Author Topic: Dev Q&A March 13th, 2022  (Read 507 times)


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Dev Q&A March 13th, 2022
« on: March 27, 2022, 04:35:47 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: So, if there are no immediate questions, I'll give a bit of an update on what's been going on behind the scenes.
Uadjet says: Migg?
Migg says: Not really questions
Migg says: the forum had an issue with its credentials but it was still accessible through HTTPS
Migg says: Now it seems some assets will not load when you use https
Migg says: it will load correctly if you use http though
Migg says: that was the first
Migg says: the second is that, since I have no access to flyspray, I have reported some bugs as petitions in PSU
Migg says: idk if someone sees them,, does the petition system work?
Migg says: so this is a question :D
Uadjet says: Ah, I'll check those next time I'm logged in.
Migg says: OK, so yes :D
Uadjet says: I think petitions work, but I haven't been checking them. I have /managepetitions in my autoexec, so I'm not used to opening that manually.
Uadjet says: Okay, so last we chatted Talad was working on Raurim, correct?
Uadjet says: The Dermorian village.
Migg says: with the treehouses!
Uadjet says: That's the one.
Uadjet says: Talad did a lot of work on what I previously called the Wonky Tree, and it's looking much better. Far more tree-like, if you will.
Damola says: So the Dermorians can hope for a stable village that does not break down under their feet?
Uadjet says: A beta version of the village may be ready for the next release.
Damola says: Nice!
Migg says: cool!
Uadjet says: See, this is what Talad does when he needs a break from coding and bugfixing: He builds us a new village!
Damola says: I have been toying around with swimming in lake in Delver (or was it Delving). It basically works, but needs some refinements.
Damola says: :)
Uadjet says: The town is Delver. The Stonehammer city is Delving. And yes, it's unnecessarily confusing.
Hulla says: but good for the map seller
Damola says: Quite confusing the names. Delver and Delving. I do my best to tell them apart.
Migg says: Remember that the stonehammers keep delving deeper and deeper
Damola says: :)
Uadjet says: So Talad working on the tree itself, and the landscape around the tree.
Damola says: I love to explore in PSUnreal. Nature just looks so much more beautiful than in PS CS.
Uadjet says: I prefer the name Araloth kel'Maren, but maybe that's a bit long for casual use.
Uadjet says: So, once Talad was done with that (and some bugfixing) he switched to working on hair.
Uadjet says: Not in real life.
Uadjet says: He's not taken up hairstyling.
Uadjet says: In game.
Uadjet says: This game.
Uadjet says: He's also not trying to convince Minsc to grow his hair out and try a nice bouffant.
Uadjet says: The Ylian female model now has more than once hair option, with multiple colours.
Uadjet says: Now that he's done that, it'll be easier to add other hair styles to the other races.
Uadjet says: Some are badly in need of update.
Hulla says: can the player change their hair in game in the futur ?
Uadjet says: You can now, and I assume that will continue to be true.
Uadjet says: Just visit the hairstylist and you can choose a new cut and colour.
Hulla says: and chating ?
Hulla says: nice
Uadjet says: Talad moved on from that to work on character creation for a bit, and then on to Factions.
Uadjet says: Factions will be different in PSU. Some will just be the current factions with new names, but some will be new.
Uadjet says: Some old ones will be retired too, because they don't make sense. Like Ulbernaut faction.
Anysu says: or rat faction
Uadjet says: Talad also worked on treasure chests, and made a script that will make it much easier to add random chest contents in the future.
Damola demands Pterosaur faction.
Gova says: I'm -40 rat and proud of it!
Haviland says: I don't think that ulbernaut faction is a bad idea
Migg says: I don't mind rat faction, they hate me anyway
Haviland says: or rat faction
Hulla says: and high level faction can give some reward to players
Gova says: But ulbernauts attack everything, so everyone is at -100 faction with them.
Haviland says: if faction is high they should attack more aggressiv (from a greater distance and more often)
Migg says: I am 20 with Ulbernauts
Migg says: but then that's probably bbecause of Ulbie
Uadjet says: Oh, yes. There will be rewards for having high faction. It sounds complex to me, but there are ranks and titles for organizations, which don't necessarily match up to a skill. So the cooking faction might love you even if your skill is only 17, if you do enough nice stuff for them.
Migg says: Why would rats be able to remember you?
Uadjet says: Precisely, Migg. The creature factions have been defunct for some time now, as no quests give them. Those only appear on older characters.
