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Topics - Garile

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General Discussion / What happened?
« on: May 18, 2009, 05:12:41 pm »
OK some might think this post to be corny and perhaps it is but it is something that does bother me.

What happened to the respect people had to eachother on these forums?

In the thread "The subject of what a roleplaying game exactly 'is' " people seem to be just bashing people without arguments. The most strange is that a moderator then a GM and then a developer also make posts without arguments.

What happened to making posts that have arguments to proof your point and listening to eachother?

When I first joined these forums people here in general were accepting and although arguments could get heated people atleast listened to eachother and if they didn't like the discusion just stayed out of it instead of trying to kill the discusion with pointless posts or attacking someone personally.

Discusion should be about hearing eachothers opinion and trying to get closer to eachother or atleast trying to get where the other is coming from. I have to admit I don't like the tone of how the discusion started in the first place but look where it's now.

I think we all agree the discusion as it is isn't going to help anything. People have been pushed in corners and most posts don't even hold arguments anymore.

I have been called a RP-nazi who needs to get of that high horse and stop sitting in the tavern telling tales I never actually did. Besides it being factual intrue it's pushing someone in a corner.

Shouldn't PS be about having fun? Shouldn't we atleast try to have a good time together in the game but also here on the forums?

So please people think about your posts and don't attack people personally even when an argument gets heated. Let's all just have fun and enjoy this community. Please respect that people will have different opinions.

Anyhow this isn't becuase I myself got the feeling of getting bashed needlessly seeing I'm not going anywhere, but it does worry me that atleast part of the community apparently thinks this is normal these days.

PS: thanks for reading it and I hope the corny factor wasn't to bad ;)

Wish list / Militia
« on: January 18, 2009, 08:10:15 am »
I was thinking about planeshift for no particular reason and was thinking of the law that says everyone should have a minimum training to be able to bear arms. I think that it is an interesting law but you don't really see it reflected to much ingame yet.

So my suggestion would be that beside the guard you also find militia at places. Some militia grounds where everyone can train for example (great exuse to put trainers and start quests there)

It is logical that people need to train somewhere and though the arena is a great place for IC duels and tests of your skills I think it is more realistic if people start their training somewhere less lethal where they can start hitting dummies (Not suggesting the player should actually do that hehe ;) ) and with the law in mind it is also realistic in my eyes that the officials like to have a place where training is given to civilians and where they can be organized in case more then the guard is needed.

General Discussion / Roleplaying decreased?
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:47:41 pm »
Is it just me or is roleplaying a lot less around then it used to be?

I hardly encountr people roleplaying if I walk around and I used to come around some roleplays quite a bit. Is it the introductionsystem that makes people do random roleplaying a lot less? i know it has hindered me quite a bit but I am kinda suprised how little I see it these days. or am I just looking in he wrong places? ;)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Messed up sound
« on: March 01, 2008, 08:13:21 pm »
I don't know why but on this new computer I don't get the sound of PS to work normally. There for some reason is a lot of static in it. Now first I thought I simply had an error while downloading and decided to simply turn of sound and wait for the new update that I knew was coming soon so kinda pointless to download it again. But now i am starting Steel Blue and same statis in the music ad the starting screen.

Is there anything I should check? Definately no wiz with this kind of stuff so any help would be helpfull.

Don't have any problems when playing any other music so not sure what to look for.

General Discussion / Do enkies purr?
« on: March 01, 2008, 01:52:53 pm »
In another thread I read a post about someone getting annoyed by enkidukai purring. They aren't cats after all so why do they always purr?

Now I can imagine that if you notice something like that and you really feel it is wrong that it can annoy you. But it also raises the question why it is wrong to purr when you play an enki.

I mean sure I can't garuntee they do, but can you garuntee that they dont? After all enkies have catheads and cattails and even the enki legs are cat inspired so is it wrong to expect there behavior to have some catlike tendencies aswell?

now the description on them is rather vague on this. The only thing pointing that they may behave different from cats is the fact that they live in packs and that is more wolflike behavior. But seeing we don't know how much this is influenced by civilization I wonder how strong an arguement that is.

thinking it over I felt I should atleast ask for the otherside seeing I am going towards the side that purring is a nice addition to act less human and personally i haven't seen anything to really dispute that they are not catlike while their whole appearance screams cat in my eyes.

If you feel it is wrong to purr please don't just use the argument that we don't know if they pur or not seeing I think we all know that,, but I don't really feel that is a good reason to call it wrong roleplaying.

General Discussion / Magic - How is it used in Yliakum?
« on: February 23, 2008, 04:24:43 pm »
I have been thinking about magic. It seems to be all around us in Yliakum and almmost every character has atleast some basic ranks in magic making it very comon.

However in Rp it's used rather differently by a lot of people. A lot of that has to do that we aren't really sure what limits there are to magic and how exactly it works, but also influences from outside.

Now the main questions I have been asking to roleplay magic as correctly as possible in my eyes are

1. What are the limits of magic. What powers magic and what can magic do with what amount of power. One answer I found here in descriptions seems to be that the energy itself comes from our body itself. So this would mean if our body is in bad shape and so it's energy drained and disrupted we wouldn't be able to do magic even if our mind is still focussed. On the other hand it seems things like the crystal can be used as power for spells aswell reading the "creation" story. A question ofcourse would be if mortals would be able to find and/or use such suplements of power.

