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Messages - Thoss

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General Discussion / Re: Let's get ancient players back...
« on: April 13, 2024, 12:50:33 pm »
Hello everyone, Hello Mordaan!! I randomly reinstalled and visited the forums thursday, lol

Have been watching some of the developmental twitch streams from time to time over the years.

I did log-in ingame... have absolutely no recollection how to do anything  ;D

Hope everyone is doing well.

Unreal Engine / Re: Live streaming of UE development
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:16:09 pm »
I've been dropping in on these, or watching the vids after the fact  when able. Thanks for putting them up!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 17, 2017, 03:57:09 pm »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 06, 2017, 08:51:27 am »
objective decisions or subjective... I don't believe people make rational decisions in such instances because the details are complicated to the point that claiming rationality is nearly irrational in and of itself.

It's all based on feelings.

Trump seems to be one of the few that knows this to the level to use it against whomever he is "dealing" with.

If Trump doesn't become all of our fears, we should give him props, even if he does a "bad" job relatively speaking... because he seems to have the tools to completely own the country (and potentially others) if he wanted to. Just because he understands what causes people to react. So if he doesn't attempt to rename the planet TrumpPlanet, he must have chosen not to try.

<insert discussion about the needs for limits to power>

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:59:44 pm »
*steps back in...

That was a good bit of reading! Enjoyed it too, somebody mentioned a few pages ago about this being a good political discussion... I tend to agree.

A few months down the road I guess my feelings are in the realm of "hoping for the best"... I did my 3rd party thing, but I think that I am glad that trump got in, regardless if he crashes and burns or not.

The way I see it is that our history got us to where we are... and where we are feels significant, the majority of the states felt that we are headed in a bad direction... and Hillary was a part of that history leading to here. If you are heading in a bad direction the only way to change course, I feel, is to take some risks. Trump is the risk... Hillary was staying on the same path... I hope the risk turns out good in the long run. I cannot predict what that will look like or how messy it'll be along the way.

I am ok with the US choosing the risky option to try and institute some change... it could turn out bad, as is part of a risk, but at this point, I still fear where we would have ended up had we stayed course... the reaction, I believe, would have been even more intense down the road. That scares me more than the risky choice we are dealing with right now.

deep down I think the current way of life is not going to stay no matter what choices are made, so we had better get started figuring out what the next is. Steady State Economics has recently peaked my interest, but I remain too ignorant. Adam Smith seemed to make it sound really bad but inevitable... some more modern writers seem more optimistic. I'll need to learn a lot more.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 27, 2016, 08:57:03 pm »
Quote from: that blog I frequently link to
protest marches that aren’t backed up with effective grassroots political organization are simply a somewhat noisy form of aerobic exercise.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 25, 2016, 09:20:58 pm »
To me it kind of devalues the point up protesting and uprising... nothing has happened yet except some free speach words and an election... if trump does horrible things as president, ok, let's protest... but erm... nothing has happened yet but a bunch of campaign talk...

and the calls to recount... shattering the faith (however illusional it really is) but shattering it none the less by deligitimizing the results the states have made won't bode well for us in the long run.

This is what I really worry about, because both sides do the same when they lose...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:04:49 am »
I feel there is some truth here...

More specifically, Trump won because he convinced a great number of Americans that he would destroy political correctness.
...  It's not about his ideas, or policies. It's not even about him. It's about vengeance for social oppression.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 06, 2016, 09:30:24 am »
Quote from: Rigwyn
An interesting question is why didn't the third party candidates get a strong following this year given all the hatred towards the popular candidates.

That is a pretty good questions... and I think the passive appearance that you talk about is probably the key. Stein is Green and passive... Johnson is timid and weak appearing... and I think the populace feels we need a strong personality to face the others. Just try to imagine and argument between Putin and Johnson... Johnson would be owned and probably wouldn't even realise when he is being manipulated.

(that paragraph is the best weapon to get me to vote for trump... I am still fighting that off though)

Quote from: Mishka
Not voting means you don't endorse any of the candidates. And that's fine.

I agree with you here... I think when I discussed not voting being silly, was those that don't ever vote out of apathy or thinking their tiny vote doesn't matter. That I think is silly.

Quote from: Ligh
As a "socialist", Sanders is not conservative enough, is a threat for the free economy market. He had to be silenced. He was an obstacle in the American Way.

