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General Discussion / Character lifespan
« on: October 19, 2012, 09:20:39 am »
I think about odd things from time to time. The various roleplay vs. character development issues that have plagued PS in particular have always had an odd fascination for me. Without getting into a huge philosophical discussion about permanent character death and lack of it causing stagnation of social development in MMOs, lets just say that we embrace the concept and theoretically implement it.

We first have to determine, I think, an age scale for the characters. Since time does not pass currently, age could be interpreted as a relative number of trips through the DR. Say 0-99. 1 would be oldest. 99 would be a child. 0 is dead. During character creation, various levels could be manipulated to give a character anywhere from a neophyte youngling to an experienced old character. But the number of trips through DR before permanent death was invoked would be reduced accordingly.

So a player could make an extremely overpowered character, but that character would only have a small number of DR trips. The most powerful character that could be made, would only have one DR trip left. The next death would be permanent. It seems that this would lead to players creating characters that were in the top ten percent. A trick would be to create characters that were just powerful enough, without onlly having a single DR trip left.

Perhaps to discourage that, characters in the top ten, or five, or three percent should have duels enabled automatically. Perhaps the scaling should be changed, maybe it should be 0-999 for DR trips. Maybe its a terrible idea all together. And it would definitely need some sort of public graveyard that recorded the permanently dead, and perhaps their deeds. But that discussion is for another time.

Who knows?

Wish list / Armor & Magic
« on: December 29, 2011, 04:03:30 am »
Should characters wearing Heavy Armor be disallowed from using magic? How about Medium Armor? This is a traditional distinction that balances fighter versus mage or clerics. Simply because PS is skill-based, rather than a class-based does not, IMHO, remove the need of class and skill balances. If it was up to me, I would have metal on the body interfere with glyphs, disallowing magic on any character wearing Medium or Heavy Armor.

The Hydlaa Plaza / The 15 Million Dollar Game
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:54:17 pm »
Never saw this site before, gives an estimated project cost for PlaneShift.

Estimated project cost: $15,743,745

Someone will get a chuckle out of it.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / psclient_static w/debug symbols
« on: July 03, 2011, 09:40:06 am »
I am able to run this, and I appear to obtain the same crash log information as running the release client.

Is there supposed to be additional information available about the crash? A different logfile, or command switch that I am not using?

Do you prefer if those long OS X crash log reports are posted here, or in the tracker?

Referencing the binary linked to in this thread:

try this

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Mac 0.5.5 Update - pslaunch
« on: December 15, 2010, 07:35:42 pm »
I had to finish the update manually as old pslaunch did not take care of new download. No problem for me, but It appears that it was supposed to unzip and finish the process, based on the errors in the system logfile. There were also a number of warnings and errors that may be related to my OS configuration. Let me know if you need anything further. Relevant lines from system log are posted below. Thank you!

10.5.8 / Intel Core 2 Duo

[you can kill this if you want, I put it on the tracker thanks]

A while back I had opened a report on the bug tracker indicating that, when mounted, my character was moving more slowly than if they were walking unmounted. The question came up about how much network lag I was experiencing. I checked, and the lag was notable. I confirmed this and the bug was closed. I just logged that character about 10 times over the last two weeks and each and every time, the network lag is preventing me from enjoying my mount. What I am honestly wondering is why it should be any different for a mounted character compared to the character simply running and shouldn't this really still be considered an open issue?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Warcraft Real ID Feature
« on: July 06, 2010, 08:42:30 pm »
Don't know if anyone has been paying attention to this. I am kind of interested in what everyone here thinks about this. The change amount to the fact that the user's real name will be used on their forums going forward. You have to register the account to your credit card and they intend to publish real names to the forum only. No more aliases. This is to cut down on trolling.

The first and most significant change is that in the near future, anyone posting or replying to a post on official Blizzard forums will be doing so using their Real ID -- that is, their real-life first and last name -- with the option to also display the name of their primary in-game character alongside it. These changes will go into effect on all StarCraft II forums with the launch of the new community site prior to the July 27 release of the game, with the World of Warcraft site and forums following suit near the launch of Cataclysm. The classic forums, including those for Diablo II and Warcraft III, will be moving to a new legacy forum section with the release of the StarCraft II community site and at that time will also transition to using Real ID for posting.

