
Announcements => PlaneShift News and Rules => Topic started by: Uadjet on February 27, 2022, 08:10:16 pm

Title: Dev Q&A February 27th 2022
Post by: Uadjet on February 27, 2022, 08:10:16 pm
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: Small crowd today.
Zarre says: Hi o/
Uadjet says: I think today sets the record for literal last minute arrivals. :D
Uadjet says: Okay, so if there are any initial questions just step up to the lecterns. If not, I'll give an update on what's been happening in the last two weeks.
Migg says: I have a couple quesstions on PSU, idk if thiss is the right place
>Damola Etedi bows to Gonger Xaraha.
>Damola Etedi winks at Gova Liernan playfully.
>Teleported Kifunstus Zyziferous to meetingore in instance 345
>Dentritus Illythien bows to Damola Etedi.
Migg says: or three :)
>Teleported Anysu Atani to Anysu's Small Table in instance 345
Anysu laughs
Anysu says: Right on track, Uadjet
Uadjet says: You can absolutely ask PSU questions in here. At least until we start holding meetings in PSU. :)
Damola did share some things about PSU 0.7.18 in forum.
>Anysu Atani raises an arm and points towards Anysu's Small Table.
Uadjet says: :D
Anysu chuckles and goes and sits
Damola says: Ah, Uadjet, then you may only ask questions in PS CS in PSU? :)
Uadjet says: Somehow I just know I'll be holding meetings in both...
Migg says: OK, lots of questions:D
Uadjet says: Migg?
>Damola Etedi listens intently to Migg Ellorean.
Migg says: Is there a way to scale e.g the chat text in PSU? if the window is small then the text is too small to read
Migg says: haven't found a setting that affects that
Kifunstus says: there is options in the menu , talked to talad about stretching out the menu icons
Uadjet says: There is
Damola says: Can't you set the font sizes for different things in PSU?
Uadjet says: You can thank my middle-aged eyes for my knowing that.
Migg says: There are 4 toggles, only two work
Migg says: but they don't scale the chat text
Uadjet says: They do for me. Well, one does at least. I was using it constantly when getting coordinates for guildhouse entrances.
Migg says: Also graphic elements scale with the window, would expect them to be fixed in size
Uadjet says: I'll log in after the meeting and see which one was working.
Migg says: OK thanks
Migg says: Next, is there a way to move the chat window?
Kifunstus says: you can move it like in legacy , its just transparent outside window , needs more detail so you can tell
Migg says: I can grab the window here and move it
Migg says: In PSU when I try to grab and move it moves my view instead
Migg says: I can resize but not move it
Kifunstus says: all the your engine windows need a better outerline so you can tell you are clicking it for a move, but they all do
Kifunstus says: your = you R
Uadjet says: You can, but you need to find the right spot. I think it's on the left by the tabs.
Damola says: Yeah, but it at times is very difficult to hit the window border or outline.
Migg says: so you need to grab by the outer frame left of the tabs?
Migg says: or border
Kifunstus says: for now , yup
Migg says: tried various spots without success
Kifunstus says: I told talad we could migrate after UI issues like that are resolved, ttoo finiky
Migg says: OK, sso noone is sure, but a sweet spot does exist
Migg says: Third question: Where are books saved?
Kifunstus says: local machine , or in game
Migg says: I want to try out loading the XML from the wiki but can't figure out where to put it
Uadjet says: It is awkward. You can move the dialogue box, though. I was doing that in the Dryken Plane, as I think the sidebar for displaying crystals was blocking my ability to click on the chat bar. I feel naked and vulnerable without my GM commands.
Damola says: I moved all windows, but with several it has been difficult to find the right spot, and… I did not clearly remember which one it was for each window.
Uadjet says: Books (in Legacy) are stored in their own folder. Are you talking about PSU? I've not tried books there.
