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Messages - Aiwendil

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Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: November 22, 2012, 04:32:33 am »
Hehe, I was just teasing Garris. ;)
It's the Outlaws, you know, "it's good to be bad"...but to be a good baddie you probably have to be a lot less evil and cruel than the average goodie guild in PS. *better goes into hiding now*

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:36:17 am »
*giggles* You have to be evil now to be an outlaw? ;)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Arch AUR PKGBUILD
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:35:16 am »

I think those included downloading of data as well...and the thread is still a sticky. An other way would be of course to just include the source in your package and have the included updater download all data at the first start. Probably the easier solution when it comes to PS licensing.

"brw_queryobj.c" is part of Mesa/OpenGL. So this time there is a good chance it's the intel drivers that mess up. Make sure to try some of the fixes mentioned here in the forums for intel cards on linux. Sorry, I have no intel card but if I remember right at least this one is necessary. Also playing with the graphics settings in pslauch might help.

And just a wild guess for the locales..I really have no clue there. "locale -a" tells me it's "en_US.utf8" idea if locales are case sensitive. I still would blame gnome and some keyboard settings there though (Yeah..did I mention already I can't stand gnome ;)).

In general sorry again..I can't really offer a solution just some stupid suggestions. Hope something works there for you.

And just about far as I know people got PS to work with intel cards on linux. I think it's the windows guys that are completely out of luck there.

Edit: typos

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: November 09, 2012, 08:23:19 pm »
Aiw, I know how Lhaa has a tendency to get banned, so give Row my best ;P
Well..he just does it more economically...He gets a lifetime ban and I only collect week and month bans ;) But will do.

Now have fun in game.

Well, the CS forums are not really helpful either :/

So sorry, if you are not from a country where you read right to left or you use a lot more than boring 26 glyphs and setup an input method on your own I really can only think of some gnome misconfiguration there. I would try starting PS without a DE at all...just a xterm should be enough. ;)

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:05:10 pm »
Ugh...I guess I have to say something now...just no clue what. ;)
And sorry, I know I'm no outlaw anymore but still feel like I have to write something here as this is matter from a time while I still was a PS player and one of the OL elders.

Despite whatever circumstances may have arisen during my time, and my poor decision making out of character, I would like to request forgiveness, and remove the red ink from my blotter.
Not that my opinion or voice counts anything anymore but I see no problem there at all. The whole issue could probably have been solved easily even back then if we had talked a a bit more. So we have to take blame there as well. But you know how it was back then...I just hadn't the strength anymore to stay patient all the time. And not long afterwards I stepped down as OL elder because I simply couldn't fulfill the duties of a guild leader anymore. You should know that problem as led one of the best RP guilds with Lokter...and sadly found out for yourself how a, apparently simple, issue can lead to the downfall of a whole guild. So yeah, I stand by my decisions back then as they were meant to protect the outlaws from harm but I also think the whole issue could have been resolved a lot better.

But far more if you need the forgiveness of anyone. ;) You were always a great RPer and as far as I remember most people enjoyed playing with you (Including me). It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you...especially not me or Lhaa. Just ask around...I'm just a troll who has no clue of anything. ;)

So...if you feel like trying to build up the outlaws again do so by all means please. Even if I'm not playing anymore and am no member of this guild I would like to see them more active again. I had plenty of good times with this guild and found a lot friends through it. And if you just want to play some PS again...give it a try. The game definitively needs players like you again. It just isn't the right place for me anymore.

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: November 08, 2012, 12:22:32 pm »
We need bicycle repair man!

XOpenIM is a function that deals with input methods and not output. So it might not be the drivers or gfx card that is to be blamed here. But sorry, I can't really offer good ideas why that function fails for you. Might want to check out your LANG and LC_* variables if they are valid. Also starting from outside of gnome is maybe worth a try (Yeah, sorry, I'm really no friend of gnome ;)).

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: October 27, 2012, 07:22:48 am »
Aww, more the input I like..but I fear in this case I can't help Dannae. Coloring depending on actual distance from the speaker would need server nothing I can provide.

For LigH..only need to squeeze one color in the main chat....not all other tabs. The coloring is only done for he main chat...Actually I even added code to make sure it's only for the main chat, so it could be easily used for other tabs as well but I don't think that makes any sense.

Maybe I find some time on the weekend to finish this patch, no promises there but it shouldn't be much more work...then it's only up to the current active players to cry loud enough to get it included.

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:32:22 am »
I feel like you had way too much fun with that
Can happen if you play with yourself.

And who is this fenki I've never seen before?
That's the funny part...I have not the slightest idea. I mean, yes, I must have created her but I can't remember when, why and for what. Empty inventory so definitively no mule. Most likely was meant for an event that never took place or something similar.

...what was this thread about again? ;D
* Aiwendil is tempt to smack Illy
No matter what I do, if I want it or not, I derail threads it seems. ;)
But I really had preferred a "You are a genius, that was exactly what I was looking for" or a "*Illy smacks her head against the desk*Men...why do they always over-complicate things. All I wanted was....not this bloated crap of a patch."...or everything in between of course. ;)

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: October 23, 2012, 12:17:10 pm »
First draft of a patch:
(this one also includes and as I was too lazy to seperate them again)

Still doesn't save the highlight names at logout. Didn't add the optiosn gui yet to change the color...only possibible in options/chat.xml for now.

