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Topics - Psignosis

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Hello fellow Planeshifters...

   A friend has accidentally moved the Ingame Toolbar off the screen and is unable to get it back (Windows XP).

   Anyone got any advice as to what I can do to get it back? ( Delete a config then which one? )

Help appreciated

Complaint Department / Downtime regarding Role Play vs Non-Roleplay Servers
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:36:53 am »
I have a Complaint.

( *puts frown face on* )

When I played Planeshift a while ago, as I had routinely every month or so out of enjoyment, I was told I had to ' Go to the other Server '. I was told of the new rules and that there's a Role Play Server and a Non-Role Play server. Well, even though it was a bit frustrating having to move across to the other server and start all over again, I understood the rules and thought sure. For my gaming pleasure, I really just wanted to play and do my own thing rather than end up being hastled all the time.

Now that Im playing on what appears to be an Official Non-Role-Play server, its constantly going down all the time. I've lost track over how many times I've dropped something on the ground or put it into a Furnace only to relogin and have it all vanished again. Usually, I just login the next day and everythings fine.

In this instance, the servers been down for at least 12 hours and according to the Stats on the ezpcusa page, its not the only time. There is a fair bit of downtime on this server ( not to mention the reboots and such ). Its a tad frustrating to sit down over Christmas to play a game only to find out your ping says, ' Failed '.

The thing is, I understand developers need a test box. The problem is one of thus...

1. IF this is a development / test machine thats designed for constant rebooting, downtime and such then is it wise to call it an 'official non-roleplay server'. Its almost like those who dont want to role play have been relegated to the 'bronx'. Thats discrimination. Its not that I dont like the atmosphere but when I play, I just get annoyed at the constant harrassing from GM's which just ruins the fun. Not to mention, Im not really a foreplay type of guy... personally, I'd rather just get into it.

2. IF the 'official non-roleplay server' is deemed to be unstable and Im told that I should play on the other server, then fine. I then attack the notion that everybody needs to foreplay. I dont want to foreplay. If I ended up on the main server then the GM's would be harrassing me every five minutes which drives me crazy. When I sit down to relax and play a comfortable game, the last thing I expect is to be abused for trivial things by GMs.

Now, to let you know how serious I am, Im going to do a frownie... here ---->    :@#\

Okay, there's my frownie. Now you know I mean business.

So take that... all you... people... yeah... and another... here ---> :@#\

Anyway... just something for consideration I suppose...

Server Status / Ez-Pcusa Down
« on: December 28, 2010, 06:12:59 am »
Its a server crash. Ooh no. Even the website ( ) is giving me 404's.

We're all gonna diiieeeee... its all over... everythings gonna turn to anarchy... white flashes are gonna fall from the sky and we're all gonna get sucked into spaceships and have our brains sucked out by aliens... *running around while waving hands frantically in the air*

The girls have raised there voices an Octave and are yelling, " What are we going to do? I cant handle the excitement... Save us... Oh save us our hero... "

Hmm... chippies...

General Discussion / Any Christmas surprises?
« on: November 15, 2010, 12:06:47 am »
Ooh Christmas so soon... Do us lowly game players get a PS Christmas present? Do we? Huh?

Like a PS Christmas release of new features? Abominable Santas to kill or Sleigh mounts to run to Oja?

Perhaps it decides to snow in Hydlaa or even an unexpectant encounter with the Grinch from the Winch (Oooerr...) ...

Perhaps Perhaps...

Linux Specific Issues / PackageKit
« on: May 06, 2010, 09:11:03 pm »
Im running Fedora 13 and was wondering if at any point, Planeshift will run its own Planeshift Repository so it becomes installable through the Add / Remove Packages section of the operating system (PackageKit) ?

Linux Specific Issues / Fedora 10 - Segmentation Fault
« on: December 10, 2008, 07:27:01 am »
Hmm... about a year onward, I try to Download and install Planeshift again...

Last time, I had graphics issues. Game worked but all 3d stuff was gone and only big transparent box's remained.

This time... its even more interesting...

[root@localhost Download]# ./PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x86.bin
Segmentation fault
[root@localhost Download]#

Im running a freshly installed Fedora 10 distro (x86).

I tried with and without root.

Anyway, Keep up the good work guys. I'll try again in another six months.

> The rest of PlaneShift development history is a winding down path of failure, filled with slow updates, numerous bugs, unprofessionally
> designed content (quests, levels etc), with quite a few developers, contributors and community figures leaving the project. The proof is
> in the game credits, forum history and the game (or shall I say "Beta") itself.

One of the most important things about having an open source project, is managing the people properly and giving everybody a fair go.

