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Topics - Caarrie

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
The Hydlaa Plaza / Hiatus
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:15:21 pm »
I have been a part of this community for a long time, some people even remember that i had a char before i got gm and what her name was. But many of you know that I work very hard for this game, I think I even work a bit too hard at times. Well time has come that I am officially taking a break. I will not post on the forum expect for maybe in the testing board for the time being. I will officially stop helping people on irc, I will also officially stop helping any engine prospect with their tasks as i have in the past. I need a break from the game, i might still be around but dont ask me for help unless i offer it. I have been dealing with a lot in real life and the time has come that i need to learn how to relax and do what i need to for me and no one else, I dont know when i will be back fully but i will be sure to remember each and everyone of you that have been there for me in the good and the bad.


Mac OSX Specific Issues / [UPDATED: how to get the updater working]
« on: September 24, 2008, 03:18:28 pm »
This should no longer be needed due to a fixed installer but has valuable info that may help others in the future

1. run the installer to install PlaneShift
2. find the folder /Applications/PlaneShift in finder
3. Right click [control click] on the file updaterinfo.xml and go to "open with" open the file with "textedit"
4. find the line that reads
Code: [Select]
<config active="false">to
Code: [Select]
<config active="true"> then save the file
5. if you have 10.4 or 10.5 download , unzip put the updater in your ps folder and REPLACE the one that is there already.
if you are have 10.3.9 download , unzip put the updater in your ps folder and REPLACE the one that is there already.
6. run the updater, it does _not_ have a gui so you will see it bounce in the dock a few times as it updates, to track the progress you can open console and see what it is doing
7. Run your psclient and verify that it will let you ingame, if it does not due to not being updated repeat step 6 till it will let you in.

Linux Specific Issues / how to get the updater working
« on: September 24, 2008, 03:17:23 pm »
The following should no longer be needed but may help others with future issues

1. install PlaneShift like any other program with an installer
2. make sure premissions are set correctly
3. find the file updaterinfo.xml in your ps folder
4. open that file with any text editer
5. find the line that reads
Code: [Select]
<config active="false">to
Code: [Select]
<config active="true"> then save the file
6. run the updater, it may take a few times to update the full client, the updater at this time has no gui you can run it in console/terminal to view the status
7. run psclient and verify you can log into the game, if this fails try step 6 again

You may need to be root to edit the file if you did not set your permissions correctly

These Directions are for the LAST release 0.4.01 NOT what is now available on the download page 0.4.02, Current Release for PlaneShift is 0.4.03 the following is here to help others if they have issues in the future.
1. install  Planeshift like any other program
1.a if on Vista do _not_ install in program files folder
2. in windows explorer find the folder you just installed ps in
3. right click on updaterinfo.xml
4. go to open with
5. open with "wordpad"
6. find the line that reads
Code: [Select]
<config active="false">to
Code: [Select]
<config active="true"> then save the file
7. run the updater, it may take a few times to update the full client, the updater at this time has no gui.
8. run psclient and verify you can log into the game, if this fails try step 7 again

if you have issues with starting the game after running the updater from the cmd line [start run cmd]
Code: [Select]
"C:\your\path\to\where\ps\is\installed\psupdater.exe" -repair
1. install PlaneShift like any other program with an installer
2. make sure premissions are set correctly
3. find the file updaterinfo.xml in your ps folder
4. open that file with any text editer
5. find the line that reads
Code: [Select]
<config active="false">to
Code: [Select]
<config active="true"> then save the file
6. run the updater, it may take a few times to update the full client, the updater at this time has no gui you can run it in console/terminal to view the status
7. run psclient and verify you can log into the game, if this fails try step 6 again

You may need to be root to edit the file if you did not set your permissions correctly

if you have issues with starting the game after running the updater from terminal/console
Code: [Select]
./psupdater -repair


1. run the installer to install PlaneShift
2. find the folder /Applications/PlaneShift in finder
3. Right click [control click] on the file updaterinfo.xml and go to "open with" open the file with "textedit"
4. find the line that reads
Code: [Select]
<config active="false">to
Code: [Select]
<config active="true"> then save the file
5. if you have 10.4 or 10.5 download , unzip put the updater in your ps folder and REPLACE the one that is there already.
if you are have 10.3.9 download , unzip put the updater in your ps folder and REPLACE the one that is there already.
6. run the updater, it does _not_ have a gui so you will see it bounce in the dock a few times as it updates, to track the progress you can open console and see what it is doing
7. Run your psclient and verify that it will let you ingame, if it does not due to not being updated repeat step 6 till it will let you in.

