet says: I blame the carrots.
Abiexe says: What about buying a house in the cities?
Migg says: could we introduce rabbits?
Chaon says: It's ultima online all over again.
Uadjet says: We don't have houses, just guildhouses. Different layouts, as only the Ojaveda-stype maps have small rooms.
Abiexe says: It just feels wierd playing a homeless character with all this money.
Uadjet says: Players tend to RP that they live in a guildhouse or rent a room at an inn.
Abiexe says: Also, how do I make a guild?
Damola says: Abiexe, you could join one of the guilds.
Mordaan says: I just ICly "claimed" a house. I just log into and out next to it. :)
Damola smiles "I can show you our guild house."
Gonger says: We have too many guilds already for the small player base, IMHO.
Gonger says: But it seems we have more new players those past few weeks.
Chaon says: How may guild houses are available now?
Migg says: Available or taken?
Chaon says: Available not taken.
Abiexe says: I don't know what each guild does.
Abiexe says: So, I cannot tell which one to join.
Gonger says: Abiexe, you need 20000 tria to found a guild, and the guilds needs at least 5 members in the first 10 minutes, if memory serves well.
Abiexe says: 5 members?
Gonger says: To learn about existing guilds, simply talk to some people about their guild.
Gonger says: Yes, you cannot run a guild on your own.
Uadjet says: And guild house prices are in the millions of tria.
Mordaan says: 10s of millions even
Damola says: Abiexe, you can RP with members of different guilds to find out about the guilds.
Abiexe says: I'm not that worried about prices.
Uadjet says: The economy is a bit wonky. Older players can have stupid amounts of tria.
Damola looks in her purse and nods
Rywanda smiles
Migg says: Well, I sure don't
Migg says: seems I picked the wrong profession
Uadjet says: Going to have to find a way to leech that out of the economy in UE4. Maybe decorative items that players can earn with quests and/or crafting or can just buy with tria.
Abiexe says: Well you have tia being generated by killing mobs.
Uadjet says: Not sure if anyone has passed a billion tria yet.
Chaon says: You could always make and sell claymores.
Gonger says: Not me :)
Migg says: Also, notice how Uadjet stopped holding a Mage Staff of Glimpse now we all have one?
Uadjet says: It tends to crash me when I teleport around a lot.
Uadjet says: It's the light on the ends that does it.
Abiexe says: How do I get one of those?
Migg says: Probably to do with the speed of light?
Chaon says: that's a mighty big flashlight you got there.
Uadjet says: If I teleport around a lot - expecially between instances of the same map - the shine reflected by the ground just keeps increasing. Next time I change maps or dequip the staff I'm 100% certain to crash.
Uadjet says: And these are occasionally given out at events.
Abiexe says: Who plans the events?
Uadjet says: There are three staves for each Way, so there's plenty of variety.
Uadjet says: I do.
Migg says: Ah, you break the rules of relativity, that's why you crash
Uadjet says: Yeah, that's happened.
Abiexe says: I rarely ever crash.
Gonger says: Any news about Emaline coming back for events? She connects sometimes during the week.
Uadjet says: Actually, yes. She's got a bit more free time lately. I can't give a date, but in the near future.
Uadjet says: I'll have to start writing down the event plots now!
Damola says: Nice.
Abiexe says: Is there any way players can share their ideas for a event.
Abiexe says: ?
Uadjet says: Sure, and if players want to run an event I'm quite happy to help! I can make events oficial and help with the setup and such, like locking items down and renaming things. I can also help with rewards, though I have to be cautious with those.
Abiexe says: Neat!
Chaon says: Wow
Chaon says: That's pretty cool.
Uadjet says: I should probably have announced that more often...
Uadjet says: But if you have an idea for an event, you can let me know the basic details and I'll let you know what is and isnt' possible.
Chaon says: Hehe maybe Stalfos could run one...
Abiexe says: I was thinking.
Uadjet says: I can even add it to the calendar for you if you like, so there will be a notice for other players.
Uadjet says: Stalfos would want one where he can put me in a cell for a change.
Chaon says: Yup, he sure is colorful.
Chaon says: boy if you tell him that he will go nuts.
Migg says: I know of just the place...
Abiexe says: Yeah he... talks a lot.
Chaon says: He's a good guy.
Abiexe says: Is there a special prize for the first player to get a billion tia?
Uadjet says: We get some unique character personalities in this game.
Uadjet says: A free visit to a therapist?
Chaon says: LOL
Abiexe says: How about a golden rod.
Uadjet says: But no, no prizes for things like that.
Uadjet says: Anything else?
Abiexe says: Not for now.
Chaon says: A moment of silence... No wait we just had one.
>Abiexe Aboxil takes a seat.
Uadjet says: Any other questions? Ask for, or for two weeks hold your peace!
Chaon says: Thanks for the events and the work on the quests.
Uadjet says: Gah! 'Ask now', not 'for'.
Migg says: ^
Migg says: ^^
Chaon says: And thanks to the dev team for the UE4 work
Damola says: Thanks.
Migg says: ^
Uadjet says: Okay, thank you all for coming to he meeting!
Abiexe says: Last one.
Uadjet says: I think we can call it, as we're past the hour and we seem to have run out of...yes?
Abiexe says: Why do dermorians look like little girls?
Uadjet says: They're elves. :p
Migg looks indignant
Uadjet says: But that's their general look.
Abiexe says: Thats all.
Abiexe says: Was just wondering.
Migg says: bye
Uadjet says: Of course I may have a different standard for what looks odd. I am used to playing a silicon-based spiky thing.
Uadjet says: But I think we can call the meeting complete. Thank you all for attending, and thanks for coming to the events!


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Re: Dev Q&A Apr 14th 2019
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2019, 11:56:55 pm »
Thank you for posting Uadjet! I will look into our options for flying in ue4.