The fact that this guys post was locked down and stopped is another indication of retracting freedom of speech. Thats not very open in my view. He wasn't being offensive, he wasn't swearing or attacking anybody personally. He was shut down mostly because of political and indifference point of view. That is indication of, its open in so far as I like what you post open. It comes down to what I was saying in my previous post about the Decision making process being in the hands of a few.

I am really no longer sure why these forums have been setup. In my opinion, they where setup for constructive discussion which potentially could point to areas where Planeshift could be improved? Ideas, Suggestions etc? Weren't they not? THAT, or they're just an area to shut people up and give them something to do which gets them off everyones back. I don't really know. Though, I do question any suggestion through these forums ever getting heard.

Well, funny thing that. A discussion is being raised. If developers are leaving the project, decision makers aren't able to handle criticism without locking down posts/threads because it bruises there ego etc. In the best interests of the game and software's future, I do think this may be one of the reasons why such forums where setup in the first place? To discuss issues like this.

Why is it so or do I not have enough Freedom to be able to speak about such issues? Do I not have anybody's permission and is it easier to just lock this thread to save me from causing anymore trouble?

I've noticed that you guys have been looking for helpers for ages and not much has changed.

Why haven't you guys been able to find good developers and why have developers been leaving?

Its a fair question and one which deserves a better answer than, ' its a free project and nobody has the time '.

The previous poster seemed to have a reasonable concern, quite credible I thought which was locked away and shut off. The fact that there was no response to the answer other than, ' its a free game so shut up ' indicates a greater degree of credibility to the author.

If there is a problem with management and incentives for developers getting onboard and contributing, I'd think that quite a serious issue wouldn't you say? After all, this is supposed to be ... dare I say ... Open Source, where everybody is involved and contributing. Or am I gladly mistaken? There's a double-standard somewhere here. So anyway...

Why don't they stay? Is there a management problem? You can lock peoples posts so... you can answer the question.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Anyone know of any alternatives to planeshift?
« on: July 09, 2007, 11:09:04 am »
I've been an on and off player of Planeshift for ages. I remember eight people sitting around a single rat, and taking turns to earn experience. It was really funny actually.

I'm not speaking for everyone else's opinions but gamewise, the moment you start getting into the game you come across functionality that hasn't been programmed or designed. It kind of dampens your interest to a point. To make up for this, the game masters propose the concept of role play which is paramount to story telling. That is, sitting around and spouting make believe stories  and running around on made up quests etc. Um, and whilst I find this nice, looking back... the thought of role playing for the two years I've been involved in the project just makes me think, do I not have something better to do with my life? I hope so. That side of things really doesn't interest me all that much. I imagine there are those who do enjoy doing that!? Each to their own I guess.

The other aspect I find interesting about Planeshift (which I think some people have mentioned before) is the idea of watching the code grow. I've been a Linux GNOME follower for ages and find it fascinating watching the stages, reading the developers comments and learning about how everything comes together (good and bad). Just watching the GNOME project over the years has taught me so much about how a graphical desktop works, the bits which make it up etc. It also serves to be good media coverage for people being involved. It keeps people onside and focused on your game. In part, this is one of the reasons why I tend to occasionally come back to the planeshift project. I like watching the growth of Crystal Space, observing the Google Summer of Code projects, watching the new feature enhancements to the Gaming Engine and seeing how Planeshift has put this to use. I am aware that Planeshift has a rather large contribution to Crystal Space and as such, is quite an important project to this regard. I think it would seem a valid point to say that Crystal Space could potentially change the gaming scene for Linux in a very big way. ( Yeah, I'm a Linux nerd ). Planeshift is quite a unique project given that it is the first reasonable game to take advantage of this technology and grow this into the future. I find the relationship between the two software entities to be a really big deal for Linux. It really surprises me, that in order to encourage and assist other gaming projects to follow the same path, that this project is so hush hush and secret. I would think that there would be a greater motivation to be vocal about design decisions in the off chance, that other projects may adopt similiar design models. Sure!? Planeshift might suffer a little bit by people/players losing out on some mysterious interests (there are ways around that) but the greater picture would see growth for more game/crystal space developers. This project seems to be open source without really being open.

