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Topics - Daevaorn

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Conditional parts of character descriptions
« on: November 27, 2014, 03:33:32 am »
Hi, there. Not a strong wish per se, just sharing some sudden thoughts to get fellow player and developer feedback on it … :sorcerer:

I just had an idea for a feature that I'm assuming is not too complicated to realise, but of which I'm not sure if it has been proposed before. It might in all likelihood, but with a rough search I couldn't find any related post here.  :-[

What do you think of the possibility to mark certain parts of your character description with an easy syntax, to prevent it from being shown to everybody, but depending on the onlookers stats and skills?

Let me exemplify that with the following potential description:

Char: Lahm Hakuun - Nolthrir
This Nolthrir is rather on the small side. Even for his race he seems exceptionally thin and wiry.
{{Intelligence:200|You judge that this build could make him an agile fighter given some light weapons.}}
His clothing is plain and simple: Brown leather trousers and a whitish linen shirt, simple leather boots, worn by many miles of walking.
{{Knives & Daggers:50|Your experience with small blades allows you to notice a pair of knives hidden away in the shaft of the boots.}}
{{Charisma:200|You feel a distinct aura of Dweomer in your vis-à-vis.}}
{{Blue Way:100|Clearly you recognise the Blue aura that emanates from him. ‒ A fellow Blue Way mage.}}

That would mean that the marked parts are only visible if the person to whom the description is displayed has the given minimal stats or skills for each part. Assuming this should be fairly easy to implement as a parser-filter before display.

Of course one could think this even further: By allowing comparison of levels, you could also provide alternatives in the form of

{{Dark Way<30|If someone is easily impressed this guy could give them the creeps.}}
{{Dark Way >=30|Your progress on the Dark Way allows you to recognise another Dark Way mage in him.}}

Thus you could even hint towards certain perceptions possible with a higher level of a skill.
Even more flexible and possibly easier to use and implement would be the option of skill ranges:

{{Dark Way:0-29|If someone is easily impressed this guy could give them the creeps.}}
{{Dark Way:30-99|Your progress on the Dark Way allows you to recognise another Dark Way mage in him.}}
{{Dark Way:100-200|You perceive clearly of the Dark aura that surrounds this other Dark Way practitioner.}}

All in all I think this would be an asset that would improve the value of character descriptions two-fold:
  • Character descriptions could be even more elaborate and creative, while providing characters with only the information that is relevant to them. Overall size of "the read" would be reduced, as every individual would only get to read parts that concern them in some way.
  • The RP value of descriptions would be so much higher, with this targeted information. If people actually could learn something from the description that others don't know, it will make descriptions more exciting, more useful and thus used more frequently and intensively!

In-Game Roleplay Events / The last of the Kelpslingers
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:25:29 am »
When I last went to Gugrontid to see Gardr about some smithing lessons, I overheard a whispered conversation between some Eagle Gobbles at the lake. One said something about "Cousin ... found ... old, old letter ... ungobblish ... brought home. Village elder ... said ... cannot read well." and the other replies something like "Secret ... find ... what happened." That all left me really puzzled - mostly for the fact that they were so absorbed in their hissing exchange about some old secret that they entirely forgot to watch their surroundings and no one cried out at me for being "bad, bad" and an "enemy".

[An OOC remark directed at old and experienced players. Follow for fun but don't remove. Targetting them young'nes ;-)]

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Yliakum Quiz in Amdeneir
« on: August 17, 2011, 06:38:02 am »
The great Yliakum Quiz will soon take place in the arena or theatre of Amdeneir!

[ on Saturday, 20th of August 2011 21:00h UTC (23:00h CEST, 22:00h BST) ]

Everybody is invited to watch and participate. The topic of questions will be Yliakum - from the easy grand scale to the hardest, tiniest detail. Are you up for a challenge? There will be a fine selection of prizes to win in the quiz.