The official forums have always been a great place to discuss the latest info on our games, offer ideas and suggestions, and share experiences with other players -- however, the forums have also earned a reputation as a place where flame wars, trolling, and other unpleasantness run wild. Removing the veil of anonymity typical to online dialogue will contribute to a more positive forum environment, promote constructive conversations, and connect the Blizzard community in ways they haven’t been connected before. With this change, you’ll see blue posters (i.e. Blizzard employees) posting by their real first and last names on our forums as well.

The Hydlaa Plaza / The Quest
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:58:51 pm »
Currently playing iPhone game The Quest. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Worth the six bucks. Just FYI in case anyone is on iPhone or iPad and is looking for a good old school RPG, I recommend it highly.

Development Deliberation / PSServer OS X 10.5.8 1.3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
« on: November 30, 2009, 01:54:04 pm »
OS X 10.5.8   1.3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

The compling guide was fairly easy to follow. I encountered no errors during the entire process to the point of running the server. I simply get these errors below, and the server will not start.

WARNING: could not load plugin 'planeshift.database.mysql'
planeshift.application.server: No iDataConnection plugin!

MySQL database is running on the workstation. Port is open, admin utility can connect. Setup commands to MySQL were successful, all tables are present.

Status   Name   Latest   Binary
Current   mysql   5.0.27-1001   5.0.27-1001
Current   mysql-client   5.0.27-1001   5.0.27-1001
Current   mysql15-dev   5.0.27-1001   5.0.27-1001
Current   mysql15-shlibs   5.0.27-1001   5.0.27-1001

I have checked settings and made sure various components were present numerous times. I have done the following numerous times after checking settings and verifying that the 15 dev packages were installed. I have gotten no significant errors during this process, some deprecation messages were all I believe.

./configure --with-cal3d=$HOME/development/cal3d
jam -aq server

I have tried setting it from localhost, to, to (verfied local IP). I have connected to the database with utilities and it works fine with the MySQL Admin tool.


I am a bit stumped. There are, of course the two commands for exporting these paths, which work just fine:

export PATH=$PATH:/sw/bin/
export CRYSTAL=$HOME/development/cs

Is there a path that needs to be exported to point the server to the MySQL location? Or perhaps a path that should have been set during the MySQL installation, that could be causing it not to see the database?

Thanks for any feedback!

General Discussion / Laanx Database Reset
« on: November 07, 2009, 06:21:06 pm »;topicseen#msg412169

Proper reporting features or strategies need to be in place before a reset is done. The reset needs to not be treated as "The Reset", but as "a reset". In order to gain useful information about the world for purposes of balancing the game, then the reset should be done, and then redone at a specific date in the future. This might need to happen a couple of times over a year, or over a couple of years.

Accounts and characters. It seems that the basic functionality of account and character management works well. It may be that deleting all accounts and their associated characters will produce a situation where the server is basically paralyzed for a certain amount of time while many people re-create their accounts and characters. But doing so might give valuable information on the capacity and capability of the server itself. If this is done, then it needs to apply to player and GM characters, no exceptions.

Money. Due to past exploits, it is advisable to reset all money in the world to zero. But doing this without determining an overall strategy for managing the economy of the world as a whole would be pointless, as it might simply start building again and no knowledge would be gained. In order for this to be beneficial, there needs to be a way for the team to get report data on where money comes from, goes to, how it is hoarded, how it disappears from the world, et cetera. This would probably necessitate the addition of features to allow for comprehensive high-level understanding of the economy, unless they already exist. Player and GM characters, no exceptions.

Reset all inventories to zero with no exceptions. I am definitely including items like "Rings of the Past" and all quest related items. All items, no exceptions. Past and/or current duplication exploits make this a critical issue. Once again, if there is no way to see and track item generation, usage and consumption, then it would be best to put in those features before doing the reset. Player and GM characters, no exceptions.

Quests. All quests information reset for all characters. No exceptions. Player and GM characters, no exceptions. Functionality for reporting on quest usage needs to be in place prior to doing the reset.