2. how would magic be used in everyday life if it's comon. If everyone is a magicuser to some extant wouldn't that mean magic would be used for simple things aswell? wuldn't that mean that magic is used to help you do your job better and gain an edge on you competeters by giving that swords that extra sharp edge or extra hard metal composition? Or even just to make your food taste a little better? Wouldn't it be used to make your life easier with things like washing clothes and such chores?

Just think of how civilization right now uses technology and is it really farfetched to think that if everyone can use some magic that we wouldn't have shady Merlin like people but move more towards experts who use their magic to make a living by providing a service others need or that makes other peoples life easier?

I was wondering about my time in Planeshift and about how I've changed.

One thing that has changed is how I recruit. Ofcourse I also changed guild so they have different standards, but even if I didn't my standards and ways have changed aswell.

However are these changes really all for the better? Chosing a guild seems to be very OOC at the moment. Specially new players have often chosen a guild way before they learn RP. This means the number of people I recruit these days has been almost none.

The main question then arises does this way of recruiting lead to higher quality and a better guild in the end? Or should one recruit with some lower standards preparing to steam the recruits into what you would like instead of recruiting them that way?

General Discussion / What part of the event did you like the most?
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:31:46 pm »
Many have said what they don't like about the events that have been made by the GMs, me being one of them ;), but we should also mention what we liked I think so lets have a thread here where people can tell what they experienced in an event and really liked and hope to see again.

First of I think some praise to the GMs for the number of events lately. They are really doing their best and are experimenting in what works best.

Something I saw in an event and really liked of late was the start of one. It was someone walking around asking some people if they were interested in helping his master out. I thought this was a realistic way to get people in an event and seeing the number of people who came in the end seemed like an effective way aswell so I hope to see that more often. :)

General Discussion / Something to work for?
« on: May 09, 2007, 05:23:12 pm »
I have been playing Planeshift for 2,5 years now and as you all probably know from your own experience over time you look start looking at things differently. At the moment I am having a period that with things in RL happening and in PS itself that I am starting to wonder again why I play PS. The obvious answer that comes to mind is the absolutely great people I have met here and the fun I have had Roleplaying here, but in the end it's starting to feel a little empty as nothing in PS lasts beyond your own RP.

I am wondering if this is something I feel alone or if others have felt this and have perhaps found answers. What in PS is worth to work for? Should I start another alt and another story if I feell the current one has reached that point that you can't really go any further with PS in it's current stage?

Godmodding is a major problem. Countless threads have named it as one of the most annoying thing that people can do to eachother in this roleplaying game. Now most annoying might be a bit of an overkill but it's the most annoying thing for sure that happens a lot.

Now I have been wondering should we report obvious RPs? Would this have any use? question one ofcourse would be what the GMs would do with them. Do they have any rules on godmodding? Should they have them?

Personally I feel we shouldn't have to call in GMs everytime someone has some questionable RP, but I do feel that godmodding should be something that GMs should take actions against if people keep doing it after several warnings. Specially if there is no question that it's godmodding and/or against the setting as I have seen often.

Why do you ask? Just ignore that person? Thats easier said then done. Becuase if you ignore the person you need to ignore his RP. If you ignore his RP you also have to ignore the people when they are RPing with that person. Now if I walk in and those people are already RPing with that person I might not like it, but its tolerable, but I personally hate that I would have to leave or refuse to respon to that person when he walks in to a group I'm RPing with, becuase that other person keeps godmodding and is ignoring all warnings.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A new game
« on: April 24, 2007, 05:20:36 pm »

I have a friend who is trying to make a game from scratch al by himself. So far I think he is doing terrific. Would never have thought he has only worked on it for just over two months.

Anyhow he is looking for some people to give him feedback so who better then nitpicky people from Planeshift who know where to look for bugs. *giggles*

Have a look and let him [Kronon] or me know what you think.

General Discussion / RPcorner: How fast does the enkicub grow?
« on: April 11, 2007, 05:28:14 am »
My character has ben pregnant and has recently given birth to a enkidukai cub named Yayelle. The question that rises though when pregnant is how do we RP the length of pregnancy and the growth of enki cubs. I looked some things up, but the question mainly is if they go more towards humans or if we should look more to the cubs of tigers. There is a big difference for example in how long they need to be breastfed. Not to mention that human babies take ages to learn to walk and such compared to tigercubs.

I thought there must have been someone who has roleplayed this before or atleast thought about it. Don't believe there is an official setting decicion yet.

Single Author Stories / Seduction and Daggers
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:50:58 pm »

Garile smiled and looked over her shoulder where her daddy was. "Daddy? Daddy!!! Hurry!"

Daddy just smiled as he and Mommy were walking arm in arm down the street following Garile.

"Daddy!!!" Garile turned around and started running again. She ran a few corners. Suddenly she heard a scream behind her. She looked around more suprised than scared and walked back around the corner she had just passed. There she saw three strangers standing around her father. Her mother was laying on the ground and seemed strangely silent.

"Hello Germaino" one of the strangers said.

Garile's father was holding two daggers and suddenly ran towards the man who had spoken, stabbing one of the other strangers who tried to stop him. Unfortunately this left him wide open and he was stabbed by the one who had spoken. Garile's father coughed up blood and sludged against his attacker.

"You shouldn't have insulted Laanx, Germaino." Then the strangers threw Garile's father on the ground. Picked up their comrade, who was holding his hand to his neck, and carried him of. Garile ran to her father when the strangers were gone.

Daddy was cold. "Daddy... DADDY!!!"


