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Topics - Bnore

Pages: [1]
Wish list / your own Guild banners
« on: January 22, 2003, 11:40:38 am »
I would like to see a way where you could send you your guilds Logo so that you could have some guild banners and flags hangin around your house

General Discussion / idea the might world look like
« on: January 22, 2003, 11:05:12 am »
Well i have this idea that by the stuff i read this is about what the world would look like now please tell me if i am way off or if i am getting the idea here

Check out this site

ps sorry about the name lol should be idea the world might look like sorry about that

my though about the world

Wish list / Guild banking system
« on: January 21, 2003, 04:24:15 am »
I think that if they have a guild bank box it could help out with people wanting to join guilds.

Like say in a bank you have your normal bank box and a guild bank box.

In the guild bank box you could get your reward for your work.

Like if the guild works as a team and defeats some bad force and gets 100,000 gold then the guild leader could drop this money into a guild box which divides the money to guild members getting a % based on there guild rank. That would help fund guild members and promote team work and group questing....

Granted or negated Wishes / Types Of Mounts
« on: January 20, 2003, 08:08:09 am »
I would like to see some of the normal mounts like


and I want to see some new things like

Dragon = that lets you fly while riding it (draken style) you could fly from town to town and spit fire and have some air born fights.

Sea Horse = That lets you swim fast and see the ocean but you would have to breath underwater to ride.

Frog = How great would it be to hop into town on your own bull frog

If you have diffrent planes you can goto IE spirit plane as some people think there should be then make so mounts that can travel through them.

I also would like to be able to heal and revive my mounts and make a bond with them so that they follow my orders.

Wish list / idea about partying non guild teams
« on: January 20, 2003, 07:46:38 am »
Well if i meet a guy name man1 and someone named man2 we should be able to ally together to fight together

in this case you should see there HP and there health stat (stone,poision and so on) so you can heal eachother and that way your team works well together but you shouldn\'t share exp. If you all kill a monster thats worth 60 exp give yourself 20 exp man1 20exp and man2 20exp because the 3 of you killed it and with 3 people its easyer to kill then one so it should be 60 exp each. But if man1 and man2 kill something while i ran off to town for some heals then i shouldn\'t get exp because i wasn\'t there

The same kind of deal should go on when guild members party up. Just because your in a guild doesn\'t mean they all work together all the time so you should be able to party up with guild and non guild members

what do you all think?????

Wish list / One player changes the world
« on: January 20, 2003, 07:34:28 am »
I think it should be set so if say i found a cave and there was a big bad monster thats been trapped here for a long time that controled armys of the dead and i freed him then he could attack and try to take over the world

making it so my action changed the over all game storyline. So that each player feels more connected.

Or this big bad guy is killing towns and taking over if my guild killed him then the war is over that kind of events.

Making one person change the game storyline

Wish list / Player Government\Guild controled
« on: January 20, 2003, 07:30:43 am »
I would like to see the government controled by the players themself. You could have it so players could elect other players into government and they could set tax rates the cost of items and the types of items in town.

If you make a player government controled by guilds that would be cool to like say my guild takes control of a town and then my guild can set a tax rate (for money into a guild stash) and set all the normal government settings. Then you could have the guards of that town attack non guild members and guilds would war for town control.

But you would want to have the guild control set to smaller towns so that the main kindoms are set for storyline. But if a guild takes over a few towns then maybe the guild could take over large towns and even like the capitals of the world

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