Author Topic: Dev Q&A August 8th 2021  (Read 472 times)


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Dev Q&A August 8th 2021
« on: August 31, 2021, 05:51:16 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
>Migg Ellorean waves at Damola Etedi
Fayrene says: i have a question: we got these nice spear. are there nice skills for it in the new version?
Uadjet says: The skill is already in, actually. Spears fall under the Polearm & Spear category.
Fayrene says: oh? where do i have to get the skills?? i only got sword skills
Uadjet says: Just equip a spear or quarterstaff and you can train it on training dummies. Or rats.
Fayrene says: ah okay. i will try that out
Fayrene says: i have no more questions
Uadjet says: I think it's Jardet that sells quarterstaves? Maybe not.
Uadjet says: Ah, he does!
Fliks says: he dose
Fliks says: oh and Uadjet about the baths they were quite buggy there was one outside the tavern that only i could see and interact with
Fliks says: i asume its my client not relising that it was picked up
Uadjet says: Yeah, that sounds like a ghost item.
Uadjet says: I've had it happen to me too.
Fliks says: ive called it a Ghost-tub
Fayrene chuckles
Fayrene says: that looks so funny...
Migg says: Ooooooooo! I'm a ghost of a tub long passed away!
Uadjet says: Okay, I'll give you all a little update, then.
Fayrene says: like a feeding trough with foot
Foot Tub says: I'll get you for this!
>Anysu Atani listens intently to Uadjet.
Fliks smiles
Fayrene laughs
Migg says: Aggggh! Call the tub busters!
Anysu says: Really freaky when inanimate objects talk.
Uadjet says: Talad's been prepping a new alpha, and doing a lot of bugfixes.
Fliks says: esacialy when your ment to sit in them but cant
Migg says: It would be impolite if they didn't, Anysu
Uadjet says: It's even more freaking when they do announcements in gossip.
Fayrene greets Hoharen
>Anysu Atani grins at Uadjet impishly.
>Damola Etedi waves at Migg Ellorean
Uadjet says: He's also worked on bracers, adapting them so that they'll show properly in PSU.
>Damola Etedi bows to Gonger Xaraha.
Fayrene says: and not on the ground, hu?
Uadjet says: That's the idea.
Fayrene chuckles
Fliks says: oh and with the braces will they be fixed then you where a way robe
Fliks says: or anyrobe in general
Uadjet says: It's the interaction of robe and bracers that is the issue there.
Anysu cheers about bracers
Fayrene laughs at Migg because he is sitting on the bathtub
Migg says: Ah yes, odd you can't sit *in* it
Fayrene laughs
Migg says: Thanks Uadjet!
Fliks says: :D
Fayrene says: only water is missing
Fayrene says: maybe you can use the fountain?
Uadjet says: Talad has also imported a bull model froma pack that was free a while back so that it can be used in game.
Fayrene says: oh? a bull for the cart?
Uadjet says: That'll be the goujah, also it's not as big as the lore says it should be. I'll pester him a little now and then, and maybe he'll put in some that are bigger.
Uadjet says: Yeah. He even made a yoke for it, so two can pull together.
Anysu claps
Fayrene smiles happily
Uadjet says: On top of that, he's done a ton of work on the town of Homestead.
Fliks says: ooh
Migg says: perhaps there is an interbreed of goujah and rivnak that doesn't get too big but has horns?
Uadjet says: Yes, that's new. Hasn't even been in the alpha before, though there were some strange houses left in that spot as a marker.
Uadjet says: @Migg: Could be. I'm still wondering what the generic "meat" is. Also dreading the answer.
Gonger says: Will there be carts for us?
Uadjet says: That could actually be a great idea. I think you asked about player transport like the pterosaurs to other locations, now that the world is getting so much bigger.
Fliks says: rivnack and carrige
Fayrene smiles and thinks of the white cart in ojaveda
Migg says: :x
Uadjet says: I'm pretty sure that was you, though I was also certain it was you that told me about Heilung, so who knows?
Holesod says: hmmm now I am starting to think about caravans
Gonger says: Well, we are pretty much expecting pterosaurs for players by now...
Gonger says: Especially Damola
Fayrene chuckles
Uadjet says: But carts like that would be a good means of transport to smaller locations that wouldn't have ptero travel.
Fayrene says: or transporting more iron ores then we can carry with us
Holesod says: like farms and villages?
