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Topics - Tadano Hitoshi

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In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] The Legacy of Caban
« on: March 27, 2010, 10:01:25 pm »
By the Lake of Tears

The Azure Sun shone overhead as Firungie Ginozi - a rather down-on-his-luck fisherelf - sat by the Lake of Tears, one wary eye on the nearby gobbles, the other on the riverlings, cast his line out into the waters. Not a bite all the time he`d been there. His stomach grumbled and he sighed, thinking he`d have to traipse home empty handed again, when he spotted an armoured figure approaching from the roadway. At first he was wary, noting the sword sheathed at the ynnwn`s belt and the shield on his back – he, like everyone these days, had heard the takes of bandits roaming the countryside – but this one seemed different, his stance open, his face friendly. He introduced himself as Corealanos Verdus, an initiate of Sempetor: a branch of the Laanx priesthood. This surprised Firungie a little; he`d heard of other ynnwns having trouble with the priesthood….that fellow Gregori had, hadn`t he? But he thought it best not to mention it. This Corealanos seemed jovial enough despite his warrior appearance.
Firungie told of his woes, his bad luck in fishing recently, joking that whoever named the Lake of Tears as such was quite right. In turn Corealanos related that he was determined to enter the priesthood, that it was not only his but his family`s aspiration.
While the two chatted, Firungie idly reeled in his fishing line, only for it to suddenly stop, the hook having caught on something. He immediately knew it couldn`t be a fish: there was no fighting, no attempt to pull away. He sighed again. What new trouble had the gods chosen to throw in his path?
The two looked out across the water, following his line, to find the corner of a dirty iron-bound wooden crate poking out of the lake.

Corealanos chuckled and pointed to the crate, 'Hey, look there, you've landed something after all!' in his apparent good humoured way.

The two waded out into the lake, the ynnwn pushing at the box and eventually prying it from its muddy resting place and taking it back to the shore. Their legs and boots now soaked, then headed for the Explorers Camp with their find. The young ynnwn warrior was full of cheer and excitement at their apparent discovery of buried treasure, while the dermorian`s mind was more focused on how much of their discovery he would be getting, and how much he could get for it.
Sitting by the fire they cleaned the mud from the crate, finding it to be of tough oak, bound with iron and, most interestingly, with a symbol carved into it`s lid resembling three eyes. Into each eye was set a gemstone: one diamond, one ruby and one emerald.

Corealanos looked at the box and then at Firungie, 'Well, it's your treasure' he quipped, 'Shall we try and open it?'
Firungie chuckled, "Yes, if someone put a diamond, a ruby and an emerald on the *outside* of this, what`s inside?"
The ynnwn gave the rusting old lock a whack with the pommel of his sword and it broke off into pieces. A wisp of smoke carrying the pungent scent of burned night mushrooms escaped the seam of the old chest as the lock was struck from it and Firungie watched as the ynnwn eased the lip up, the hinges squeaking.
Within, upon a dirty cushion of black velvet, lay an exquisite platinum dagger. The elven fisherman watched with the slightest hint of jealousy as the other's hand closed about the leather-bound hilt and lifted the weapon from the midnight bed upon which it had lain for untold centuries.

Within the Death Realm
An elderly rabani fenki crone shuffled through the Citadel, her thin frame wrapped in a threadbare ivory robe and a cloak of flayed wraithrat hide hung from her bony shoulders.
Naleru was crossing from the library to the Dark Crystal's chamber when she felt a tingling in the air. The hair on her back stood on end and the carkarasses stirred in their roosts, leather wings rustling.
It couldn't be-?
She moved as fast as she could to a desk, pushing aside the other books and paraphernalia so she could place a different tome before her. One she had discovered years ago -she knew not how long ago for who could track the passing of the years where such things had no meaning?- and had since then never let it leave her sight. She carefully undid the brass clasp and the spine creaked as she opened the book. She began frantically flicking through the pages of yellowed vellum, the immaculate care she usually treated the book with now abandoned in excitement.

Her attention was drawn from her search as a tremor shot through the citadel. Dust fell in sheets from the rafters and the ancient drapes upon the walls quivered as if disturbed by a zephyr. She looked up in surprise to see the obsidian faces of the Dark Crystal appear to gleam eerily. Oriven braced himself against the skull-filled basin by his side and exchanged a look of surprise with the old enkidukai.
The tremor passed, Naleru returned to racing through the pages of the book before her, the facets of the Azure Sun's dark twin once more dull. Finally her wizened, clawed hands settled upon a page written in fine, frantically-scribbled handwriting, as if the author had been unable to control an outpouring of thought and hurried to commit it all to the page lest it be forever lost. Though her left eye, milky-white with cataracts, could not read it, her granite-grey right eye and a yellowed claw traced the lines of black scratchy script, her voice came in a whisper made taut with anticipation.
As the dust began to settle she finished reading one page, her head now nodding as her suspicions were confirmed. She poured over the next page, a wide grin settling on her black-furred face. Her claws traced an image on the page before running across the paper to tug at its edge. But rather than turning the leaf to regard what lay upon the next, she tore out the page and shut the book with great care.
"What is the meaning of this?!" asked Oriven, regarding her from across the chamber.
She looked to him, her face as ever at an angle in order to see best with her one good eye, "That which had been lost has been found once more. Glory to our Lady!"
She shuffled past the ynnwn, out of the room in search of those who could aid her in the world of the living...

At the Explorers Camp
Firungie, the fisherelf son of a fisherelf, had only ever seen platinum on the fingers of Hydlaa`s elite. Never in the form of a dagger. Indeed he had never seen any dagger so beautifully crafted, despite the dirt that had seeped through the crate`s seam. He watched with awe as the ynnwn cleaned off the muck, revealing more of the weapon`s beauty with each wipe. His eyes were fixed on the dagger in the ynnwn`s hands, " that platinum?"
Corealanos finished cleaning it and then offered it immediately to the dermorian, 'Here, Firungie. Yes, I believe it is, you sir, are rich!' he exclaimed with a broad grin.
Such generosity was unheard of to the elf!
He extended shaking hands to take the treasure from the kind ynnwn, "F-for me?"
Corealanos nodded enthusiastically, 'You found it sir, fished it from the lake, that makes you the owner in my book'.
Firungie smiled, surprised at his luck, "I think this is the last day I`ll do any fishing!"
'Aye, and not a moment ago you looked so down. The lake of Tears, isn`t so aptly named after all'.
The other nodded, "Perhaps not!" and couldn`t help but laugh.
Corealanos too gazed at the blade, 'Give it a wipe, see if there are any marking, could be something special' he said, his eyes alight with joy.
Firungie drew the dagger, the platinum blade gleaming in the light of the Azure Sun, and his eyes narrowed as Corealanos peered closely at the blade then at Firungie, 'Wow, still has a shine to it!'
As the ynnwn leant across, Firungie looked at him as if for the first time, his eyes narrow, and he quickly turned toward Corealanos, trying to push the dagger up into the ynnwn`s chest!

Corealanos fell back to evade the blade as it narrowly misses his chest, 'I say! Firungie, what's gotten into you, sir' he exclaimed as the elf stood, grabbing his fishing rod with his other hand and whipping it at Corealanos.

