Author Topic: Updating updater...  (Read 396 times)


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Updating updater...
« on: September 15, 2008, 07:03:47 am »
1. Updater will update from every version and will download every fix.  (to save time and bandwidth)
2. updater will start itself at each game start to save people the trouble of running it. (to keep unexperienced players in the game, not forcing them to leave just because it does not work). - If you don't like console looking updater it can be buildt-in the game as progress bar and saying (Checking for updaets) or something jsut to look nice. but it's still good when console updater runs itself with the start of the game, helping not experienced people with keeping the game working.

This will propably need to redo the updater from scratch - I don't know. However, it will help a lot keeping people in.

Exiting the game of planeshift -
1. After quitting the game you are moved to the login screen
2. After server restart you are moved to login screen
3. After GM kick or ban you are moved to login screen.(haven't been kicked for a piece of time so dunno how this really worked, just assuming the same way as two upper ones)
4. after others usually closing-window-things you are moved to login screen (hm, excluding the bug crashes which usually just need to close the application.)

This, and all will agree, is very annoying and i guess all want this to be implemented. the game takes some time to load on some computers and starting the game again just because server has been restarted is plain wrong. Especially when someone doesn't have a new computer.

c) and just a question ->   Server: Offline  Players: 90

I thought this bug was fixed earlier. shouldn't the new releases not contain old bugs? ;)

I guess all people would just love two given issues changed. I also know this idea was talked a lot about. but then again... why it isn't in game for that long when so much people demand it? Maybe it's not a must-have in game, but i guess most of you will say: "Yeah, he's damn right, i want this in game too!"

to be exact: i don't want people to answer the questions here. just consider and do as they like.


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Re: Updating updater...
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2008, 08:14:28 am »
the xml that is used to send the data to the online user count on is offline. the updater is still a work in progress and will have some sort of gui sometime in the future. i see no reason for the game to put you back at the login screen when you exit the game. yes there have been requests to go back to the char select screen but that is not planned but might get ingame some time in the future. When you are kicked/banned by a gm you get a message telling you so and then you get kicked back to your desktop.