Uadjet says: And after Talad did all of that, he moved on to working on Ojaveda. The parts that don't exist in Legacy.
Damola says: Damola has only -5 with rats. And also 20 with Ulbernauts.
Hulla says: are you already in the proces of making ( tons ) of new quest ?
Migg says: he is speechless!
Uadjet says: Heh, not quite speechless.
Uadjet says: I'm working on quests for Delver and Homestead right now, along with rewriting the lockpicking quests I did a few years ago to take advantage of the new chests script.
Hulla says: look like some farmer need help for the disepear cow in a near futur
Migg says: Would be nice to have some bard or musician somewhere
Uadjet says: I also wasted some time working on an iridescence shader for PSU. Not sure if there will ever be a use for it, but it's fun to do. :)
Migg says: How about the radiant river and lake?
Migg says: or not a good use for these?
Uadjet says: Those are a sector over on the far side of Ojaveda, and I think the plan is to fill the currect sectors then work on a sector or two on the next level down.
>Migg Ellorean picked up a Closed Dark Wood Barrel
Migg says: well, whenever
Hulla says: perhaps my old dream to finaly USE the winch can be real
Uadjet says: I think we're all looking forward to actually riding that thing.
Anysu says: To ride the Winch be great.
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Migg says: Young people these days!! noone wants to walk!
Damola wants to fly there by Pterosaur
Uadjet says: But for Ojaveda, the full city can be seen in PSU or the streams. Talad is working on making actual buildings, instead of the rectangles and cones which exist now.
Anysu says: Flying be cool as well
Gova says: Heck yeah!
Uadjet says: That's 5 km down, so walking down ramps and tunnels would take a long time. How steep a decline could the ramps be?
Glorgal says: i have an rpg adventure module where the math has already been done. i'll try to find it.
Glorgal says: also, perhaps there could be hidden/secret factions that the players cannot see, which determines some reactions.
Uadjet says: I think Delving is 50m deep, and the road from top to bottom was something like 370 meters. That's just over 7m of road for every 1m down. If the ramp on the edge is the same steepness then it'll be at least 40km or so of ramps and tunnels. Not a fun walk.
Uadjet says: I can think of at least one faction whose membership will be completely secret, and a few more whose membership might be surprising.
Migg says: dark *cough cough* flame *cough*
Glorgal says: i found it: in the game, a pit is 15,000 feet deep. 550 feet diameter. a spiral descends 150 feet, with the distance walked being 1730 feet so to travel the full depth of the pit is a 33 mile walk
Migg says: Oh, just noticed! The staff shimmers in my inventory, but not here!
An arm reaches out and grabs Migg, pulling him into the shadows.
Uadjet says: Some things should not be mentioned. ;)
Anysu says: Thought it was black flame not dark
Glorgal says: :-D first rule of _____ _____
Migg says: It's dark in here!
Damola protests "I say Dark Flame and whatever other name whenever I like."
Glorgal bursts into song. *we don't talk about _____ _____ no no no no no...*
Damola says: Black flame! Lord Voldemort. I do not fear you.
Damola grins
Migg says: Spam spam spam, bbeautifull spam!
Damola says: Anything else on topic left?
Migg says: Couldn't help it, comes to me whenever dwarfs sing
Uadjet says: Or when doves cry. And now I have to listen to Prince. Not that doing so is a bad thing.
Uadjet says: So, any questions about all that?
Migg says: Well, dwarves here wear horned helms
Gova says: They make them look taller.
Glorgal says: i am a little confused about this crying dove thing. is that being actively worked on?
Gonger says: Which Prince song? Never really connected to him.
Migg says: so does everyone else you'll say, but I bet they brought them into fashion
Uadjet says: When Doves Cry.
Gonger says: Gova, may you understand one day that true size is nothing physical.
Anysu says: Clamavi De Profundis is a group that has sort of a medievil flare to it's music. Even dwarf songs/
Gonger says: I call from the Depths? Sounds like Dwarves, allright.
Anysu says: My D&D DM uses thier songs a bit.
Migg says: and an antiviral trait?
Gonger says: No... that imperfect?
Migg says: clamav
Gonger scratches his head, trying hard to remember his Latin lessons.
Anysu says: Yup Gonger. So is song loss of the Negakerdak... dwarves there in that song. Sorry got off topic.
Migg says: dwarves are never off topic
Glorgal says: dwarfs are a hot topic
Uadjet says: Since we're more interested in music, I think we can bring the meeting to a close.
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you at the next meeting in two weeks!