Alan bumped against the drunken Klyros and as the Klyros became angry, Garile quickly slid his purse off at the strings and hid it under her clothes walking further like nothing happened. At the corner she passed the purse to another kid. This was what she had been doing since she had been taken in by "uncle Karos". This or being a lookout for burglars, helping the beggars or very rarely a poor performer.


"No Karos!!" She slapped his hand away, but Karos only laughed.

"Pretty girl like you needs protection Garile" He licked his lips as he said this. "You're a bit young but you'll learn to enjoy it".

Garile quickly jumped over the table and ran out the door being followed by Karos' laughter. She knew she had to leave or next time it might no longer be teasing. As she had started blossoming this year Karos had been looking at her strangely followed by these comments and he was getting harder and harder to ignore. Quickly she ran around the corner into the girls room and got her bag which she had already packet and crawled out a small window.


She felt pain all over. Gurius had not been gentle. Tears streamed out of her eyes. Why didn't Gurius love her? She did everything he wanted, didn't she? Then a coldness came over her. Not too long after Gurius came back in to the room laughing. "Still sobbing love? Would think you would be over that by now. A little pain for my love." The sarcasm and the laughing was more then Garile could bear. After these weeks of being taken advantage of and spoken to like that, by someone she once loved, made something snap inside her. Suddenly she didn't care what would happen with her anymore.

Slowly as in trance she rose and walked to her torn clothes in the corner. "What do you think you are doing love?" Gurius walked towards her and grabbed her by one of her arms. Garile just grabbed her knife with her other hand, without Gurius who slapped her in the face noticing "You're not going to do anything without me telling so. Understand?"

Garile felt numb but a small part of her felt anger and as Gurius laughed again her dagger sliced along his throat leaving a trail of blood. Gurius suddenly looked suprised as his hand moved to his neck. A gurgling sound came out of his mouth while he walked till he hit the wall. But inexperienced as Garile was with the dagger she didn't cut deep enough.

Garile looked as suprised as Gurius and looked at the blood on the dagger feeling as if it wasn't even really there. As if somehow it must be a dream or an illusion or something.

Gurius looked angry and tore one of his sleeves of and bound it around his neck and quickly grabbed one of the swords that were standing in the corner. Gurius swung it at Garile. Garile just stepped aside still feeling no real emotions and only moving just enough to not be hit and stepped closer to Gurius now that he had lost his balance. As Gurius' eyes grew larger, Garile drove her dagger in his chest. Looking down on the body she walked to the bed and chrashed on it to fall asleep.


Smiling, Garile looked at the guy she was seducing tonight. He wasn't bad looking but she didn't care much. Just as long as he bought her things she would be nice to him. For now.

He caressed her cheek and said "I would love to spend the night with you."

Garile giggled, knowing he wasn't rich enough by far to get that. As the night progressed her date became more frisky and he started to annoy her. Finally he had to go to the bathroom. Garile ordered a drink saying her date would pay and then moved on to the dancefloor heading for the exit. Outside she looked at the gems in her date's former purse and put it away again. Then she walked away thinking it would be a good idea to move to the next town in the morning.


Meeting the Female Trader

Walking around the bend in the road she could see past the hill and catch her first glimpse of Hydlaa. From here the city's wall made it impossible to see much. Only a few buildings were visible while she was glancing to see the other side.

Smiling at the thought of sleeping in a normal bed Garile decided she had enough time to enjoy the view for a while and get some rest before entering the city. She saw a caravan had stopped nearby aswell and decided to sit close to them. A fenkie dressed as a trader sat a bit apart from the rest looking at the city, but seemingly with her thoughts on something else.

"Hello" Garile made her presence known as she sat beside the trader. The trader looked up to see who was joining her and smiled slightly and nodded before returning to her thoughts. Garile looked the trader up and down and saw that her clothing was more valuable then one would suspect at first glance. Although it was obviously made for traveling it must have been one of the best tailors that would have made them.

Garile raised an eyebrow and shrugged to herself deciding it mattered little to her. "Quite a view isn't it? I'm glad I'll be sleeping in a good bed tonight." The trader looked at Garile again as if only just realizing Garile was sitting next to her "Indeed it is, but afraid I am not in the mood to enjoy it"

Then a man came who didn't look to pleased. He looked at the female trader and asked "Do you think I could ask Sangwa for a promotion, Natrina?" the trader looked up and said "don't know Nichoali, Sangwa is the boss of that." The man gripped his sword and didn't seem pleased. Garile looked the man over and saw a badge marking him as a guard. "I feel I would be a good leader of the warriors" Nichoali added to his case. "I'm the Master of the Economical part of the Empire Nichoali, you really should ask Sangwa." Natrina responded. Annoyed Nichoali took his badge and handed it to Natrina. "Well I'll resign for a while, but I might come back", "As you will, but it would be nice of you to warn either of Nurahk or Sangwa." "Nurahk is odd and he makes me feel uneasy and I doubt that you guys trust me, so farewell Natrina. Maybe I will see you around." With that Nichoali turned and moved away walking towards the city."Natrina shook her head and said "I'm sorry you had to see that. Can't say I didn't see this coming ... He was rather upset upon another member's ascension of rank who was younger then him, I think that's the reason of all this." Garile nodded "people are to obsessed with rank sometimes"" Garile responded. "What is this empire you spoke of? I'm Garile by the way." Smiling brightly Garile offers her paw.


