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Topics - raline

Pages: [1]
Complaint Department / Lack of mobs which do mid-level damage
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:16:25 am »
My character seems to have reached a point where all monsters fall into two categories: ones that take half his hp or more in one hit and those that don't damage him at all. Combat would be much more engaging if there was some kind of monster that he did stand a chance of beating but didn't finish the fight with 100% hp every time.
There are also quite a few mobs which he can fight indefinitely as neither he nor the mob are able to damage each other. It always seems a bit weird to run away from a fight like that but there doesn't seem any other way of getting out of them once they're started.

Complaint Department / Jeyarp Grotemey thinks he's in the library
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:14:39 pm »
I will admit I've only just found out that the /tellnpc command actually works, so I'm probably playing with it more than is typical. If target Jeyarp Grotemey and tell him "Who are you" or "how are you?", his answers all indicate that he thinks he's in the library even when he is not.

Wish list / Per character shortcuts
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:04:00 pm »
Less of an issue now my original character is on hiatus. But it would be useful if shortcuts were per character instead of per client. Especially considering that different characters know different spells, and shortcuts are by far the most effective way to use magic.

Server Status / combat system down on Lanyx server
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:25:09 am »
No combat has been possible on the main server for at least an hour as of this post. Does it need restarting?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Cooking
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:01:52 am »
It's mentioned in the "letter from a friend" that you can take up cooking as a profession in Planeshift, and there are even a few quests you can do that seem to be leading to cooking. But I seem to have run out of quests in that line and still no sign of any ability to cook anything.
I have done every available quest from the 4 members of the food association in Hyldaa, and I'm stuck on the second quest in the "rats and recipies" line in Ojaveda because I can't get a trefang tooth (doesn't help that a trefang can kill me with 2 hits).
Does anyone know how to actually get started with cooking?
Once I find out (with or without help) I'd be happy to write a tutorial.

I'll describe the latest version of a fairly typical scenario: I'll approach a tefusangling and open its info window. The info will include the text "you judge that the tefusangling is about as strong as you". Then I cast all the defensive spells I know on myself before attacking it, but it still kills me before I've even cut down a quarter of its health.
I admit I might be doing something very wrong when it comes to fighting but I also think it's quite likely the server is over-estimating the amount of damage my character is capable of dealing and receiving.

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