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Topics - Rolenun

Pages: [1]
All text looks like a UPC code. So far I've only see this occur on the Radeon 7200 series using Mesa 6.5.2. Picture is located here:
Solution: Font multitexturing has been broken, try the following:
Open up the file Planeshift3D/data/config/r3dopengl.cfg in a text editor, and find this line:
Video.OpenGL.FontCache.UseMultiTexturing = yes
and change yes to no.

For a more thorough listing of graphical glitches, please feel free to reference:

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Mac OSX Guides Now Available
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:39:46 pm »
With all the requests for a guide to be made, we've recently had a few volunteers willing to help create them!
The standard Mac OSX guide is here:
and for the morbidly curious....
The static Mac OSX guide is here:

The difference between them is the static guide is so the client can be run from a redistributable binary.

Happy building!

P.S. There is still a problem with sound reported by some. It has been noticed.  :)

Ran updater under the following conditions:
Windows XP + Planeshift 0.3.15 binary + 0.3.15b patch
Windows XP + Planeshift 0.3.15 binary

Both situations cause the updater to crash repeatedly. This crash has been confirmed by multiple people using XP.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Update versus Install
« on: February 24, 2006, 05:49:03 pm »
In the interest of encouraging people to use bittorrent instead of the server, does the full client download run its own updater on a pre-installed client or does it wipe the installation and force a new install?
This could also encourage more seeders if the option is available.

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