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Topics - Galok

Pages: [1]
Server Status / In-game web cam
« on: July 24, 2013, 08:01:00 am »
I was hosting the in-game web cam (and server) from my office.

I had to close down for financial reasons.

Unfortunately the PS web site is now pointing at a non-existent web page.

It would be a good idea to remove the link to the old web cam server ( and replace it with a screen shot, with some text stating that the web cam is switched off (until someone comes up with an alternative).

Many have remarked (to me [over the years]): how they could do something similar with a simple script.

If anyone wants to have a go, I would be happy to offer advice or words of encouragement. You can find me on #planeshift

Galok's the name.

General Discussion / PlaneShift Kickstarter idea
« on: March 19, 2013, 06:31:08 am »
I would like to suggest it is time for PlaneShift to move to a new phase in it's development:
- KickStarter :: :: Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects.

What would any of us have to lose if the PS community put their heads together and come up with a KickStarter pitch to:

- Fund a release version of PlaneShift.
- Fund servers (hosting) and hardware for development.
- Fund permanent employment for a development team.
- Fund marketing.
- Fund production and sales of merchandise.
- Fund a business not just producing PlaneShift but other games too. You clearly have the skills.

PlaneShift can remain free if you like or free with premium but a full blown gaming development company could be formed, based on Talad's team's expertise.

This opportunity is new, because of KickStarter.


I was in the Court House Developer meeting yesterday. I asked if there would be any interest in a separate application for users who are not logged into PS to communicate with those in-game, via the Gossip channels. The idea was not slammed (if I understood the responses correctly) so here is my proposal.

Chat applet :: An external program for chatting directly to people in-game using PS Gossip channels.

  • PS MySQL server.
  • Apache Tomcat Application Server giving access to Servlets which get and set Gossip channel text on the PS MySQL server,
  • A Java applet, the external chat program, embedded on the PS web page.

An example of the applet is here and uses this architecture:

Based on this example, work required:
  • Create Servlets for getting and setting Gossip chat text.

To determine when new chat text has arrived the applet uses date time. It's possible the data and time of new Gossip chat text is not recorded on the PS MySQL server. This applet does all the getting and setting of text so dates and times are necessary.

  • A MySQL user will need to be set up with limited access to the PS MySQL database, for use by Tomcat.
  • An extra port would be opened (8084 or some such) so the applet can access Tomcat.
  • Small amount of configuration on Tomcat. Basically unzip Tomcat somewhere (with access to PS MySQL) and adjust some configuration files.
  • Java is required for Tomcat to work, either OpenJDK or Oracle Java.

  • Nothing is sent to my servers. All data transacts via the applet and the PS servers. The applet would reside on the PS Web server.
  • The example applet above shows a list of users. I assume a similar list is accessible from the PS MySQL server. For example: who is logged into Gossip channel/s
  • Would people be required to log in or like guests on the IRC channel, would they be allocated a temporary guest name.

Currently the applet allocates a temporary user name but the user can register and log in.

It's still possible to moderate temporary user names because the applet uses IP address (in addition to user names) to silence, kick and ban.

The applet retrieves the user's IP address for moderation purposes and writes various IP information to: ips

Field   Type      Null   Key   Default   Extra
ipStuff   varchar(100)   NO    PRI         Unknown

So this table would need to be created.

And a table called: bans

Field         Type       Null   Key   Default   Extra
userName      varchar(50)   NO       Unknown
channelName   varchar(50)   NO      NULL
banReason      varchar(250)   NO      Channel privacy has been switched on.
invitedUser      tinyint(1)   NO      0
canObserve      tinyint(1)   NO      0
userIP         varchar(50)   NO      Unknown
dateBanStarted   datetime   NO      NULL
id         int(11)      NO   PRI   NULL         auto_increment

  • When users start the chat applet their logged-on status is recorded: appletGossipUsers.

Field      Type       Null   Key   Default   Extra
userName   varchar(50)   NO   PRI    NULL
loggedIn   tinyint(1)   NO      0
pingTime   datetime   NO      NULL

When a user starts to use the applet their user name would be added here. When the user stops using the applet their user name is removed from this list.

The pingTime field is updated periodically by the applet. If that date-time exceeds a certain period, they are considered a Zombie, meaning the applet has not cleaned up properly. On my server I run a separate application: a Zombie manager

  • For each user there will be a bandwidth cost of around 0.3kb/second.
  • The applet allows /join so temporary channels can be created. Should these temporary channels also be available in game. PS allows other Gossip channels to be created right? The /join command could be limited to creating other PS Gossip channels.

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