The ynnwn warrior sprung back, stepping away quickly and reaching for his sword,  'What in the name off...' while the elf wordlessly swung his makeshift weapon back and forth, keeping the shining dagger low and threatening as if seeking an opening.
'Look, don't be a fool, I said the blade was yours. I mean you now harm, what the bally heck are you playing at' Corealanos said carefully, his voice now sounding annoyed and he drew his short sword. 'Now, come now, calm yourself, don`t make me use this, I don`t want to hurt you. Firgungie, please!' he said imploringly.
The dermorian seemed to be muttering under his breath, the words no more than meaningless doggerel as he swiped at Corealanos with the dagger…only to have it slapped from his hand by the more experienced warrior, then the flat of the ynnwn`s blade struck him to the ground in a daze.
'Down you go', Corealanos muttered matter of factly
Firungie raised his head, his vision dark from the blow, and all he could focus on was the gleaming dagger as the ynnwn bent to pick it up from the ground. Summoning what little energy he had left he jumped to his feet and charged at him, his hands extended for Corealanos` neck….only for the dagger to sink into his chest!

Corealanos looked in horror as the elf fell back with the dagger sticking out of his chest. He dropped to one knee and pulled the dagger free as he attempted to heal the elf, but it was too late and slowly as he looked on dumbly, Firungie`s body faded away…

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] The Rough Streets of Hydlaa
« on: March 16, 2010, 11:34:02 pm »
It seems someone finally decided to do something about that contract on Giroum...

The journey from Ojaveda had been long and hot. Thankfully he hadn`t been harassed or waylaid by any rogues or bandits on the way, even Dsar Akkaio itself had been rather quiet. Reaching Hydlaa plaza the old lemur dismissed his rivnak Herta, the beast returning to his ring, and he walked up Octarch`s Way with the aid of his staff. He had journeyed to the enkidukai city as a favour for a friend: Charisa Malod, an alchemist and regular at the Iron Temple. The poor woman`s husband was off on a tour of duty with the squadrons at the Eagle Fort, and Giroum had run an errand for her. If she kept busy with her alchemical work it kept her from worrying about her husband.
Pulling back his hood he waved in greeting to the lady upon her balcony before extinguishing the candle atop his staff and carefully removing it from the metal spike. He replaced it with the bundle of blessed nettle leaves and raised it up for her to take. As usual she replaced it with a small gift and called down her thanks.
Job done, he slapped the small of his back to work out a kink he had gotten while riding. A side effect of his seventy-seven years. He then walked across to the nearby well and proceeded to wash the accumulated dust of his travels from his face and beard, savouring the refreshing, sharp coolness of the water...

It was as he shook the water from his beard he heard the rapid approach of boots and opened his eyes to find a stout, balding, enraged-looking dwarf coming at him! Still half bent over the well, he didn`t have time to straighten or even take in more of his attacker`s features before he was head-butted viciously!

Vikka moves in with a headbutt...

flooring the old priest.
His nose gushing blood down his face and into his beard, his eyes tearing up with the shock of the attack, the priest of Laanx could barely move before the tattoo-knuckled bantam was upon him, hammering punches into his face and snarling like an animal with each blow.
Giroum managed to bring up his forearms to protect his face as the diminutive brute tried to stomp on his face, spluttering out panicked “What?”s and “Why?!”s...only causing the dwarf to hoof him in his boney chest with his steel toecapped boots, driving the air from the lemur`s lungs.
As he rolled into a fetal position, barely able to do more than whimper in pain now, the dwarf rained down more blows, cursing and swearing as he did, breaking several of the priest`s ribs.
Finally his head was pulled up by his graying hair and a last cross put into his face, slamming his head back down to the flagstones and into unconsciousness, the last words reaching his ears being, “Garo-san Ringe says `ello`.”

His rage subsiding, the dwarven bruiser looked about before spitting upon the prone, broken figure and muttering, “Jus' anuva' toff ina cloff,” and swaggering away, rolling his shoulders.

Some time later...
He had no idea how much time had passed, only that the Crystal overhead had dimmed: either the passing of hours or a side-effect of the blows to his head. The return to consciousness brought renewed pain. The back of his head, his swollen and bloodied face and, most painful of all: the sharp, stabbing pains in his chest as he breathed. He could feel something grating as he took shallow, ragged breaths.
At first he could not call out for the congealing blood in his mouth and nose and only after spitting this out could he mumble a cry which went unanswered.
Time passed and he concentrated simply on breathing. He knew his own knowledge of healing magic was insufficient, and that he was in no state to get himself to the sanatorium by himself.
Gritting his teeth against the pain he took a deep breath to cry out but was wracked with painful wet coughs the first attempt, only managing to cry out aloud on his second try.
“H- hel- help! Pleease!”

At last help arrives, though incognito
A shadow fell across the badly beaten priest, a lithe form in ragged clothing, furs and a helmet. He prayed it was not another of the city`s ne`er-do-wells come to rob him or finish him off. At the back of his mind it registered that the dwarf didn`t seem to have robbed him or demanded anything...had the dwarf rifled through his bags after he had fallen unconscious?
The figure spoke, in a cultured tone quite at odds with her appearance, asking him what had happened and who had done it to him, before offering him a potion.
His head still spinning, he could but moan, “Dwarf,” and fumble with the bottle`s cork until she helped him. Much of it he coughed back up painfully, but some got down his throat while the enkidukai began healing spells. She noted that she hadn`t seen any dwarves when she had heard his cries. Clearly quite some time had passed...or his attacker had quickly hidden himself away.
He explained about the intense pain in his chest, it was clear that some of his ribs were broken and only after his anonymous rescuer had performed further magic could he grasp his staff and with her aid rise unsteadily to his feet, clenching his teeth against the near-crippling pain. She sent her groffel familiar on ahead to see if there was a healer at the sanatorium as he helped him limp down Octarch`s Way and across the Temple Green to the tent itself.

And eventually they get him safely to a bed in the sanitorium...
Giroum lowered himself as carefully as he could into a bed, groaning deeply. His enkidukai savior then removed her helm, revealing finely braided hair, with more swept up into a form of crown adorned with silks and feathers. The contrast between her shabby clothes and furs was, to the battered priest, most confusing.
Unfortunately there was no healer on duty at the time, so the fenki set to work tending to the lemur`s wounds...

...and soon they were joined by Corealanos.
A young ynnwn happened to, Laanx bless him, stop by the tent, perhaps having seen them enter. He bore a Laanx pendant upon his chest and was evidently distraught to see the ravaged priest upon the bed. Introducing himself as Corealanos Verdus he aided the enkidukai, while asking about the lemur`s attacker.
Giroum frowned in concentraton. It had all happened so quickly, an explosion of violence the likes of which he had never seen before.
“He was old...balding, build like a brick outhouse (a phrase which the evidently-cultured enkidukai was unfamiliar with)...quick with his fists and his forehead,” Giroum said, gingerly touching his broken nose.
He then also remembered the name that had been spoken as unconsciousness had taken him.
“Garo...Garosan.” Giroum explained that Garosan was a warrior of Talad, that the ylian had in fact saved the lemur`s life in the past. Could it truly be that Garosan had ordered Giroum`s beating? Would he stoop so low? The mysterious enkidukai, evidently also a follower of Talad, expressed her own disbelief, while the young ynnwn warrior Corealanos was evidently eager to seek retribution for this slight against the priesthood of the Iron Temple. A course of action that the enkidukai urged caution in, advising that the Hydlaa Guard be informed and left to mete out justice.
Before leaving, Giroum asked one last favour of her: her name. She revealed herself to be none other than Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty, of the House of Purrty. To be rescued by a queen! Corealanos immediately fell to his knees and bowed his head, Giroum excusing himself for not following suit due to his injuries. She explained that she was travelling incognito due to threats against herself and her House by criminals. No doubt those same scoundrels who plagued the Ojaveda!