An interesting man

Being intrigued by Natrina's outset of what the Dark Empire entailed Garile agreed to join Natrina to meet with Sangwa. Natrina's brother and the leader of the Dark Empire. On the way to The Dark Empire Headquarters Natrina told Garile of the different forces that formed up the empire and that Natrina felt that Garile would probably best work under Nurahk as a shadow. Nurahk, she heard, was besides a successful imperialist also the adopted son of Sangwa.

Entering the buildings that were apparently the Headquarters of the Dark Empire in Hydlaa she noticed they didn't seem very flashy but still well kept nonetheless. They seemed to have been built for functionality more then to please the eye as one could see in the little things like the doors.

Following Natrina, who nodded to some of the people as they passed, they moved to the back of the building and entered a room. Natrina motioned her to wait for a minute as she walked to a door that seemed to lead to an adjacent room. Sneaking a peek Garile saw a menki talking with some other people, but the menki who was wearing a black leather armor was clearly in charge.

Garile saw Natrina walk up to this menki and him hugging Natrina. "This must be Sangwa then." Garile thought to herself. Thinking Natrina wasn't the hugging type. Natrina said some words to Sangwa and motioned Garile to come into the room. Natrina said one last thing to Sangwa, apparently in their native tongue. "tu falas com o Hulla?" before turning to Garile.

"Sangwa, meet Garile" Natrina said, rather to the point, as Garile was coming to expect from her. "She is interested in joining the Shadow force, and is quite the lovely thief." A little flustered Garile bowed before Sangwa to hide the fact she wasn't quite sure how to respond. As she straightened again she smiled radiantly and replied "What? me?" Smiling amused Sangwa returned the bow and said "A pleasure to meet you Garile. I'm sure you'll love the Shadow Force, as you will enjoy the imperialists."


Reading the book with rules for new aspirants Garile sits at the table in the other room hearing the sounds of discussion. Mentally checking off the points that are listed, she decides that she made the right choice to join this group. They seem ambitious and not poor either although they definitely don't flaunt it. Garile smiles as she remembers Natrina's to the point mannerisms and shakes her head a bit bored with all the reading. Coming to the steps one should take to become a full imperialist her face shows a mischievous smile.

Straightening her smile and looking entranced with the book she walks back to the room where Sangwa and Natrina are discussing things with a third person present. "Is Warzinho going to be a merchant?" Sangwa asks Natrina. "I don't think so." Warzinho looks surprised "Me? A merchant? That is so not good for me." Natrina nods and replies "I like the idea of him being my bodyguard best." Sangwa is about to reply as he notices Garile coming closer. "Can we help you Garile?" Pretending to still look at something in the book, Garile moves closer and suddenly sits in Sangwa's lap. Sangwa and the others look a little surprised as Garile makes herself comfortable sitting in Sangwa's lap, reading the book. As if only just noticing the rest Garile says pointing at the line in the book "Well it is in the rules you know. Make sure to make contact with Sangwa." Garile giggles as she continues reading the book.

Sangwa looks amused again "Didn't Nurahk write that? Great son I have." Giggling Garile stands up again and moves back to the next room winking to Sangwa as she leaves the room. The three of them returning to their previous topic.  Garile notices both Sangwa giving her an amused look and Warhinzo raising an eyebrow to Natrina obviously not knowing what exactly to think. Natrina just seems to ignore the incident as if nothing strange happened.

After a while Natrina returns and throws Garile something. Garile catching it looks what it is. "I did say you would get along very well with both Sangwa and Nurahk. That is to show others you are a squire now" Natrina tells Garile. Garile giggles "he really liked me sitting on his lap, I think." Warhinzo comes up behind Natrina and eyes what Garile is holding as if wanting one himself.


An important mission

Standing at the merchant, she is pretending to look at the wares while keeping an eye on the opening of the alley. Moving to the next merchant she quickly looks at the beggar making sure it was one she knows.

It is not busy, but still Garile is somewhat tense. It is the first mission she has gotten from Nurahk that had a clear importance. The mission itself was simple enough. Making sure no-one is eavesdropping on the meeting in the alley and that there would be no ambush. The person that was having the meeting there however wasn't just one of the other shadows.

Smiling, Garile walks towards the corner pretending to eat the sweets she had just bought. Twirling her tail she looks around again. A perfectly innocent girl enjoying the beautiful day. Suddenly Gariles eyes narrow somewhat as she sees someone acting suspiciously. Looking him over she recognizes him as newsseller who was trying to aquire some news to sell. As he slowly walks towards the alley Garile lets herself move closer along the merchants working her way towards him. Not noticing her periodic gaze upon him the newsseller smiles thinking noone is stopping him and turns to enter the alley.

Caressing her dress Garile moves in right behind him. Feeling someone behind him the newsseller quickly turns only to find Gariles dagger on his throat. Swallowing uncomfortably he looks down and then at Garile who is still smiling cutely. "I think you made a wrong turn there." Garile tells him as if discussing the weather. Slowly she turns them around and then pushes him backwards towards the entrance of the alley again. As Garile takes a step back and removes the dagger again, the newsseller looks relieved but quickly turns mad and spits at her feet. Seeing the dangerous glint in her eyes he quickly turns around and walks away.

"Any trouble?" A voice asks from behind her. "Not really" Garile smiles as she turns to see Sangwa looking amused. "Is your business complete?" Sangwa nods and adds "I could use a drink". A little relieved nothing strange happened and that the mission was over succesfully Garile smiles and winks at Sangwa "It is a bit early but perhaps we could visit the tavern."

