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Topics - Jekkar

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Rinenud: You can now be at rest
« on: June 21, 2011, 10:57:53 am »
I am saddened to report that whilst typing a R.I.P thread for Parallo earlier this day, Rinenud, our long time friend and Planeshift fellow passed away.
Police found the cold corpse earlier in the morning, with wet pants and a smile on his face. It appears that Rinenud was taken from us by a heart-attack. One can only presume the cause of this, but what is known is that Rinenud was a heavy smoker, as well as a heavy drinker.
The residue found in his underwear were examined and found to be of himself.

I am happy to know my friend passed away with a smile on his face, and he will surely be in heaven now. I am also sure he's happy I got Parallo's sister's phone number in the end and know that he will look down from the heavens on me with a smile-lit face.

Good night, sweet prince.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A request by a friend
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:15:32 am »
"Please post something funny, so we can start a goodly, heartwarming thread, full of mirth and wonder." - Rinenud.

The Hydlaa Plaza / The Book Thread
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:49:10 pm »
Let's talk literature.

What are your favourite books and why? Tell us why you've become attached to them and what attracts you in literature.
I'm a classics fan myself, with Heart of Darkness being on the top of my list. it somehow manages to capture the exact things I'm looking for, as I generally go for dark, realistic literature.

There's the Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin, which I must have gone through a dozen times now, as well as falling asleep to the audiobook versions. For those unfamiliar with the series; there's an upcoming TV adaptation produced by HBO scheduled to air in April.

I've recently begun to read Dante's Comedy, starting with the Inferno. I liked the prose translation I've read while not even getting most of what is being said (Dante's focus is on medieval Florentine politics of his time). Though I've been listening to some audio lectures on the subjects by The Teaching Company and they help a lot.
To stick with the Medieval tone, I would also suggest reading The Monk by Matthew Lewis, a bizarre book that takes the gothic style of writing and mocks it till it leaves you silent for a week when you've read the last chapter.

Steven Erikson's Malazan books are also a must get for the fantasy readers among us.

There's an annual bookfestival in Holland which I always visit, I get a whole bag full of books at an incredibly cheap price and go through those in a year.

Tell us about your taste.

The Hydlaa Plaza / No more underwear.
« on: August 11, 2010, 02:58:51 pm »
I have run out of underwear.

The great burden of freeballing rests heavily on my shoulders now. What is the world coming to, I wonder. So many pieces of underwear vanish in endless waves of human despair and sorrow. Iraq, Afghanistan, the tragic floods in Pakistan and now this.

Here I sit, in a dark corner of a room. Unbeknownst I am now to the passing of my extra underwear as I fiddle with the holes and threads on my remaining piece of undergarment.
My testicles are resting sadly on the cold floor and I am stricken by grief, with no clear view of the impending days of my doomed future.
I ask you, my fellow man, what must I do?

Will you assist me in recovering from such a tragedy, or will you leave me cold and broken?

I thank you sincerely.

Complaint Department / Complaint/observation
« on: June 19, 2007, 06:29:20 pm »
I'd like to know why the following is allowed and why it was allowed by the gm team (thus sayest the GM)

Parts of the log:

Ronarl says: Miss Eliere i gave you a chance to earlier. But OK you next m'lady.
Ronarl says: Hmm she looked Tougher than that.
Ronarl says: I believe Zaahn was next.
Ronarl says: Rinha yes. I believed you missed your chance on my last visit did you not?

First off: Why is this GM allowed to kill people on the plaza, even if the GM was rp-ing a villain it's still a ridiculous action to make.
Second: Why is he allowed to disrupt the experience of other's with bad spelling and bad rp. If i'm not mistaken any GM should have sufficient skill in spelling and a certain level of proffesionalism.

I wonder how this idea was passed, because I see no story or use in the whole thing.


Collaborative Stories / Jekkar's Death
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:28:34 am »
After a quiet afternoon in the tavern, sturring up some bar fights, Jekkar heads on home to get some well earned rest.
He opens the door and steps inside, heading towards his bed on the cold damp floor. Jekkar's house has never been that of beauty and splendor, it was cold and practical like the person that inhabited it.

While walking towards his bed he hears a loud banging on the door sounding as if someone is trying to force his way in, turning around to investigate the banging stops.
Jekkar remains still for a second, things rush through his mind about this peculiar thing that just occured. What happened?
Have they finally come? Is this the end?
He knew this moment would come, he had payed off all his debts and accepted that he would die soon.
A minute passed, Jekkar was lost in his thoughts as finally the door was punched in.

My god...who are y-....

Stabbed in the stomach, Jekkar was dead instantly. The knife used was one of magical powers, it must have been.

But why? Who was this person? A bandit? No no...he didn't take anything of value. It must have been an assasin! No..he had taken care of those.
Then who, and why? It will forever remain a mystery. Jekkar had no friends left in the end, betrayed by many, Ignored and forgotten. He once commanded armies, he had helped build up tens of guilds.
Always dedicated and devoted, but never remembered for it.
He had led his last days of his life in the shadows. Sad and broken. Even the medals and decorations he carried were falling apart.

His corpse will rot on the cold hard floor of his little house opposite the Empire's plaza, until it becomes a skeleton.
Thus his life ends in a sad and unworthy way.

Fan Art / Jekkar's art thread
« on: September 13, 2005, 09:55:18 am »
Hey guys ,

I was in the mood to go draw some funny pictures of people , but i ran out of people . Here\'s how much i got .

Veromen :










Thats it , i wanna draw some more , so if any of you wants to be drawn in a comical way , tell me .

Fan Art / Lordbug and Agara's wedding.
« on: August 16, 2005, 06:54:39 pm »
Ok so , for the people that know Lordbug and Agara ; they are gonna renew their wedding vowes soon . I puzzled for over 3 months to upload their old wedding video to the web .
Its old but still nice to watch.

So for the people who care :

No sound , bla bla , etc etc . Check the readme .


(Had to remove all the other crap because this file was so big , if anyone can give me a permanent solution for uploading my files i would be grateful .)

(edit nr2 : there was also an after party at the tavern , i still have the video but no space left , and i doubt some players want to be seen drunk  !)

(edit nr3 : ok i\'ll stop editing now )

Fan Art / New Ps spoof
« on: July 23, 2005, 09:06:37 am »
Boredom+too much spare time = New ps spoof from Jekkar.

(Open with Windows Media Player , Winamp screws up the video)

Enjoy ,

Fan Art / My new skins
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:08:18 am »
Hey , since everybody has a skin or art thread these days I geuss i\'ll make one for me too ^_^.

Ok here we go :

New shield skin .

not really satisfied about the dwarf....looks like Santa

Kinda proud of this one, black skin , green eyes , and new clothes . Made it look like mage clothes  :

Close up on the Face :

Thats about it . Still working on lots of stuff.
Feedback plz0rz.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Ps limb lost Spoof
« on: July 05, 2005, 08:10:26 am »
Hey , first of all i didn\'t know where to post this . Its too lame to be posted in the Art thread. So i geuss i could post it here .

As every Ps player knows, there have been some weird limb loss accidents lately. Menki\'s walking around without any heads . Fenki\'s breaking up with them because they can\'t kiss their headless menki boyfriends anymore .
So i made a little spoof about it . A horror flick. This is just the result of boredom . And i expect some flames.
I hope there are some people that DO like it . Ok here goes :

Have fun.

Ps: i chose to do the movie in gritty quality . Sorry for the annoying cursor though.

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