Author Topic: Dev Q&A 24/09/2017  (Read 454 times)


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Dev Q&A 24/09/2017
« on: October 23, 2017, 12:41:06 am »
I knew I was one dev meet behind but apparently, I'm behind by two  :oops:

Attendees from the team:
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Mordaan (Settings)
Uadjet (GM Team)
Emaline (GM Team)

Talad Says: Hello everyone, and welcome to the "Meet the developers" event. It's an OOC meeting, where you can ask questions about the game, give comments or ideas.
Talad Says: If you want to speak, you can walk to the stand in front of us. Please form a queue there in case there are other people. One question each, then you can queue again.
Talad Says: hi
Emaline Says: Hello Mishka
Mordaan Says: pff, hello potted plant
Mairon says: I hope I won`t crash this time..
Karmilla says: [plants have feelings, too. Mordaan]
Mishka says: Hi. I don't want to be controversial but I've seen players get rewards before. Groups like the Skunkworks team that created the leather armor crafting book and quests, players that independently contributed to in game literature, freelance developers that let the game use the assets they made, players submitting events... Would it be possible to acknowledge them, not necessarily writing them down in the credits, but perhaps commending their efforts in game?
Mishka says: People would see them getting cool things for contributing, and perhaps that would make them consider contributing, too, to the best of their abbilities.
Talad Says: adding a in game contributors list in the credits could be ok to me
Mishka says: I think people would rather get cool, unique stuff in game, stuff they can show off even.
Mairon says: You should get a Q5000 ornate crossbow with like 50 damage, Mishka.
Mishka says: :P
Gonger says: I do not think rewards should be too great. Contribution to the game should come out of conviction, not for paiment.
Migg says: Still, some credit would be nice
Gonger says: Nothing wrong with that, Migg. Agreed.
Maltrobian says: I agree with Gonger and Migg
Mishka says: But that way you would motivate people to contribute. I can see it happening: "How did you get that?" "I wrote a quest" "Cool, how do you go about that to get stuff like that?"
Mairon says: ^
Migg says: Give them a staff like Uadjet's?
Mishka says: It has two sides: you get people to contribute, and even to consider becoming a fully-fledged developer.
Uadjet Says: I agree with Gonger about in-game rewards not really being appropriate. At least not powerful equipment or tools. Maybe a contributor trophy or something? Nothing that gives an advantage, but kept for pride.
Maltrobian says: But, based on your statemnet Mishka, they would only want to do it for a reward.
Migg says: Staff of the Quest Writer
Maltrobian says: ^ lol
Mishka says: And what's wrong with that?
Emaline Says: Not everyone is a great story teller or able to programing so it would be unfair because not everyone would be qualified to earn these rewards.
Uadjet Says: Achievements for Myplane?
Gonger says: There is nothing wrong with giving symbolic rewards, that show the appreciation.
Talad Says: I suggest the gm team collects the requests
Mishka says: Achievements is a good idea.
Migg says: that would be great!
Talad Says: and we can evaluate it
Talad Says: will be nice to have also in game rewards
Talad Says: I'm fine with that
Gonger says: I once received a nice staff, with some CW bonus, but not so high that I would actually use it, for I have better items.
Mishka says: How about trophies for maxing skills too, maybe?
Emaline Says: That would be a lot of trophes for some people and they would have no use for them
Mishka says: Could be a quest checking your skill level, and offering rewards.
Mishka says: Well, yes PLers would have an edge I guess.
Emaline Says: We would spend a lot of time checking peoples stats and making those up for each person for each skill.
Mishka says: Oh, a quest would make it automatic.
Mordaan Says: I'd save those for the myplane achievements.
Uadjet Says: I'm thinking a maxed skill is its own reward, but an achievement...I dunno. That might encourage grinding rather than interacting with other players.
Mishka says: There are quests that check your skill level already. So check your skill level, and offer 2-3 items based on the skill you maxed out.