Migg says: PSU
Migg says: tried renaming and saving a book I bought in the library, but couldn't find it
Migg says: As you can see I am back to Hydlaa :D
Migg says: The crash fix on Linux seems to work for me
Migg says: I lag at times but don't crash
Uadjet says: That may not work the same way as in Legacy, but there should be a local copy for out-of-game editing.
Kifunstus says: I would assume the books are better hardcoded on the server with unreal engine
Migg says: I will try adding some text, perhaps it's only saved if it has text in it
Migg says: Oh I do hope they are not hardcoded in the server, unless coy-paste works in PSU
Migg says: Also not sure how to edit XML directly in the embedded editor
Kifunstus says: i just copy pasted text into the PSU chat box
Migg says: What worries me is I only see an Y coordinate for icons, so some things may not be portable to PSU, for example the number book
Uadjet says: I do think copy/paste works in PSU, but local books are extremely handy.
Migg says: Also eagerly awaiting the list of icons to numbers conversion list :D
Migg says: OK, that's all from me!
Kifunstus says: I am unable to open my Hand drawn scroll in PSU currently , just tested, maybe bbooks not been coded yet
Migg says: Oh, didn't even open a scroll yet, just looked at a book
Migg says: also IIRC the containers I carry were not there
Uadjet says: That's odd.
Kifunstus says: unable to open a music scrool either yet , I guess its not done yet
Migg says: May have missed them
Migg says: I carry lots of things :D
Uadjet says: I log in as my guard, since my GM char crashes the client whenever selected. As does my event character. Traits don't match the race, you see. I don't normally carry containers as my guard, so I might not have noticed that.
Migg says: Interface is different, the slots seem less
Migg says: so maybe they are further down and I missed them
Migg says: I have 32 slots in my inventory here
Uadjet says: Ah, that could be it.
Kifunstus says: I just successfully bought a book in PSU and pasted text into it,
Migg says: can you paste XML?
Gova says: I will never admit how long it took for me to realize there was a fourth row in inventory slots I could scroll down to.
Kifunstus says: @migg sorry , not experience with XML myself
Migg says: there are examples in the PSWiki
Damola grins towards Gova "How long did it take?"
Kifunstus says: migg drop a link in Discord and I will try for you
Gova says: Or how long it took me to find the Octarch's Residence.
Migg says: not on discord
Damola says: Haha, I didn't know about the Octarch's Residence for a long, long time.
Gova says: I didn't realize I could scroll down until I did it accidentally and everything I had in the top row vanished. Most of my best stuff was there, as this was before NPC storage existed.
Kifunstus says: i cannot recall if I visited the residence lol
Kifunstus says: before storage my collection of Bags were beyond valuable lol
Migg says: <Page><Text>Some text.</Text></Page>
Uadjet says: Okay, I've got some things to test in PSU. :)
Migg says: That should be a valid XML for a book with "Some text." in it
Uadjet says: I'll give you all a little update on what Talad's been up to.
Damola says: cool
Kifunstus says: ahh there is a note here , For Books we changed the XML format as we do not have all the same formatting capabilities we want , 31st july 2021
Uadjet says: Last meeting I think I told you he was working on Talents and Combat Maneuvers.
Uadjet says: Some are granted by having a high enough skill or attribute, and some by membership in groups like the Order of the Keen Edge.
Uadjet says: I think it's Eonwind and Zunna working on the combat schools. If you don't know about combat schools, give me a few seconds and I'll post a link to the wiki.
Kifunstus says: miggiin I just messaged with the link about XML formatting change
Migg says: ?
Kifunstus says: if your miggiin in discord
Migg says: I have seen PSWiki
Migg says: and I am not in Discord
Uadjet says:
Kifunstus says: search PS wiki convert_books_to_PSUnreal
Migg says: Yes, that's where I found out how to write the example I wrote before
Migg says: it doesn't say where books are stored in PSU though
Kifunstus says: the example change of XML formatting worked, I now have a book with images and text
Kifunstus says: by copy paste
Migg says: you pasted the XML example directly in the editor?