A great many questions swam in Giroum`s mind, Had Garosan sent that thug to beat him? If so, then why? Did the Talad worshipper know about Giroum`s hunt for the statue? That might be enough to turn him against the lemur...especially if Garosan knew something about the statue...

[Good timing, as I`m going to be away from the game for about a week: sufficient time for Giroum to recover from his kicking! Much thanks to Vikka, Lolitra and Corealanos, this turned out very well!]

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] X marks the spot
« on: January 25, 2010, 04:11:28 am »

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Bamboo
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:07:15 am »
Zeregan`s face split in a wide grin as his father handed him the saber. He ran his hand gently up the scabbard of cured riverling hide with gold fittings to the golden hilt, wrapping his immaculately manicured hand around the crimson-corded grip and admired the rare sapphire set into the pommel.
“This, my son, is your birthright. It has always been a Lysasu tradition that the first son of the family be gifted with a ceremonial saber upon his coming of age. It signifies your first step on the road to taking over the family business.”
The patrician`s eyes were on his son`s face, but the son`s were fixed upon the sword, his hands poised to draw the blade. Old Alymoneus put his wrinkled hand atop his son`s right, halting him.
“I focused my youth on the business,” the elderly ylian continued, “and only saw fit to take a wife when I realized all my efforts would be for naught if Dakkru took me with no heir. This leaves me little time to tutor you and for that I apologise.” He then let his son extract the length of finely honed steel from its sheath, which Zeregan did eagerly.
“Like this sword you must be sharp. Sharp of mind. As a merchant you must be shrewd. And like the sword, always keep your reputation clean and untainted. A strong and sharp core within an attractive sheath.”
“And finally,” he cupped his son`s jaw in his hand and drew it up until the eyes left the sword and met his own jaundiced ones, “Finally: we are merchants, not warriors. Draw this sword only in defence, if ever. Glory lasts, but it does not make life any more comfortable for you, your kin or your descendants. Wealth: that lasts. Remember this.”

The Lysasu heir had rushed from his father`s estate as soon as he had been dismissed, the ornate gift attached by gold-woven cord to his fine leather belt. Within the city plaza he quickly found his friends and to their jealous amazement brandished the magnificent weapon before them, though was careful not to draw it before any of the city guard.

Naleru awoke to the whistle of an axe descending and she smiled contentedly. It terminated in a splitting crack and she pulled herself from the bed. She and Dusen could not afford an ultic and so had to make do with their small one-room adobe hut for the time being. She did not know how long it would take them to save up enough, but they had promised not to start a family until they could. The young clamod fenki pulled on her clothes and opened the shutters to let in the pale dawn light of the Crystal. Dusen was stood outside, his muscular arms rising and falling, an old axe held tight in his hands, splitting bamboo. She smiled as she watched her husband work. He was a craftsman of, in her opinion, considerable skill; making shutters, buckets and even various pieces of furniture from bamboo to sell in the Ojaveda markets. It didn`t pay much, but he enjoyed the work. He had a creative nature and she loved him for it.
She watched him from the doorway for a few minutes, he seemingly not having noticed her presence though she knew he had: he began to swing the axe harder, faster, flexing the muscles under his sleek black fur unnecessarily and flourishing the axe until she could not help but giggle at his performance. He turned to her with a grin, dropped the axe and embraced her lithe form.
“I`m hungry,” he breathed in her ear.
“Well, you`ll have to wait. I need to go to the glade and dig up shoots or there`ll be nothing to eat.”
“Who`s talking about food?” he replied with a feral smile and squeezed her in his arms.
She laughed and ducked out of his embrace, waggling a finger reproachfully. As he too laughed she picked up her spade and bucket, both products of her husband`s hand and set out for the bamboo forest. She heard the chopping begin again as she left.

Zeregan and his cohorts, fueled by their parents` riches and a flagon each of wine, had set out through the countryside between Hydlaa and Ojaveda. Kirgoes, the son of a successful brewer, had heard tales of the fenki dancers in the enkidukai city and had cajoled the other youths into making the journey. Out of breath by the time they had swaggered up the snaking road to the city flanked by bamboo forests, they wiped sweat from their brows with linen handkerchiefs worth more than the monthly salary of the city`s own guards and looked about lustily.

After some hours of bacchanal adventure their swagger had turned into a stagger and their moods darkened. They found themselves wandering down one of the city`s back streets seeking shade from the scorching midday sun and the onset of hangovers.
“What in blazes is that god-awful sound?” cursed Zeregan, holding one hand to his head and looking about for the source of a rhythmic thock! Thock! Thock!. The sound came from a few dozen meters up the street where a black-furred local stood at a workbench outside a low house, hammering.
“You there! Stop that!” called out the drunken ylian to no avail. Zeregan clicked his tongue irritably and Kirgoes jogged away from the group toward the menki at work.

Dusen hammered the peg into place, securing the two lengths of strong bamboo. He then picked up the rest of the structure and began to fit the new piece into place when a hand closed on his shoulder and spun him round. It was a young ylian, no older than fifteen or sixteen, he judged. The youth`s eyes were glassy and his breath reeked of alcohol.
“My friend told you to stop that racket, damn you!” he slurred but Dusen shrugged off the hand and went back to his work. It was slowly taking shape, looking somewhat like a short framework trough.
No sooner had he raised the hammer again than he was spun around once more, violently and pushed back against his workbench, his work falling to the ground with a crack.
Dusen was a kind and hard working enkidukai, his sole pleasures being his work and his wife. Usually he was possessed of much restraint, but he snapped and struck the boy lightly across the head with the hammer in his hand, sending the ylian unconscious to the ground. Pulse racing he turned as three more ylian youths raced toward him bellowing, the middle one brandishing a saber that gleamed in the Azure Sun`s light. Dropping the hammer he grasped his old axe that leant against his bench and swung it, burying it in the chest of the first. It stuck fast and no matter how hard he heaved at it he could not withdraw it before the saber struck him down. A scream from further up the street was the last thing he heard, a slim, dark figure racing toward him the last he saw.

The death of a poor craftsmenki at the hands of the heir of a rich and influential merchant went uninvestigated.