Tinabobina says: what if people arent on myplane?
Karmilla says: I dont need a reward for my maxed skills
Migg says: lol Uadjet, who took your staff?
Maltrobian says: I wouldn't want them
Uadjet Says: Felt the need for some variety.
Migg says: everyone is on myplane
Mishka says: Some ideas are better than others I guess.
Emaline Says: I agree it would add more achiements., We can look into what it takes to do that.
Uadjet Says: Your stats aren't viewable to others unless you choose to make them so, but all characters are on there.
Emaline Says: Hello Migg
Mairon says: And still no lootable fancy staves in game..
Migg says: Hi!
Tinabobina says: I just thought you had to sign up for it Uadjet
Mairon says: Have to farm Nefas for like forever to get even the Drain staff ><
Migg says: There has been some talk lately on fighting NPCs and kiting and such, and I would like some clarification on what is or isn't allowed
Mairon says: No, please stop.
Talad Says: I think stats should be myplane yes
Talad Says: like an achievement
Migg says: my character is not a warrior, he uses ranged when needed, and takes advantage of everything in the landscape
Mishka says: *cough*coward*cough*
Gonger says: Kiting?
Migg says: he will climb the rock, fool the beast into trying to scale the steep side of the hill
Mishka says: Hit n run Gonger.
Gonger says: Ah, thanks, Mishka.
Karmilla giggles at Mishka's comment.
Migg says: and yes, sometimes the beast will stop at some unseen border and stop following
Migg says: So what is the appropriate way for Migg to use his ranged way of fighting wothout getting killed?
Migg says: *without
Emaline lets Uadjet take this one.
Mishka says: The fact you're asking means you care. You're more okay than the rest of people who kite and abuse the system, Migg
Mairon says: That would somehow depend on Migg`s alignment, wouldn`t it?
Uadjet Says: That's a tricky question to answer, and I know there's been a lot of debate on that topic.
Emaline Says: I think the problem mainly arises when people stand up on the walls in the arena casting at things they would in no way be able to normally kill. Gaining something (skill and PP) for no risk.
(15:30:04) Emaline Says: The arena is made for training.
Emaline Says: In the pits with the mobs.
Mairon says: Like, if he is a strict Xiosia follower, he probably wouldn`t use that oppotrunity.
Karmilla says: Thats training, isnt it?
Mishka says: Kind of an oxymoron.
Uadjet Says: What I'm trying to do is look at each situation and figure out how a real world version of that scenario would play out.
Mairon says: RP-wise, it would be if the beast fell down while running and broke a leg.
Emaline Says: You are not training anything up on the wall where nothing can hit you and the mobs run around and get stuck in walls trying to find a path to you.
Mishka says: So being on top of a rock in the wilderness is fair game, but being on top of the Arena walls isn't?
Migg says: Yes, am I OK climbing that rock?
Damola suggests "Maybe place mobs with wide range attacks in Arena."
Uadjet Says: Most of the time using limits in pathing or geometry wouldn't work IRL. A critter might climb, or if that's impossible it would run.
Migg says: A wolf would stay beneath the tree, unless wounded too much to want to fight
Mishka says: Well, why not make an IC set of rules for the Arena? Maybe written by Gregori. That way players can be punished according a ruleset.
Gonger says: Good thought, Mishka.
Uadjet Says: We had someone recently that was using geometry and pathing limitations to kill mobs safely, when really the critter should have been able to take a single step up and smashed him into a pulp.
Emaline Says: That's something I've been considering, yes.
Mairon says: Usually people kill creatures in the Arena pits not for PPs, but for loot.
Migg says: Perhaps shooting from the walls could trigger an automatic script?
Mishka says: Standing on top of the walls and shooting at the mobs? That's a paddlin'
Igesal says: who even does that, can't get to loot anything killing things standing on walls..
Mishka says: Hoggin' a dummy? That's a paddlin'
Emaline Says: mainly they are farming PPs.
