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Messages - mkarr

Pages: [1]
Complaint Department / Excessive lag on server!!
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:03:28 am »
Can't anything be done about the excessive lag on the zeroping server. Sometimes it is so bad that it renders the game unplayable. It seems like everyone complains about it, but nothing is ever brought up about it. I would think that a problem like this should be addressed before anything. ::|

Server Status / EZPC down again?? June 18, 2011
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:27:39 am »
Is there a major problem with the EZPC server? This is the second time it's been down this week.

I'm no longer getting any experience points or practice points for crafting. It was just fine before the server went down for update now I'm getting nothing. Can anybody explain this?

If character development/advancement is such a wicked thing why not just get rid of the crafting system all together? Why not just make Yliakum one huge 3d chatroom. That way you wouldn't have to wipe out the PLers, you would get rid of them all in one update.

If they do wipe my character out it wouldn't bother me. Skill level is just a number, right?

on a note: I don't know where you got the "they" from, but there's exactly one person taking care of almost everything rules related atm

that put aside:
1) quenching/heating never should've given a quality change at all. it's never been like that and slipped in due to mysterious reasons.
2) making q300 hasn't been easy at any time either and you don't need a q300 helm at all... those aren't just *extraordinary*, they're *perfect*- unless you're a master, you shouldn't expect to get much of those...
3) you don't need q300 parts to make a q300 final product, after all it has a lot less influence than you may think (i.e. depending on your level, it may not make a difference at all)

So let me get this straight. The one attribute of the crafting system in this game that made it all somewhat worthwhile and semi-rewarding actually snuck in by accident?? And before you type out you're sarcastic reply, what is the point to a realistic game if all you get out of it is a colossal waste of time? Are you planning to pay people a salary to play your game or what?

I have spent 300+hours trying to raise my swordmaking level to the point that I can make enough tria to pay for training. With the last update superheating and dunking blades no longer has any effect on the quality of the blade (so not true to life) which effectively puts me back to square one. It just cost me almost 10000 tria to pay for level 50 blacksmith. With the recent update I am gonna have to work 5-6 hours a day,every day, just to pay for training to get to the next level. I know you're gonna say this is true to life and that this should be an accepted fact if I want to play the game, but do you really believe people are gonna want to invest 800+ hours in this game just to master a crafting skill?? And how is this true to life? Doctor's may have to spend this much time in advancing their skill but when was the last time you seen a doctor in line at the soup kitchen?????

Server Status / NPC status on EZPC server
« on: August 01, 2010, 09:56:09 am »
Does anyone know why the NPC's have been offline on the EZPC server and when they will be back up and online again??

Complaint Department / Re: Drakkur's Curse
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:15:27 pm »
Also it is not a skill having enough agility points to be able to escape from a failed attack!!!! If you have spent all those hours earning those agility points to get away and all those hours spent earning those points to be able to fight well then I guess you deserve to be successfull in this game. As it is tho, I don't think the reward justifies all the frustration.

Complaint Department / Re: Drakkur's Curse
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:40:19 pm »
One question. What level were you before they instituted drakkur's curse? 
this is false, actually knowing how to fight half decent is a skill, sword level and armor levels are skills, knowing when to back off from somthing, i guess can be considered a skill.
Knowing how to fight half decent is not a skil in this gamel!!!!  It takes hours and hours of mining and other repititous tasks to earn points to be able to train not to die.  Another words it is just some random equation in computer language to handicap players just starting out in this game. Just because someone figured out some shortcut on how to cheat??? It wasn't some NEWBIE that did that!!!!! With a little more effort I bet someone could figure out a better way.

Complaint Department / Drakkur's Curse
« on: March 20, 2010, 06:51:50 pm »
I'm not sure what the purpose is for this "curse" or why somebody thinks it is necessary for roleplay, but I think it just adds insult to injury, especially in the early stages. Case in point, while trying to fulfill a quest for rat hides one rat took me from 244 hps  to 0!!! Luckily I knew the way out of the death realm and I think that should be punishment enough.  I could understand if I was making some unwise choices. But there is no skill involved in doing battle and no way to stop the attack once it has started, so I was marked for death before I even started. Then I had to sit on my hands waiting for the next 15 minutes before I could resume my game?? This is like no other roleplaying game I have ever played. 

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