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Messages - Zytorr

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I think it is a good idea that they just have a market in the Hydlaa Plaza before every Champion's Cup. Makes a lot of sense. Just do it, spontaneity rules. Great idea Sulaika.

Complaint Department / Re: Even devs using DR as an exit?
« on: September 04, 2010, 06:30:21 am »
Hi, I believe one of the points made here was that there was a place on the map where one could get to and not escape other than by dyeing.  Even though that place may have a "fix" it is not the only one. I know of at least three additional places where one is trapped with no escape but to die. In addition, in these places a mount would not help either. If a GM wishes to know these places they can contact Qata privately.

So with so many places, is it accepted that there is a "dead end" or is this something to be remedied?

And if accepted, then is it not also alright to escape a situation by going through the death realm?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: In honor of Dakkru
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:23:03 am »
Nice poem Jacula, very nice. However an important consideration: Dakkru and Blackflame are not on the same side. And although not directly stated there are many inferences. Settings already state that the Blackflame desires to destroy the Death Realm as well as the people of Ylikum and their gods. Dakkru would surely have an issue with this. I can appreciate that a Dakkru follower could become Blackflame, but it does not make sense that then the Blackflame would support Dakkru. ....unless maybe as a deception to turn on her later. (hehe or should I say muu ha ha ha)

Definitely no books mentioning Blackflame should be in any of the libraries, except for the Blackflame Temple library. Maintaining a veil of secrecy is a big part of the fun. My main character has gotten IC knowledge of the Blackflame carefully through other characters and tells this story to others, even with hand scribed copies of books from the Blackflame temple library. But this is done very selectively also leaving him to be seen by some as simply a story teller of nightmares. Qata has pledged to Xiosia to help defend and protect Yliakum and its people.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PVP outside of cities
« on: August 24, 2010, 04:30:23 pm »
Hmmm, an incomplete summary at that.

The points that novacadian makes which caught my attention, were those of a daughter of DoX not quite becoming of a DoX daughter and that of summarily excluding some good alternatives to the scripted plot.

Much of the violence and showcasing by Sluuph, not becoming of a daughter could have had an interesting alternative. In fact Qata did cast Magic Sleep on to Ahriman (omitted from the summary). This spell is a fourth realm spell not likely to have the natural resistance of the Diaboli as some of the basic spells (read the settings.) This would have at least caused enough drowsiness so that the others could capture him and call the guards while minimizing the violence. This scenario might have preserved the following of Xiosia's ways by the daughters giving a much more settings compliant RP.

I believe points make herein and by novacadian can productively add to the quality of any PvP scenario.

Oh and Venorel, enjoy your new blessed weapons.

Complaint Department / Re: Some observations
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:57:26 am »
Your points are exactly right on Tessra.

from Eelin:
"This should have been attached to Tessra's quote of Roled's original post, as his intent was for clarification of that original."

from Tessra:
"You never HAVE to do what someone else wants you to.  You never HAVE to be the way someone else wants you to be.  No one else should ever have that level of control over you; that is simply another form of god-modding."

yes indeed ... just another form of god-modding.

Complaint Department / Re: Some observations
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:26:14 pm »
Thank you Roled. you said it better than I so instead of emphsising this point I thank you.

Complaint Department / Re: Some observations
« on: August 13, 2010, 01:19:11 pm »
Know this, the last person(s) to kidnap Lady Peckerly suffered greatly going to the Death Realm.  Lady Peckerly is a personal friend of Xiosia.

Complaint Department / Re: Some observations
« on: August 13, 2010, 09:19:39 am »
Sorry see my edit above about Troyyer's statement

Complaint Department / Re: Some observations
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:24:06 am »
Kra has following words from Qata:

Interesting to hear your side Troyyer, and you make an excellent point about carefully reading (re: "tries to") [**** see edit below***]. However, it is just because of your above mentioned issues that many have become very sensitive to smaller issues because of the existence of these major abuses and yes even hate mongering. There is no place for such in the real world let alone PS. And this is not referring to simple prostitution, a way of life for some, but rather something much more vile, a true display and promotion of hatred. Whether against a sex, a race, a belief, or a culture is not to be tolerated. I am also wondering why such issues clearly in violation of the PS rules have not been dealt with. Those relishing in the posts of their deeds are still around posting. And too, I am not referring to a murder or some Dakkru offering within the settings, but rather the mentality that this can just be done out of settings. (hope that thought is understandable). And too there is a great difference between sex (healthy) and rape (not to be tolerated). If one cannot figure out the difference they should refrain from it all.