Mishka says: Wasting loot is what they're doing
Mordaan Says: I don't know if identifying that automatically is possible.
Emaline Says: We will have to discuss this rule and figure out something out. thanks for brining it to our attention.
Gonger says: Wasting fun is what they're doing. No risk, no fun.
Migg says: Well, in my experience tria is what is missing more than PPs
Mordaan Says: agreed, PPs aren't as important as they used to be.
Igesal says: but some things like rock at the bottom of zaltok lake shouldn't even be there
Mairon says: Yeah right, such rules would make the game even more restricted and thus interesting to play and engaging, yeah right.
Migg says: OK, the gist is that this only applies to the arena then
Emaline Says: I'll talk to rules about making the river kings spells more powerful.
Mairon says: Zlatac is faster that any mount though..
Gonger says: I like Mishka's idea. It is like with enforcing RP discussion in the forums. How can we justify that a rule is being enforced, if the rule is published only in some more or less obscure spot?
Migg says: thank you!
Mairon says: *than
Emaline Says: Hello Maltrobian
Mishka says: The problem is that people don't know about rules.
Maltrobian says: Hi Emma
Migg says: And Emaline, please don't
Migg says: I remember being killed too much by the river king
Maltrobian says: I have a question about game development, and how I can help
Mairon says: Would UE make it possible to make the riverlings swim?
Mishka says: Get on the line and make that question
Emaline Says: Please get in line Mairon.
Mairon says: Nah, too specific.
Talad Says: UE can really give a facelift to PS
Karmilla points behind her.
Uadjet Says: I believe the engine has native support for...whatever it is we need to make areas swimming areas. Volumetic something?
Talad Says: if you want to help learn Unreal Engine
Talad Says: and then contact me :)
Mairon says: Thanks Talad.
Maltrobian says: I have no experience with game desgin, nor coding of any kind. What kind of skills would I require to help develope the game?
Maltrobian says: The site makes it to diffucult to even begin to help
Emaline Says: Learning how to use Unreal Engine
Emaline Says: how to create things in it.
Gonger says: Join Settings, Background, Art team.
Mishka says: Is it easy?
Mordaan Says: You don't need much skills for settings. >.>
Mishka says: Given this game is RP-based, you DO need skills for writing quests and lore.
Mishka says: Specially English skills if you're not a native - and in certain cases even if you're a native too.
Emaline Says: Does that answer your question Maltrobian
Mordaan Says: well, for the actual quest design, yes, but you don't need any kind of coding skills to learn it.
Maltrobian says: No, due to the fact that I have no time playing the paper-pencil dungeon master game.
Mishka writes some of her cool maps while people ask questions.
Mishka says: No Maltrobian, it's easier than that.
Emaline Says: Not everyone can help and contrubute and that's okay too Maltrobian.
Mishka says: You start with a workflow diagram for the quest.
Mishka says: Then you fill in the steps with content.
Mishka says: Your fellow devs review and proofread what you made, while you learn.
Mairon says: Just like in coding :)
Maltrobian says: Are there age restrictions?
Emaline Says: But that's how one would be able to help and contrubuite. Learn how to use the UE and or check out Venalan's post about writing quests for the game.
Mishka says: The only difference is that quests work. Most of the time.
Emaline Says: those would be two simple ways.
Emaline Says: Anyone can write quests.
Maltrobian says: I mean to submit an application
Maltrobian says: For settings team
Emaline Says: That information is on t he main site.
Emaline Says: or you can join IRC #planeshift-prospects and talk to them in there.
Mordaan Says: or come up with some plans for things like shadowcasters, or how we can have those staves be rewards for something, etc.
Maltrobian says: Damn. I am 2 years too young.
Mishka says: You can start by contributing as a freelance writer, and offering your stuff to Venalan to pretty up and submit in his name.
Mairon says: There`s no one on IRC though..
