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Messages - netforce10

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in the launcher go to settings, graphics then the bottom right option should be VBO.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Crash on Login
« on: April 11, 2019, 08:08:42 am »
having had a quick look at my terminal log it seems I share most if not all of those messages(before even logging in interestingly enough). Since it generally works for me(currently the server is acting up) I would suggest changing your graphic settings in the launcher and see if any of the options make a difference.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Crash on Login
« on: April 08, 2019, 07:55:07 am »
Since no one responded yet I'll give it a shot for if you're still here or someone else seeing this.

It complaining about not being able to find things isn't necessarily the problem, I know it complains about a lot of things which it simply deals with. You might try to set the settings lower/higher and disabling/enabling options since that is the most common solution for if you can make a character but crash when entering the world.

I wouldn't call the devs lazy but the game is certainly a mess as it is.

but yeah the captcha questions are annoying even if they are somewhat effective. Especially the Azure sun since it's not actually Azure in game either, it's just called that, which a new player wouldn't know.. I certainly had to spent some time finding it out.

In discord it was mentioned that the Updater works again so you might want to try using the repair option in the launcher, or reinstalling and see if it now works for you.

Was just walking around as you do and spotted this

Complaint Department / Dandelion wine
« on: March 19, 2019, 10:25:35 am »
So, I went and got the brewing quest, it asked me to make 3 dandelion wine barrels and 3 barrels of another wine. Since I know how much an annoyance it is to make (quite a bit less so than certain items from other skills but still) it got me musing pointlessly:

So according to a random recipe dandelion wine takes about 2.3 liters(230g) of dandelions to produce 3.75 litres of wine.[1]

In PS both the weight and size of dandelions are 0.1(which presumable is in kilogram and litre respectively as can be seen from ingots, assuming the metals are the same as their IRL counterparts. There are other items which don't follow this however.) so it would take between 12 and 123 of the ingame dandelion items to make a barrel. Or if the 0.1 is a placeholder then since it takes 75 dandelion to produce about 20 litres(not accounting for the barrel) then the volume and weight for a dandelion should be 0.16355.. ~= 0.16liters and 0.016kg respectively.

Meanwhile irl wine take ~40kg of grapes to make ~23 Liter(might be vastly different depending on specifics). Both Terevan and Joopiner berry bunches are 0.5 in weight and volume so you would need about 70 of them to make barrels of 20 litres as opposed to needing only 15 of them as is currently the case.

Personally I don't really mind that dandelion wine takes a lot of dandelions since it makes some sense, however the 15 pots of hot water on the other hand are annoying. I would instead either use the dandelions directly in the fruit press or use a mug of hot water instead of a pot of hot water.

Personally I would also increase the amount of terevan and joopiner(juiceberry and macca aswell I suppose) you need for a barrel of wine. or alternatively decrease the amount of dandelion you need. I'm more a fan of the former although it would "necessitate" 400 strength more than it already is.

The current economy makes the following point a bit moot so it doesn't really matter, however I would still like to see an increase the price of wine, especially dandelion wine. For barrels of ~200q the prices are as follows(storage withdraw tab)
Terevan: ~3800   (15.2C)
Joopiner: ~3600 (14.4 Circles)
Juiceberry: ~1300 (5.2C)
Dandelion: ~1200 (4.8C)
Macca:   ~1100   (4.4C)

So terevan/joopiner cost about three times as much yet they are easier to get since you can buy them amass from an npc a bit outside the forest. Dandelions/juiceberries however need to be picked up/gathered and their supply is more limited so they should cost more from a game mechanics perspective. There can ofcourse be good IC reasons why such wouldn't be the case.

Similarly 300q teas go for 675.(storage withdraw tab) I'm using 300q ones since it is relatively easy to make 300q teas while making 300q wine is (almost?) impossible unless I'm missing something(like high quality water buckets).

So a barrel of wine divides into 5 bottles and a bottle divides into 4 goblets or 20 goblets in total. each goblet would then cost 180 tria or three to four times less than a tea. Alternatively you could look at how much tea you could make with the dandelions required for a wine barrel, 75 teas. so 50,625 tria (202C) meaning that wine is 40 times less or so. I suppose you could argue that that's how it should be however since teas give buffs.

Basically I think it would be good to replace the "pots of hot water" with "mugs of hot water" or remove that step entirely, furthermore increase the price of dandelion wine to something more similar to joopiner/terevan or even more than those. Similar with juiceberry and macca although to a lesser degree. I would also make all the wines take roughly the same amount of ingredients as is currently the case for every wine except dandelion(same with melomel and ciders for that matter).

Anyway those are my thought on the topic

General Discussion / Re: Today I RPed with...
« on: March 18, 2019, 06:38:24 am »
Yesterday I RPed with Dieb, Gonger, Djugu, Uadjet, Kaerli, Damola and Chewaaud. Really loved it, thanks everyone.