  • The quiz will have several rounds with two candidates playing against eachother.
  • Candidates for each round are selected from all participants who haven't played yet with an estimation question. The two best/closest answers (and earliest if multiple identical ones are given) get to play the round.
  • Both candidates will be presented with a series of questions consisting of introductory information and a final question.
  • Each candidate has one chance to answer the question at any time (even if he does not wait for all the information and the actual question).
  • For a correct answer a point will be awarded. If the answer is wrong the opponent is awarded a point and gains the chance to give the correct answer and thus gain another point.
  • The candidate to reach a total of 7 points first wins the game round.
  • Each winner of a round can select one item of the available (remaining) prizes.

[Be aware that with respect to sequence, chat messages are not reliably ordered. Something you say may appear earlier for you than for others with respect to other lines uttered. When it comes to the question of who answered first, only the hosts chat display will be relevant.]

If you would like to participate please register with the host beforehand [post a reply].

The game will end with a mystery treasure hunt for all to participate.

In-Game Roleplay Events / A Hidden Treasure
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:55:48 am »
Rumours say, documents have been found in several towns of the Dome hinting towards the location of a treasure.

[20 identical hints distributed. The hunt begins - now.  :devil:]

Complaint Department / The quality of GM and Dev service in PS
« on: July 16, 2010, 01:16:27 pm »
This post is slightly off-topic for the complaint department, but I still felt it was in the right place here.

After a server crash this afternoon my main, more than four year old character was
GONE. Just vanished.  :@#\

I left bite-marks in my keyboard  :o and sought help in the gmtalk IRC channel.  :'(

After having assured that I did not delete my beloved main character.  :woot:

weltall  :sorcerer: started a rescue operation, while Sarva :flowers: and Durgrem :detective:
found calming words, followed traces of the crime's victim and kept the close to
fainting pupeteer sedated with virtual beer.

Within the hour my character had been restored.  \\o//

I can only admire the commitment and the perfect, INSTANT support delivered!
And I am convinced that you never would get anything close to that fast and satisfying a
solution in a commercial game where you are a paying customer!


PS: I do not like every change made, but I think you guys are all doing a fab job and that
this should be stated more often than you getting complaints.

PlaneShift Mods / Classic PS Skin: "Default" V2
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:38:17 am »
Hi, folks.

If there are any other GUI-conservatives like myself around...
Since I don't really like (read: can't stand) the Elves skin, I recreated the old
Default skin by adapting its graphics to the new GUI system.  :sorcerer:

It is of course slightly different from the old stuff, due to technical requirements of the new system,
but I did my best to copy the look and feel of the "good ole times".

Most of the art work is under ABC license anyway and I just adapted it into the new form
but my additions (new tileable background texture, pattern and so on) are hereby released
under ABC license as well. I probably won't have the time to do regular updates and
maintenance on the thingy, but of course the devs are welcome to include the skin in
coming (current? - update?) releases.

 :beta: There are some inherent issues with the new system and the old graphics conflicting,
e.g. the accept icon partially disappearing behind panels in the trade window. But since it
was originally a project for private use only I couldn't be bothered to invest a lot of time
in trying to fix these minor details and recreate all the necessary graphics bits needed to do so.
Some fellow guild and alliance members thought it might be of use for others as well and so
I decided to "publish". However it is a lot better than using the old "default" skin that is still
included in the PS installation, where there are no window backgrounds and some other flaws.

Current versions for 0.6.1

EDIT (2013-02-13): Updated version and download links above.

General Discussion / Classification of Creatures
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:43:41 am »
I'd like to ask the settings department about a classification of the creatures of Yliakum.

The question arose when working on the categorization of creatures in the PSWiki in a discussion between Caarrie and me. The reason for the debate was how humanoid species like the Dergihr or Gobbles should be treated. "Semi-intelligent" species as the books say does not really fit them in my opinion since their role actually requires a lot more than that already.

Up to now the Wiki was using the following classification which are to be improved: Wild Animals (among them Dergihr and Gobbles), Domesticated Animals, and Malicious Characters (Cutthroaths ...) (see

But there are also other issues: How do the villains like Mercenaries and Thugs fit in? Are Maulbernauts a subspecies of Ulbernauts? ...

Maybe a member of the settings department also wants to have a look into the actual wiki pages, and add their two cents on the talk pages.

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