Uadjet says: As for players being able to drive a cart themselves to any location... I don't know.
Holesod says: oooh I like what you are saying Fayrene, raw materials
Uadjet nods to Holesod. "Precisely. Delver and Homestead are unlkely to be on the pterosaur network, but hitching a ride on a farmer's cart would make sense."
Fayrene chuckles and thinks of uadjet who overloaded me with ores
Migg says: well, a rivnak could pull a cart
Holesod says: though with something like that wouldn't that lend itself to having ambushes from thieves?
Migg says: if it's your rivnak harnessed, you could call it to make it go anywhere
Uadjet says: Oh, and maybe a small rowboat between Amdeneir, Hetsan, and Arden.
Damola says: Really nice about the bracers.
Fayrene says: wow.... i want to see all these new places!
>Holesod Sacerey nods at Uadjet.
Damola grins "Me like Pterosaur? How do you come to that idea?" Damola looks innocently here and there.
Fayrene smirks at Damola
Uadjet says: The new village has a tannery, which is new. I think there are dyes for clothes too. I mentioned clothing during the stream, and Talad didnt' think that changing the color of your clothing would be too hard to do, so maybe Tailoring in the not-to-distant future? Maybe.
Fayrene says: wow
Holesod says: oooh? does that mean we might be able to craft dyes and dye leather armor?
Fayrene is glittering with stars
Fliks says: my idea was herd
Anysu says: Yeah about clothes and dyes!!!
Uadjet says: I don't think any work has been done in that area, but it's theoretically possible.
Fayrene says: maybe it could be put in in a later update?
Anysu says: There is some stream on clothes and I think dyes.
Damola says: Wow, nice. I love to see chars be able to look more invidual.
Damola says: Not all Nolthrirs basically look the same and so on.
Fayrene nods at Damola
Uadjet says: Yeah. Just getting some color variation on clothes and robes would be nice. Robes in colors appropriate to the Way would make sense.
Holesod says: was also thinking about with the farms and whatnot, if there's produce maybe some more cooking related to raw produce?
Holesod says: like salads and whatnot
Uadjet says: There are pumpkins in Delver.
Fayrene says: uh.... pumpkin....
Uadjet says: Talad just mentioned wanting to eat one of them.
Fliks says: pumkin pie
Fayrene says: halloween
Uadjet says: They're great for pies too!
Damola says: Nice. Pumpkin could inspire quite some new dishes.
Fayrene says: and a halloween decoration?
Holesod says: pies, soups ,maybe snacks?
Damola says: Pumpkins are really great for cooking. It is almost impossible to make good pumpkin taste bad.
Uadjet says: I always do squash soup for fall and winter holiday meals. Very tasty!
Fayrene says: ermmm.... (experienced just that...)
Uadjet says: See, I thought pumpkin might be a North American thing. Like peanut butter and root beer.
Fayrene says: and sausage for the european side *chuckles*
Migg says: Here it's mainly used in pies
Migg says: most common is a sweet one with rice and cinnamon
Migg says: at least where I come from
Holesod says: I made a pumpkin cheesecake before
Fayrene says: holesod? send me some and i try it out... *smirks*
Fayrene says: so, which things is talad working on too?
Holesod says: well.... I don't have any more pumpkin right now... used up the last of it back then. Was actually trying to use up the canned pumpkin I had
Uadjet says: I don't recall what other new produce is there. Maybe corn? There's a plant there that could be corn, and it was mentioned as appearing in a dream in a quest.
Fayrene says: hu? in a dream?
Holesod says: a corn-y dream?
Uadjet says: It's in a quest.
Uadjet says: So the new village has the tannery, and a nice stream running by it.
Uadjet says: The water material is quite nice, and the stream isn't just a flat surface. You can see it coming down the rocks.
Migg says: I bet it's not a nice stream as it leaves the tannery
Anysu nods at Migg
Fayrene says: i want to see it...
Uadjet says: No, I asked about that. The dirty water from the tannery gets dumped in the stream. I objected.
Migg says: was always done that way, no one cared about pollution in medieval times
Fayrene says: uh oh.... nature destroying in planeshift?? not good!