Zeregan awoke, his head pounding as it did most mornings. But this morning his bed, made of the finest sponge imported direct from the nolthrir cities on the lowest level of Yliakum, seemed hard and lumpy. Something poked his ribs most uncomfortably in his back and he tried to roll over but couldn`t. The sun was also blinding. One of the maids must have come in and flung the curtains open. Stupid wench. He moved his hand to close them but found his movement arrested again. Cracking his eyelids he found not the silken canopy above his bed before his bloodshot eyes, but the blue morning sky. He knew he had drank too much the night before, that much was evident from the throbbing in his head and the churning in his gut...but had he failed to get home? He was sure- No, wait. He remembered staggering out of the tavern. Th` Broken Door. Only the second time he`d been in Ojaveda, months after he`d had that chance to test his birthright. Yes...that was it, he`d staggered out and there`d been that shadow stood outside. Lithe and covered in silky black fur. He couldn`t help but grin as she had beckoned to him...
He frowned. For the life of him he couldn`t remember what had happened after that.
The smell of cooking then reached his nostrils. Something being boiled. Sweetish. It made his stomach growl and he tried to sit up but failed. Looking to his left and right he found he was lying on the grass and that his hands were bound with finely woven ropes, stretched out and tethered to thick trunks of bamboo that shot spear-like toward the Crystal overhead. He tried to move his legs but they too appeared to be tied. Panic and his gorge rising he pulled at the cords to no effect. His breathing quickened and he raised his head to find a black furred back facing him. He could see a campfire past it and a wooden frame holding a pot over the fire.
At the sound of his struggling Naleru turned to face him.
“Who are you? Set me free at once, fenki!”
Her green eyes bored into his and she spoke in a voice laced with bitter anguish, “I am the widow.”
She then squeezed his cheeks with one hand and forced a short pipe of bamboo into his mouth, looping a cord round the back of his head, gagging him.
The clamod then calmly turned back to the clay pot that hung over the campfire and stirred the contents with a wooden spoon. After a moment she looked up from her cooking and regarded the forest of tall, slim, notched bamboo that surrounded the small glade. But for the crackle of the campfire, the bubbling of the pot`s contents and the whisper of the wind through the trees, the forest devoured all other sound.
“Bamboo is a wondrous plant,” she said almost conversationally, still looking at the trees. “It`s a grass, you know? Not a tree.”
Zeregan panted, his breath escaping past the hard wooden gag and continued to struggle, wincing as he tried to roll and his back hurt again.
“My late husband wove those cords. They won`t break. He was a fine craftsman. He knew the strengths of bamboo.” She then looked at him, “Do you know we enkidukai use bamboo for all sorts: constructing our homes, our furniture. It is exceedingly strong yet flexible. And, the shoots are delicious if you get them at the right time.”
She stirred the contents of the pot and extracted a slice of boiled bamboo shoot, the white of bone. The fenki gently blew on the steaming piece and ate it, savouring the taste.
“You have to get up early in the morning and study the ground. You look for where the soil is ever so slightly disturbed. That`s where a shoot`ll push up in the day. You know bamboo can grow more than half a meter in a day?”
“But like I said, you have to get the shoots early. If they break the surface they harden. They really harden...Like that one under you.”
The End

This is a story which featured in the RP A Flame Rekindled. Obviously I`m not a member of the settings team and can`t write official material about PS background characters (such as Eonoch) so the below story should be treated as a work of fiction. But like a lot of fiction, it might contain at least a smidgen of truth (a premise that the RP relies on)...

The Chronicles of Eonoch. Volume III.
It was on the 24th of Dwanden that the Octarch of the Far Ground did summon the renowned xacha warrior Eonoch and his unlikely companion, the towering kran Cragiona, to his palace. From the lofty minarets and crenellated walls to the thatched roof of the great hall itself, all was dusted with a layer of snow. Eonoch: a young and pious man, fair of face and strong of arm, bowed his head and recalled the words of the Song of Lemur wherein it is stated that the first ever snow did fall upon Laanx`s flight from Yliakum. Met by the guards of the man charged with the governing of the third level, the two were escorted through the grand estate and brought before the lord. Flagons of hot wine and cuts of the finest meat were presented to the xacha and a platter of roasting coals to the kran as they sat before the Octarch`s throne and beheld a man with riches unlimited, power absolute...and a face contorted in to a rictus of anguish.
"Woe! Oh, woe is I! For that which I hold highest, beyond the authority of my station and the riches of my realm, has been stolen from me!" and so the Octarch did impart that his daughter: his sole offspring, had been spirited away in the night. A single clue, nay a symbol, had been left to identify those who had spirited her away.
A blackest bead, upon the pristine white silks of her bed.
No ransom had been demanded, for the lord did recognize the significance of the bauble. It was of the dread cult that lurked under the veneer of society, listening to blasphemous doggerel whispers from beyond. With his daughter in their hands they sought to control the Octarch. Such a bold and fell scheme was unheard of!
With the promise of the maiden`s hand in matrimony should he return her to her father`s side, thus set out Eonoch and faithful Cragiona, to track down the heretics and free fair lady.

First they sought out the lemur sorcerer Zedania, most knowledgeable in matters arcane. He had been cast out from the priesthood for his zealous studies had taken him too close to matters best left unknown but there was none other that Eonoch knew of who might be able to assist him and his kran companion.
Zedania inhabited a tower upon the rim of the second level, on a crumbling promontory overlooking the vast drop to the Far Ground below. The ground underfoot was treacherous, the narrow rocky path slick with ice and Cragonia lead the way, probing the ground with kras staff as kra went. Looking up toward the spindly tower they could see no sign of life but could feel the eye of Vooreva: Eternal Vigilance, upon them. It was the stubborn lemur`s way to refuse them even entry, bidding them never darken his doorway again...until the brave xacha presented the obsidian sphere to the old wizard.
Soon the three were bound for the Dome, they lemur`s divinations driving them hence.

Upon the platform of the winch, the Barn receding below and the bitter winds of early Novari whipping at them, our three heroes did discuss their quest. With no riches to offer they could not barter for the girl, unlikely it was that the cultists would give her up for any sum of tria. Only her rescue would suffice, spoke Eonoch. Not so, replied Zedania, for deny the Fallen their hold over the Octarch they must at all costs. If means could not be found then the girl`s life was forfeit, so dangerous were the schemes of her captors. Eonoch would brook no such talk and an atmosphere settled no warmer than the fierce winds that whipped at the rising platform.

They found shelter and warmth in a tavern within the great city of Hydlaa. Long had Eonoch wished to make a pilgrimage to the Iron Temple, it having been built by a fellow xacha: the great Galeran Tarbius, bless`d and chosen of Laanx, it seemed fate had brought him to it. Cragiona too spoke of a visit to the homeland of kras people: Gugrontid, and of prayers within it`s fane to Talad. Truly unique were the events which had brought warrior of Laanx and child of Talad to travel side by side!
But such visits would have to wait, as they scoured the city from its highest towers to the depth of its stinking sewers in search of the impious abductors, asking questions of all they met yet to no avail. As the days wore on and the tears of Laanx fell endlessly farther afield they searched. Along the road toward the Wolf Bronze Doors, the plains beyond the arena, through the country toward Ojaveda, the dark forest and all the way to the Eagle Fort but no sign could be found of cultists nor maiden.
Nightly Zedania did scry over the black glass bead and furrowed his brow was as he told the xacha and the kran that close was their quarry yet no closer than the days gone by. The evil was near and yet remained elusive and as the days until the end of the year drew short, an inexplicable dread began to fill the hearts of the faithful.
And that next morning, with only three mornings remaining until the dawning of the new year, Zedania was found murdered in his bed. Throat slit and eyes gouged, black beads left in the bloody sockets. Tearfully Eonoch carried the lemur`s body to the Iron Temple and bid the priests forgive him his trespasses committed in life.
Twas then, in the hallowed halls of Tarbius` design, that an epiphany came to the xacha warrior. They could not find the dark worms that held the Octarch`s blood, but if control him like a puppet they wished then there would be strings. Find these we must, he said to Cragiona, find them, cut them...and trace them. Thus set a watch they did upon the winch, Eonoch bidding the kran stay with him rather than continue kra`s lone searches.
And by night a dark figure detached itself from the shadows of the city, bound for the winch.