General Discussion / Re: Can we talked about the weekly market a bit
« on: February 26, 2019, 08:05:32 am »
As the sole person setting up shop most times I'll be honest and agree that there are very few other stall and or customers nowadays. Going back a decent time(a year or so ago?) there was a bit more activity everymarket. Why? good question, maybe because most often there were two or more stalls.

Personally however I would prefer for the weekly markets to continue since I don't really have any faith in it being any better if it is monthly. And I actually still quite enjoy them since Damola stops by almost every week and some others stop by from time to time as well(once again however only a few). Last market was actually very nice although it maybe didn't have that much to do with the market as a concept itself other than as facilitation of a meeting. Besides that strange as it may sound, it's also something which makes me start up the game every week at least once.

As for rare items being sold by GMs and or engravers they used to bring some customers to the market most times there was one. A while ago I ICly suggested to an engraver that I could facilitate commissions between customers and the engraver but I haven't heard from the GM playing the character about it. Since they may not be available that often for the markets I thought I could play a middleman (since I'm there almost always regardless). It is my thought that that maybe would draw more people to the market since they could get their items engraved, a service which isn't otherwise widely available. Something similar could be done for items if the GMs want me to.

As for holding the market in the plaze, I'm fine with that but in my experience people passing through won't necessarily say hi, it happens occasionally that someone stumbles upon the market or passes through while there is one and doesn't pay it any attention or simple takes a quick look before going along(sometimes not even responding to a hello).

But that's just my thoughts on the matter which may be wrong.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Installer crashing on Linux Mint
« on: February 12, 2019, 06:47:10 am »
From memory(which may be very wrong) there is an option in the installer to either install it for all users or only the current user, have you tried installing with that off?

Another option is to install Planeshift to a separate directory and not creating shortcuts to the desktop.

Running as administrator would mean using sudo to run it in this case, although that wouldn't be too smart in this case I think.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Chat migration to discord chat client.
« on: January 20, 2019, 04:59:48 am »
I'm fairly sure the only client would be discord's own client, it is what it is I suppose.

You might want to try out different settings in the launcher, the client is a bit fickle like that. Note that lower settings might not actually be better in some cases.

General Discussion / Re: IC reason for why Hydlaa is so empty
« on: January 18, 2019, 06:33:00 am »
Well, ICly it should probably contain more people than we gamewise see. For that matter I think the dome portion that we have access to lacks a bit in the way of food production. I suppose there would be enough meat though, being a game with respawning mobs and all and fish for that matter I suppose. Some of the plants are also edible as a salad or simply fruit. Hmm.. I suppose we just have a hunter gatherer diet then, mostly.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: November 25, 2018, 12:53:43 pm »
Let me lay out a perspective, casting runes, tarot, etc.. can give a subjective insight into oneself.

It is (near)impossible to predict yourself accurately by setting up a set of rules describing how you would act in a given situation.

The reverse is also true, you can't afterwards conclude accurately of everything why you did it.

We feel things that aren't always purely rational or seem to have a deeper cause than what is apparent.

If you take those three points to be true then you can conclude that feeling something might in fact be a better way to find out why you feel what you feel. So in order to do so you would need a tool or method to guide you as otherwise you're not accomplishing anything. I would then argue that the mystical can because of its nature bridge the gap between feeling and understanding quite effectively at times.

It certainly isn't ironclad but I just want to offer an perspective, or well how one could perceive the mystical to be useful and why one might practice it.

To see just how destructive similar practices can be

That's quite a dangerous way of thinking in and of itself, most things(if not all) taken to its extreme can be destructive.

Wish list / Re: more OOC chat channels (non dev)
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:54:26 am »
It's harder to track which channel something is said in/in which channel you need to say something, /1, /2, /3 can be easily mingled together.
With the current player count that may not be worth it.

However something which you made me consider that may be nice is a special "happenings", "activities" or something like that channel,
not to actually chat in but to create a channel in which to put automatic responses similar to a /who but from each player seperatly with what they are doing.

perhaps a simple explanation might be better.
Let's assume that we use /join activities to join the channel and it is assigned to /2, and that "/2 activities" is the command we agreed upon.

if player1 uses the command /2 activities then the following would happen:
[2: activities] player1: activities
[2: activities] player2: player2 is sitting on the ledge of the fountain reading a book.

This could be relatively easily achieved with a simple external program reading the log and activating a shortcut if the screen is active or notify player2 so he can manually use the shortcut if it isn't the active window. In a way it would be similar to the alerts for rp but work in a differn't way, and they could just aswel be combined actually. I'm not sure how much it would be used however.

Unreal Engine / Re: mod support
« on: September 30, 2018, 05:52:50 am »
To me it also seems that way, but it might be useful nevertheless, for skins and such. Likely not worth the trouble though imo.

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