The problem is that things don't usually happen in a hurry with this project. Understandingly, game programmers / good artists etc are probably a harder skillset to find than ordinary database programmers but also, have to admit, the selection process does seem quite daunting if anyone did want to get involved? Development Tools? Development section and roadmap on the website? Above all this, we're not allowed to get involved in blogs or read about upcoming roadmaps, futures or whatever to the game (Talads rules to which I partially see the reasoning!?). If the development model is based on peoples contributions, then I'd really like to know how somebody's contribution gets turned into reality? Its not explicit when still, it comes down to a handful of people who make the final decision anyway. That has me totally confused. In fact, most of the interesting stuff which I love to read about is forbidden and kept as developers secrets. Yeah, thats to keep people in anticipation I guess, yada yada. So in effect, the decision process for everything is held in the hands of a few people who are really the only ones who know whats going on, who also are the only ones who make all the decisions. I dunno, I'm not an artist, but when I design a piece of software - I tend to see it as a form of art to some regard. I always see code as being open to alternative ways of doing things but anyway. The existing model does take away a lot of enjoyment and education preventing people from watching the project grow whilst making the project slightly closed off and biased to a democractic decision process. All it really allows is for people to log in and play occasionally, then log back on every month to see if a) the features have been implemented or, b) something new has happened in game or on the planeshift web site. Given Planeshift has an opportunity to be the first and highly remembered original Crystal Space Project (which I have no doubt that Crystal Space is going places), all it would take is for another project to come along, with community backing and an open model, and Planeshift would just fall into the background. I personally think its losing a valuable opportunity by containing everything for the sake of a little mystery.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw my two cents worth into the project.

Now, I don't want to be unsociable, but does anyone know of any other fairly good Crystal Space projects taking off? Or is Planeshift still really the only reasonable one at this time?

Wish list / Relogin feature
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:31:27 pm »
From time to time the server goes down and people are bumped off.

How about a relogin feature to log you back into the server again after a disconnect?

General Discussion / Can we craft stuff yet or just steel bars?
« on: July 17, 2006, 12:45:29 am »
Sorry to be a pest (wasn't able to see this question being asked before) but...

Is it actually possible for players in the new update to make weapons or are the features not up yet?

TALADs discussion implied that we should be able to per his irc discussion but everyone I seem to speak to tells me that its possible in the code but players aren't able to do it yet. Either way, its easier to ask than run around trying to find something thats not developed yet so, I figured I'd ask instead.

Wish list / Specialisation Titles
« on: May 04, 2006, 09:14:01 am »
My idea, which is only a simple one I do admit, is to have a title come up in the menu as to what your character actually is such as...

' Jester the Seasoned Dark Mage '

The idea is based on how Heroe's Quest labels its heroes essentially.

As you start working and developing on your skills, the computer automatically determines your top five skills and creates an official title for your character. That can be 'White Mage', 'Mage', 'Dark mage', 'Fighter', 'Barbarian', 'Amazon' etc. So instead of just being a character with a hundred skills all over the place, the computer gives you an official specialisation like ' Bob the White Mage '.

You can even develop further into this by having titles such as 'Novice', 'Amateur', 'Seasoned' and 'Experienced' etc. So you can have a title such as 'Bob the Novie Barbarian' or something as such.

I think whilst the idea is simple and not very dramatic compared to some things suggested, it'd be a nice touch to the game. I can see it making the game more fun. Particularly if your trying to beat yourself by improving your rank etc.

This was just a thought that occurred to me whilst I was playing the game.

Wish list / Job Noticeboard
« on: April 13, 2006, 09:44:42 pm »
Im not sure if anyone has mentioned this to date but through reading the list of suggestions, I had a thought on something which might be an idea to add. Im sure the idea could be tossed around a little.

Firstly, if you have multiple cities in Planeshift with different prices and economies, you could have a shop that buys and sells items between cities. In fact, you could somehow use that shop to offer quests so that if you courier the package to another city then you will be paid a small amount of money upon its delivery. These items could then be sold down to the individual shops and regulating prices within those cities.

The other idea is having an ingame noticeboard for jobs/quests/contracts where NPC\'s or Players can request others to do things. You could submit a request that if somebody makes you a sword then you will pay them $x ? If someone gives you 5 bars of gold, you\'ll pay them $x ? A player may come along and take the idea and then try to fulfill it. This allows players to create their own quests.

« on: July 26, 2005, 12:16:17 pm »
How about the ability of being able to drop a plant (mushroom) on the ground and have it grow into many more mushrooms whilst you wait? This could be part of a herbologists or alchemists job? The better your skill and the more mushrooms you drop on the floor, the more they grow and multiply.

You could rate certain plants harder to grow than others by making them take more time. Im not sure if anyones thought of this or if its been mentioned before but just an idea.

Wish list / Integrate update and setup into main game menu
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:24:02 pm »
Is there any particular reason why we have to run separate programs for the Updater and setup configs?

My idea is for these to be integrated? When I load the game, have it automatically check for new updates and possibly call the updater externally if there\'s need to update everything.

Also, have a settings option in loadup game menu so I can click on settings. You could possibly load it externally at that point.

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