After long chase through the dark alleys of the Dome`s great city, apprehend the shadow Eonoch did succeed...only to find he had become separated from his stalwart kran confederate. What fate befell loyal Cragiona only time would tell.
With the blade of Eonoch`s fine saber, said to have been forged by Goreld himself in days gone by, at the cultist`s throat the maiden`s location was finally revealed.
Swift to dark warehouse our hero did fly and before his righteous might no heretic could stand. Neck, limb and life were taken in a flurry of blows till confronted by their dark master the xacha was. For the maiden, the daughter of the Far Ground`s Octarch, was help within the iron grip of none other than Cragiona.
Child of Talad by birth perhaps, but blasphemous defiler was kra`s faith. Before the eyes of all kra trod, while carrying out the sacrilegious will of kra`s insane master.
After adventures numerous and fights side-by-side, Eonoch could not bring himself to slay his one-time savior and with accursed ease the kran did take the life of the girl. With kra`s minions lying about in pools of blood for naught was kra`s plot but evil spite drove kra to deny father reunion with child. Turn then on the xacha kra did with fists of granite before fleeing the city, the warehouse ablaze.
Saved from the fire, Eonoch was taken to the Iron Temple where he convalesced in the care of the priests of Laanx. To the Far Ground he had to return with news most dire...but not before putting an end to friend-turned-foe. He bid the priests enchant his noble saber with magics long-forgotten before taking it up and marching forth for confrontation.
Within the bowels of dark maw the two did clash and good triumphed, chaos of dark corruptor halted for all time and kra`s form imprisoned where none should dare to look.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The Shrine
« on: November 13, 2009, 10:43:43 pm »
Lightning rent the firmament, silhouetting the small village momentarily before the black of night took it once more. The traveler pushed on toward the hamlet, the torrential downpour turning the road into slurry that came up to the ankles of his worn leather boots. His thick cloak - proof against the cold and moderate rain - was, like the rest of his clothes, soaked through and clinging to his muscular frame. Falling in sheets, the rain battered at the wide brim of his hat drooping it down to obscure his view. Every dozen or so paces he pushed up the brim with a gloved hand, dislodging collected water, to check he had not wandered off the road, which was being rapidly dissolved into the adjacent farmer`s fields.
Another flash of actinic white light illuminated the low thatched roofs and toward the center of the town a towering steeple capped with a statue. As thunder boomed not far off he trudged on past the town signboard and an abandoned guard hut; the sentinel having sought more substantial shelter probably not anticipating visitors in such inclement weather. And in truth, the traveler would not have been there had he had the choice, but duty called. He gently patted the leather satchel under his cloak, thinking of the fine vellum scroll kept within and half suspecting that the storm raging overhead had been summoned by some god hostile to his mission in attempt to ruin his fragile burden.
He anticipated that like most such small settlements a tavern could be found not far from the entrance to the village and it was not long till he craned his head back, rain hammering his hand as he shielded his eyes, to squint in the darkness at the signboard of the Sword and Prayer. It was a half-timbered structure of typical ylian construction, the upper floor jutting out over the lower. Dirty, crumbling white plaster covered the stonework between the stout beams of black wood. With the shutters closed and only a little light bleeding out between the slats over the windows of the upper floor the traveler approached the door and hammered upon it with his fist. But his efforts, even shouting out, were to no avail as the storm swallowed all sound.
He moved from house to house, peering at windows and knocking at doors but never was he answered by anything more than the extinguishing of what light he could discern within. His hopes of successfully finding shelter failing, he was about to return to the tavern and check behind, hoping to find a stable. A bed of damp straw shared with reeking goujahs would suffice...but it was then that another fork was cast down from above, this time striking the statue atop the temple spire itself. The traveler nodded to himself and forged onward toward the middle of the village, crossing a small arch bridge with a river raging below. He soon had a better view of the temple spire itself, though the rest of the building was hidden from sight by a stone wall at least twice his own height. This brought a frown to his face, but his journey - still unfinished - had been long and the constant downpour sapped his strength. He began to circumnavigate the wall keeping under the eaves of buildings opposite when he could, noting that while he had seen candle light from within some houses earlier, those here in the middle of the town seemed devoid of all signs of occupancy. Were he not an honourable man he might have forced entry. Continuing round he found a wooden staircase leading up the stone wall that surrounded the temple to a small platform level with the top of the wall. The inhabitants of small hamlets were, he knew, given to strange customs and local ways, so he dismissed the curiosity as such and darted out from under the eaves of the house opposite, almost slipping in the muddy road, to clamber up the rickety stairs. Stood atop the platform he could see the rooftops of the village stretching out to all sides as lightning struck the tower yet again. He could also see the temple grounds, stretching from the base of the wall to the baroque colonnades of the house of worship itself. High hedgerows lined pale gravel paths toward the arched portico, a maw of impenetrable darkness.
On the other side of the wall he found neither accompanying platform nor staircase and so lowered himself down into the shadowy grounds. For a moment he thought he heard a shout from somewhere in the village, but a roar of thunder overhead obliterated all other sound. Checking his satchel once more and resolving to question the temple`s priest about the queer staircase and platform he dashed between the shadowy hedges, his boots crunching the gravel underfoot, and entered the temple.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] A Flame Rekindled
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:11:34 am »
Part One - The Sword In The Kran.

Giroum sat looking at the two boxes before him. Committing them and their contents to the Howling Well would finally bring to an end several events that had tested him and those close to him. As luck would have it the dermorian Zephan happened to visit the Iron Temple, and Giroum's pet yulbar Rectitude soon found Mellas and delivered a letter requesting her aid.
(00:24:42) >Giroum Duphra greets Zephan Cystennin.
(00:24:51) Giroum says: Why, hello there!
(00:25:04) Zephan smiles. "Hello, Giroum. Good to see you."
(00:31:47) Mellas runs inside, panting and resting her hands on her knees. 'I received your note, Giroum. Are you both okay?'
(00:32:06) Giroum says: I wondered if you two would assist me in interring the remains of Keyl, Naen and Seerah in the Burial Well?

And so the three set out, passing through the forest and heading across the countryside to the huge stone face, carved in a rictus of pain and anguish. The burial well.

(00:45:43) Mellas looks over at the burial well. 'It's almost like it's screaming...' she says, pointing at the head.
(00:45:54) Giroum looks to the Well
(00:46:07) Zephan looks towards the well. "Or howling... hence its name..."
(00:46:28) [Group] ? says: Or yawning. "YAWN... finish the game already"
(00:46:29) Mellas says: Howling at the crystal.
(00:46:39) Giroum swallows audibly
(00:46:44) Zephan crosses his arms.
(00:46:58) Mellas looks a bit uncomfortable.
(00:47:07) Giroum pushes himself to his feet, "Let`s make this quick."
(00:47:24) Zephan nods in agreement.
(00:47:27) Mellas nods. 'Aye.'
Thankfully Giroum had found a map of the well in the archives, no doubt scribed by another priest for the purpose of conducting funerals such as this.
Finding their way through the caverns they set down the two boxes, containing the remains of the brothers Keyl and Naen, and Naen's love Seerah...

