Author Topic: Blades and such.  (Read 882 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Blades and such.
« on: January 10, 2002, 10:46:03 pm »
Now this may not be set in mid-evil times but I am slamming down the door if this thing has uzis in it.

But yet another thing I think of is the Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named. There were different kinds of blades and such, which is fine by me (a little too many kinds though), but they were all bought at one store. The SWORD store. Now how redundent is that! Maybe not a lot, but its just ignorant.

Why not have special dwarven swords with dwarven writing on them speaking of the journeys this sword has gone threw. And another one, made by the elves, with a sheathe as beautiful as the stars, and the body of a dragon wrapping around the blade. Or perhaps an enchanted blade that glows purple when trolls are about.

We don\'t need sword SHOPS, maybe perhaps a little cart on the side of the rode selling swords that are not finely crafted, but still interesting.

There can be maces, double bladed axes, spears, bows or what have you. But we don\'t need a sword with +so and so stats because people would get rich and buy them. They need to be hidden in the dungeons of Gabria where you can strike your sword at the exact locationg to open the entrance or the guardian Mountain Troll will smash you to bits.

Please, I beg of you, don\'t let this be a stupid game with shops for exact things, make it exotic and wonderous!