Author Topic: Dev Q&A October 10th, 2021  (Read 567 times)


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Dev Q&A October 10th, 2021
« on: November 06, 2021, 02:29:32 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Damola says: Haha… and how would I even do that? Travel too quickly? I am not aware of a way to do that in game.
Damola says: Reach unusual places and sneak Damola out of the regular in game map boundaries, no prob… but traveling too quickly? No idea.
Gonger says: It happens every now and then...
Damola says: Anyway, Lurielle has a Q
Uadjet says: Lurielle?
Lurielle says: I have a question about combat mode
Lurielle says: I was killing rats in oja, and I couldn´t select the rat, only myself
Lurielle says: I´d like to know if it is a bug or I am missing something
Uadjet says: Yes, and while investigating that I managed to punch myself to death.
Uadjet says: I think we can assume it's a bug. You were attacking with mouse buttons and not the attack book, right?
Lurielle says: And I got the message You cannot attack yourself
Gonger says: Do you have a video of that, Uadjet?
Lurielle says: Yes, with mouse buttons
Uadjet says: No. :P
Uadjet says: It seems that the game at least sometimes changes target to yourself when you hit tab to enter combat mode.
Lurielle says: And sometimes I can hit the creature but others no one gets hurt, but that bug is already in the bug traker
Damola says: Legacy PS or Unreal PS?
Lurielle says: Unreal
Uadjet says: I'll do some more testing on that this week, with varying critters. The combat for the promo vid seemed to work well, so maybe it's caused by certain conditions.
Damola says: Ah, interesting. I may try that next time I log in.
Thosor says: I lose comtrol of mouse buttons in combat mode
Lurielle says: Try in that small room, because I think that might be the problem
Thosor says: different variations...
Lurielle says: In the wild it didn´t select myself
Uadjet says: Yeah, that's where I punched myself to death.
Thosor says: for example, I can't get mouse pointer back to go to chat window.
Lurielle says: I have no more questions
Thosor says: and I can;t seem to get out of tab/ combat mode...
Thosor says: done
Damola chuckles "Uadjet, you do not need to do that. We players aren't that bad :)"
Dentritus says: How much xp did you get :)
Uadjet says: Huh. I didn't check.
Uadjet says: I should have.
Uadjet says: It was a newly created Lemur, so I didn't have the stats set to something ludicrous like 5k. I only did 6000 damage or so.
Thosor says: It also would target myself or Lurielle much more oftewn than the enemy.
Uadjet says: Hmm. Target priority seems odd. Proximity, maybe? Although it seems like you'd be adjacent to the enemy.
Uadjet says: Gonger?
Gonger says: Greetings. If a character gets deleted by the player, is the name of the character blocked, or can somebody else create a new character with the same name?
Uadjet says: The name is available for others to use, though a GM can block a name if a petition is filed.
Gonger says: Ah, nice to know. Thank you.
Uadjet says: We do that with inappropriate names. There's no way we can predict which inappropriate names players could come up with (imagines hordes of Fortnite players joining the game) so when we change their name we block the one that broke the rules afterwards.
Gonger says: The game is rather empty today...
Gonger says: I can give you a list of French or German names that should be blocked. ;)
>Anysu Atani nods at Gonger Xaraha.
Gonger says: Believe it or not, a few months ago I met someone in the Welcome Area who went by the name of A****loch. Loch means hole in German, I hink this is enough to fully understand that name...
Uadjet says: Ah, yes. That happens on occasion.
Thosor says: holeness monster
Gonger says: And he said, he wanted his character's character to be reflected in the name.
Anysu says: I recall that name
Gonger says: I pointed out to him that we, or at least most of us, are a bit more subtle in our behaviour.
Gonger roars with laughter.
Rykia says: lol
Uadjet says: So, Talad has done a lot of work in the last few weeks. As is usual.
Talad says: hello
>Anysu Atani salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Talad says: im actually streaming, but I can chat with you
>Anysu Atani bows to Talad Dev.
Talad says: if you have any questions or comments
>Dentritus Illythien bows to Talad Dev.
Uadjet says: Speak of the Developer, and he appears!
Rykia says: Hi Talad
>Thosor Riereri bows to Talad Dev.
Anysu says: Hello Talad
Uadjet says: I wonder if that works for all developers....
Talad says: would be nice :)
Damola says: Hi Talad.
Uadjet says: Eonwind!
Uadjet says: Eonwind!
Uadjet says: Eonwind!
Damola grins
Uadjet looks around.
Uadjet says: Nope.
Uadjet says: Apparently that only works on Talad.
Uadjet says: And Beetlejuice.
Gonger says: And a few others who should not be named...
Rykia says: Maybe Eonwindd would work? ^ ^
Uadjet says: So I was just about to let them know what you've been working on the last few weeks in your streawms.
>Lurielle Volanxis salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Uadjet says: Talad's done more work on the Dryken Plane, which is the place new players will travel through immediately after character creation.
Damola hands Uadjet a "Summon Developer" glyph
>Anysu Atani grins at Damola Etedi impishly.
Gonger says: Too bad all spells for that glyph are in the 15th Realm.
