Author Topic: Dev Q&A March 24th 2024  (Read 857 times)


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Dev Q&A March 24th 2024
« on: April 14, 2024, 02:26:34 pm »
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Tuathanach (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet (GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)
Gonger (PR)

(22:12:31) [chat] Uadjet:  Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A!
(22:12:49) [chat] Uadjet:  It's an OOC meeting where you get to here about the development of the game and ask any questions you might have.
(22:13:03) [chat] Uadjet:  It's a good place to get player feedback, so feel free to speak up.
(22:13:23) [chat] Uadjet:  If you have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
(22:13:31) [chat] >Zrak greets everyone.
(22:15:22) [chat] Uadjet:  As you all have no doubt noticed, we've had a new update to the game!
(22:15:37) [chat] Uadjet:  If you haven't noticed... How the heck did you get the game running on an old version?
(22:16:47) [chat] Uadjet:  Those who were at the event yesterday already know one part of the last update: Procedural dungeons!
(22:17:13) [chat] Uadjet:  Now, with a simple (well, 13 parameter if I don't use the window) command, I can spawn a random dungeon.
(22:17:14) [chat] Gonger:  Yeah, it was fun.
(22:17:38) [chat] Gonger:  I did not check, is the portal to the dungeon still active?
(22:18:17) [chat] Uadjet:  The dungeon will have been deleted on server crash, I think.
(22:18:27) [chat] Enarel:  i think talad put it back after the last update
(22:18:52) [chat] Uadjet:  Ah, no, it's active.
(22:18:56) [chat] Uadjet:  Good to know.
(22:19:06) [chat] >Anysu cheers happily!
(22:19:40) [chat] Uadjet:  I'll be able to build those for events, though I'll have to place actual treasure in them to make it worthwhile.
(22:20:02) [chat] Uadjet:  I can also set them up randomly, and maybe give hints to the portal location via NPC impersonation.
(22:21:00) [chat] Uadjet:  Talad has made improvements to crafting as well.
(22:21:28) [chat] Uadjet:  The crafting window now supports a search function, and it'll be easier to expand nodes than it was before.
(22:23:06) [chat] Uadjet:  He's also fixed the lava cave puzzle and quest, apparently. I haven't tested that myself, but it should be doable now.
(22:23:08) [chat] Gonger:  Are you sitting on a torch, Uadjet? That's how those weird shadows are created.
(22:23:46) [chat] Uadjet:  Heh, yeah. Items in my hands don't have slots to go into, so they go onto the ground between my feet.
(22:26:53) [chat] Uadjet:  Oh, and apparently you can now feed pets with stacks of items, not just one at a time.
(22:27:43) [chat] Anysu:  nice
(22:28:34) [chat] Gonger:  I will check out the crafting...
(22:28:42) [chat] Enarel:  the crafting changes are nice
(22:29:50) [chat] Enarel:  is the location of the first dungeon portal a secret?
(22:31:29) [chat] Gonger:  No.
(22:31:44) [chat] Gonger:  You know the small outpost behind the old tutorial area?
(22:32:02) [chat] Enarel:  yes
(22:32:06) [chat] Uadjet:  Just down the road a bit.
(22:32:09) [chat] Enarel:  okay
(22:32:19) [chat] Gonger:  Go through the small gate of the outpost, then look to your right, up the hill.
(22:32:28) [chat] Enarel:  okay, thank you
(22:33:06) [chat] Gonger:  Screenshot here:
(22:33:17) [chat] Enarel:  okay
(22:33:35) [chat] Enarel:  oh, monsters should be fighting better now with the last server update
(22:34:39) [chat] Uadjet:  There are quite a few other bug fixes, but those are the biggest bits of news.
(22:35:01) [chat] Uadjet:  Although just today Talad fixed the crash bugs that were causing issues at the event yesterday.
(22:35:13) [chat] Uadjet:  And he found the reason NPCs don't attack players.
(22:35:29) [chat] Uadjet:  So if you were relying on NPCs not fighting back, be careful out there. ;)
(22:37:55) [chat] Uadjet:  Any questions on any of that?
(22:38:08) [chat] Anysu:  Dungeon question
(22:38:25) [chat] >Lurielle greets everyone.
(22:38:58) [chat] >Zrak greets Lurielle.
(22:39:17) [chat] >Enarel waves at Lurielle
(22:39:30) [chat] Uadjet:  Anysu?
(22:39:46) [chat] Anysu:  Are they random when entered by a player. In that if I went into one and someone else went in behind me. We would both have different dungeons we apperar in or would we be in same one?
(22:40:59) [chat] Uadjet:  The dungeons are set when they're generated.
(22:41:17) [chat] Uadjet:  Different players can enter at different times, and they'll be in the same dungeon.
(22:41:43) [chat] Uadjet:  The dungeon won't change unless it's removed via server restart, or someone uses the /dungeon delete command.
(22:42:04) [chat] Uadjet:  So one player can be in there for hours, and be there to greet someone who just came in.
(22:42:46) [chat] Anysu:  Okay. And will there be a way to know if the npc monsters inside before a player enters would be too high for them to fight. ie low level player wonder into dungeon with higher level monsters then themselves.
(22:43:34) [chat] Uadjet:  There's no warning outside, no.