(00:50:26) Giroum takes out the small box with Keyl and Seerah`s remains in it
(00:50:47) Giroum bows his head in prayer
(00:51:16) Mellas takes a seat and follows Giroum's example.
(00:51:24) Giroum says: We hereby commit the physical remains of Keyl Apero-Nel and Seerah Mayatt to the Howling Well....
(00:52:12) Giroum says: They are already united together and with Laanx, bless them.
(00:52:17) Mellas says: May they rest in peace and harmony.
(00:52:35) Zephan bows his head, remaining in reverent silence.
(00:52:50) Giroum takes out the box containing Naen`s remains.
(00:53:21) Giroum says: And we commit the remains of Naen Aperon-Nel also to the Well....
(00:54:05) Giroum says: Naen, former priest of Laanx, fell from the light into the shadows and heresy. He was unredeemed in life, forever damned by our lord.
(00:54:52) Giroum says: It is not for the living to grant forgiveness, only his brother Keyl and their kin can do so, or our Lord Laanx.
(00:54:55) Zephan closes his eyes and does not look at the box even to glare at it.
(00:55:02) Giroum bows his head
(00:55:13) Mellas looks down at the ground and closes her eyes.
...only to be interrupted.
(00:56:24) Samsonus calls out in pain "AAAAAAAARHH!!! HELP!!!"
(00:56:35) Giroum looks up with a start
(00:56:36) Zephan jumps about a meter into the air. "What in the-"
(00:56:47) Mellas looks up in shock. 'What was that?'
(00:57:11) Giroum looks up one passage, "Th-that way?"
(00:57:11) Mellas searches the darkness of the cave with her eyes. 'Where did that come from?'
(00:57:16) Zephan has drawn his sabres without realizing it, eyes darting about.
(00:57:36) Giroum looks to his companions and nods toward the passage
(00:58:28) Giroum looks at the half-buried ynnwn
(00:58:41) Samsonus grimaces and looks at the trio
(00:58:56) Mellas says: 'Sir, are you alright?'
(00:59:20) Zephan frowns, taking in the sight, noticing a lot of ore on the ground...
(00:59:36) Giroum then looks at the unmoving kran, half buried in the wall, a saber emerging from his chest. He then looks back at the ynnwn

(00:59:45) Mellas looks concerned and winces at the sight of the sabre sticking out of the kran's chest.
(00:59:49) Samsonus snarls at Mellas "Does it LOOK like I'm ok?"
(01:00:41) Giroum frowns at the Ynwnn covered in rocks, "What happened here, sir?"
(01:01:25) Mellas watches the ores around the diaboli. 'Just checking if you were hurt.'
(01:01:46) Samsonus backpedals in his mind "I was...visiting my dead wife...yeah. I know it is wrong to be down here but I loved her so, and every now and then I like to pay my respects"
(01:02:17) Zephan steps to the side a little to get a better look at the Kran and the rocks surrounding the Ynnwn.
The two elves and the lemur proceeded to help lift the fallen rocks from the ynnwn Samsonus. Whether the ynnwn's story was true or if he was no more than a grave-robber, none could tell for the cave-in which had half buried him had also exposed from behind the rock...a kran. Kra's skin was cracked and covered with patches of moss and lichen, apparently having been sealed in an unknown time before. He did not move in the slightest, the cause evident: a saber of the finest quality with a gilded hilt, protruded from his broad, rocky chest.

(01:08:37) Samsonus shakes free and stretches, cradling a crate under his arm
(01:09:31) Samsonus says: I was...ahhh....getting something I left here on my last visit. It had been covered up, and when i tried to fish it out the whole cave came down on me
(01:09:55) Giroum says: A cave-in here? How very unfortunate.
(01:10:18) Zephan's eyes travel to the Kran, uneasily. "Looks like that's not the only unfortunate thing that's happened in this spot."
(01:10:37) Mellas looks suspiciously from the kran to the ynnwn for only a second. 'Indeed Zephan.'
(01:10:40) Samsonus looks greedily at the golden sabre sticking out of the kra
(01:10:49) Giroum looks at the kran, "Kra....kra was uncovered in the cave-in?"
(01:11:11) Samsonus nods and laughs "I asked it for help for hours"
(01:11:37) Giroum frowns at the kran in the wall, "Kra looks....ancient."
(01:12:16) Mellas raises her eyebrows, not certain she wants to know. Her gaze travels to Samsonus. 'Sir, can you walk. Does it hurt anywhere? You are lucky to have survived a cave-in.'
(01:12:32) Zephan nods, looking rather downcast at the Kran's state. He gives the sabre a close look, without touching it.
(01:13:04) Samsonus leans in and looks at the sabre "I'm fine lady"
(01:13:19) Samsonus reaches to try and pull the sabre
(01:13:29) Giroum says: Do you suppose he was buried like this?
(01:13:35) Zephan frowns, "Be careful with that... I don't know if we should touch it."
(01:13:56) Zephan says: Kra almost looks like kra was killed here, not simply buried... but that's just my impression.
(01:13:56) Mellas smiles. relieved, then moves closer to the kran. 'Quite a nicely designer saber, I must add.'
And no sooner had the Samsonus drawn the sword from the kran's chest than it broke, the blade separating from the hilt...and the kran awoke.

The kran introduced himself as Geis...Geis Kobble...though he could recall little more. He remembered being tricked into the Burial Well and impaled upon the saber but little more. While Mellas lent what healing aid she could to this 'Geis', Zephan's wariness of the ynnwn grew, bearing fruit when he dropped the broken blade and fled the well, a box under his arm. Zephan eventually returned, the ynnwn having escaped.
And so the two elves conducted the aged and confused kran to Gugrontid and the Stonehead tavern.

Meanwhile, Keyl, Naen and Seerah's physical remains finally laid to rest, Giroum returned to the Iron Temple. He carefully placed two items upon a table before inspecting them.
A saber blade of exquisite quality...and the matching gilded hilt.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] The Cursed Bard
« on: July 27, 2009, 10:45:36 am »

Eluran sat before Jirage in the pagoda on the temple green, contentedly listening to the beautiful melody he played upon his pipes. Jirage was a truly gifted musician and his music took the Dermorian lass away on fantastic voyages, far from the toil of work and overbearing parents. She swore that if her father didn`t relent then she would elope with the young Ylian piper. They would travel to every level of Yliakum that they could, spreading joy with his music.
But such was not to be...Eluran`s beauty attracted a big Diabolo troublemaker who proceeded to mock the bard Jirage, who did his best to stand up for himself and his fair lady...and eventually their harasser departed, swearing it was not the end.

Days later...

