Author Topic: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney  (Read 1724 times)


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[CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:03:50 am »
The First Starphire Tourney

(Organized by the House DeFaye)

Currently looking for:
 - Sponsors: does your guild want to sponsor the fighters? Do you have wares you can lend the fighters? The tourney needs sponsors!
 - Jousters: you have a rivnak, you have a lance, you have your armour and your shield. So what are you waiting for? Sign up! (squire required)
 - Squires: no jousters will be allowed to participate if they don't have a loyal squire to help them onwards to glory! We're looking for squires for hire in case a jouster couldn't find one. Besides, if your jouster is too weak to fight, it might be your chance for victory!
 - Judges: sensible, unbiased people are required in case a jouster decides to take the easy way up in the rankings. We're going to need them, definitely.


The Starphire Tourney is something new in Yliakum: it's a jousting tourney. Our team of erudites and mathematicians (namely, one friend who plays D&D) has come up with a fair, balanced way to calculate the prowess of the contestants. Based off a total of 150 attribute points, and disregarding any previous fighting eperience (let's remind the players that this jousting event hasn't been done before, to our knowledge), the jousters of the different races have been given different values:

There's also a series of modifiable variables, corresponding to the gear the contestant chose:
- Full plate: even though all fighters must wear a plate mail breastplate [even if it's just roleplay] (Klyros are an exception), they may choose to wear a full suit of armor, which will grant them a bonus of +20 STR.
- Mixed plate: the contestants may also choose to wear a mix of the breastplate and light or chainmail protection, granting them a bonus of +10 DEX and +1 SPD.
- Heavy shield: blue-steel shields and golden shields. Grants a bonus of +10 STR.
- Medium shield: valiant, war, and warrior shields. Grants a bonus of +5 STR and +5 DEX.
- Light shields: buckler shields. Grants a bonus of +10 DEX.

Note: Klyros can't benefit from the full plate bonus due to lore issues. Kran only benefit partially (+5 STR) from the full plate bonus, and partially  (+10 DEX) from the mixed plate bonus. This is due to balancing issues.

The mechanics for the jousts would consist of 3 rolls: First Blood, Breaking Lances, and Aftermath. Both contestants start with 100 HP (Hit Points).
• First blood: the squires will roll a 1d6 (1 SPD), 1d8 (2 SPD) or 1d10 (3+ SPD) to see  whose rivnak is faster. The one with the highest number hits first, unless they choose to defend, in which case they have to indicate so to the judge.
• Breaking Lances: both fighters charge against each other. The squires roll a dice with the DEX of their fighter. Higher number blocks the hit.
• Aftermath: if the hit is blocked, the damage dealt will be only 10% of STR value. If the hit isn't blocked, the damage dealt is 50% of STR value. To check for critical hits, both must roll a 1d6 dice: if they get a 6, the block is completely successful (0%), or the hit is completely successful (100%). If there's a tie, resort to original values.

At all points the contestants may retire from the joust, granting immediate victory to the other jouster. The jouster with less Hit Points at the end of Round 3 loses.

- Lord Foo, Nolthrir, wearing full plate and a valiant shield.
 Â· STR: 50+20+5 = 75
 Â· DEX: 100+5 = 105
 Â· SPD: 3

- Lady Bar, Ynnwn, wearing mixed plate and a buckler.
 Â· STR: 100 (no bonus) = 100
 Â· DEX: 50+10+10 = 70
 Â· SPD: 1+1 = 2

>Lord Foo rolls 1d10 for 10
>Lady Bar rolls 1d8 for 3
== Lord Foo attacks first ==

Both must now roll for block
>Lord Foo rolls 1d105 for 35
>Lady Bar rolls 1d70 for 55
== Lady Bar blocks Foo's hit ==

Both must now roll for crit
>Lord Foo rolls 1d6 for 1
>Lady Bar rolls 1d6 for 2
== Neither manage to land a critical hit/block ==
== Lady Bar blocks 10% of Foo's STR value: 7.5 (8 HP)

>Lord Foo: 100HP
>Lady Bar: 92HP

[In an interesting turn of events and after a couple of botched rolls, Lord Foo ended up biting the dust, and Lady Bar went on to the next round. Go girls!]