(22:43:57) [chat] Uadjet:  And the NPCs inside currently act as turrets, just staying in place and attacking with ranged magic attacks until killed.
(22:44:28) [chat] Anysu:  That is too bad for low levels who may wonder in and die...
(22:44:33) [chat] Enarel:  wonder if Talad could use portal colors to signify difficulty
(22:45:09) [chat] Anysu:  That is a good idea Enarel
(22:45:14) [chat] Uadjet:  Yeah, I like that.
(22:46:09) [chat] Anysu:  Because every level should be able to have access to a dungeon and have a chance to finish it.imo
(22:46:31) [chat] Anysu:  That is all
(22:46:34) [chat] Uadjet:  Currently there can only be one procedural dungeon at a time.
(22:47:01) [chat] Gonger:  I think those dungeons have a lot of potential.
(22:47:09) [chat] >Anysu nods at Gonger.
(22:47:48) [chat] Uadjet:  There's a "rare rooms" parameter that doesn't work yet, but once it is it should be great. Treasure rooms, temples, boss fights, etc.
(22:49:22) [chat] Uadjet:  Oh, here's a fix I missed: Targeting of spells on friendly creatures.
(22:49:47) [chat] Gova:  I noticed that. I was able to use healing flash normally, without workaround.
(22:50:03) [chat] Gonger:  That is a great fix!
(22:50:13) [chat] >Anysu nods at Gonger.
(22:50:27) [chat] Enarel:  yeah, and well timed for doing dungeons
(22:50:35) [chat] Anysu nods
(22:50:41) [chat] Uadjet nods.
(22:50:51) [chat] Uadjet:  That is an important one.
(22:54:17) [chat] Uadjet:  Hopefully we'll get the Observatory quests in soon. It's just a matter of getting the NPCs loaded (4 new ones), new quest items made (no new art, just new names and descriptions), and a few items placed. in the world. Once that's done, I'll go back to working on Essential Trail quests.
(22:57:24) [chat] Uadjet:  There's a lumbermill model that's free online, and I hope Talad will approve it. I tink it can be animated pretty easily, too.
(22:57:54) [chat] Anysu:  Neat
(22:58:39) [chat] Uadjet:  We've got a few mining quests, but we have few quests for the other parts of that faction.
(23:00:43) [chat] Uadjet:  That'll include fishing, farming, hunting, and lumberjacks.
(23:00:55) [chat] Uadjet:  I've got some quest ideas mapped out, and a few written.
(23:01:10) [chat] Uadjet:  That's what I was doing before I started work on the Observatory quests.
(23:02:04) [chat] Anysu:  Haven't tried fishing since made it to psu
(23:04:41) [chat] Uadjet:  It's different now.
(23:04:45) [chat] Uadjet:  You can't just fish anywhere.
(23:04:56) [chat] Uadjet:  You find a dock, and you fish from there.
(23:06:16) [chat] Uadjet:  Oh, that reminds me. I have to check the dock in Delver to see if there are fish  in that aquifer.
(23:06:21) [chat] Enarel:  it would be cool if fishing had a decent mini game but i realize that's a bit of a lift with the small team
(23:07:59) [chat] Uadjet:  I've got a lockpicking minigame on my to-do list, but I've just got a model of a lock (well, half a lock) and some basic textures for it.
(23:08:06) [chat] Uadjet:  I've never tried making it a mini-game.
(23:09:46) [chat] Enarel:  lockpicking mini game would be good too
(23:10:20) [chat] Uadjet:  Any other questions?
(23:10:45) [chat] Anysu:  Lockpickig practice now is on chest and crates and doors in dungeon as well.
(23:11:02) [chat] Uadjet:  But not on guildhouse doors anymore.
(23:11:20) [chat] Uadjet:  Talad gave me security level 30, so I can fix that on my own. :)
(23:11:34) [chat] Uadjet:  If you see any guildhouse doors that are pickable, let me know.
(23:12:24) [chat] Anysu:  Chets around world..not just dungeon I mean.
(23:13:45) [chat] Arireare:  before i go jumping into the nothingness for the third time, is the dungeon up by chance
(23:14:14) [chat] Uadjet:  One exists
(23:14:24) [chat] Arireare:  thanks Uadjet
(23:14:41) [chat] Uadjet:  I'm going to have fun now that I have access tot he /key command. :D
(23:15:01) [chat] Uadjet:  If there's nothing else...
(23:17:23) [chat] Anysu:  oh yes I will tell you of those pickable guild doors Uadjet.
(23:17:29) [chat] >Anysu grins impishly.
(23:17:35) [chat] Uadjet:  Heh, thanks!
(23:18:05) [chat] Uadjet:  In that case, I think we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you all again at the next meeting in two weeks.
(23:18:20) [chat] >Anysu grins at Uadjet impishly.
(23:18:21) [chat] Uadjet:  Until then, have fun playing and maybe try an event or two@
(23:18:32) [chat] >Zrak thanks everyone!
(23:18:53) [chat] Anysu:  Thanks for updates!!
(23:18:56) [chat] >Enarel waves at Uadjet
(23:19:00) [chat] >Anysu waves.
(23:19:23) [chat] >Anysu smiles at Anysu's Small Table
(23:19:23) [chat] Gonger:  Thank you. Good night. Do not forget to leave this room before logging off.