Migg says: could not even go close to a tannery for all the stench
Uadjet says: Talad did add a shrine to Xiosia there, so maybe she'll have something to say about it. ;)
Migg says: I bet she would
Migg says: now we know where all the skins came from ;)
Fayrene says: yeah... i bet too
Fliks says: i was about to say that woulodnt make Xiosia very happy
Uadjet says: I suppose it depends on what is being dumped. There could be dyes that aren't toxic. The smell of tanning sure would be, though.
Damola says: Haha, can have an event about it where we protest for a plant based cleaning facility for the tannery and then Talad has to implement it
Damola chuckles
Fayrene laughs
Fliks says: oh and Uadjet id like to scedule a special event for Fliks soon as its coming upto his brithday
Uadjet says: Okay, sure.
Uadjet says: Oh, and Talad did a stream a few days ago as part of the Homestead project that had clothing items I've never seen in-game.
Fliks says: im just cheacking on Myplane on when it is
Fayrene says: a funny one about xiosia and tannery? *laughs*
Anysu says: 507 and 508 had dyes and clothes in them
Uadjet says: There was a cape, which I'm sure I would have heard about if it had even been added.
Uadjet says: I think it's a rigid item that would bend with a character, but it's still nice to see.
Anysu says: *Wants a cape!*
Damola says: What clothing items?
Damola says: Ah, a cape.
Fayrene says: that sounds nice!
Uadjet says: There were some new helms too.
Damola says: Nice.
Anysu says: Need to check out that homestead stream and the clothes and dye one.
Fayrene says: me too
Damola says: Maybe one day we can even fill bath tubs with water" Damola looks to Gonger "or ale" :)
Fayrene laughs by thinking on Mohonin
Uadjet says: Oh, and a mask.
Uadjet says: Covers the lower face once it's implemented.
Uadjet says: I'm sure the shifty characters will like that.
Uadjet says: It's in stream 507
Uadjet says: Not far in. The mask shows up half an hour in.
Fliks says: Fliks birthday is in 2 months and 21 days
Uadjet says: So that is what's been going on lately. Any questions about that?
Gonger says: I do that all the time, Damola.
Gonger grins broadly.
Damola says: Planning another event once next alpha is out? I won't be at event next week as well however.
Uadjet says: I'll see how far away the next alpha is. I really need to show you what's on the far side of the Bronze Doors.
Fayrene says: ohhh?
Fliks says: ooh ooh ooh
Holesod is curious
Migg says: I need to get PSU :) Hope my machine can handle it
Anysu nods at Migg "likewise."
Fayrene says: i need it too! i wonder when we can join in!
Fliks says: sadly my computer cant so im stuck in this vertion of Planeshift
Migg says: doing 12fps in here atm
Fliks says: suprising 19 FPS for me
Fliks says: thats the most ive ever had
Damola grins "About 50 fps for me at the moment."
Uadjet says: If you're on Discord, you can PM Talad with your character name and ask for the links. You need 200 hours to qualify for the alpha.
Fliks says: well thats not fair now im going to remove you FPS
Migg says: I'm avoiding Discord
Damola says: Heh.
Uadjet says: /kick fps
Fliks says: well that caused less FPS drop then i expected
Damola grins
Fliks says: well im a grfel now
Fliks says: zooom
Damola says: Well, I have seen it go down to about 15-20 fps here as well, but usually not lower.
>Overriding race for Fliks to kikiri
Fliks says: YES
Migg says: on your new laptop Damola?
Fliks says: IM A KIKIRI :d
Fliks says: :D
Fayrene says: can we grill that kikiri?
Migg says: Here chicky chicky!
Fliks says: now can i fly
Fliks says: nope
Migg says: kikiri can't fly!
Migg says: they can lay eggs though
Uadjet says: Anything else you want to ask? Or talk about?
Fayrene says: i think not this one, migg *chuckles*
Fliks says: you should be able to turn into a kikiri tough with the polymorph becouse you can hold kikiri meat
Fayrene says: no, its all fine, uadjet
Fayrene says: on my site...
Fayrene says: mmhhh.... roasted kikiri!
Fliks says: kikiri
Uadjet grins. "Ignore the temporary poultry behind the curtain!"
Holesod says: or maybe kikiri soup?
Fliks says: go and Discord and go to Uadjets moving imige thing and youl see what will happen if you chalenge me
Uadjet says: But if there are no more questions, I think we can bring the meeting to a close.
Fliks says: im POULTRYMAN
Fayrene chuckles
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2021, 12:21:25 pm by Uadjet »