Sangwa nods "Lets head for the tavern, ok?". Offering Garile his arm he leads Garile to the tavern. The two of them looking like a normal couple enjoying the sunny day and eachothers company by taking a walk around town. Smiling to Sangwa Garile asks "What brings you to Hydlaa, my lord?". "Currently? I am not too fond of Oja's weather, or architecture." Sangwa replies. "Hydlaa suits your tastes better?" Garile inquires further. Sangwa smiles "I have grown used to alleys, plazas, and the likes."

Reaching the tavern they enter and as expected it isn't very busy yet. Fortunately there is a bartender however and as Sangwa and Garile walk to the bar Sangwa asks Garile what she would like to drink. "A catnip ale please" Garile smiles at Sangwa. As Sangwa orders the drinks she looks around the tavern and caresses her dress, checking her hidden daggers.

Handing her a mug of ale Sangwa and Garile start talking about the empire and Sangwa's vision of expanding by making the forces within the empire more independent from eachother. Then Nurahk walks in the tavern and spots the two at the bar. Walking towards them, he nods "Goodday father. Goodday Garile."Garile smiles as she returns the nod "Goodday sir", "hmm, no need to call me sir, Nurahk will do fine" Nurahk replies.


At the plaza

Smiling Garile walks from the tavern towards the plaza. She had an ale at the tavern, but noone was there so she soon left to see if something interesting would be going on at the plaza. She walks with an obvious spark of enjoyment as she remembers last night. Nodding a greeting to someone she somewhat knows she twirls her tail and walks around the plaza inspecting the stalls there and keeping an eye out for any friends she might walk into.

Yesterday night she had had another date with Sangwa and she had been pleasantly suprised at how much fun it had been. It really pleased her to discover the fire that hid behind his calm demeanor. All too often Garile had found men who were in positions of power to become lazy and started to loose interest in the cause, about which they were so passionate in the beginning. Not so with Sangwa and although that made it less easy for her to manipulate him it kept her interest in him as a person very much alive.

Still smiling Garile stops at a stand with several fabrics. She isn't really planning on making a dress herself, favoring the pampering feeling of a tailor way to much, but enjoys looking at the several fabrics just to get ideas for new dresses and the accessories that one has to buy with them. Giggling to herself she remembers she needs to buy a new dress as well after last night.

Walking further Garile notices Ecuetas with a fenki at his side. The kran is a somewhat new imperial that Garile has started to concider as a friend even though she enjoys teasing him quite a bit as well. Ecuetas is useally seen with other people as he enjoys teaching people how to defend themselves, but somehow this fenki seems different from the people he useally teaches. Interested Garile waves to Ecuetas and moves towards them looking over the fenki. The fenki has a smile on her face and is wearing light armor. Her clothing seems to show a preferance for the darker colors. Her fur shows it's not overly groomed but it's not left to grow wild either. Then Garile notices the confirmation it isn't just an apprentice as she sees Ecuetas holding her hand in his.

"Hi Ecuetas." Garile smiles brightly at discovering her friend. "Who is this you are with?". Smiling wide Ecuetas looks at the fenki and says "This is my wife, Vexonee". Garile looks a tad suprised and looks at Vexonee "I didn't know you were married.". Looking a tad embarresed Ecuetas says "Well we just got married. Things went rather fast." Inwardly raising an eyebrow, she smiles brightly, nodding to Vexonee "Pleased to meet you, Vexonee. I hope you can handle this one. I'm Garile" Garile giggles and winks at Vexonee. Vexonee smiles and nods aswell. "Well he is a handfull but he is worth it." and with that she smiles to Ecuetas.



Garile is standing against the door, confused. Sangwa had just left and it had been a great evening and a great night aswell. Still Garile is feeling like something is amiss. He brought her a present and a nice one at that. Garile looks at the silver necklace and smiles briefly then the uneasyness takes over again. Why is she feeling this way? Garile feels a tear starting to form and a feeling formed partly of fear and partly of anger rises. Quickly she moves to the table where she put her daggers and takes one.

Taking a deep breath she slowly preses it against her paw until her fur is turned red. Quickly she runs it over her par making a perfect line of fur turning red. The pain washes over her and slowly Garile feels in control again. The uneasiness safely locked away again Garile gets out the bandage that she has almost standard in the closet near to the bed. After taking care of the wound she dives in her bed hoping to quickly fall asleep.

Garile wakes the next morning. Slowly Garile opens her eyes and she looks at her paw. Garile gets out of bed and takes the bandage off. It has stopped bleeding and is starting to heal as she didn't cut too deep, having learned over the years how to make it hurt without too much damage. Garile washes herself and picks a black leather outfit to wear and puts on two black gloves aswell. Garile looks at the wounded paw now hidden and slowly opens and closes it. It still hurts and Garile smiles slightly. Today she has another mission and she needs to stay focused.

Garile walks to the wall and with a dagger takes out a loose stone. Reaching through the opening she takes a bag from the other side of the wall. Opening it she checks if everything is still in it. Taking out a vial with a greyish liquid that seems to catch the light she smiles wide. Her own creation and she will try it out today. Perhaps the elf will be lucky and she miscalculated, but not very likely. The rats had responded just as she had predicted.

Slowly Garile stands up while putting everything from the bag into a pouch wich goes with her leather outfit. On the way out she gets the garbage bag, which smells rather bad. Garile murmurs to herself "rat corpses really smell".