Thosor says: pager glyph
Talad says: I can give you some updates on Unreal
Uadjet says: Yes, please!
Thosor says: all ears here...
Talad says: yes the Dryken plane is a new area you will find just after charcater creation
Talad says: the reason is that you are travelling between your homeworld and Yliakum (for lemur and kran there is a slight different story, but pretty much you end up there anyway)
Uadjet says: You can also watch this at OR
Talad says: and your travel gets interrupted, so you end up in the Dryken plane
Talad says: for the people who played D&D or such, you can associate it to the Astral Plane
Talad says: is a different plane of existance
Talad says: you need to exit from it, with a simple puzzle, but the point of the area is for you to learn about some important topics
Talad says: which will be part of the main plot of the game
Talad says: about the main plot it will giude you through different discoveries in Yliakum
Talad says: and maybe ultimately will let you understand why we are all here!
Talad says: another topics Im working on at the moment, is the character creation, to make it more user friendly to the people who wants to know the numbers behind the choices
Talad says: so you will have a way to see what effect each choice has on your initiatl stats and skills
Talad says: that is something you can hide and ignore if you are more interested to the background of the choices, more than the numbers
Dentritus says: Will there be a possibility of a quest reset, so existing characters can do these quests as well?
Talad says: I also added more ambient sounds to PSUnreal as there were not many as in PS legacy
Talad says: about the Dryken plane I would say no, as would make little sense for you to go back there
Talad says: but it doesnt really count as a quest
Talad says: its more of an intro
Talad says: prologue
Talad says: about other quests reset, that may be tricky as you may get items twice when redoing the quests
Talad says: so it may not be correct to do so
Uadjet says: The ambient sounds can also be randomized, or set to only play at certain times of day.
Uadjet says: That'll give a nice bit of realism.
Rykia says: Absolutely agree
Uadjet says: And in character creation, there's a new visual experience in there, and as new players in PSU are coming in from different worlds some of the background options will need to be adapted or just be unavailablel.
Gonger says: Sounds very very interesting.
Uadjet says: It would be really nice to see species/world specific options in there.
Talad says: I hope you will like PSUnreal :)
Thosor says: walking past a dwarven tavern vs an Amdeneir tavern sound.
Uadjet says: The plan is to avoid the min/maxing of character creation a bit. I think everyone here is experienced enough to k now that starting with 4 ranks in a skill versus 6 ranks in that skill is a really small difference.
Uadjet says: The difference of a few points in an attribute is even less significant.
Uadjet says: So the story of the background is more important than the points.
Uadjet says: People can still max things out if they want, but we don't want new players thinking they have to create the perfect character or be useless.
Uadjet says: Oh! And chat logs. Talad has also been working on getting chat logs working.
>Dentritus Illythien cheers happily at Talad Dev!
Thosor says: like scrolling?
Talad says: yes, I 've been adding few options to chat logs, as in PSUreal were not there
Talad says: and in PSLegacy they are a bit obscure, with all the possible message types in the list
Talad says: Options->Chat Logs
Thosor says: logs would help to reemember bugs encountered.
Thosor says: would logs write in real time in case server goes down in the middle of something?
Uadjet says: I believe so. Our current log system does.
Talad says: yes, the logs are client side
Talad says: and are written at every received line, so you should not lose anything
Thosor says: speaking off.. amy way to delete repettive lines in a 2 year old log? (not mac or windows)
Thosor says: such as a repeating NPC or attack.
Uadjet says: I've used Notepad++ to select lines containing certain bits of text and delete them.
Talad says: some macro from notepad++ can help
Talad says: but I dont see an easy way
Thosor says: Irs only the 21st centurt lol, thanks.
Gonger says: You can search for certain strings in Notepad++ and mark and delete them
Gonger says: But it is ... painful, yes.
Gonger says: My main log is at 55 GB
Thosor says: thats a windows app?
Uadjet says: If you look for and mark strings like "hits you for" it can be not terribly painful.
Uadjet says: And seeing thousands of lines being deleted at a time is very satisfying.
Thosor says: nvm I'll find something, not a PS problem.
Talad says: Gonger, archive it by year maybe?
Uadjet says: I'm just trying to process a 55gb log file...
Uadjet says: I don't think notepad can even open that...
Thosor says: I like to look through whole log at once, say for a familiar name or action.
Gonger says: I use a different editor also, Visual Studio Code. Superfast even on files of that size, but does not word wrap properly, because too many people use non-standard characters too often...
Gova says: I split my logs by year(ish), but stopped once I stopped generating millions of lines of crafting and combat spam.
Gonger says: Talad, I want to see all my logs...
Gonger says: Gova, you should split your logs according to activites first. There is an option for that.
Damola says: I just let Kate editor deal with the large file. Its still not perfect but they have been improving performance quite a lot meanwhile
Gonger says: Combat, Crafting, NPCs
Thosor says: I thought of loading into a line numbered page, the deleting rat bites you, rat bites you.
Damola says: 58 MiB log file for Damola meanwhile
Gova says: True. I used to have System logged in a different file. Not sure why.
