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Topics - Sirial

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / Hall of Learning: Lectures
« on: December 19, 2016, 05:03:19 pm »
[This topic is to announce new lectures at the Hall of Learning]

Lecture number: 0 (zero)
Subject: Purpose of the Hall of Learning, Rules, Explanations and so on. (Not really a lecture as you may see but i suggest people to attend)
Lecturers: Aniroho Aimirrel and any other member of the Knowledge Seekers who wants to help.
Date: Dwanden 10th [Wednesday 21st December 20:30 UTC]

- Just inside the Hall of Learning there is a pile of papers, they look like forms to apply as external lecturers for the Hall itself, they reads. -

Application form for External Lecturers

First Name:........................
Last Name:........................
Field or fields of knowledge:........................
Knowledge level of
the aforementioned field or fields:
Availability:........................(IRL days and hours in UTC time)
Special notes:........................

Answering to this topic counts as an application made using the IG application book (please fill it as well)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Grand Opening of the Hall of Learning
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:31:26 pm »
[a poster is placed on every billboard of Yliakum]
The Knowledge Seekers and the University of Yliakum are proud to announce:
The Opening of the Hall of Learning

Dwanden 1st (11th December at 20:00 UTC)
Behind the Hall of Learning in Amdeneir, to reach this place from Steeldart the pterosaur You need to follow the main street leaving the billboard on Your left, then using either the first street on the left or passing through the tunnel near the entrance of the Hall of Learning You will reach the place.
What is that:
A dinner with buffet, food and drinks. After the dinner there will be a speech and a question and answer session about the Hall of Learning. The cutting of the ribbon will follow.

Example of Q&A:
Q: Who can participate?
A: Every citizen is welcome as long as the laws of the Octarchy are respected.

For more informations feel free to ask to a member of the Knowledge Seekers.

[a small parchment added below the poster]
A groffel with a confirmation of the participation is appreciated in order to keep track of the participants, the information will not leave the Knowledge Seekers and Octarchy archives without Your approval.

General Discussion / Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:37:00 am »
Hello All,
some time ago on the gossip channel started a debate about the RPing of the so called bad guys (i.e. rogues, cutthroats and so on), the restrictions to their "work" both ICly and OOCly for the game's sake and the best way to RP them without ruining other players' experience.
As suggested by Gonger I'm here to move the discussion on the forum in the hope to make some "Bad guys" guidelines to the good RP.
What do You think?


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