(17:14:34) Jirage plays a sweet melody on his pipes for his beloved
(17:15:12) Jirage smiles, but the smile drops when he spots the dark, cloaked figure beyond the railing of the gazebo
(17:15:28) Eluran jumps back in surprise
(17:15:44) Jirage frowns at the burned face...and the smell
(17:15:58) Jirage says: Who- who are you, sir?
(17:16:21) ROGUE coughs, then calls you "That music I just heard.. Was that you ? "
(17:16:46) Jirage holds up his gilt pan pipes, "Yes. Yes it was."
(17:17:01) Jirage says: I am Jirage Delertte, bard.
(17:17:29) Eluran holds Jirage`s arm and watches the burned figure with wide eyes
(17:18:06) ROGUE approaches the gazebo looking downward. The smell of burnt hair and flesh permeates the air. "Sir May I read a little poem I wrote ? "
(17:18:18) ROGUE says: "I'de love for you to hear it"
(17:18:36) Jirage can`t help but pull a face and waves his hand in front of his face to clear the smell
(17:18:45) Jirage says: If- if you really must...yes.
(17:19:22) Eluran looks from the cloaked individual to Jirage and back to the scroll in the figure`s hand
(17:19:37) ROGUE says: "Oh sir ! I've worked for so long on this poem. It would fill my heart with such joy to share it. "
(17:20:06) Jirage summons a smile unwillingly, "Ah, well....another artist, yes...I`ll, ah, I`ll listen."
(17:20:56) ROGUE approaches the side of the gazebo and holds up the scroll with his left hand. His hand is wounded and is adorned with two black rings with purple crystals.
(17:21:32) Jirage stifles a cough
(17:21:39) Eluran turns her head away
(17:22:11) ROGUE clears his throat as he clumsily shakes the scroll open. The scroll appears to be made from some sort of hide. There appears to be a naturally formed glyph on the hide too.
(17:22:54) Jirage looks from the burned intruder to the scroll of skin and grimaces
(17:23:48) ROGUE says: "With the breaking of this seal, I bind thee to the crystal. Ye shall walk the underworld, night and day for all thy life. A dark candle streaked with red..."
(17:24:45) Jirage frowns deeply and mutters, "What manner of poetry is this?!"
(17:24:55) Eluran gasps and holds Jirage
(17:25:14) ROGUE says: "...shall mark thy time should ye stray. Woe and gloom to he who fails to return by dawn of day..."
(17:25:59) Jirage winces and grabs the gazebo railing behind him
(17:26:11) ROGUE says: "...May his lips be sliced and sewn shut..."
(17:26:26) Eluran looks from the foul, burn-faced intruder to her pained love
(17:26:28) ROGUE says: "...May his ears be filled with screeches..."
(17:26:48) ROGUE's voice escalates
(17:26:57) Jirage touches his mouth and ears, wincing in pain
(17:27:07) ROGUE says: "...May his tongue turn black and fall off. May his nose sense death and decay..."
(17:27:29) Jirage drops to a knee
(17:27:50) Eluran says: Jirage? Jirage!
(17:28:06) ROGUE's voice become louder to the point of shouting
(17:28:24) ROGUE says: "...May his gut be filled with live rats..."
(17:28:38) Jirage grits his teeth and doubles over
(17:28:41) ROGUE says: "...May his flesh be riddled with sores. May his bones splinter and snap..."
(17:28:55) Eluran begins to weep, "Make it stop...make it stop!"
(17:29:15) ROGUE says: "...May his loved ones witness his plight..."
(17:29:37) Jirage collapses prone onto the gazebo floor, his face a rictus of pain
(17:29:42) ROGUE holds out his hands and cries out , "...For this, to Dakkru I pray!"
(17:30:07) Jirage shouts: Aaaarrrgghhhh!
(17:30:26) Jirage dies, his body rapidly disappearing
(17:30:33) >Eluran Kengas stands up.
(17:30:39) Eluran shouts: Nooooo!
Eluran watched in horror as her beloved died before her, his body born to Dakkru`s Realm by the fell curse. Fending off the foul, cloaked individual`s advances she eventually fled, seeking aid...

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:27:14 pm »
Scar-Cross`d Brothers
The priest of Laanx stood atop the Windowless Tower, usually a spot of calm contemplation for him. Somewhere from which he could watch the city contentedly. But not today.
In his hands he gently held a book. The spine was broken, yellowed and torn pages almost falling out. He had found it whilst looking through the temple archives. It both intrigued him and worried him, deeply.
This was not something he could resolve by himself.
He headed back toward the Iron Temple in search of aid...

Within the temple Giroum continued to review the old diary, eventually met by his colleague Aarnir of the priests of Laanx, and shortly after the xacha who goes by the name of `Kisau` (Dalgin). Recent events had brought Dalgin to the temple to pray to Laanx, to give thanks, and in this Giroum saw the work of his lord. Aarnir and Dalgin could aid him in identifying the book. At that point the three were joined by Mellas.
Mellas, Dalgin and Aarnir…

Giroum proceeded to show them the book, `The diary of Naen`, that he had discovered in the archives…a book which appeared to recount the life of a Laanx priest more than three centuries earlier, and which ended most ominously. Giroum requested their aid in identifying the writer and discovering his fate. From the text itself it was clear that this `Naen` had been a priest of Laanx and a member of the Vestru branch of the priesthood, with a brother who had entered Sempetor. Seeking more information he dispatched them to Hydlaa library…

Upon their return…
(11:50:16) Aarnir pulls out the Geneology, "We are in luck! Lori helped us locate some old genealogies, and I believe we've found something, here have a look."
The Apero-Nel family tree…

 (11:51:30) Aarnir says: Seems the Priest Naen, is Naen Apero-Nel.
(11:52:05) Giroum nods, tracing the lines of the tree, "Naen of Keyl."
Examining the family tree they discovered that both parents, Keyl and Naen: the apparent author of the diary had all died in the same year, 424AY…though there seemed to be some mystery surrounding the deaths of Naen and Keyl.
Now knowing the full name of the diary writer, Aarnir lead Dalgin and Mellas to the archives of the priesthood within the Windowless Tower seeking further information.
At the temple archives…

They finally returned to Giroum with three tomes, noting the induction of Naen and Keyl Apero-Nel into the priesthood by Noctar Calertia (upon finding the two youths cavorting atop the Scar of Laanx) and their placement in Vestru and Sempetor after instruction, their fellow recruits, and a plague (mentioned also in Naen`s diary) which spread from the sewers beneath Hydlaa and claimed the lives of their parents. And with the deaths of their parents the family riches were noted as passing to Naen and Keyl…though found to be currently missing from the temple coffers.
Examining the books from the archive...

Dalgin was the first to point out the mention of fungal spore being present on the corpses of the plague victims…
(12:44:44) Giroum frowns, "Your comment about fugi..." Giroum`s eyes strayed to the diary once more. Is there any other mention of this plague?
(12:47:00) Aarnir says: ahh, yes. One in the tunnels led Naen to a crop of funfi
(12:47:19) Dalgin raises his eyebrows
(12:47:24) Dalgin says: That must be it
And found an entry in the original diary…..
(12:48:27) Dalgin reads "Enlightened me to a crop of various fungi down here and from him I learned their uses"
 (12:48:55) Giroum reads `The Plague of 424AY`, "It says here that Naen was told of the plague and bidden to return. It appears he did not."
(12:49:12) Dalgin nods. "Wrapped up in his job."
(12:49:30) Giroum says: While his parents died of the plague.
Giroum shakes his head sadly
(12:49:50) Dalgin stops
(12:49:50) Mellas looks up from the books. 'Could the fungi have been the cure to the plague?'
At this point the four were joined by the Dermorian warrior Zephan Cystennin who was asked to join in their quest…
(12:50:02) >Giroum Duphra greets Zephan Cystennin.
(12:50:10) Dalgin turns to Mellas. "I think the fungi IS the plague"
(12:50:36) Giroum then looks to Dalgin, "You think that...Naen...?"
(12:51:08) Aarnir looks to them both, seems I may be confused...naen was in the tunnels prior to the plague....found some fungi....then a fungi plague ensued...
(12:51:17) Dalgin turns to Giroum. "Isn't it odd? Naen finds some fungi, a plague breaks out, and Naen gets inheritance through his parents' death."
(12:51:30) Dalgin says: And then, he doesn't attend their funeral
(12:51:48) Dalgin says softly. "Perhaps it was foul play..."
(12:51:53) Mellas frowns, a rather shocked look on her face.
(12:57:30) Giroum says: believe Naen was reponsible for the plague in the sewers...which got into the city..and felled his parents?
(12:58:05) Mellas has a hard time believing that someone could do such a thing.
(12:58:10) Dalgin nods. "It doesn't seem to match what others thought of him, but it does explain why he didn't attend their funeral, and why the funds are missing
(12:58:49) Giroum's brow furrows, "That a priest would turn his back on his faith and release such a disease....!"
(12:58:58) Mellas nods. 'It makes sense, though the thought of such an act scares me.'