Gonger says: For me it was the other way round, for a long time I had Combat in my Chat...
Thosor says: Oh, didn't think it could be so granulated. i have combat in my chat.
Talad says: I think its handy to split combat to a separate file, or not log it at all
Thosor says: not a dev problem, anyway.
Damola says: Whoa! Just tested again editor performance in current Kate. Loading of 58 MB file is almost instant. Scrolling in it is instant. And searching is a miracle even: It updates display *as you type* there is no visible delay. Searching has been a problem before, but that is insane.
Gova says: The only time I'd check my combat log is to see what killed me.
Damola says: Kate 21.08.1 on Linux, with admittedly a quite fast laptop with lots of RAM
Gonger says: Damola, does it word-wra properly? And is it Linux only?
Anysu says: Be helpful to have certain things, like combat, or crafting etc not be logged at all.
Gonger says: Check Options / Interface / Chat-Logs and define what you want to save in which log file, or not at all.
Damola says: – available for Windows as well. You tried it once, Gonger, but back then searching was still slow. Now searching for me is absolutely crazy. They did something there.
Thosor says: Its in my system, will try it soon.
Damola says: I do not use fixed word wrapping on the file, it automatically wraps at window size
>Anysu Atani nods at Gonger Xaraha.
Gonger says: That is exactly what I want, Damola. I will check it again, then.
Damola says: Not sure how it behaves on Windows, but on Linux it is superfluent now. Searching has been quite an issue before, but now, zero delay.
Damola says: For as you type this is quite an achievement I'd say.
Uadjet says: Since we're on the topic of chat logs, any other thoughts on that topic while we have Talad handy?
Talad says: or any other question
Thosor says: not scrolling was my biggest complaint, when in action with another player.
Uadjet says: Damola?
Damola says: I'd consider a few changes to chat log. Chat log for a day is quite long often enough, so I'd include a date on each line. Or even use a standard time format like with "date -Iseconds"
Talad says: everytime you reopen it , it prints the day and time as header
Damola says: And it would be nice to always easily determine what chat tab a message is in. NPC and other stuff can be separated easily, however everything is main tab is just distinguishable by filtering everything else out. doable with grep, but unnecessarily complex.
Damola says: Yeah, but when you search in it, you need to scroll up quite a bit to find date of a message.
Talad says: I think I added a tag on each line now
Talad says: iirc
Damola says: Well its all not all too important.
Damola says: Ah, I did not check PSUnreal log, just going from the classic one.
Damola says: Will check PSUnreal log and open enhancement request in case I have any suggestion
Damola says: Not yet used to location of things like chat log for PSUnreal on Linux, just looking
Gonger says: I am a bit annoyed in Unreal that I have to click EXACTLY the text line to set my focus, whereas in Legacy I can click anywhere in the chat window
Uadjet says: That info is on the wiki.
Uadjet says: ~/.Planeshift I think. So /home/UserName/.PlaneShift?
Damola says: Hmm ~/.condig/Epic/PSUnreal/Saved … but do not see a chat log in there.
Uadjet says: An actual LIxux user might want to chime in.
Damola says: ini files, crash reports, PSUnreal.log, Savegames, but no chat log. Maybe I need to enable it first?
Uadjet says: In Windows it's PSUnreal/Saved/Logs, I think.
Damola says: Hmmm, PSUnreal server is not online at the moment, so can't check.
Uadjet says: Not character logs, but client logs.
Damola says: Ah, I do has PSUnreal.log in there, but no character log
Talad says: the new logs functions are not in your PSunreal client
Talad says: will be in the next alpha
Thosor says: us loded legacy log in Kate, yes, search is instant.
Damola says: Ah okay, will check then Talad.
Damola says: Thosor, before search in kate used to block for seconds or even half a minute, but now is great.
Uadjet says: Any other questions?
Damola says: No question from my side and we are way over time, aren't we?
Uadjet says: A bit, yeah. :)
>Anysu Atani nods at Damola Etedi.
Thosor says: no further questions, your Honor
Uadjet says: I'm making avacado, sweet potato, and black bean tacos tonight, and I need to do some shopping first.
Rykia says: Sounds delicious
Damola says: Sounds delicious, Uadjet! Enjoy!
Talad says: Im going to go then
Gonger says: Thanks for the great work and the information.
>Anysu Atani salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Gonger says: A shame that no more players are present today.
Damola says: See you, Talad!
Talad says: streaming on youtube and twitch in case you want to follow there
Dentritus says: Thank you and bon appetit Uadjet
Talad says: see you
Anysu says: Thank you Talad
>Lurielle Volanxis snaps to attention and salutes.
Uadjet says: I've never made them before, but my mouth is already watering.
Damola says: See you all
Anysu says: Talad is fast
Uadjet says: See you all at the next meeting in two weeks!
Lurielle says: See you!
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Anysu says: Thank you also Uadjet
>Anysu Atani waves at Small Table
Anysu says: lol
Anysu says: Bye all
Uadjet says: I'm going to rename that one Anysu's Small Table.
Anysu laughs
Anysu facepaws and chuckles
Anysu says: Bye
Uadjet says: See ya!