if you have issues with starting the game after running the updater from terminal
start the terminal app from your Applications/utilities folder
Code: [Select]
cd /Applications/PlaneShift
./ -repair

Mac OSX Specific Issues / bored of your ps folder icon??
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:44:02 am »
I bet many of you want a quick EASY way to change your icon for the ps folder or any other folder on your mac
1. download
2. find the icon you want to use [for ps in the ps folder and then support folder]
3. drag that icon to the program it will convert it to the proper format make sure the icns file is checked, the default location the new file goes to is your desktop
4. open in the info window for the ps folder [command I]
5. drag the new icon to the old icon in the upper left corner

close the window and you now have a new icon just for ps or any other program ;)

PlaneShift Mods / new spell effects brought to you by planeshift3dmods
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:12:36 pm »
I have made a new effect [slightly modified] for Rock Armor.

you can view the change here

to apply this you need to override the existing rock_armor.eff in data/effects/spells with the following one

I will not host the art for effects i modify unless they are not under the ps license.

Forum and Website Discussions / how to search the forum and get results
« on: August 31, 2008, 08:50:36 am »
here is a quick video on how to use the search function of this forum

Come on people please search the forum. I would love in the morning to wake up and find there are almost no new posts as people decided to search the forum ;)

Please take a few moments and search the forum before making posts we have a search feature for a reason.

General Discussion / if you dont like items labels...
« on: August 28, 2008, 06:44:53 pm »
in options labels you can now set them always visible, visible on mouse, or invisible.

Please run the updater to get the new mac client. you can not connect to the official server with the old client.
If you run into issues with some keys and the mouse check

Yes the updater has no gui just run it as you have before. as far as i know there is no package to download for this update so follow the directions for the last client to update to get this one.

General Discussion / my inventory does not work ....
« on: August 28, 2008, 09:28:42 am »
If your inventory does not seem to work [cant click on items and other issues related]

open options go to mouse and make all options are set if they are not your mouse will fail to work correctly, you can also reset to default that will do the same.

General Discussion / to enable the new gamma correction
« on: August 28, 2008, 09:27:37 am »
in the 0.4.02 release go in options keys and select the proper keys for the brightness correction.

PlaneShift Mods / new gui mods brought to you by planeshift3dmods
« on: August 05, 2008, 08:19:47 am »
we have a new container window

We have a new inventory window

We have a new small inventory window

And last we have a new Skill/stat window

In order to use any of these mods click the link to the xml file, copy all that text and put in the correspoding xml file located in data/gui folder in your ps directory. All of these mods do work with all 3 default skins

to use any of these mods you need the client released in the updater as of august 4th

General Discussion / Testing team is RECRUITING
« on: August 03, 2008, 12:31:38 pm »
The Testing team is looking for new members. We are looking for those that have built planeshift from source, dont mind bugs and the ability to work well with others. If you have not built planeshift from source but would like to try, join #planeshift-build on freenode [irc] and ask for some help. We are in need of testers on Windows XP, Vista and Mac testers on Tiger or Leopard. If you are on linux/unix we can still use your help but right now we are more in need of testers on other os's. If you wish to help out or get more information you may look for Lanarel, Peeg, Vornne, Caarrie, ThomPhoenix, Mrokii, F-rd, Weltall, Ligh on irc or pm them on here on the forum. You must be able to build planeshift from source on your machine to be considered for the testing team. We are working on more and better ways to help with getting bugs fixed along with the dev team. If you have ideas and can build planeshift contact one of the team members to help out us and the game. You need atleast 4 hours a week or more to donate to the team and active testing and confirming of bugs. Lanarel is the team leader. Being on the testing team might not be an easy job but we are making progress in helping the game become better for the players.

General Discussion / slight update to bug tracker
« on: August 01, 2008, 12:50:03 pm »
The dokuwiki plugin was enabled in the tracker, this will affect current/existing and future bugs that are reported. please use the syntax when making comments and reports this will help to make sure that odd things dont happen.

if you do post a code sample on the tracker please use the <code> </code> tags so the formatting stays in place.

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