Skills and stats. All accounts need to be cycled through, resetting their skills and stats to the base values for the race. Player and GM characters, no exceptions. Functionality to report on skill progression needs to be in place prior to doing the reset otherwise valuable information relating to how to balance the game will be lost.

Guilds. All guilds need to be reset. All guilds, no exceptions. The number of guilds that were created with past exploits has made this a necessity. The threshold for guild creation should also be raised.

Mobs and spawns. The number of mobs needs to be increased so that there are many more available after the reset. The scarcity of mobs in the world creates a nearly cruel situation for the players. This will also increase the amount of feedback that can then be used in considerations for balancing the game.

GM powers and rewards. The ability for GM characters to create money, items, raise skills and alter stats should be removed completely until after a period of information gathering and should only be enabled after the goals of the reset have been achieved.

Discuss amongst yourselves and flame me as much as you like. It is time to set some professional standards for the evolution of this game and get serious about things. You will not lose any players, and no amount of griping and complaining should have any bearing on the decisions of the development team. This is either the greatest project ever, or the biggest joke of an MMORPG in the world. Make the game balanced and fair and your project will live within the hallowed and empryean halls of game software until the end of time. But there is no point to resetting the database unless we are serious about goals and methods.

EDIT: I changed the last "you" to "we" as I honestly love this project as many others do. But I find it near impossible to play regularly these days because of a number of conditions that are basically intimated in my points above. I thank you.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Darkfall Phail!
« on: July 17, 2009, 10:23:01 pm »
Apparently, having a ton of "professional" devs doesn't have anything to do with making a good game. Now, this has become something of a fecal storm in the Darkfall community and Eurogamer has commissioned a second review, but Eurogamers editors are standing by their first writer and refusing to remove this review.

Sadly, every little thing Darkfall does is tragic, but without a personality that might make you feel sorry for its developers, Aventurine. From the grubby textures and grammatically incorrect quest text to the anarchic control system, any attempt to glean joy from this torrid husk of an entertainment product is met with disdain. It's almost as if Darkfall doesn't want you to play

PlaneShift may not be finished, the NPCs may go down often, the skill and magic system is unbalanced and incomplete... but the working vision for this game as finished reads like an enlightened blueprint for everything that should be avoided when creating an MMO. Take your time, make your game. A ton of money and commercial resources has NOTHING to do with the ability to produce a good game that many will enjoy for a long time.

Here's the MetaFilter entry as well, in case you feel like reading...

General Discussion / New PS Review
« on: June 03, 2009, 04:49:31 pm »

Also, a different aspect that comes to mind is the ability to define your character pre-story. You can select who your parents were, what you did in your childhood, which deity you worship, how you were born and so forth. All of these then influence your starting attributes and abilities. In my opinion, a very nice extra that should be implemented into other games as well.

A very interesting feature is the ability to actually chat with NPCs. You could, for instance, say "Give me a quest!" and the NPC will gladly reply asking you to get him his breakfast. The chat-with-NPCs system even allows you to make choices and discuss different topics. Very nice implementation that has quite a bit of potential to it.

I pulled the quotes above from one of the added reviews nested under the main review. The main review displays a serious lack of understanding of how the project is structured and how the game itself works. The complaints basically fall into the "not enough graphics/functionality content" category as they usually do, coming from players who are used to getting their every whim catered to.

But there is a  pattern to the positive comments, and I thought the two above were interesting. So that popped up on a google today and looked like a recent review, so I thought I would post it here. FYI.

I checked the date on the review and it is actually an older review, but something changed in the google rankings and it came up at the top for some keywords I check on a regular basis. Google must be making changes internally. Sorry for that...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Tanoth, browser-based RPG
« on: May 21, 2009, 07:17:21 pm »
Nice consistent feel and setting. Interesting way of handling quests. Its kind of growing on me.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Interesting link... RP-related
« on: May 21, 2009, 04:07:51 pm »
The roleplaying guides on an old MUD. Interesting reading...

Forum and Website Discussions / Server status indicator
« on: May 10, 2009, 02:14:23 pm » has a server status indicator on the top of it. Doesn't seem to be on the other pages. Soon, eh?

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