 - Lord Jocas DeFaye, of the House DeFaye. Sigil: two silver swords crossed over blue field. Squire: Jilerel
 - Anysu Atani. Sigil: green background, crossed by white diagonal line. On the right, a white Enkidukai head with green eyes. On the left, four shafts of wheat under a tan Enkidukai bow. Squire: Cormah
 - Kaerli Stronwylle, of the Dark Empire. Sigil: off-white background with black tower. Squire: Faicke

To apply, submit your application (how redundant) in this thread, stating the name by which people will know you (and probably root for), the house/guild you represent (if any), and your sigil. You must be able to wear heavy plate and a helmet, and bring your own claymore (jousting lance) and shield to the matches.

DATE NOT SET YET! I'll be talking to the GMs about this.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 12:43:30 pm by MishkaL1138 »

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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 06:48:29 am »
Excellent idea ! I am very curious to see that going on. :thumbup:

I noticed that the Stonehammers are missing from your race list, are they too small to make good jousters ?  :P


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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2015, 06:56:26 am »
I knew I was missing someone! Dang! :< I'll add them ASAP.

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[MARKET] The Starphire Fair
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2015, 04:45:31 pm »
And in a shameless bump of the original thread, we're proud to present:

The Starphire Fair!
(It even rhymes!)

A tourney isn't any good if there aren't places where merchants can sell their wares! And not only that, but also food! And wine! And mead! Everything good in this world!

So, we're currently looking for:
 - A smith shop to sell their weapons, as well as lend the gear for the jousters
 - A healer's tent, because there will be blood (most likely)
 - Herbal remedies (for the healer's tent)
 - Various stalls selling food!
 - Also stalls selling drinks!!
 - And some stalls selling diverse things: mementos, clothes, books, guild stalls to recruit people...

The goal is the following: have a festival like Ierefal, spanning over 2 days (hopefully, but it depends on the number of jousters to attend the tourney), where everyone can drink, eat, and be merry!

I'll also be posting a schedule of the festivities soon enough, probably to bump this thread shamelessly again, heh.

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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2015, 01:15:38 pm »
Awesome, I'm looking forward to it. The Empire will surely need a stall :D


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Re: The Starphire Tourney - Dates and schedules
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2015, 06:50:28 pm »
The Starphire Tourney
Dates and schedules

As you may see from the soon-to-be-in-game flyers, we have figured out the dates and schedules for the fair! They are as follows (excerpt from the in-game flyer):

> TREMAN 31st <
July 17
- Start of the Fair: 17:00 UTC
- Log throwing contest: 18:00 UTC
- First Bout of the Starphire Tourney (if there's enough jousters): 19:00 UTC
- Closure of the first day: whenever there's fewer than 2 players around, and they aren't me :P

> TREMAN 32nd <
July 18
- Start of the Fair: 17:00 UTC, or whenever the first player appears (that isn't me)
- Dressed Porg contest: 18:00 UTC (may be pushed back)
- Second (Or Only) Bout of the Starphire Tourney: 20:00 UTC (or later, even...)
- Closure, prizes, and final feast right after the tourney finishes and the bodies have been disposed of!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 11:16:55 am by MishkaL1138 »

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Re: The Starphire Tourney - Side contests
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2015, 07:36:41 pm »
The Starphire Tourney
Side contests

Caber toss!
Measure your strength and bruteness against other burly contestants! We've found the tallest, heaviest log we've found lying around, made it look somehow decent, and made sure it was heavier than holding a goujah in your arms!

Again, this is another dice-powered contest, since some roleplayers would end up flinging the log into the Azure Sun if left unattended... Here's the thing:

  • All races get their starting strength as indicated by the table from the first post
  • Depending on your occupation, you'll be assigned (or not) extra points
  • The occupations that will give bonus strength (+20) are: blacksmiths, miners, goujah handlers... basically anything that involves a great deal of strength, even if you're a sellsword or a fighter by trade
  • The activities that don't give a bonus are: jewelry, fishing, herbalism... basically anything that involves brains over brawn
  • If your character is considered to be extra dainty by the judges, you may get your strength cut by some points (-10). Scholars, I'm looking at you lot!
  • The judges' verdict can't be revoked

And here's the mechanics:
> The character will try to lift the log. For this, they must roll their strength three times (/roll 3 STR). If the result is higher than the base strength, they're able to lift the log.
> Next is checking that they're able to keep their balance. Roll their dexterity three times again (/roll 3 DEX), and proceed as said before.
> The next is how far do you manage to throw it.
     - The maximum distance is 40 [units] (meter, yard... whatever, I don't know what do we use in this game)
     - If your strength is between 50-100, multiply 1d20 for 1. For 101-150, multiply for 1.5. For 151-200, multiply for 2

