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Topics - netforce10

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Was just walking around as you do and spotted this

Complaint Department / Dandelion wine
« on: March 19, 2019, 10:25:35 am »
So, I went and got the brewing quest, it asked me to make 3 dandelion wine barrels and 3 barrels of another wine. Since I know how much an annoyance it is to make (quite a bit less so than certain items from other skills but still) it got me musing pointlessly:

So according to a random recipe dandelion wine takes about 2.3 liters(230g) of dandelions to produce 3.75 litres of wine.[1]

In PS both the weight and size of dandelions are 0.1(which presumable is in kilogram and litre respectively as can be seen from ingots, assuming the metals are the same as their IRL counterparts. There are other items which don't follow this however.) so it would take between 12 and 123 of the ingame dandelion items to make a barrel. Or if the 0.1 is a placeholder then since it takes 75 dandelion to produce about 20 litres(not accounting for the barrel) then the volume and weight for a dandelion should be 0.16355.. ~= 0.16liters and 0.016kg respectively.

Meanwhile irl wine take ~40kg of grapes to make ~23 Liter(might be vastly different depending on specifics). Both Terevan and Joopiner berry bunches are 0.5 in weight and volume so you would need about 70 of them to make barrels of 20 litres as opposed to needing only 15 of them as is currently the case.

Personally I don't really mind that dandelion wine takes a lot of dandelions since it makes some sense, however the 15 pots of hot water on the other hand are annoying. I would instead either use the dandelions directly in the fruit press or use a mug of hot water instead of a pot of hot water.

Personally I would also increase the amount of terevan and joopiner(juiceberry and macca aswell I suppose) you need for a barrel of wine. or alternatively decrease the amount of dandelion you need. I'm more a fan of the former although it would "necessitate" 400 strength more than it already is.

The current economy makes the following point a bit moot so it doesn't really matter, however I would still like to see an increase the price of wine, especially dandelion wine. For barrels of ~200q the prices are as follows(storage withdraw tab)
Terevan: ~3800   (15.2C)
Joopiner: ~3600 (14.4 Circles)
Juiceberry: ~1300 (5.2C)
Dandelion: ~1200 (4.8C)
Macca:   ~1100   (4.4C)

So terevan/joopiner cost about three times as much yet they are easier to get since you can buy them amass from an npc a bit outside the forest. Dandelions/juiceberries however need to be picked up/gathered and their supply is more limited so they should cost more from a game mechanics perspective. There can ofcourse be good IC reasons why such wouldn't be the case.

Similarly 300q teas go for 675.(storage withdraw tab) I'm using 300q ones since it is relatively easy to make 300q teas while making 300q wine is (almost?) impossible unless I'm missing something(like high quality water buckets).

So a barrel of wine divides into 5 bottles and a bottle divides into 4 goblets or 20 goblets in total. each goblet would then cost 180 tria or three to four times less than a tea. Alternatively you could look at how much tea you could make with the dandelions required for a wine barrel, 75 teas. so 50,625 tria (202C) meaning that wine is 40 times less or so. I suppose you could argue that that's how it should be however since teas give buffs.

Basically I think it would be good to replace the "pots of hot water" with "mugs of hot water" or remove that step entirely, furthermore increase the price of dandelion wine to something more similar to joopiner/terevan or even more than those. Similar with juiceberry and macca although to a lesser degree. I would also make all the wines take roughly the same amount of ingredients as is currently the case for every wine except dandelion(same with melomel and ciders for that matter).

Anyway those are my thought on the topic

Because I'm often tabbed out I tend to miss someone greeting me occasionally, to remedy I made a small python program which plays a sound whenever I'm targeted by an action. It looks at every new line in the logs and checks if your character's first name is the second last word.

In case anyone wants to use it I've included it below, just copy it all into a text file, change the first couple variable to suit you and then run it with python(3.5). It should work on both linux and windows but I have only tested it for myself, if it doesn't work for you please say so then I can try to fix it.

Code: [Select]
#version 1
log="/home/Larili/.PlaneShift/logs/Larili_Soriol_System_Base.txt"   #change this path to wherever your System Base is logging to.
name="Larili" #replace with your character's first name
sound="/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga" #soundfile to be played. Required for linux, optional for windows.
BorF=0      #for windows if you want it to play a sound file instead of a beep set this to 1

import platform
import os

if platform.system() == "windows":
    from winsound import Beep, PlaySound

from time import sleep
f= open(log, "r")
for line in f:
while 1:
    if len(line.split())>2:
        if name == line.split()[-2]:
            if platform.system() == "Linux":
                os.system("play -q -v "+volume+" "+sound)
            elif platform.system() == "windows":
                if BorF==1:
                    Beep(310, 500)      #make a beep with a freq 310hz for a duration of 500ms

Wish list / Single workplace for most jobs or Personal workshops.
« on: June 15, 2017, 06:14:53 am »
As is clear we need more RP in planeshift, currently the most effective way to RP is to whisper to someone or ask in gossip. There are the couple of meetings you might have but in general those are sparse. To me it is clear that our characters either need to share a common place where they often stay/meet or be able to easily find eachother. To that effect I have the following ideas on which I would like to hear everyone's opinions and especially those of the devs.

1. Have a place where all/most crafts can be practiced, this leads to everyone naturally gravitating to a single place, meeting often and staying in the same place for extended periods of time making spontaneous RP more likely.

2. Give characters the ability to own a workshop/atelier, this creates the possibility to have shops which are open on specific times without the player having to waste their time standing around waiting (they would be able to practice their craft while they wait). It would also increase the chance to find someone specific if that person owns a workshop. Furthermore, it would increase trading between players.

Both ideas aren't completely thought/written out but if they are well received I'll make a more detailed proposal if needed.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / An assortment of minute questions/remarks
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:56:01 am »
As the title indicates I've some small questions and remarks. For some I think I already know the answer but I might have overlooked something.

1. (How) is distance/weight/volume tracked IC in the game?

2. Why aren't basic recipes(like cutting plants) which aren't timed(i.e. pot/furnace) inherent in all books of the skill? I mainly ask because it's quite annoying to hassle with the books.

3. Is there any way to make honey/cloth for poultice/kitchen knives currently in the game?

4. Kilas' test for education: Kilas:"how many vigesimi are there in total" Me:"vigesimi?" Kilas:"there are 160 Vigesimi" /me facepalms

5. A time for reading: why must the answer be exactly "from the inscription in the Stone of Labyrinths" instead of it checking if the answer contains inscriptions, stone and labyrinths(as seems to be done in many similar cases)?

6. As someone who conlanged I noticed the languages section of the wiki, but most haven't been edited in the last 5 years. Is there a total lack of interest in them or?

7. Brewing isn't yet implemented?:
"Combine 2 dry roasted malts, pot of hot water into 0 beer mashs." It will just fail to combine them though.

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