Migg says: Ah, OK, good to know!
Kifunstus says: in game editor yes
Migg says: will try what the Y coord does
Migg says: but I miss an X coord :)
Uadjet says: After that, Talad switched to working on factions.
Uadjet says: The faction system has had a big overhall, so you might want to watch one of the vids just to see the lists of factions.
Migg says: rats don't like me :D
Uadjet says: I don't think the rat faction will be in PSU, sadly.
Uadjet says: But you'll have faction ranks, which are like the descriptions you see on the current factions page.
Uadjet says: For the last week Talad's been working on the Dermorian town of Raurim.
Uadjet says: For those who have tried PSU, have you noticed an unusually large, somewhat wonky tree near the junction of two rivers?
Uadjet says: It's near the road from Hydlaa to Oja, but further away from the edge.
Kifunstus says: I saw it on Talads stream, he spent lots of time working on it, not seen it in character yet
Damola says: Hmmm, not yet, but will look around there.
Migg says: Just came in from Oja, I sure missed it on the way
Uadjet says: That's the location of Raurim, where most of the housing is in the tree itself.
Damola says: I found some new places and spots, even a complete new path way, but not the one the leads to Delver, but another one that leads to an abyss.
Damola says: Nice
Damola says: But in PSU 0.7.18 its not yet implemented (except for the tree)?
Kifunstus says: talad has only built the tree so far from what I saw yesterday on stream
Damola says: Ah, I see. Thanks.
Damola says: I don't find the time to watch streams at the moment.
Migg says: Talad streams for hours on end! :D
Uadjet says: Yes. The tree is a lot less wonky in the streams. It should make for a very nice village.
Kifunstus says: skipping through the streams after the fact can be nice
Migg says: Nice for those who are not afraid of heights
Kifunstus says: Talad mentioned making invisible walls to prevent people falling off
Migg says: Uadjet has already created a preview in CS PS
Migg says: was quite high :D
Kifunstus says: it is a defining land mark for navigation :D
Uadjet says: Yeah, that was fun to make. :)
Damola says: yeah, that was nice in PS CS
Uadjet says: So that's a quick summary of what Talad's been up to. I've continued work on populating Amdeneir and the new villages, and worked on adding GM flight to the game.
Damola wants Damola flight
Damola grins
Migg says: *we* *want* *flight*!
Uadjet says: Honestly, the hardest part of adding flight was importing the mixamo animations to the game. All of the turorials were outdated!
Migg says: Well, Klyros should fly at least
Kifunstus says: is there plans to give our reptilian friends the ability to flap so they can effectively jump further than the rest of us
Uadjet says: Well, I think players won't be able to fly, as it makes getting outside of the completed map too easy. And by flight, I mean gaining altitude.
Kifunstus says: Klyros*
Damola says: And I hope there will be some fly or glide spells with Bird and Flight glyphs
Uadjet says: Gliding, on the other hand, seems acceptable.
Kifunstus says: Slow fall would be handy with the new dynamics availiable
Migg says: Just make the invisible walls higher, and add an invisible ceiling
Uadjet says: And I may have made some progress on that front. Nothing's been approved yet, but I spent a good part of last week playing around with slow fall and gliding effects. They're much the same thing, actually. The only difference is forward momentum.
>Kifunstus Zyziferous looks around smiling.
Gonger says: Uadjet said: The hardest part of adding flight WAS... so it is done?
Damola says: Nice!"
Uadjet says: GM flight works. It's quite easy in Unreal, as it has a built-in "Is Flying" mode.
Uadjet says: I just really wanted those animations from Mixamo. :)
Migg says: waste of effort if you ask me
Damola steals GM flight glyph from Uadjet and uses her copy glyph to make a copy of it.
Migg says: GMs are always invisible :D
Uadjet says: Yeah, but WE know how cool we look!