Migg says: You don't have to drink Maltrobian
Mishka says: You'd be the author, but he'd be the publisher
Maltrobian says: I am 16
Maltrobian says: It says 18 on the application
Emaline Says: Not for just writing quests
Emaline Says: Venalan has a post on the forums about it or you can talk to people in prospects chan and they will guide you
Mairon says: Who is the most active member on PS IRC?
Mordaan Says: yep
Emaline Says: Mairon again get in line.
Maltrobian says: Okay. Thank you guys so much.
Emaline Says: Irrelevent questions. :P
Talad Says: we would like to get mature contributors
Mishka says: Everyone can write and submit quests and events. Just ask for the guidelines. It's easy, rewarding on itself, and helps you get better at writing.
Talad Says: mainly becasue we dont want to waste each other time
Karmilla says: Hello.
Emaline Says: there is a huge forum post from Venalan all about it.
Talad Says: but we can make exceptions based on people attitude and skill
Mairon says: Why, Emaline? I had the same question as Maltrobian.
Karmilla says: My question is about pp's. Once you max your stats they just accumulate forever.
Mishka says: Mature doesn't necessarily mean 18+. A 14yo can be more mature than a 32yo :P
Emaline Says: He's asking how to contrubute, your asking who is active on irc.
Migg says: ^
Mishka says: hear hear
Emaline Says: That's why Talad said we can make expetions based on skill.
Mairon says: I want to contribute - I visit IRC - there`s no one there - I quit
Karmilla says: If there was a way to spend them, or even convert to cash or resources. Id love that.
Emaline Says: This has been talked about before Karmilla, and I think they discussed a few ideas on things but I'm not sure if they came to anything final
Mordaan Says: Yeah, you sometimes have to hang around awhile to get a response. It won't always be immediate.
Migg says: Cash!
Igesal says: there's always someone on irc =.=
Talad Says: the main UE site has plenty of tutorials
Emaline Says: There are also several rooms on IRC where we hang out in, so depending on who or what your looking for.
Mairon says: I know just the main (2-3 folks) and Shindrok ones (no one at all)
Karmilla says: Even if you have to save for a while to get anything worthwhile. At least they wouldnt be useless like they are now.
Mairon says: *2-3 online
Migg says: the new UE code is up somewhere?
Emaline Says: the main irc room usually has about 20 people in it.
Gonger says: Mairon, this is why people should queue up - we know have several question-answer threads running in parallel.
Gonger says: *now
Emaline Says: I'll poke the devs about the PP thing again, it might just be low on the list is all.
Mairon says: Whoa, PS police arrived
Mishka says: Are you done?
Emaline Says: Yes Mishka ?
Mishka says: Karmilla
Mishka says: Oh nevermind
Karmilla says: Yes?
Mishka says: IRC seems dead, but that's just because people are old-school folks it seems. Would there be an interest in a Discord server? Discord is a platform made for gamers, and with the right bot implementation there could be an IRC-Discord feedback as well.
Karmilla says: Yes, that sounds good
Damola is old skool IRC type. Matrix could be interesting as its free *and* has a protocol stack *and* an IRC bridge.
Karmilla says: And you can leave messages if noone is online.
Emaline Says: IRC pretty much got replaced by having a gossip chan in game. Adding another out of game chat area just takes away from the RP and in game chat.
Damola says: Thing is setting up another chatsystem without a bridge will split chat communities.
Mishka says: I have created a Discord server, and while I'm setting it up people could still join.
Emaline Says: That's why it's dead. It's mostly used by people who don't play anymore and want to keep tabs or by the team.
Mishka says: Look at it this way Emaline
Emaline Says: That's something for Talad to decide if he wants an offical PS discord really.
Mishka says: Imagine you have an event coming up. You drop on Discord and ping people with a @here taf
Mishka says: tag*
Mishka says: Well, while it's not considered official, it's still open for anyone who'd like to join.
