Author Topic: Dev Q&A 08/10/2017  (Read 464 times)


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Dev Q&A 08/10/2017
« on: October 23, 2017, 12:42:02 am »
Attendees from the team:

Talad (Leader/Founder)
Mordaan (Settings)
Uadjet (GM Team)
Emaline (GM Team)

Gag says: Oh?
Gag says: This meeting needs guards?
{Dev Q&A starts soonm, let us know if you want a taxi or come find us at the courthouse in East Hydlaa}
Aachey says:  For those who don't feel the game has enough Dan, we have Mordaan on the way.
Damola chuckles slightly
Damola comments "Octarchal guards trying to be funny."
Damola tries to remember what she wanted to ask some days ago
Mordaan says:  Hello, welcome to Meet the Devs.
Dilihin says: Hi Mordaan
Mordaan says:  I have pinged Talad, not sure he's available.
Mairon says: Send him a raven!
Cyarara says:  I think you have all been here before, you know the drill, line up if you have a question, one question at a time, etc, etc.
Mordaan says:  Yep, so let's get started with any questions.
Gag says: Well, at first ... why so formal today? Is there a need for guards here?
Cyarara says:  We may not be able to answer your questions now, but might have to get back to you due to the lack of devs.
Sarras says: this is ooc gag
Mairon grins "Yes, Gag, indeed".
Tozaun lols in main
Cyarara says:  is that your question?
Gag says: It is
Cyarara says:  We felt like something different.
Gag says: But I can take this detour as an answer...
Gag says: [ Ein Teil dieser Antwort würde die Bevölkerung verunsichern. ]
Tozaun says: Its not a ic thing its a dev q&a
Tozaun says: So we can lol in main and :)
Gonger says: Only here, Tozaun, only here! :)
Mairon says: I have a question regarding appearances. Not that long ago I found a mod called GreatShift that can change it client-side. What I liked the most were DIFFERENT WAY ROBE COLORS (right, with caps-lock). I really would like to see them in PS server-wise.
Dilihin says: (:
Mairon says: Could the devs implement it if they are there already?
Mordaan says:  My understanding is it would require a different mesh for every variation, no?
Mishka says: No, a different texture.
Mairon says: Sorry, I`m not that keen on graphics..
Sarras says: you'd have different object IDs with the same mesh but a different texture
Mishka says: A recolor in photoshop can do that, but it'd increase the size of the folder.
Jilerel says: Not a different texture
Jilerel says: You can do that with shaders if that's how CS works
Mishka says: Wait for the Unreal Engine, which will allow shaders to be used.
Jilerel says: UE4 will fix that too indeed
Sarras says: you can do that in unreal, jilerel
Mishka says: CS doesn't currently allow that kind of shaders.
Mairon says: But if the colors change client-wise, what prevents the players from seeing each other in robes of different colour?
Tozaun sighs
Dilihin says: we're not in UE as of yet
Mairon says: [sorry, typed]
Mordaan says:  yeah, so you'd have a lot of different items, and we preferred the shader option, but we never accomplished that in CS. So we're kinda waiting for UE for that.
Tozaun says: Is there no near future where UE is ready?
Mishka says: If a robe has a texture named, and you have a file, but the other players don't, only you will be able to see the texture.
Mairon says: I know, what about the server though?
Mairon says: Isn`t the client based on CS as well, I mean?
Mishka says: For it to be seen, everyone would need to have the same folder with the same files.
Mordaan says:  Short term, since yes, no telling when UE will be fully available, we might want to just get it in. Not sure how high a priority it is, though.
Mishka says: Textures are stored client-side, not server-side.
Mairon says: So, with the next update, Mishka, no?
Mordaan says:  Maybe it's worth bringing up with Talad at some point.
Mishka says: Not the next. The Unreal update.
Cyarara says:  That sounds like it would need a client update?
Sarras says: also, there would be no variety since it would share the same color amongst all robes of that particular model.
Mishka says: Talad has said before there's talk of shaders for character and clothes costumisation.
Mordaan says:  especially if everything is already available and it's just a matter of updating the art files
Mairon says: Yes, Cyarara, a client one.
Cyarara says:  which is a HUGE update.
Tozaun says: A year or two away?
Cyarara says:  And a lot of work. Right now they are working on smaller ones just server updates.
Mairon says: That`s what I`m talking about, Mordaan. Everything is already in place.
Cyarara says:  We might not have the rights to those though.
Cyarara says:  which is why it was never done for everyone, I have no idea.
Mairon narrows his eyes "Which rights?"
>Server is not responding, try again in 5 minutes. Exiting PlaneShift...
Mishka says: What happen
Mishka says: Someone set up us the bomb
Mordaan says:  unfortunate time for a server crash
Mairon says: Why does it crash anyway? Too much load?
Mishka says: Or someone tried to do an illegal action
Tozaun sighs
Migg says: like rob Harnquist?
Sarras says: oh no
Mairon says: Anyway, back to our topic. What prevents us from having different robe colors in the next update?
Gag says: * lift everyone in radius ...
Mishka says: CS update, or UE update?