== Practical example ==
> Foo, Kran, herbalist: STR=110, DEX=40, no bonus
> Bar, Demorian, smith: STR=60(80), DEX=90, +20 STR
> Norf, Stonehammer, scholar: STR=90(80), DEX=60, -10 STR

=Lifting the log=
> Foo rolls: 197 - can lift the log
> Bar rolls: 94 - can lift the log
> Norf rolls: 194 - can lift the log

=Balancing the log=
> Foo rolls: 86 - holds the log steady
> Bar rolls: 173 - holds the log steady
> Norf rolls: 58 - drops the log (probably crushing his toes) and is disqualified

=Throwing the log=
> Foo rolls: 4 x1.5 = 6u - Foo loses by 1u
> Bar rolls: 7 x1 = 7u - Bar wins the contest

Porg Dressing!
Are you an artist in the kitchen? Do you think food is eaten with your eyes first? Show us your prowess in the porg dressing contest! It's very simple: you'll be given a whole porg, and you will have to roast and dress it at your heart's desire! The judges will then evaluate presence (how well-looking is your porg), originality (if your idea is groundbreaking), and last but not least taste (if it tastes like goujah fur you probably won't win. Probably).

The cooks must submit a book (placed in front of the dressed porg) with an IC description of how it looks and how it has been cooked. The judges will read the books, discuss them, and give a verdict. Any poisoning attempts will get you disqualified, and probably jailed too!
Also there are rumors that the GMs will spawn actual porgs for you to dress! So bring your apples, carrots, leaves, everything!

I hope a lot of people decide to join in before the date, so I can start setting things up!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 01:38:28 pm by MishkaL1138 »

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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2015, 07:21:57 pm »
Joust application:

Anysu Atani.  Not representing a guild or house. Sigil(or would that be herald/coat of arms? Sigil is a magic symbol):
 Forest green shield shaped backround split by a white diagonal line.  Right half of
backround: Flat white enki head whose eyes are created by the green backround.
Each eye is encased in the loop of a single black figure eight on it's side. Above ears of head
in white are rippled white lines radiating upwards.  Left half of backround:  A tan enki
hunting bow. Below bow are four stylized shafts of wheat in a lighter tan than bow.
  Squire: None yet


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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2015, 02:28:29 pm »
I'll squire for you Anysu :D
I regret to announce that this is the end.

I bid you all a very fond farewell


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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2015, 10:44:35 pm »
Kaerli Stronwylle -- Dark Empire -- crest of the lone tower (standard Empire crest -- looks like a rook) -- tenative squire is Faicke Letenelere, but this may change depending on the set time/date.


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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2015, 10:52:27 pm »
MishkaL1138:  The sigil is wrong for Anysu. Under enki hunting bow are 4 styilized shafts of wheat.
Those are important, they are symbols for each member of her family.  And around
eyes of enki head is a figure eight on it's side.. each loop of that figure encircling an eye.

Wulfer: Thanks for squire offer. Not sure if that go over well with Mari. Do not want to get toasted. :sweatdrop:
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 10:57:17 pm by KayKay76 »


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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2015, 10:33:59 am »
Anysu: I have to keep it simple to make small logos for the matches. Also adding Wulfar as Anysu's squire for now and until further notice.

Kaerli: adding contestant. Also since you didn't say anything else I'll just go with an eggshell background with a rook on top

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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2015, 07:39:16 pm »
MishkaL1138: Instead of what you have with bow you could put: Left: Enki bow over Four
shafts of wheat.

That is only one extra word than you have now. You can write 'Enki' instead of 'Enkidukai.' Also, do not even have to use word 'tan'.
You could even write '4' instead 'four.' Or instead of sayiny 'on the right' or 'on the left'... just put 'Right' and 'Left.' Such alterations
would make that line shorter. All should fit.

Thus the whole thing would say:
 Green background, crossed by white diagonal line. Right: White Enki head with green eyes. Left: Enki bow over four shafts of wheat.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 07:43:34 pm by KayKay76 »

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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2015, 02:12:39 pm »
The porg–dressing and log–rolling have piqued Gedundk's interest.  Don't tell anyone, but kra will be providing the quicksilver.  Kra might even decide to spike the ale for that added festive kick (the bucket).
Gedundk Kokro, kran
Ailela Belair, nolthrir
Hwokmar Cmar, ynnwn


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Re: [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2015, 02:26:03 pm »
The porg–dressing and log–rolling have piqued Gedundk's interest.  Don't tell anyone, but kra will be providing the quicksilver.  Kra might even decide to spike the ale for that added festive kick (the bucket).
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