Kifunstus says: So there is plans for Petrosaur flight paths we can check out the world with as we travel and not just instant then ?
Migg says: If a GM flies while invisible, do they make a sound?
Uadjet says: Actually, the take off and landing animations were from something Epic made. Only the horizontal flying position was from mixamo. Until I found the takeoff and landing animations I was just going to have us floating midair in a crossed legs sitting position.
Migg says: Ah, Kifunstus , now that would be great!
Uadjet says: The pterosaur flight paths would be great, but would also take quite a bit of work. Each map section would need to be loaded, and that takes time. Could be very choppy, especially for those with slow computers.
Kifunstus says: would also make having a petrosaur stable or waiting for a petrosaur a real thing to experience
Damola says: Kifunstus, that would be nice. Fully animated Pterosaur travel.
Damola has NVMe SSD
Uadjet says: I suppose it the pterosaur went high enough at the start the game could load only the most basic versions of those maps. That might help.
Kifunstus says: Standing on a high point and looking around already has a similar effect of loading a massive amount of terrain
Damola says: That is fast enough for me. Looking around at a high point.
Migg says: would lag a lot for me, but I think I would not crash now
Kifunstus says: getting talad to add an FPS limiter fixed my issues with looking around at high points already
Uadjet says: I think that's the full update. Oh! About the town of Delver: Does anyone have a thought on what the waterwheel should power?
Uadjet says: I think the windmill is for grinding grain, but the waterwheel wouldn't do the same thing.
Kifunstus says: a mill for grains, they vegetarians right ?
Migg says: If there are trees near, then a sawmill
Kifunstus says: it could power the blowers for a furnace |?
Damola says: Not sure on that. I tried swimming there meanwhile, basically works, but the animation is a bit wonky at times and seems to be a bit unsure on deciding whether to swim or walk at some areas
Uadjet says: A sawmill would likely have an outdoor log-cutting structure. There is a free model for that online, but it would have to be added in.
Migg says: could also pump water to irrigate fields and act as a water supply for the town?
Damola says: water supply sounds interesting
Uadjet says: A water-pump would work, though we'd need pipes or troughs.
Damola says: and/or for grains.
Damola says: Both would make sense for me.
Kifunstus says: irigation systems sounds like a fantastic option
Uadjet says: It could be a paper mill, or used in creating textiles from kormi wool.
Migg says: these were made by hand in medieval times
Migg says: textiles
Migg says: and papyrus was also hand-made
Migg says: Could power hammers for iron-working
Kifunstus says: fibre mushing was more about waterlogging than maching with a turn wheel
Uadjet says: Fulling was done by watermills in medieval times, I think.
Migg says: need to look that up
Migg says: idk what fulling is :D
Kifunstus says: google says , the process of cleaning shrinking and fleting both by heat pressure and moisture
Uadjet says: Neither did I until I looked up uses for water mills. :D
Uadjet says: I do like irrigation, though I don't know if Talad is interesting in adding troughs to the map.
Damola says: See you all! Take care.
Kifunstus says: a water wheel could have a set of cogs attached to it , so it could be used for multiple things ?
Uadjet says: That's true.
Anysu says: Are we done?
Uadjet says: Well, I think we can bring the meeting to a close.
Kifunstus says: cheers Uadjet
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming! I'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks!
Anysu says: Thanks for the update
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Migg says: Thank you for the updates!
Anysu says: Bye for now!
>Anysu Atani grins at Anysu's Small Table impishly.
Migg says: And the flight, even if only for GMs!
Dentritus says: Thanks
Migg says: Bye all!
>3 shown from 3 players online
Uadjet says: And Migg's gone. Drat.
Uadjet says: Settings-Interface-Chat Text increases font size in the dialogue box. Click and drag on the chat window on the left under the auctions tab to drag the box around.
Uadjet says: Books aren't saved locally yet. Containers exist and hav ethe correct contents.
Uadjet says: There we go. Off to make dinner!