Damola enjoys standing in the air after having been unstuck by gm
Mairon says: CS one.
Cyarara says:  We will ask about it, and see why they were not added. It could be as smiple as the art was never actually given to us.
Damola giggles
Mordaan says:  we'll have to ask Talad about it
Mishka says: Aren't there like 6 races? That makes 12 different robes.
Mairon says: Ok, GMs.
Mishka says: By 6, that's 72 tetures.
Mishka says: textures*
Damola practices her levitation spell again
Mairon says: Yes, Mishka, there are even more robes in GS.
Mordaan says:  IF it's just as simple as an art update and doesn't require a new client, it should be doable.
Mishka says: But I'm sure GS doesn't use a deprecated engine.
Mishka says: It's an art update and setting the XMLs right, Venalan knows how it's done.
Mairon says: No, it`s usually for even older PS version like 0.6.1. or 0.6.3.
Mordaan says:  But that's the reason Talad didn't want to go in that would require 72 items. Not very efficient.
Sarras says: i think the issue is that there being different races means that every different way robe means too many models to put into the game. it would be better to wait until UE and use shaders to change a color map (texture).
Mishka says: Exactly what Mordaan said.
Sarras says: i type too much sorry lol
Damola smiles "Will be nice to be able to put more individuality on chars."
Mishka says: And yes, I suggested that too Sarras
Cyarara says:  We will speak to Venalan and Talad about this. I'll post what I find out on the dev meeting notes post
Cyarara says:  Thats all we can do at this point, so we might as well move on to the next question please
Mordaan says:  It will happen...just a matter if we wait until a UE client.
Aachey says:  9 races, actually. Dermorian, Nolthrir, Ylian, Ynnwn, Kran, Klyros, Enki, Stonehammer, Lemur. So 18 robes. 20 including Diaboli. Shades are easier.
Mishka says: Just saying Talad might not be too happy about it.
Mordaan says:  + male & female in many cases
Tozaun says: With UE should be the return of playable Diaboli, since not feeling like making models is the only reason they were removed.
Mairon shrugs "Ok, well".
Aachey says:  And six colors
Gag says: 19 (-Kran)
Mishka says: 18 because M/F Klyros share it
Cyarara says:  I still say lets move on..
Mairon says: Hm, why were the Diaboli pyrged?
Tozaun says: and Xacha
Mishka says: That's another question. Get in line!
Mairon says: *purged
Aachey says:  Plus people would want robes for other things. Priest robes, for example. When clothing options become available different robes could be added.
Aachey says:  Xacha were merged with Lemurs, and Diaboli all live in the DR. Or something.
Mishka says: Hi, I just wanted to make an announcement.
Mairon says: New items, no?
Cyarara says:  Go on
Tozaun says: those were the excuse for not feeling like making models, thus removing them
Mairon says: So Diaboli looked like Ynnwn, Tozaun?
Sarras says: no
Mairon says: I`ve seen a Diaboli in DR and another one in Hydlaa. Looked just like Ynnwn..
Cyarara says:  because they share the same model as then like your race curently does.
Aachey says:  No, Diaboli are devilish. Shiny oil-black skin, long pointed tail, and horns.
Sarras says: models do, but not exactly. they suffer from the same lack of art
gives her attention to Mishka, the one at the podium.
Mishka says: I'm starting to plan a masquerade ball (name pending) for the 18th of November, and do the Yule Ball again on the 17th of December. I think both fall in Saturday. They'd start around this time, or maybe 30 min later.
Aachey says:  Might that be a little late for Euro time zones?
Aachey says:  Not that I want to sound discouraging!
Cyarara says:  This time is very late for a lot of folks, they start to head to bed 30min to an hour from now.
Mishka says: I crashed.
Aachey says:  I love the idea, I'm just worried it might be a little late in the day.
Cyarara says:  Sounds good...not sure about the time, it's late for Euro peoples.
Dilihin says: Mishka that is very late time in here, but otherwise good idea
Cyarara says:  most of them start logging off anytime between now and the next hour and a half.
Mishka says: Then I'm thinking about pushing it 4-5 hours earlier.
Dilihin says: i mean europe by here heh
Mishka says: I just wanted to take both european and american players together. It's on a Saturday so a lot of people will have free time after dinner.
Cyarara says:  Sounds good, let us know if you need anything from us, and when you have an actual date and time we can add it to the events page.
Mishka says: Can I make a question, then?
Cyarara says:  Sure, after Dilihin,get in line!
Mairon says: kek
Dilihin says: that
Cyarara cackles
Mishka says: It's regarding this announcement
Dilihin says: hey hey, get in line :P
Mishka says: ... actually never mind, I'll ask in private
Tozaun says: Its a new question, get in like
Mishka says: Wouldn't want to spoil the fumn
Tozaun says: line*
Mishka says: fun**
Dilihin says: So, just to clear up, now that we have both UE in development and CS in use, how much time is invested in both?I mean is there anything still done for the CS version, or is all development now in the Unreal version?
Mishka says: Models and quests are still being developed, because those can be used for either version.
Cyarara says:  There is the man to ask that one to.