Walking into the tavern Garile notices Sangwa sitting with Jekkar. Sangwa somehow seems to sence her being there and looks up and smiles as he spots her. Garile walks to Sangwa, who says something to Jekker before walking to Garile, welcoming her with a hug. Garile lays her head on Sangwa's shoulder looking cosy.

Sangwa chuckles and hugs her closer "Tired?". Garile shrugs a little and smiles slightly  "A little". Sangwa looks her over and asks "Are you still feeling a tad ill?" Garile shakes her head "hmmm no. I even ate half an apple pie earlier today." and Garile giggles

Sangwa raises an eyebrow "Some appetite." Sangwa eyes quickly at Garile "I... see..." Garile hugs herself against Sangwa and Sangwa puts his hand at Garile's belly and asks "Feeling like yourself lately? Or feeling more than it?" then he chuckles and hugs her back

Garile frowns a little and shakes her head "Not feeling really sick or anything" Sangwa nods and replies "Quite the contrary, I believe..." Garile just purrs as she kisses Sangwa's neck.

Sangwa says "This is good news for us, my dear..." Sangwa embraces Garile tightly and stays like that for a while.

Garile runs it over in her head a few times then blinks "How do you mean?" Sangwa chuckles and remains silent for a while while Garile frowns but enjoys the hug

Finally Sangwa replies "You've asked me something once." Garile shrugs not remembering what he means. Sangwa presses on "About having kids of our own?"

Garile looks surprised and asks flustered "You.. think I'm pregnant?" Sangwa nods slowly "Don't you?" Garile giggles still looking sometwhat flustered "hehehe you had me there. Pregnant? me?"

Sangwa caresses Garile's face "That's what I would say." Sangwa moves his head to kiss Garile and Garile returns the kiss but shudders all over and a tear runs out of her eye. Sangwa caresses Garile's face again, clearing the tear and kisses her. Then he smiles worried "What is the matter love?"

Garile blurts out "I.. I .. can't be pregnant.. I.. am way to young. I.. I would.. make a lousy mother." Fear runs through Garile's body making her shudder even more

Sangwa chuckles and shakes his head "I've never seen you insecure."

Garile starts to panic and she can't keep the fear from showing on her face "I can't be pregnant. I just can't OK" Sangwa hugs Garile and murmurs reasuring "Now Garile, it'll be alright."

But instead of being reasured Garile looks scared at Sangwa and suddenly she get out of the hug and dashes out the door leaving Sangwa suprised but then Sangwa shouts after her "Garile! ... Garile!"

Garile is fast and running to the alleys she quickly looses Sangwa. Running into an alley she know well Garile crawls in her little corner there and shudders and cries "I...I... no.. it .. can't be...... I.." Garile sniffs as she takes out her dagger and cuts herself in her hand but the pain doesn't work as it normally does amd Garile shudders and cries again. Then she cuts herself again, deeper this time making the pain overwhelming. Garile calms down a little looking at her own blood fall on the ground but still can't stop completely and still shudders and cries.

Suddenly Sangwa falls to the ground with a bang, injuring himself. Garile looks at the blood running from her hand and looks up hearing the sudden bang and looks scared. Sangwa chuckles with effort "Vodul's kind to me, through the nastiest ways possible. Through a fall he brought me to the highest point of my life."He sees the blood and looks at Garile's hand "What happened?"

Not being able to answer him Garile looks down but can't help looking at her bloody dagger. Standing up slowly Sangwa walks over to Garile and kisses her hand and then hugs her closely "Garile... please, don't be scared." Sangwa grabs the dagger with uncanny speed and drops it to the ground, behind him.

Not knowing what to do Garile closes her eyes as she hugs Sangwa close "I'm scared" Sangwa looks Garile over for other injuries and is relieved to find none beside the deep cut in her hand. Garile looses control again and shudders and tears flow from her eyes

Sangwa holds Garile's hand and casts a healing spell, then smiles at her "You silly thing... You don't need to be scared..." Sangwa hugs Garile very closely and licks her neck Garile hugs Sangwa close to her and replies "I don't know if I can be a mother Sangwa." Sangwa looks at Garile and raises an eyebrow and asks "Why's that?"

"I'm.. scared something might happen to us ...... leaving them as I was left. I.. I... never had a family after that.... I was always treated badly.." Garile blurts out and cries again frustrated by her own feelings

Then Sangwa chuckles as soft and kind as Garile has ever heard him "Do you know how long I live this life? Even if something were to happen to me, I'd have others to look for our offspring." Garile shrugs not knowing what to say and Sangwa holds Garile's face at his shoulder and caresses her head softly "I am so sorry you had a troubled childhood, Garile. But we are better than those who left you. We are stronger, more loving."

Garile looks in Sangwa's eyes "Do you really love me?" Sangwa meets the look, his confidence as stern as always. Garile looks away and asks in a tone that makes it obvious she wants it but doesn't believe it yet "me?"

Sangwa nods and words it as well "I love you Garile. Yes, you." Garile tears up again and presses her head against his shoulder hiding her tears in his fur and he kisses her head and caresses it very tenderly "Garile, my pretty treasure. Don't scare me like that ever again."

Garile smiles slightly tearfully "I'll try" Sangwa continues "I don't remember being so afraid of anything else here in Hydlaa..." Garile smiles and looks up with tear filled eyes and kisses Sangwa and he returns the kiss and hugs her very tightly.

Sangwa lets out a relieved chuckle "Good thing I fell down from the roof here... Or I would still be looking all around for you as franctic as a starving clacker.