A few #%&$%& can always ruin the fun for others. It is just too bad our world is like that. But yes that is why there is authority and banishment. It is also a terrible shame when reactions or over-reactions then lead too far the other way.

In any event, you and your guild has lost honor (also with the throwing of beer mugs against the walls) so it becomes a responsibility to regain that honor.

EDIT - Qata has just found out that indeed Lady Peckerly was dripping so doubts that statement as to what Trotter said about "tries to". This really needs to be resolved.

Hey Geoni, keep in mind that only a small handful even write in the forums. Not so good for polls or trying to determine what players think.

General Discussion / Re: RP Combat Styles
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:25:14 pm »
A simple method, IF it is assumed that both fighters are identical.  Not the case.
It is also ridiculous that a noob or someone without training would have much chance against an experienced, seasoned warrior. I happen to feel this a problem with RP, that anyone can just godmod that they can do anything. Better to base the outcome on personal abilities and warriors will become much more respected and novices might look to hire a warrior when they have little chance of winning. After all is not that one thing mercenaries are for. Think of the improved RP this can encourage.

Just to RP for the sake of RP without consideration for what characters are created and developed to be is just a plain crap shoot. Much more strategy and interest will come into play when the fighters are not just equated to a simple role of the dice. But also this would allow for a bit of luck.

To really get the dice scenarios to work several factor should be considered.
Some are listed here to give an idea:
     factor for difference in stats
     factor for difference in weapon level
     factor for type of weapon and armor used
     factor for defensive spell used
     factor for offensive spell used
     factor for magic level
     factor for buff during fight

Perhaps a greater sided die or multiple dice could be used to accomplish this. I am sure some can come up with some great details.
It certainly would provide a system based more on each character's abilities and fit better into settings and character development. It might even be close enough to PvP battle without the lag that many will choose this fighting alternative.

Kra delivers this message from Qata:

Well seeing that some of my words have been entered here, I believe it important to include also a very important thing said and done in the garden during that meeting of Sluugh, Dannae and Qata.


Qata touches a starphire he is holding to the pure water of the garden pool. Qata then chants something, the only discerned word being "Xiosia". The starphire then begins to glow.

Dannae smiles to Qata "my favorite"

Qata says "the flower has magical properties, if one's heart is open to Xiosia."

Dannae mentions "as did the charmflower given to me by Xiosia herself before it turned into a ring"

Qata then says "This one helps rejuvenate feelings of good will and love, ....along with a bit of Blue Way"

Qata then cast spells onto Sluugh and Dannae and an additional one onto Spurr (Qata's loyal rivnick)

Qata then smiles to all

Dannae giggles "Your full of spells tonight"

Qata says "well, I shall be going for now and wish you both much happiness"  " I look forward to our talk Sluugh"

Dannae says "Thank you Qata, It's been a pleasure to get to know you more these last few days"

Sluugh says "Thank you, Qata.  You are a true friend. I will find you soon"

Qata says "I will always be availiable to help the Daughters in any way"  then bows "May Xiosia guide all our paths well"

Dannae bows her head to Qata and Spurr nods.

Qata then mounts Spurr and rides out of the garden.

Complaint Department / Re: Planeshift is getting to hard to play.
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:31:32 am »
Mining is not the only thing that seems to be worse when maxed. My maxed character will need to rest time to time, whereas one with half that or a noob can run BD to Oja without stopping, does not make sense. Part of the exploration as a noob was having to rest often and not getting long distances fast and wondering what was there (and it took an effort to get there.) Now it seems ridiculous that the higher conditioned character has to rest more.  Note that I ignored this issue when rejuvenation could be cast while moving.

It is hard to get pp IF one is limited to certain activities, otherwise it is fairly easy to get them. However a character should not be limited to advance in a limited direction as it is not consistent with a variety of RP scenarios.

Also I do not believe it necessary to "balance" everything. Players should be able to chose different paths for their characters each with differing ramification and advantages and disadvantages. They can discover uncommon ways to achieve tactical or strategic advantages, this is a big part of the fun.

Is the game too hard? I say no, but it needs to be more diverse.

General Discussion / Re: RP Rules(repair) Discussion Group forming
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:47:52 am »
got onto freenode, but could not figure how to enter any comments. I'll try again, but may enter some comments here if I cannot get on.

General Discussion / Re: Planeshift War
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:58:19 pm »
Sorry, but war is war.    ...and what is this bit about no magic?
If there is a threat to Yliakum or its people, some SHALL defend and protect at whatever cost.
...and some only fight with magic.
So such a conflict SHALL have unpredictable results and likely not go according to any prearranged plans.

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