Talad says:  Hi
Mordaan says:  Most of the effort is being spent on UE. CS related stuff maybe it mainly for fixes and the like.
Mordaan says:  *is mainly
Damola watches how Cyarara disappears behind Talad
Dilihin says: I see, glad to hear that
Mairon says: so, what we were talking about? New robe colors in PS? :D
Damola says: I´d day first finish Dilihin´s question
Cyarara says:  I thought Mordaan did.
Dilihin says: not sure if there is more to it?
Damola says: Well, okay. I thought Talad might like to add, but he doesn´t know question, so…
Cyarara says:  ^
Talad says:  what was the question?
Damola says: Dilihin, care to repeat?
Cyarara says:  How much effort is going into working on CS vs UE.
Cyarara says:  are we still adding anything to CS or is all the resourses being put towards UE
Dilihin says: So, just to clear up, now that we have both UE in development and CS in use, how much time is invested in both?I mean is there anything still done for the CS version, or is all development now in the Unreal version?
Damola looks at the fine shields of the Octarchal Guards.
Dilihin says: ^ there
Aachey says:  I think they're still working on things for this engine, just things that are easy to port over.
Aachey says:  Quests, for example. Combat schools.
Aachey says:  More cool shields for GM's that players can't have. Like these shields.
Aachey grins.
Tozaun says: I forgot about combat schools
Cyarara says:  so mean to them Aachey!
Damola ponders about ways to sneak such a shield from one GM
Mairon says: Cool staves as well, yeah.\
Mordaan says:  Right, some development is engine specific, some is just data that is independent of the engine.
Cyarara says:  Why does everyone think I'm the weak GM and will give mine up!?
Tozaun says: We dont.
Damola doesn´t think so and finds it might be quite challenging to try to obtain such a shield from a GM
Cyarara says:  Because we have Talad here now, do we want to have Mairon re ask his question about the robes?
Mordaan says:  Yeah, if you want, we can repose the robe question with Talad present.
Damola nods "Why not… it seems Talad doesn´t have anything to add about the CS/UE thing."
Damola looks to Talad whether kra says something
Dilihin says: typing, perhaps?
Mordaan says:  The issue is, we have robe art for multiple colors for each robe. Though we'd prefer to do this with shaders, given that UE might be aways off, maybe we can push it through now for the short term?
Damola determines it would be much more easy to sneak shield from Aachey than from Cyarara and snickers silently
Mishka goes to make her dinner. Please teleport her out when it's all said and done.
Cyarara thinks Mishka can use the front door like she did when she walked in.
Tozaun says: ^
Aachey says:  Mishka did not say where to teleport her.
Cyarara grins
Damola looks to Talad "Still with us?"
Aachey says:  A fairly serious oversight.
Tozaun says: LAva
Damola smiles "Can we suggest places?
Tinabobina says: haha Aachey
Sarras says: lava caves, on a precarious overhang with no way out >:D
Damola shakes head "No, GMs wouldn´t do that… wouldn´t they?"
Sarras says: YES they would
Damola thinks Sarras made some experiences with GMs
Sarras says: i don't even remember 88% of them
Damola ponders where she would be teleported to when trying to steal nice shield
Tozaun says: I got hit by a GM for 7 billion damage
Damola says: whoa
Cyarara looks innocent.
Cyarara coughs
"Anyways...where were we?"
Damola thinks Cyarara is quite good at looking innocent
Damola says: Robe question and… waiting to Talad´s answer
Damola says: But it seems Talad may have issues with connection or so
Aachey says:  I think he's busy. Perhaps we can get back to that when he's available.
Tinabobina says: didnt think it was Cyarara o.O
Damola says: Or keyboard broke
Dilihin says: or maybe long reply? ::P
Mordaan says:  Or just distracted with something
Damola nods "Well then… any other questions?"
[color=purple=]Cyarara lets Damola run the rest of the meeting.[/color]
Mordaan says:  Woo! Maybe no more questions because everyone knows all they need to know now? :)
Sarras says: i have a lot of questions but there's no one to ask them to
Dilihin says: well, i can ask other one then: How can i reduce my sleep by 4 hours or so?
Dilihin says: :P
Gonger says: To sleep less than 6 hours is not a good idea.
Tozaun says: The last player to do amphetamines, got banned.
Tozaun says: Im kidding, i wouldnt know
Tozaun says: Made it up :)
Damola wonders whether Dilihin needs less sleep for this and Jilerel plans to…
Dilihin says: yeah it is Gonger , would be cool to do that actually
Damola drops quiet, looking the the Octarchal guards innocently
Dilihin says: it's just that day doesn't have enough hours lmao
Mordaan says:  true :)
Cyarara says:  I thnk that's about all for today.
Tozaun says: lol
Damola says: Well, any other idea, Tozaun?
Mordaan says:  yep, we can wrap things up. Talad can get back to us on the robe idea.
Cyarara says:  This meeting is over. We will have to get back to you on the robes question. I think perhaps Talad got pulled away.
Tinabobina says: thanks for the meeting
Aachey says:  Thank you all for coming!
Mordaan says:  Thanks for attending!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 07:58:58 am by Emaline »
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