Garile whispers "I love you Sangwa. And.. sometimes that scares me..... I'm sorry." Garile looks down again

Sangwa looks deep into Garile's eyes "And I love you, Garile... Greenmoon." Garile looks confused "Greenmoon? Does.. does?? "

Sangwa nods "It's the name of our family". Garile swallows and blinks "Are you asking me to marry you?" Sangwa nods again "Would you accept such an honest invitation, from the depths of my heart?"

Not being able to speak again, this time because of happiness, Garile smiles widely and throws her arms around his neck and kisses him passionately. Sangwa is caught by surprise, his eyes widening a little, then he relaxes and returns the kiss and the embrace.

After the kiss Garile can't help giggle and says "Yes I would love to be your wife" Sangwa chuckles "Then my wife you are, Garile. We should arrange a ceremony to celebrate such occasion..."


Moving in

Walking through Sangwa's house Garile isn't sure how she feels. It felt strange somehow. Ofcourse she had been here several times before, but this time she would actually start living here. Garile smiles to herself again as her eye falls on the bar that Sangwa had kept as he had taken over what used to be a tavern. The bar wasn't the only thing still remembering of the old tavern, but it was obvious it was used as a livingroom and sometimes meetingplace now.

Walking up the stairs she brings her bags with her. Upstairs she walks through the bedroomdoor and puts her bags next to the bed. She looks around and smiles to herself. She was  definately going to redecorate a bit but the room had a nice feel to it. Garile smiles as she sees her brush already laying on one of the closets. Forgotten last time she was here it seemed to greet her.

Sangwa had been busy but they decided with the engagement it would be best if she would move in with him. It wasn't like she really had a place of her own or much stuff to move. Walking to the closet Sangwa had said was free she starts unpacking sighing at the wrinkles in her dresses. Well atleast she would probably be staying here a while. Garile scratches her ear still a bit unsure at that thought and then shrugs deciding to see how it goes as it goes along.

Garile looks outside and frowns seeing the crystal was already shining a bit less bright. She had lost track of time unpacking and she has to go to the tavern where she had agreed to meet Vexonee and Parallo to celebrate her engagement. Quickly she unpacks the second bag deciding to unwrinkle the dresses another time. Perhaps Parallo had composed a new song. Garile smiles to herself remembering the composition for the harp Parallo had written.

Arriving at the tavern Garile looks around and notices Vexonee and Parallo sitting with an Ynnwn far in his middle age. Moving closer she recognizes him as the aspiring blacksmith that recently joined Natrina's traders. Several scars showed he didn't just make weapons but had had to use them aswell. Hwnae she believed his name was, but she didn't spend to much time at the forge so she didn't know him to well rather spending her time on more interesting things then blackksmithing. Vexonee notices Garile and smiles warmly to her gesturing for Garile to come over and sit next to her. Garile returns the smile and quickly makes her way to the table they were sitting at.

Quickly taking a chair from another table she sits down with the three. Hwnae smiles and nods as the two other both greet Garile cheerfully.

"Hi you three how are you all doing?" Garile smiles

All three mention they are doing fine. Then Parallo, tactfull as ever, brings up the subject they were all thinking of.

"So you are getting hitched with Sangwa?." Parallo smiles as Vexonee rolls her eyes at him.

"Well infact Sangwa did ask me to marry him." Garile smiles towards Vexonee rolling her eyes. "I just came from moving most of my stuff into now our house"

Vexonee giggles "Knowing you, you already made plans for redecorating the place."

Garle giggles aswell "Aaahh you know me so well. I'm thinking Neo-Oja-traditional as a theme. Definately some things for on the walls."

Hwnae simply looks slightly amused as he sips his ale

Parallo quirks in "Have you heard me and Hwnae are writing a book together?"

Garile raises an eyebrow "Will it be a good book?"

Parallo smiles and nods "One about smelting and the properties of various ores."

Hwnea adds "It touches on smithing too I would think."

Parallo continues "Sounds interesting, eh?"

Garile smiles to Vexonee before smiling mischievously to Parallo "hmmm yes thrilling, but please don't give away the ending."

Parallo frowns "No need to be so mean. I used that list you got me and my own knowledge to gather all known materials for Hwnae to study and experiment with."

Garile nods "Anything interesting come out of those experiments yet?

Hwnea shakes his head "Not yet. But I have been busy blacksmithing. That darn Harnquist really is a disgrace but he has a permit it seems that is hard to get." Hwnae shakes his head in disbelieve "Just look at the blades he sells they are practicly not worth anything. Just collecting rust most of the time."

Garile's ears perk up "So you could make me two good daggers if I needed them?

Hwnae blinks then shrugs "Better then his thats for sure. I'll even give you a guildsdiscount on them although it will take a while to make them if you want good ones."

Garile smiles and nods

The rest of the night they have fun and before they know it time has passed and it's time to part again. Before they part however Garile reminds Hwnae about those daggers and he promises to not forget.



Rubbing her stomach Garile can still not believe yayelle is no longer there. Not that it had been an easy delivery but she had gotten used to the little one moving around in there. Letting out a sigh she carresses the daggers she had gotten from Hwnae. He had done an exelent job and she was feeling she really wasn't deserving of them right now. Garile smiles and shrugs to herself. "Nothing else to it then getting back into shape.". Walking to a chest she had not opened in a while Garile opens it and takes out an armor. Leather armor is still her favorite and this black suit is defintely her favorite leather armor. Garile slips it on somewhat suprised it still fits again although it's tight at some places.