Mishka says: So PM me for an invite.
Igesal uses irc, just doesn't type much in it
Migg uses IRC too
Mordaan Says: I'm on irc 24/7, just obviously not always in front of my keyboard
Talad Says: I think IRC is lighter and easier
Talad Says: Discord can be nice for voice chat
Talad Says: if players want to use it in game will be good
Talad Says: for whisper communication
Igesal says: the bigest disatvantage of discord is that you can leave messages to people offline there, very annoying
Mishka says: In the server I created there are channels for every city. Announcements can be made there, for events and such.
Mishka says: Players can arrange IC meetings there before getting in game, or setting up times where they'll be able to play together, saving the timezone gap.
Karmilla says: Why is tat a disadvantage, Igesal?
Karmilla says: that*
Migg says: you can do that on IRC as well
Damola wonders about announcement made in discord that every player not using it will simply miss then
Emaline Says: We already announce events on 3-5 platforms.
Damola will still just hint at in-game-events in gossip channel
Emaline Says: Not to mention in gossip and world shouts shrotly before.
Mishka says: Plus, you can use Discord on your phone, with their own app and not a 3rd party one
Mairon says: Voice communication in PS, wow
Emaline Says: That would break imersion for RP...
Talad Says: I think just to gather people its ok
Mishka says: That.
Talad Says: but should not substitute main chat
Damola says: yes.
Mishka says: Of course there would be operators monitoring that.
Mairon says: What if someone talks Dermorian or Enki language on Discord, Emaline? :)
Mairon says: Would it be OOC?
Mishka says: Anything not happening in game would be considered OOC.
Mairon says: That would even expand the immersion.
Damola imagines impersonating Andromaleficius again and what voice that would be
Mordaan Says: Actually speaking a PS language conversationally? That's hard core! :)
Migg says: tougher than klingon!
Mairon says: By the way, someone deleted a Lemur/Xacha language file from the site, could you please bring it back?
Mordaan Says: If its somewhere to be brought back, sure.
Mishka says: Glaciusor was fluent in Enkien.
Mairon says: Yes Igesal, on the wiki
Talad Says: from which site?
Talad Says: the pswiki?
Uadjet Says:
Mairon says: It redirects to the main
Damola wonders about how spread out all those things areā€¦
Uadjet Says: Ah, it points to from the Lemur page
Mairon says: ^
Damola says: would be nicer
Mordaan Says: but it's not hosted on that server
Mordaan Says: though we can make a redirect
Mairon says: Where is it then?
Damola says: subdomain of could point to different IP address
Damola says: I think all in one placeā€¦ and also a forum with DNS name around or at least a redirect like
Igesal says: oh, there is nolthrir languea, how cute ><
Damola says: it would make things more accessible
Mordaan Says: yeah
Mairon says: So the file with Lemur language got snatched by the Black Flame than?
Mairon says: *then
Uadjet Says: Was there somethign about Nolthrir using the Dermorian alphabet?
Uadjet Says: There was a conversation about underwater races and writing, I think.
Mishka says: Excuse me, I have things to do tomorrow.
Karmilla says: they are both elves, it would make sense
Mairon says: So where`s the file?
Uadjet Says: I suppose they could use carvings. Could have underwater races use things like seaweed quipu.
Talad Says: Hi,
Talad Says: sorry I have to leave
Talad Says: but I let you continue if you want
Mairon says: I guess it was just renamed
Emaline Says: I think we are done here with the meeting.
Mordaan Says: bye Talad
Mordaan Says: I'm sure it can be found somewhere in backups. We'll have to look.
Mairon says: Thank you.
Mordaan Says: Thanks for attending, everyone.
Damola says: Thank you.
Tinabobina says: thank you
Gonger says: Thanks for the work.
Karmilla waves
Migg says: Thanks everyone!
Migg says: Thanks for the game, and the events!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 07:59:24 am by Emaline »
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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