Whilst duty drew Aarnir away, Giroum, Dalgin, Zephan and Mellas continued to work on the mystery…it fully appeared that Naen Apero-Nel, assigned to charitable works in the slums and sewers of the city might have known of, if not unleashed, a plague which claimed his own parents. And it appeared that his inheritance had vanished without trace.

(13:01:29) Giroum frowns, "There were mentions of a meeting, annually between the brothers...yes?"
(13:01:35) Dalgin nods
(13:01:38) Mellas nods. 'Aye.'
 (13:01:56) Giroum says: But...where?
(13:02:13) Mellas scans the books.
(13:04:35) Dalgin says: Wait... Laanx's Scar?
And thus they found the next step in their quest…an annual rendezvous between the brother priests. They had been first caught and reprimanded for playing atop Laanx`s Scar by the priest Noctar Calertia as youths…and had maintained their tradition of meeting their on the anniversary throughout their training. The last entry of the diary, as Naen appeared to descend into madness, indicated a lasting desire to maintain that tradition…
(13:05:04) Giroum looks over the books once more....yes...yes, you may be right.
(13:05:09) Dalgin says: I'm looking at the Record of Noctar Calertia, and it says that Noctar found Keyl and Naen playing there
(13:05:39) Zephan nods. "If my memory serves me right, I know where it is..."
And so they set out for the Scar of Laanx..
Giroum takes on a serous expression, "The Scar of Laanx is a hill near Gugrontid...."
Dalgin says: Ironic, Gugrontid is the mark of Talad, is it not?
Mellas looks at the trio curiously. 'Why is it called a scar?'
Dalgin turns to Mellas. "Well, Laanx used a mask to cover the scar that Talad gave him. That much I know."
Giroum swallows audibly, "It is also the burial place of Konroran. The first Kran."

And upon arrival near the Scar of Laanx the four found, stood upon the mound, a Kran…
Unexpected meeting with Gernst on the Scar of Laanx...

It took much time for them to trick Gernst into leaving the hill and not to ask too many questions about their business, gifts of kindness from both Zephan and Dalgin, along with the xacha`s persuasiveness eventually saw the kran on his way…and not a moment too soon for Giroum, who was loath to begin digging on the burial mound of Konroran with one of the first kran`s descendants watching!

After some digging with shovels Giroum had brought with them they unearthed various items….a xacha skull within a battle helm, an ancient short sword and a gem-encrusted longsword and a platinum holy symbol of Laanx: the remains of Keyl Apero-Nel. And the remains of his brother, author of the mysterious diary, Naen Apero-Nel: another xacha skull, an ancient dagger…and most alarmingly a second diary, a scroll containing a poem…and a single black glass bead, confirming Giroum`s worst fears.
The four proceeded to consider and examine their finds.
Digging atop the Scar of Laanx/Konroran`s grave...

The four examine the buried poem scroll...

The poem was a piece of blasphemous filth, a work of heresy, but the diary worse…it was identical to that which Naen himself had sent to the temple, presumably just prior to setting out to meet his brother, though filled with the fallen priest`s true thoughts. His growing jealously and hatred for his brother, his concoction and releasing of the virus which felled his own parents, his loss of faith in his god and his intention to slay his brother to acquire their complete inheritance…ending with a coded message, an alphagram which Mellas succeeded in deciphering…
“bdeiru eehrw eht aben fo achmonrs dhot gorw, illw fo eht ehiprsw be deno.”
“Buried where the bane of monarchs doth grow, Will of the Whisper be done.”
Bane of monarchs…
(14:08:20) Giroum rubs his jaw, "Yliakum has no king..never has, that I know of."
(14:08:49) Mellas ponders quietly.
(14:09:32) Dalgin says: Is it an herb?
(14:10:00) Giroum remember something and takes out the diary once more. Giroum opens the diary and flicks through the pages
(14:10:40) Zephan says: Aye, he mentioned some herbs in there...
(14:10:51) Mellas says: kingsfoil..
(14:10:58) Giroum says: Naen joined Vestru....learned about pl- YES!
(14:11:00) Dalgin looks up
(14:11:07) Giroum says: Mellas, you genius!
(14:11:08) Mellas says: 'Where kingsfoil grows?'
(14:11:08) Dalgin says: yes, monarchs, kings
 (14:11:15) Zephan says: Fantastic.
(14:11:15) Mellas blushes.
(14:11:30) Dalgin says: so, where does kingsfoil grow?
(14:11:47) Giroum nods, thinking and relights his pipe
(14:11:48) Zephan says: I've seen them growing in the Derghir village. Anywhere else?
(14:11:59) Mellas says: Wasn't that near the green... consumers?
(14:12:16) Mellas taps her chin. 'Something grew there.'
(14:12:26) Giroum nods to Mellas enthusiastically again, "My dear, what would we do without you?!"
(14:12:44) Dalgin says: Well, let's go

Their journey, and quest, finally ended in the dead-end valley inhabited by a trio of consumers, the beasts having to be slain before they could uncover Naen`s treasure that he had hidden away over three centuries earlier…

 (14:33:56) Mellas says: 'Incredible!'
(14:34:02) Giroum says: This is yours.
(14:34:12) Dalgin says: Really?
(14:34:17) Giroum nods solemnly
(14:34:21) Dalgin says: But.... it was you who called for us
(14:34:34) Mellas blinks with disbelief
(14:34:38) Giroum shakes his head, "Not so that I could recover valuables.  If I might make one request...?”
(14:34:53) Dalgin says: Of course
(14:35:14) Mellas nods. 'Certainly.'
(14:35:31) Giroum says: The records from the archives....the diary and that accursed poem...might I have them?
(14:35:45) Mellas says: Aye!
(14:36:09) Dalgin nods
(14:36:37) Giroum says: And perhaps it would be best if I buried Naen and Keyl`s skulls properly.
(14:36:44) Dalgin nods
(14:37:17) Mellas nods in silent agreement
(14:37:39) Giroum says: Their swords and equipment are yours also. Use them well.
(14:41:55) Giroum says: You have the blessings of Laanx....and my own personal thanks.
(14:42:18) Zephan nods to Giroum.
(14:42:19) Mellas feels little respect for Naen's actions, but sighs.
(14:42:35) Mellas inclines her head gratefully to Giroum
(14:42:46) Dalgin says: Thank you, Giroum

(14:44:07) Giroum is about to turn and leave when a thought occurs...
 (14:45:11) Giroum says: This here...I believe it accounts for *Naen*`s share of his inheritance. He would be unable to withdraw his brother`s...but that share is missing from the treasury also....
(14:45:24) Zephan frowns, tilting his head?
(14:45:35) Dalgin raises his eyebrows
(14:45:36) Mellas ' eyes widen.
 (14:45:48) Giroum says: I may have need of individuals such as yourselves once more, some day...if I discover a lead on this remaining mystery.
(14:45:55) >Dalgin Xawanda lets out a hearty laugh!
 (14:46:15) >Giroum Duphra lets out a hearty laugh!
 (14:47:57) Giroum lights his pipe once more from the candle atop his staff and wanders off back toward the temple.
(14:48:00) Giroum bows his head, hands together in prayer
(14:48:00) Giroum says: May Laanx frighten the shadows from thy path.

Giroum, Mellas, Zephan and Dalgin discover the treasure...

[The event ended up lasting far longer and had far fewer participants than expected...though if we`d had more we`d have probably taken even longer. I was very pleased with how it went, thanks to Aarnir, Dalgin, Zephan and Mellas for taking part. A sequel is in the works...]

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