Walking outside she enjoys wearing the tight fitting armor flexing her muscles as she walks towards the arena anticipating the training, smiling wide as she walks faster as if she has picked up the scent of her prey. At the arena they work her hard and soon Garile knows just how much work she still has to do to get back to her old level. Thankfully these had been practice weapons or she would have had quite some wounds. Bowing to her sparring partner Garile smiles at the painfull muscles. She was definately coming again.

Several days later Garile walks together with her friend Vexonee and Vexonee's friend Rooker who Garile is starting to get to know better. Vexonee asks Garile how Yayelle is doing and how Garile is feeling. Garile asures Vexonee that she and Yayelle are fine and that the training she has been having really isn't to much for her. Infact Garile is wearing the daggers of Hwnae in their sheaths and her black leather armor again. Garile is thinking of going a step further with the training but she isn't telling Vexonee that yet.

On their way Garile notices Kiraki lounging on one of the roofs. Garile waves to Kiraki who slowly nods as she is lazily sitting pretty much ignoring the three after the nod. Somewhat annoyed by the indifferance Garile motions for Kiraki to come down so they can talk, but Kiraki doesn't seem to pay attention anymore looking  over the city. Garile raises an eyebrow and vexonee lets out a sigh noticing her friends focus and suspecting of what way this is going.

Garile looks around and then moves to an open door, walks inside and as Vexonee and Rooker looks somewhat suprised Garile climbs out a window onto the roof where Kiraki is still lazily gazing out on the city. Garile moves to the top of the roof and smiles to Kiraki "Hi." Garile says as she sits next to Kiraki.

Kiraki smiles slightly and nods to Garile. Garile caresses over her armor and suddenly holds a dagger of Hwnae in her hand and twirls it. "Feeling up for some dagger training Kiraki?"

Kiraki stops what she is doing and grins at Garile her hands floating around her belt "Want to play?"

Garile smiles mischievously at Kiraki "If you are up to it. I am a bit rusty ofcourse"

Kiraki smiles stands up and places herself infront of Garile and makes a slight curtsy "I am all yours.. that is if you can touch me"

PvP,PK and Thieving / Guildwars
« on: February 16, 2007, 12:01:18 am »
It was mentioned in an other thread and though to put a few thoughts on a row.

As is guildwars aren't used to often. This is 1. because people don't feel the dueling is balanced and so it's not as atractive as it used to be and 2. it's unrealistic and it is pointless because you don't really know who won.

Well balancing the dueling obviously is a must but going to leave that to the other threads, but making it so armor makes one hit kills impossible again seems like one of the easiest solutions one can think of. Obviously there are many others, but seeing this is such a large topic on it's own lets move on to the next point.

Guildwars aren't realistic. You can fight anywhere and this would be strange if neither of the guilds have the power to fight against the guard of a city for example. It is also unrealistic because of the inviting required. As said before did Hitler invite Poland to a war and Poland went like "hey cool I'm sure we can win this one"? So I feel declaring war shouldn't be done like this, but should be a true declaration.

However to counter endless wars I feel there should be a maximum duration programmed to a guildwar for example it could be 1 week and after that you can't declare again on the same guild for 3 weeks. This to keep the enjoyment of the game so that some guild is not constantly harassing a certain other guild.

For realism and enjoyment there should also be safezones where the pvp doesn't work. Personally I would feel the safezones should be the Deathrealm and the cities. The deathrealm to prevent killing after killing after killing and because it should be hard and a torment just to get out and the cities because the guards would prevent the fighting there. Once the guards can really interact with the players when they do something bad you could change it that the guards find you hostile once you fight there, but at the moment the AI is simply not smart enough for that so sounds better to prevent pvp there.

Also a point would be the pointlessness. Unless someone is really superior it is really hart to see who has one and obviously this isn't really realistic either. In several wars the fighting might be so close that both try to claim victory, but in most wars there is normally a sign to clearly show to an objective observer who has gotten the upper hand. So a way to "win" a war should be implemented. Now I am not a big fan of killcounters, but in this case it seems to be the only real way at the moment to count how a war is going. Guilds don't own land or NPCs and there is no "king of the hill" system either. So the number of deaths I feel would be an objective way to show who is winning, specially seeing if people know this is the criteria they can easily change their tactics around it and with the safezones the "low leveled" persons don't have to partake in battles.

If a killcounter is chosen I feel there should also be a sytemmesage when someone has won. One shouldn't be able to win however unless they have passed a certain minimum in their score and a certain difference in score with their oponents. This to minimize misuse when ahead in the points.

Last point I feel should be done is make alliances useful. This could be done by making it possible to join an ally in a war. Why is this necessary you ask if war can simply be declared anyhow? Because people who declare using the ally option would then be in the same war and so try to gain the advantage together. With a killcounter this would mean it would count all deaths and kills of that side and not just the one guild to see who is victorious.

Wish list / Petitioning
« on: February 06, 2007, 07:44:15 pm »
I have had times when I found a bug or something strange and made a petition about it.

As this was being hadled the petitions dissapeared, but this often leaves an empty feeling as there are often no immediate results obviously. I would propose the option for GMs to give an answer to these petitions. Even if it are simply replies like "This has been reported already and rest asured we are working on it" or "this is not been found offending to the extent it needs emidiate changing, but thanks for keeping an eye out." I think it would make people feel more apreciated.

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