Without anything:

/addhighlightname Nelece
/addhighlightname Terendul

/delhighlightname Nelece
/addhighlightname Lepene

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: October 23, 2012, 06:46:13 am »! I mean, yes, pcre is great but nothing -I- would like to add to PS. I made my experiences with adding hunspell for the spellchecker. Up to today it still doesn't work in windows even though the library is of course available there. I just have no clue about MSVC in general and so I am not much help to include it there and others why tried to help me told me it's pretty difficult to get hunspell to work with PS in windows..I have no reason to doubt their words there. Just meaning...adding new external libraries in a multi-platform program is almost never easy. It would be still a nice-to-have so maybe someone who feels adventurous is willing to provide a patch for pcre integration.

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:21:56 am »
While I like Gilrond's regex idea as well I think this is a different topic. I just don't think it's possible to offer the freedom Gilrond wants and the easiness Illy needs with the same solution.(Yeah Yeah...of course you can do everything Illy wants with regex too...but for making it quickly usable for every player during a fast conversation in Kada El's it would need a huge front-end with predefined regex for certain use-cases already that can be invoked with almost no overhead for the player). In general I think Gilrond's suggestion is more something for a complete chat window rewrite. With his ideas large portions of the current code could be dropped as they can be replaced by regular expressions. Would be another huge step away from hardcoding to a more data driven approach but I don't see that happening too soon.

In general a "beta version", as Gilrond calles it, of this is no real problem. CS supports posix regex already, so should be possible to include it in all supported platforms without the need of additional libraries (Though I have of course no clue how well the regex implementation of CS works). It could be easily included in the pawsChatWindow::FormatMessage method  or a new method that is called from pawsChatWindow::HandleMessage in src/client/gui/chatwindow.cpp. From the looks of it this is only called once a new chat line arrives at the client so the performance impact of the regex should be indeed no big problem. It probably would need a new class representing the regex and containing the different colors of all matches but also no big deal.

There are a few things to consider with a regex approach.
-The way I understand it Gilrond would like to have it for all chat tabs. This means regex needs always to be as narrow as possible to not accidentally fit on a chat line another user wrote. (And probably other users still will be able to trigger regex that are originally meant for the system chat if they really want to)
- Writing proper regex is hard work...and the majority of PS players will never do it. So there should be a easy way to exchange regex between the least each regex should go in it's own file so that players can exchange those files.
- There is no way to prevent two regex fitting the same text. Could lead to "interesting" effects.

Edit: Added a point to consider

Wish list / Re: Chat Tracker
« on: October 21, 2012, 07:23:59 am »
Actually that would be pretty simple to do.

- Command "/addHighlightName <char-name>" - Adds a name to a list and highlights all it's chat lines in main
- Command "/delHighlightName <char-name>" - Well..the opposite ;)
- Command "/clearHighlightList" - Removes all names from the list
- Command "/printHighlightList" - Writes the names of a people that are highlighted to system chat
- Modifying the in-game chat options to allow setting the highlight color.
- Modifying the chat window to print out lines from chars with names on the list in a special color.

The chat window is already capable of coloring text so not many changes needed there at all. Probably should be a new color to make a difference between lines that include your name and lines that are only spoken by people you have a conversation with.

- Is a gui options tab necessary for this? I mean, it would be no big deal to add something like the tab-completion or spellchecker options tab that allows editing the whole list of highlighted names. I'm just not sure if that is reasonable. Most of the time you will want to add a name will use the /commands.
- Saving of the highlight list?. I think it would be a good idea to save the list when logging out and starting at the next login with the same list (main reason: You crash during a conversation in Kada El's...wouldn't want to re-add all names again). If people want to start with a empty list each time they could just add "/clearHightlightList" to their autoexec. This comes with a second question: I assume it would be best if the highlight list is saved per char or would one list for all chars be enough?
- I think this will only make sense for main chat. As soon as it is used for more than one chat tab plenty of questions come up: One shared list for all chat tabs? An individual list for each tab? How to configure the individual list then? So really...if nobody has a good point why it would make sense for the guild chat tab as well it's probably best to only do it for main.
- Better names for the commands! I mean...they are long. This should be something that can be done very these command-names will only work if it is possible to tab-complete them after 2-3 letters already. No clue at the moment if there are other /commands that interfere there.

-Haven't looked closely at the code yet. Not sure if I have the name of people speaking available or if I need to parse it from the chat lines. In the parsing case this might cause some interesting results with /impersonate leading to players being unable to identify if a GM talked for someone else or if it really was the person. No big deal if you trust GMs...but you know me. ;)
-Client side unlike the friends list this can't be easily transfered between different computers

And now the real problem ;)
I could probably easily make a patch for this Illy...but if I make a patch it will never get included. On the other hand...wishes on the wishlist also never get included so it's a game you can't win. Leaves the option that you use your female charms to seduce one of the PS coders, I make a patch and that coder says he did it..probably the easiest way to get anything submitted in SVN at the moment. all seriousness, I think it wouldn't take very long to do this and if there is some interest I might be willing to write a patch. But we all know that won't help the majority of players who don't compile their own clients as it will never get included in the game.

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