This is interesting to me coming from your perspective (admittedly, I don't know you that well). I was a Bernie fan in the beginning, but always felt that I might be too ignorant to know whether or not that is a good idea.

Socialist ideas are tantalizing to me as they just sound like good ideas, buts it's the question of how they shake out in reality that I never know, and I can't ever get a hold of the economics of the situation.

The future I have chosen to see and swallow... I just don't think socialism will work as the ideas of us being a cohesive group is going to go backwords a bit I feel. Which throws me over towards the libertarians...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:46:27 pm »
Pretty sure I agree with what  you are saying Rigwyn :)

Another reason I am game for voting 3rd party if I don't like one of the mains is that everyone complains about a two party system... winner takes all favors a two party system... I don't like it, you probably don't like it, others probably don't like it... unless you are in Congress.

But, how does that change? Complain too our representatives that we want them to overhaul this system that gives them a lot of power? Not gonna happen... Only way I see is... stick it to those who like things as they are... by voting for a spoiler... if a 3rd party screws up the elections often enough... say every time, every two years local and up... one of the major parties will get pissed... and then we can start talking about amending our voting system...

but, if we all fall in our proper line as good little piggies... they win, and things continue as is.

Not that I vote every single time, but willfully choosing not to vote seems silly, I certainly agree with that Rigwyn.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:23:53 am »
I still don't understand the view that voting for johnson or stein is a wasted vote... will they win. No. Is picking the winner the only point of voting?

I say no. Let's assume 1,000,000 voters like a third party, but vote clinton and trump cause they believe they are forced to.

If clinton gets a million more votes than trump, or vice versa... and those million votes were the people who didn't really like either, then those votes were wasted because they were unnecessary. 999,999 of those votes could have voted third party but the winner would have been the same...

The value in those 999,999 third party voters would be twofold.. one they vote for who they like (yes wer are assuming here)... and two their votes send a message.

If the greens or libertarians get just 5% of the vote... that would send a huge message and has never happened before... especially if they would get 10%.

If Gary wins his home state of New Mexico... there are senarios where that would throw the vote to the House... which would at least be interesting.

Also, unless you live in a swing state... you are basically free to vote for any thrid party without much concern of changing the outcome for your state.

To me, if I don't like the two main candidates... my vote has the most value if I vote third party. Just to use my vote as a voice and message.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 03, 2016, 10:41:38 am »
Quote from: Rigwyn
One of the problems that I see now is that there's a steep curve to understanding politics, and an even steeper one once you realize that there's no single source of information that is *correct*. Learning to research, question, and piece together biased information and to reorganize it into a coherent story that you *think* makes sense is a skill in itself.

This I struggle with... I think I have given up out of pure exhaustion... i try to look into different issues and form a real consensus, and it is nearly impossible to just figure out. There are so many scenarios and what-ifs and buts... And then there is the problem with really having no idea which candidate will be best to handle future situations that we don't even know about. Something could happen that clinton would be better, or trump, or johnson, or stein... who knows!

It's just easier to follow the consensus from your family... your church... your peer group... or just a party and be done with it.

That's what I am going to do... decide which party sounds the best to me... then vote party line, and if they put up a shitty candidate, or don't campaign enough... well they should try harder.

Unless it is like my local rep and I know that person is a jackass from interacting directly with them... otherwise it's all hearsay or bullshit.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:33:16 pm »
but I think some of it is the result of technology, communication over the Internet, cross-pollination of ideas and the non-physical boundaries that now divide people. Ie. It used to be that one's acquaintances were people who were geographically close. That changed as transportation advanced ( ie. Boats and Planes ), and again when the Internet was born. Today we have cell phones and tablets that make people half way around the world closer to us than the person next door. I think this results in stronger grouping of people with similar interests, and alliances that are not limited to geography.

lot of truth there, our abilities to communicate as well as rile each other up is huge... plus... all this hoopla with trump and clinton... nothing new, we just have access to the  information now... kind of like me with my parents when I got older and became a parent myself... realized they didn't know what the hell they were doing now that I can see behind the curtain... (and neither do I, but I act like it to my kid!)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: November 02, 2016, 03:04:58 pm »
from the above link... i think this sums up how we got to where we are:

American liberalism, as already mentioned, was a movement of the educated elite; it focused on helping the downtrodden rather than including them; and that approach increasingly ran into trouble as the downtrodden turned out to have ideas of their own that didn’t necessarily square with what liberals wanted to do for them.

[edit] hmmmm... wrong button... sorry for the dup

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