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Messages - lucreciana

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PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Lets make PlaneShift Unreal
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:26:21 pm »
It sounds like this is a great way to get the game moving forward. I've been following for years but only just really got into it, but this has got me excited about the future.

I hope though it doesn't change the current upcoming features. I'm looking forward to brewing, would understand though if that took a back seat now.

Good luck with everything!

This is strange, because spell effects are off with shaders on lowest, as far as I remember.
I suggest you try the following: In the PS install directory, got to art/effects. There is a folder spells, try to rename it so these spell effects will not get loaded. With this, it is usually still possible to cast spells, but there are no visual effects.

I read this and decided to try again with lowest shaders setting, seems I may have crashed for another reason that time but it did stop it crashing due to the magic issue. With that said it looked pretty awful, so then I did the second thing you suggested. That has also fixed the issue but allowed me to keep the shaders up a bit higher and keep things looking good. Thank you so much for your help!

While I sincerely hope that you'll solve presto your issue, I also hope that you don't mind if I'll use someday (soon™) this unfortunate situation in one of my comic strips, since it's sadly humorous.
best wishes

I won't mind as long as you come back and post the link here so I can see it  :P

Hi there,

Not sure what information to provide to be helpful but to summarise my problem, when I cast magic or someone around me casts magic too quickly. i.e. when two spells are being rendered at the same time. My game crashes which is also freezing my entire system.

I've tried all sorts of graphics changes even playing with the game as ugly as it's possible to be. All having no effect.

I'm on Linux Ubuntu 14.04, 64bit. My processor is an AMD A8 and my graphics card is a Radeon HD 7640G.

If anyone could give me any ideas on how to fix this it would be much appreciated as my character is a mage... that can't do magic.

Thank you

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